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A Note from the Teacher…

Dear Kinder parents!

We have had an exciting and fun filled first 8 days

together. Please help me out with a few things. It is very
important to work with your little ones at home with
bathroom routines. Our little boys are missing the potty. I
would also like for you to help with the basics of helping
them to tuck in their shirt. It is our school policy that shirts
are worn tucked in and quite a few need assistance each
time they use the restroom or play. It would also help
tremendously if shoes could be tied in a double knot/bow
before coming to school.

Please make sure you are following the homework

calendar and not going ahead. Homework is due on
Fridays but the math skill is introduced and then practiced
each day. Lesson 6 will start Monday. Practicing
writing/forming letters and names are especially important.
Please allow your child to write his/her own name each
time and practice every night. This will provide practice
and build confidence. Please take time to review the
additional items on the homework sheet such as
sight/heart words.

It is very important that your child knows how to identify the

uppercase as well as lowercase letters and their sounds. By
now students are considered behind if they are entering
Kindergarten and do not know these. Simply cutting index
cards in half and flashing them until they know all of them
will do the trick. The sooner they can identify, the faster I
can get them to read.
Last I am asking that you review behavior for the day and
having necessary discussions. Dark green=great day, light
green= verbal warning, (if you are seeing light green, I can
assure you that I have already warned them at least 3
times before they are asked to move their card. If you are
seeing yellow, I am having to constantly redirect your child.
As a team, I am sure we can have a great day!

Mrs. Pearley

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