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American influence on dentistry o To create an autonomous dental corps distinct from

medical service
o Treaty of Paris ( December, 1898) - when the Philippines
o To provide medical and dental services to private
was ceded to the United States which soon imposed a
schools and private firms
military government that lasted until 1901
o Regulate the practice of dental hygienist
o The American Provost- Marshall General of the city of
o To effect the rural health law
Manila pursuant to the to the authority vested in him by
o June 5 1960 – birth of the Philippine College of Oral
the military governor to the Philippines assigned a
Surgeon with Dr. Eusebio Nazareno as president. Marked
examining board to screen out unskilled or unqualified
the opening of dental clinical specialization in the
practitioners of dentistry.
o 1903- a second dental board of examiners was created by
o Dr’s Manuel Arenas and Gaudencio Ocampo- founding
legislation Act No. 593.- The system of evaluation is
fellows of the PCOS gave emphasis to the fact that oral
comparable to those conducted in England ( Royal
medicine and surgery were among the specialties of
College of Surgeons.)
dentistry closes to the medical profession
o 3 DR’s that made up the board:
o PCOMS- Philippine college of oral and maxillofacial
1) Root T. Oliver (Chairman)
2) Wallace G. Skidmore
o 1958- the 2nd Asian Dental Congress was at hosted at the
3). Antonio Vergel De Dios
o When Dr. Bienvenido Erana was the president of the
Dental practice during the Japanese Occupation
Asian Pacific Dental Federation
o Filipinos dealt with emergency treatments, generic agents
o 1994 – PDA hosted the Asian Pacific Congress
makeshift clinics in building ruins. Dental treatment had to
be performed in open air, in the kitchen and in the
History of Dentistry in the Philippines
o 2 Basic Periods in the Development of Dentistry in the
o Dr. Ponciano Maramba (Sta Rosa Laguna ) soldiers in
their combat clothes would go to the clinic requesting for
o Native Asian (prehistory – the arrival of the Spaniards
gold crowns (coronas) on their teeth
on March 16, 1521
o West Oriented
Organized philippine dentistry
a. Spanish influence (1521- 1898)
o Sociedad Dental de Filipinas((1908) was organized -- Don
b British rule (1762)
Bonifacio Arevalo – president
c. Period of United states influence (1898- 1991)
o New technology was introduced and together with the
Asian Influence
government was aimed towards improving dental
o A fossilized skull cap and a portion of a jaw of prehistoric
Man dates 22,000 to 24,000 years ago were found in
o Odontologia Filipina – first dental journal in the
Tabon cave in Lipuun Point along the west coast of
Philippines was published
Palawan in 1662 by Robert Fox – first reliable evidence of
o Dr. Francisco Tecson- organized the National Dental
prehistory human presence in the Philippines
Association (1925).
o Tabon Man
o mid 1946- Dr. Emelo vergel de Dios ( president of the
o Cave men used their teeth together with stone tools to
Sociedad) and Dr. Joaquin Ladao- president of National
survive in the wilderness (Pithecantropine)
Dental association signed the agreement that the two
o Professor H. Otley Beyer reported 2 German national
parties were merging with a new name of Philippines
found object that belong to the Neolithic age
Dental Association.
o Dr. Karl Gotfried Semper (Agusan river valley)
o Dr. Ricardo Yap Ladrido
o Feodor Jagor (Camarines Sur)
o Congressman who championed the cause of dental
o Dr. Gervasio Erana known as the “Grand Old Man of
Dentistry” in the Philippines maintains that it was possible
o He worked to elevate the government dental services
that some crude form of dental care along with other
to the status of bureau
primitive arts of healing had been practiced by the early
o To have flouridated water in metropolitan areas
o Proclaim the Dental health week
Primitive Dental Practice o Regulations concerning the Philippines, including those
o Among the approximately 70 aborigine tribe, the Negrito pertaining to dentistry as a medical field were
has attracted attention -- Negrito tribes sharpened their administered either directly from Spain or from the
teeth viceroyalty in Mexico city
o Whetstone is used for its abrasive properties to file teeth. o According to Ruth Butler “ Health care managed by the
o To lessen the tooth sensitivity and pain, Aeta bites into religious included dental charity services”
the stick of the banana trunk for its soothing moisture o March 28, 1594- Binondo Church was established by
o Betel Nut Masticatories Spanish Dominican friars
o “ Chewing Gum” of the people of the Orient o 1597- the Hospital de San Gabriel was established
1) Digestive stimulant o Dentistry as part of the early European professional
2). Vermifuge general medicine was a service in manila that first
3) Strengthen the teeth and gums developed within the hospitals run by catholic dioceses.
o Aromatic, frayed herbal sticks from betel nut husk o Hospital Dentistry and Charities
were used as toothpicks o According to Juan Manuel Maldonado (Manila, 1742) ,
o Oral Customs brothers of the order of St. John were providing
o Dyeing teeth dark black was popular among the older nurses and physicians, dentistry was dealt with as an
Asian. In the Philippines among the Tasadays outpatient service of the physicians
o Indians chipped their teeth o In Manila, the Hospital de San De Dios had male
o Malays like to file and blackened their teeth for beauty trainees in surgery (cirujanos practicantes) and
and protection against decay surgical aides or nurses (cirujanos ministrantes)
o Early Christian Era o Dental surgery and medicines are worked out by such
o Sulu was a busy trading post (Hindu, Indonesian, ministrantes and practicantes.
Japanese Chinese and Arabs) o According to Timothy Miller” the methods of dental
o According to Jainal Razul: A religion with Hinduistic surgery and medicine carried out by such practicantes
influence was brought to Sulu by the Aryans and ministrantes existed in the Philippines as early as
o Early inhabitants of the Philippines waited for God such practices in other colonies under the Spanish
(Allah) who would come in the guise of a child empire”
(Batha) “Bathala” o Asian and European Folk Remedies
o 982 A.D.- Diplomatic and cultural dealings between o 982A.D. - 1571- There was active Sino-Philippine trade
Filipinos and Chinese groups as well as Arab o Some of the dental herbals from China:
o 12-13th century- Arab introduced “Mohammedanism” o Abaniko or black–berry lily- for congestive
o 15th century – Japanese have established a conditions for the mucous membrane of the
community near Manila Bay mouth
o Balatong from soybean for its astringent
II. Western Influence properties for external use
o When Magellan reached the Philippines, he found natives o Gumamela for making poultice
whose medicine, including that for teeth and gums was o Fr. Paul Klein wrote Easy Remedies for Common
called tambal or gamot and the practice of curing the sick Ailments -book that addresses mouth problems.
was called tambalan or gamutan o Traditional Medicine
o Early Eurasian Dentistry o Fr. Blas De la Madre de Dios- began to record the rich
o In the 16th century, local traditional dental care began sources of traditional herbal medicine
to take up westernized modes when Spain conquered o Fr. Manuel Maria Blanco ( prince of botanist) wrote
the country Flora de Filipinas (published in 1837) his botanical
o Philip II’s ideals concerning the health care of his observation
subjects across the continents brought into key role o Filipino Physicians who worked on botanical products
the Spanish Royal Protomedicato o Jose P Rizal
o Royal Protomedicato- The institution that oversea o T.H. Pardo De Tavera
and regulated all the medical professions for 3 1/2 o Leon Ma. Guerrero
centuries. o Some kinds of lizards are food and remedies for asthma to
aetas of Mt Pinatubo and Zambales
o Ghecko monarch (tuko) have analgesic properties o After the royal decree , the practicantes and others who
o Many healers prayed to saints satisfied the requirements could put up their own dental
o Sacmuelas - Folk healers known for tooth pulling offices
o Herbolarios (herbolist) used plant animal, mineral sources o Capitan Cheng Cheng and Don Bonifacio Arevalo typified
these bonifide dentist during the 19th hundred.
Spanish legislations from 1875 -1896 o According to Dr. Gervacio Erana- the cirujano dentista
o Regulating the practice of dental surgeons was announced were assigned as health officers in areas where the
as a series of royal decrees and orders. physicians are limited ,in cases where there are physicians,
o 1871- the UST college of medicine was opened and the the UST graduates were appointed as assistant
“medicos” or physician included treatment of the mouth o Dr. Antonio Vergel de Dios – one of the first dentists who
ailments as part of general medicine had been educated in both Spain and US. (1903)
o In June 4 1875- Royal decree in creating the title o Monsiuer M. Fetri earliest known foreign clinician to open
“Cirujano–Dentista” an office for private practice in Quipo.
o March 3 1876- Royal order publishing the program of o On R. Hidalgo st. , Fetri found Don Jose Arevalo- “first
studies for the career of Cirujano -Dentista prosthodontist” a community leader and prominent
o In 1877 the official year book register of professionals in sculptor.
Spanish manila listed the first dentist :
1) Don Jose Arevalo (Capitan Chengcheng)
2) Don Bonifacio Arevalo
3) Don Andres Cerezo
o October 1, 1881- Royal order for authorization for
Medicos-Cirujanos y practicantes with such titles before
October 6 1877 to practice as dentist
o 1890 there were 6 dentist advertised in the Guia official
De Filipinas
o March 21, 1901- created the title of Odontologo
o August 22, 1901- named 2 professors Odontologia y
Protesis (Odontology and Prosthesis)
o October 25, 1901 –those that who acquired the title of
Practicantes after Oct 6, 1877 could no longer practice as
o Physicians found it advisable to have these assistants
obtain theoretical education.
o The hospital setting was logical to the students practicum
while the university provided the academic atmosphere
o Those cirujano- practicantes who enrolled in UST became
the first cirujano dentista
o The male helpers (cirujanos ministrantes) who assisted the
physician and who themselves performed dental work
(tooth pulling in a hospital setting) were given the
opportunity to satisfy the requirements for the title
cirujanos dentista after the issuance of the royal decree
in 1875
o The dental surgical practical experience of the male
hospital trainees and helpers was 2 -semester and then a
two-year academic course at the UST medical school
o Dr. Jose Antelo was in charge of the classes

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