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Industrial Revolution Trial, 2016

Lawyer Essay Directions Due Date:

Name:Fernando Osuna Block: 1 Date:11/29/16 Team:Problem

1. Once you have helped your team establish which witnesses will be called in the courtroom, write your opening & closing
statement, along with topic/ witness introductions (burgers). You will decide with your team of lawyers who will read the
opening/closing statements & who will conduct topic/ witness introduction during the trial.
2. Once you have finished writing out your first draft by hand, work with your team of lawyers to type your lawyer essay in
google docs so your teachers and your team can help you edit your testimony as you go. Do the following to edit this
a. Name the File “Block __, (Progress or Problem) Lawyer Statement, (teammates’ names)”
i. Ex: BL 3, PROGRESS Lawyers Statement: Jimmy C, Amanda H, Vera W.
b. Attach to​ ​this ​Activity​. Then make sure to change settings on Google doc so “anyone with the link​ can edit”

Opening Statement (Introduction Paragraph) Define and describe the topic, providing essential

To start of, the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century in Great Britain, Europe. Over the
years Industrial Revolution has expanded across the world from England to Belgium to Germany to
the United States (etc…). What the Industrial Revolution is, it's basically the rapid growth of industry
where machines were introduced and where the use of steam power, increase of factories, and the
tremendous manufactured goods happened. Identically, industrialization is where machines replaced
handmade work and make goods faster and cheaper causing the cottage industry to decrease. All three
social classes were involved and affected by the Industrial Revolution. The middle and upper class
had much easier lives thanks to industrialization and now goods that used to took long and were
expansive are now more financially and convenient. Consequently, the lower class would spend long
hours working and in most cases the whole family had to work just to get enough pay to survive.
Factories were basically forcing people who lived in the rural to go live in cities. Since factories
would make goods faster and cheaper they were leading the cottage industry to lose business making
the people to go work in the places that made them lose their original jobs in the first place. Imagine
being one of those low class people and having to work w/o knowing what time it is or how long
you've been working. Or think about you being 12 or 13 years old instead of you waking up to go to
school, you would have to wake up and go to work. Either work w/ a dangerous machine or go
mining and having to breathe in contaminated air. Even today children work in terrible conditions.
Take for example the tobacco farm in North Dakota where ​Human Rights Watch​ says​ ​“Children
work long hours in extreme heat, exposed to nicotine and toxic pesticides that can make them sick​.”
Also the conditions back then were unsanitary for employees. Humans waste would be mixed with
drinking water and the same water would spread diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and typhus that
would get the people ill. Even today industrial revolution caused us to have the greenhouse effect or
most commonly known global warming. This is important because due to industrial revolution we
now have to trust machines in making and producing goods and during the the industrial revolution.
What would happened if a machine malfunction and kills an employee? What do you think feel the
other employees will feel about their safety? One of our 3 big arguments will be based on human
health and how people would have to live and work in unhygienic conditions. Our second argument
will be based on work labor and how men, women, and children were forced to go to work to support
their family unable to attend school. Finally our third and last argument will be on unintended
consequences where the industrialization is affecting the environment where people live in.We intend
to persuade you that the Industrial Revolution was a problem, looking specifically through the lenses
of human health, child labor and unintended consequences. Thank you for your time

● What is/was the Industrial Revolution (when and where did it start, when and where did it

Industrial Revolution Trial, 2016
Lawyer Essay Directions Due Date:

spread, where is it still going on today

● What is “​industrialization,​ ” who was involved, why is it important? REMEMBER AT ALL
TIMES: Make sure you are communicating clearly with the jury & judge!! This is your
audience. They will decide if your side wins.
● What are the main points you will be making during this trial? (you might preview your​ (3)
BIG arguments/ reasons​ and/or name ​some​ of the witnesses you will bring. This should
lead up to the dramatic closing of your opening, which is:
● Your THESIS: We intend to persuade you that the Industrial Revolution was
_____________, looking specifically through the lens of A, B, & C (list ​3 BIG

b. Body ¶ #1: BIG Argument

● M:​ Introducing (​argument 1), share a paragraph that discusses how argument 1
supports your thesis using the MEAL Plan outline.

● E:​ ​The witnesses & their testimonies ARE your EVIDENCE

I’d like to call upon our witness _______, who helps to demonstrate….
○ A:​ Questioning the witness is your ​ANALYSIS. ​This shows the jury/ judge ​HOW
the evidence supports your ​THESIS.
○ The lawyers need to ​interpret​ this evidence for the jury by using phrases like “​So you
are telling us that”​ or “​What I think I hear you saying is...​” or “​What you are telling
us shows that…”​ (ANALYSIS / Commentary)
○ Then​ ​Link​ ​back ​to​ your Main Idea/ BIG Argument

● E: ​ ​Continuing the discussion of (​argument 1)​, I’d like to call upon another witness
___________, who…..
○ A: ​So you are telling us that… or “What I hear you saying is…” or “What you are telling us
○ Then​ ​Link​ ​back ​to​ your Main Idea/ BIG Argument
*(continue introducing your witnesses that fall under this ​argument​)

I’d like to

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

c. Body ¶ #2: BIG Argument

● M:​ And now, to introduce (​argument 2)...Share a paragraph that discusses how
argument 2 supports your thesis using the MEAL Plan outline. Then…
● E:​ ​The witnesses & their testimonies ARE your EVIDENCE
I’d like to call upon our witness _______, who helps to demonstrate….
○ A:​ Questioning the witness is your ​ANALYSIS. ​This shows the jury/ judge ​HOW
the evidence supports your ​THESIS.
○ The lawyers need to ​interpret​ this evidence for the jury by using phrases like “​So you
are telling us that”​ or “​What I think I hear you saying is...”​ or “​What you are telling
us shows that…”​ (ANALYSIS / Commentary)
○ Then​ ​Link​ ​back ​to​ your Main Idea/ BIG Argument

Industrial Revolution Trial, 2016
Lawyer Essay Directions Due Date:

● E: ​ ​Continuing the discussion of (a​ rgument 1)​, I’d like to call upon another witness
___________, who…..
○ A: ​So you are telling us that… or “What I hear you saying is…” or “What you are
telling us shows….”
○ Then​ ​Link​ ​back ​to​ your Main Idea/ BIG Argument
*(continue introducing your witnesses that fall under this ​argument​)

I’d like to call upon our witness Lyddie who is determine, does not give up , who is very confindent
whenever she puts her mind on something and very selfless. She is also a employee from Concord

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

​ ody ¶ #3: BIG Argument

d. B
● M:​ To culminate our presentation, we’d like to introduce (​argument 3)​. ​Share a paragraph
that discusses how argument 3 supports your thesis using the MEAL Plan outline.
i. To continue our discussion of (​argument 3​) , I’d like to call upon our witness
● E:​ ​The witnesses & their testimonies ARE your EVIDENCE
I’d like to call upon our witness _______, who helps to demonstrate….
○ A:​ Questioning the witness is your ​ANALYSIS. ​This shows the jury/ judge ​HOW
the evidence supports your ​THESIS.
○ The lawyers need to ​interpret​ this evidence for the jury by using phrases like “​So you
are telling us that​” or “​What I think I hear you saying is...”​ or “​What you are telling
us shows that…”​ (ANALYSIS / Commentary)
○ Then​ ​Link​ ​back ​to​ your Main Idea/ BIG Argument

● E: ​ ​Continuing the discussion of (​argument 1)​, I’d like to call upon another witness
___________, who…..
○ A: ​So you are telling us that… or “What I hear you saying is…” or “What you are telling us
○ Then​ ​Link​ ​back ​to​ your Main Idea/ BIG Argument
*(continue introducing your witnesses that fall under this ​argument​)
I’d like to call upon our wtiness Diana Goss, who is a labor activist and an employee from Concord

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

e. Revisit your thesis with the​ (3) arguments​, and recap how and what your witnesses
have just attempted to prove

Industrial Revolution Trial, 2016
Lawyer Essay Directions Due Date:

● Review the main arguments and points of evidence. Do not RESTATE anything
word-for-word. Remind the jury of the most convincing parts of your presentation.
● Address the counter-claims. You must deal with the other side’s best arguments. The
jury will hear convincing evidence from the other team. If you simply ignore it, you are
admitting defeat. You need to explain why the other side’s best evidence is not as
convincing as your side’s best evidence*.
● Final thoughts, understandings, or universal applications.

Counterclaim Sentence-starters:
*For example: “Members of the jury, the Progress Team has given/ will give you many examples of inventions and scientific
discoveries that have made human life safer and more comfortable. They have done a fine job of showing that, in some ways, the
Industrial Revolution has brought progress. However, ...”

OR “Members of the jury, the Problem team has given/ will give you many examples of how inventions and discoveries have
created more problems than they intended to solve. They have done a thorough job in explaining how the Industrial Revolution has
caused some conflict. However…”
a. Your first witness should be one of your strongest. The witness must introduce themselves and explain how
they are related to the Industrial Revolution (Main Idea)
b. Lawyers need to ASK THE WITNESS QUESTIONS. The answers must give information (EVIDENCE
from their lives) that shows problem or progress. The lawyers need to ​interpret​ this evidence for the jury by
using phrases like “​so you are telling us that”​ or “​What I think I hear you saying is...​” or “​what you are
telling us shows that…”​ (ANALYSIS / Commentary)
c. Lawyers and witnesses must practice their questions and answers.​ Don’t call a witness (or write a
paragraph) unless you know what the witness is going to say first! It may backfire on you if they are
unprepared! You need to practice your questions and answers ​with each witness ​(just like you’d draft a
paragraph multiple times). If you skip this step you will probably get some nasty surprises, like evidence ​for
the other side​ or testimony that doesn’t make sense and confuses the jury.
d. Don’t save all your best witnesses for last. The judges may decide we are running out of time and tell you to
call your final witness. Some lawyers (and essay-writers) like to use their most convincing witness last,
especially if they are making an emotional appeal (pathos). Avoid this strategy for this activity for the sake of
e. Your closing statement is the powerful finish. You must appeal to both LOGOS (logic) and PATHOS
(emotion) aggressively. Many trials are won or lost at this point. Hopefully, you can see how a trial is just
like a persuasive essay – or TWO persuasive essays going on at the same time!

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