Background Reading

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One of the tools for economic revitalization is Washington's Community Renewal law,
which empowers municipalities to undertake economic renewal projects in blighted
areas. The legislature modernized the state's 1950's era urban renewal legislation in
2002. Requirements include designating a Community Renewal Area (CRA) and
adopting a Community Renewal Plan.

This page provides information on the use of the Community Renewal law through
council agenda reports and other documents from cities that have considered using, or
have exercised, the powers of the community renewal law. The dates noted on each
section indicate the time period of the community renewal related documents. In the
case of toxic cleanup, the process is ongoing.

Background Reading

 Land Assembly and Financing for Community Renewal Projects: A Handbook, by Hugh
Spitzer, Foster, Pepper, Shefelman, 04/2002
 Land Assembly and Disposal by Cities, by Jay A. Reich and Deanna L.S. Gregory,
Pacifica Law Group, 06/15/2012 - See Section III Property Assembly to Stimulate
Economic Development: Community Renewal Law
 The Use and Abuse of Washington's Community Renewal Law, by Jeanette M.
Petersen, Washington Public Policy Center, 2009

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