Loceverett Asarco Smelter Cleanup - 2004

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LocEverett Asarco Smelter Cleanup - 2004

Ecology, the Everett Housing Authority, and the city of Everett worked
together to clean up about 100 properties on the most contaminated
parts of the site between 1999 and 2007. With the city guaranteeing a
line of credit, the Housing Authority purchased properties from Asarco
for cleanup and redevelopment. It then sold the properties to a private
developer for housing.

The Department of Ecology's Everett Smelter Cleanup provides the

history and cleanup activities which are ongoing. Documents related
to the initiation of a community renewal area for assisting in the
cleanup are noted below. The City of Everett and Everett Housing
Authority's role in the cleanup is also described in Linking Toxics
Cleanup and Redevelopment Across the States: Lessons for
Washington State, prepared for the Department of Ecology Toxics
Cleanup Program by the University of Washington, pp. 26-27, 2009.

 Letter from Department of Ecology to the City of Everett Re City

of Everett role in supporting the Everett Housing Authority's
purchase and cleanup of properties at the Everett Smelter Site,
05/18/2004 - from Department of Ecology, Toxics Cleanup
Program Everett Smelter (Asarco) Site Document Archive
 Draft Resolution - Declaring Blighted Area under RCW 35.81.050 -
Declares the residential area adjacent to the former Asarco
Smelter a blighted area, Council Agenda Item, 07/02/2004,
approved 07/21/2004
 Draft Resolution - Designating Everett Housing Authority as
Community Renewal Agent, Council Agenda Item, 07/02/2004,
approved 07/21/2004
 Agreement with Everett Housing Authority to Clean Up and
Redevelop Property, Council Agenda Item, 07/02/2004, approved

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