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TOPIC: The Effective of Motivation staff and job performance

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am Hang Veasna, a student of National University of Management pursuing a Master of Management

Degree. I am currently conducting a study on the Effective of Motivation staff and job performance in
your organization. I therefore, humbly request you to spare some time and answer the following

SECTION A: Background information

Tick or write answers in full where applicable.

1. Gender

a) Male b) Female

2. Marital status:

a) Single b) Married c) Widow (er) d) Divorced

3. Age bracket (years)

a) 11-20 b) 21-30 c) 31-40 d) 41 and above

4. Highest level of education attained

a) Primary School b) Secondary School c) High School d) University

5. When did you join your company?

a) 1year b) 2years c) 3years d) Above 3years

SECTION B: Motivation practices by your company.

On a scale of 1-5, tick in the appropriate box on how you strongly agree or disagree with the statements

Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

What is your opinion for the following Scale

1. Your company provide fair promotion opportunities
2. Promotion should be based on performance
3. Your job is beneficial to your career
4. Your boss allows you to have your ability fully utilize
5. It’s enjoyable to go to work
6. You have the possibility to be promoted in your work
7. You like more challenging task at work
8. You are well aware of the company's comprehensive goals

9. You are satisfy with the working condition

10. Your boss is good in communicating information
11. It is essential for managers empower employees
12. The company value your service
13. You are happy with your salary

14. You know how your success was measured
15. Bonuses should not be part of the company policy
16. Your boss recognizes the extra effort you put at work
17. Rewards should be based on performance

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

18. The wages and salaries are paid motivate you.

19. Are always paid in time.
20. Your company pays its workers according to the amount of work

21. Your company provides fringe benefits to all its employees.

22. When employees meet the set targets they are paid a bonus.

23. Your company provides training to its employees most of the times.

24. To prevent boredom, your company rotates its employees within the

25. You have participated in the decision making of your company.

26. Are given sense of responsibility at your work place.

27. Your company makes sure at all times that your work is challenging.

28. When an employee performs well consistently, they are promoted.

29. There is relatively equal treatment of employees depending on their

efforts, experience and education.

30. Your company have good inter-personal relationship with your


31. There is high supervision at your company

SECTION C: Factors affecting employee performance

On the scale of 1-5, tick in the appropriate box on how you strongly agree or disagree with the
statements given.

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. Motivation is the most important factor in employee performance

2. Goal clarity among the employees helps to improve their performance

3. Work conditions can greatly improve one’s performance

4. To achieve any goal, an employee must be flexible and suitable for the

5. Knowledge of the structure helps an employee to know what to do in

given situations and hence improve his/her performance

6. Feedback is key in the improvement of an individual’s performance

7. The use of modern technology triggers performance of employees

8. Ability, training and experience improve an individual’s capability to


9. A feeling of acceptance by the employee may improve his/her performance

SECTION D: Relationship between motivation and employee performance in your company.

On the scale of 1-5, tick in the appropriate box on how you strongly agree or disagree with the statement

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. With the help of the management, your performance has

improved over time.

2. Your performance reduces when company takes long to rotate

the employees

3. You always perform to your best when y know that am accepted

at work

4. With the current motivation practices at company, the

performance of the employees is always going to reduce.

5. Employees often endeavor to meet the set targets to be paid a


6. There is a strong relationship between employee performance

and motivation

Thank you for the co-operation

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