A Project Report On " ": It Team Work Place

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Project Report
Submitted under the partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of
degree for


: Submitted By:
Archana Tiwari
B.C.A.-III Year
Enroll. No.
: Under Guidance of:
Dr. Ajay Kumar Patel

--Submitted To--
Department of Computer Science
Govt. TRS College Rewa (M.P)

Academic Session: 2010-13


This is to certify that the project report entitled “IT TEAM WORK PLACE”
has been done by “Archana Tiwari” in the academic session 2012-13
under my guidance. This report has been submitted to the Department
of Computer Science, Govt. T.R.S. College, and Rewa in the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree for Bachelor of
Computer Application in Department of Computer Science.
This matter embodied in this project work has not been submitted
earlier for the award of any degree or the diploma to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I wish for her bright future.


Many people have contributed for making this project. First of all
I would like to say thanks to our subject teachers “Mr. Sunil Mishra”
and “Mr. Pradeep Shukla” for giving us a golden for showing our skill
in front of all and their great support in guidance to us regarding this
project. I am thankful to my Teachers from my core of heart
I would also like to say thanks to my entire friend who gives me
their valuable idea for implementation in my project. Their idea was
little but very powerful. I thank to them.
At last I dedicate this project to my parents because their support
regarding this project was excellent. They give me patience, and a big
mental support to me for developing this project.

Name- Archana Tiwari

B.C.A. - III Year
Enrollment No. –
Dedicated to

My Parents


My loving Subject Teachers

1. Introduction 1-3

1.1 What is Project 1

1.2 Benefit 3
1.3 Scope 3
1.4 Technologies used 3

2. System Analysis 4-7

3. Methodology 8-38

3.1 Needs of Computer & Computerization 8

3.2 Project Requirements 11

3.3 Drawback of Manual System 12

3.4 About DBMS 13

3.5 About RDBMS 18

3.6 About the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE 20

3.7 About the VB.Net 30

3.8 About MS-Access 38

4. Feasibility Study 39-42

4.1 What is Feasibility 39

4.2 Technical Feasibility 40

4.3 Operational Feasibility 41

4.4 Economical Feasibility 42

5. Testing

6. Sample Output

7. Conclusion
Chapter - I

This Part contain introduction of my software in following


1.1 What is Project: - A Project is Software and as we know that

Software is the set of procedures used by organizations to ensure that a software
product will meet its quality goals at the best value to the customer, and to
continually improves the organization’s ability to produce software products in the
future. Software quality control refers to specified functional requirements as well
as non-functional requirements such as supportability, performance and usability.
It also refers to the ability for software to perform well in unforeseeable scenarios
and to keep a relatively low defect rate. These specified procedures and outlined
requirements leads to the idea of Verification and Validation and software testing.
It is distinct from software quality assurance which includes audits of the quality
management system against a standard. Whereas software quality control is a
control of products, software quality assurance is a control of processes .All the
software can be divided into three main parts:

(A) System software: - System software provides the basic functions for
computer usage and helps run the computer hardware and system. It includes a
combination of the following:

 Device drivers
 Operating systems
 Servers
 Utilities
 Window systems

System software is responsible for managing a variety of independent

hardware components, so that they can work together harmoniously. Its purpose
is to unburden the application software programmer from the often complex
details of the particular computer being used, including such accessories as

Communications devices, printers, device readers, displays and keyboards, and

also to partition the computer's resources such as memory and processor time in a
safe and stable manner.

(B) Programming software :- Programming software usually provides

tools to assist a programmer in writing computer programs, and software using
different programming languages in a more convenient way. The tools include

 Compilers
 Debuggers
 Interpreters
 Linkers
 Text editors

An Integrated development environment (IDE) is a single application that

attempts to manage all these functions.

(C) Application software: - Application software is developed to add in

any task that benefits from computation. It is a broad category, and encompasses
software of many kinds, including the internet browser being used to display this
page. This category includes

 Business software
 Databases
1.2 Benefit :- The Benefit of this software is that it convert your software to
computerized application from manual application. This Software has following
a. Offline Support
b. Single User & Multi User Support
c. High Security
d. Easy Database Changing Facility with New Version
e. Easy to Use
f. Search & AutoFill
g. Less Work For User
h. Easy Error Handing Set By Programmer
i. Report Printing Facility of all Module
j. Advance Searching facility Base On Various Criteria of That Field
1.3 Scope: - This application Software can be used in Different area as

a) Any education institute can make use of it for Convert Manual

Application to Computerized Application

b) It can be used in all those offices and Organizations where the

Similar uses of Hostel or any other room service are Required. It can
be easily done according to requirements

1.4 Technologies used: - In the Hostel Management Project following

technology are used in this application Software

a) Front End :- Vb.Net

b) Back End :- M.S. Access
c) Reporting :- Crystal Report
Chapter - II
System Analysis :- Systems analysis is a process of collecting factual data,
understand the processes involved, identifying problems and recommending
feasible Suggestions for improving the system functioning. This involves studying
the business processes, gathering operational data, understand the information
flow, finding out bottlenecks and evolving Solutions for overcoming the
weaknesses of the system so as to achieve the organizational goals. System
Analysis also includes subdividing of complex process involving the entire system,
identification of data store and manual processes. The major objectives of systems
analysis are to find answers for each Business process: What is being done, how is
it being done, who Doing it, when is he doing it, why is it being done and how can
it be Improved? It is more of a thinking process and involves the creative

Skills of the System Analyst. It attempts to give birth to a new efficient

System that satisfies the current needs of the user and has Scope for future growth
within the organizational constraints. The Result of this process is a logical system
design. Systems analysis is an iterative process that continues until a preferred and
acceptable Solution emerges. Analysis is very important part of any project.
Analysis allows us to understand how the present system in working so that it
becomes easier to make a new system. Without proper analysis it is difficult to
develop the new system.

A complete specification of the software requirement is essential to

the success of Software development efforts. No matter how will design and
well coded, a poorly specified program will disappoint the user and bring grief
to the developer the requirement analysis task is a process of discovery and
refinement. The software scope, initially establish is refined in details
alternative solution are analyzed to various software elements.

The objective of the system is to provide a graphically Friendly interface for

the Test. System analysis is conducted with the following objectives:

 Identify the user’s need.

 Evaluate the system concept for feasibility.
 Perform economic and Technical analysis.
 Allocate functions to hardware, software, people, database and other system
 Establish cost and schedule constraints. Both hardware and software
expertise are required to successfully attain the objectives listed above.

As we know that there are following step for creation to any project
A. Analysis
B. Design
C. Implementation
D. Post-Implementation

A. Analysis Module :- As we know that there are following 4 main

step for Analysis Module
i) Problem Identification
ii) Fact Gathering
iii) Fact Analysis
iv) Feasibility Study
Problem Identification :- As i saw in any institution Hostel is a
Fundamental need for student. It is necessary for that student whose residence
having distance from the institutes and it is also a fundamental need for that
student whose economical condition is not so good or is not so strong from
financially from their Family Background. It provide helps to students that’s why
we can say that hostel is a basic and most necessary tools for any Institute.

But the most important thing is that to keep a record for manage a Hostel
record as like student record, Room record, Employee Record etc. This software
will help in a better way to manage all those record.

i) Fact Gathering :- It is also use in a project to collect data related with

our project. We can use following method for collect the data related with our

a) Onsite Visit :- I get contact with several Hostel Warden of Several

Institution and ask him about their work. I mean how they keep record of room,
Students, staffs etc

b) Review of Written Document :- For this i get help from

Internet. I found that some of sites are too useful for me to create project. I have
also use some of popular sites. The some of them are as Following

(i) http://www.1000projects.com
(ii) http://www.seminarprojects.com
(iii) http://www.google.com
(iv) http://www.findaprojects.com
(v) http://www.projects.com
(vi) http://www.123eng.com

ii) Fact Analysis: - This is also a most important part of analysis. In

this part we analysis our gathered data that our collected data is useful or
not?, Is it implementable or not ? So in this step we just reanalysis of our

System Analyst : A system analyst is the person who selects and configures
computer systems for an organization or business. His or her job typically begins
with determining the intended purpose of the computers. This means the analyst
must understand the general objectives of the business, as well as what each
individual user's job requires. Once the system analyst has determined the general
and specific needs of the business, he can choose appropriate systems that will help
accomplish the goals of the business.
Chapter - III
3. Methodology :- I have made use following straightedges for creation
to any project

3.1 Needs of Computer & Computerization :- In this part first we

start from what is computer to why computer means what is needs of

A). I n t r o d u c t i o n t o C o mp u t er s : We are living in an

information age dependent upon digital information. Digital information
is electronic information, the result of computer processing. Every type
of job relies upon getting information, using it, managing it, and
relaying information to others. Computers enable the efficient
processing and storage of information. Do not think of a computer
merely as the machine with the keyboard and the mouse, although that
might be true for some types of computers. Embedded computers may be
inside your household appliances, the VCR, the automobile, planes,
trains, power plants, water purification plants, calculators, and even
inside a few toys. These embedded computers are very small. They
affect our lives each day. Why, even modern traffic lights operate with
computers. They are all around us. Think of addition al ways in which
computers affect our lives each day .

Development Of Computer : The Yerevan Computer Research and

Development Institute (YCRDI) was founded by USSR government decision in
1956 for the development of computer equipment. It became major center for
development of computers and automatic control systems for civil and defense
purposes. At YCRDI's peak it employed over 7000 staff.
B). Needs of Computerization : In the past computers needed to be
disconnected from their internal network if they needed to be taken or moved
anywhere. Mobile architecture allows maintaining this connection whilst during
transit. Each day the number of mobile devices is increasing, mobile architecture is
the pieces of technology needed to create a rich, connected user experience.
Currently there is a lack of uniform interoperability plans and implementation.
There is a lack of common industry view on architectural framework. This
increases costs and slows down 3rd party mobile development. An open approach
is required across all industries to achieve same end results and services. ,

A consortium of companies are pushing for products and services to be

based on open, global standards, protocols and interfaces and are not locked to
proprietary technologies. The applications layer to be bearer agnostic (examples:
GSM, GPRS, EDGE, CDMA, UMTS). The architecture framework and service
enablers will be independent of Operating Systems (OS). There will be support for
interoperability of applications and platforms, seamless geographic and
intergenerational roaming.

Needs of Computer : The most-difficult task when buying a new computer is

convincing your spouse that you really, really need one. I can't help with that part
of the equation. I'm terrible at it. Over the years, I've bought way too many
computers. I sneak to the store and then hide my new acquisition until I can figure
out a way to explain myself. I'd tell you a success story about how these
explanations go if I had one. I don't. But I might be able to help you with shopping
for a new computer. We'll walk along that path taking a few easy steps at a time.

Do you actually need a new computer? When I started writing my column

years ago, I came up with Husted's First Law of Computing. It goes like this:
Replace a computer only when it can no longer do what you need done in a
satisfactory manner. No matter how old your old computer is, if it can meet that
test, there's no need to replace it. Which kind of computer do you need? Desktop or
laptop? If you strictly go by how the market is moving, you'll pick a laptop
computer. It's by far the most-popular choice these days, and there are good
reasons for that. For example, one computer can serve you both at home and on the
road. But because I can afford to spend your money wildly - I think it's sensible to
have a desktop for home use and a laptop for times when you need to take your
computer along.

Desktop computers offer more power for the money, are less fragile and are
easier to customize. Also keep in mind that desktop computers do fine if left
running 24/7. Laptops tend to run hotter and are less suitable for full-time
operation. We'll assume you use a computer in fairly routine ways. A lot of your
time is spent on the Web, you use email quite a bit, edit digital photos, write the
occasional letter or document for work, and keep track of family finances. So, for
the purposes of this column, we'll talk to this group and leave out heavy-duty game
players and those designing a nuclear submarine in their basement.

You'll see a link for budget computers and their prices. If you click on that
link, you'll find the list of machines in the budget category that are considered the
best. Create a list of three or four computers that seem to fit your criteria. Do that
based on the recommendations at that site, prices and how well each machine fits
your needs. At these price levels, all the machines have weak spots and strong
points. Now, take your list of candidates and spend time searching other sites. Use
Google or some other search engine and type in the name and model of each
computer. That way, you'll get some other opinions and some idea of price.

Now, spend time in local stores. Take along the list of the machines that
made your cut. Be sure to note the specifications for each machine: processor
speed, size of the hard disk, how many USB ports, whether it has a video card or
uses built-in video capability. Be as detailed as you can. Check out competing
models that match or exceed the specifications of the machines you selected while
online. Keep your credit card in your pocket; this is a looking trip, not a buying
expedition. You might have found new candidates for your list. If so, search the
Web again and read as many reviews as you can find for each PC you added to the
list. By now, you are in a good position to compare price and performance. Make
sure you've paid attention to nontechnical information such as warranties and how
they work. Award extra points if the company will send a technician to your home
to fix any major problem.
3.2 Project Requirements: We need following Hardware &
Software for making this project into a Reality

Database Ms Access 2003 OR Later Version

.NET IDE Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 OR Later Version

Operating  Windows XP Professional Edition OR Later


Processor Pentium III OR Any Later Version

Memory At least 1 GB RAM OR as per requirements.

Drive CD-ROM / DVD-ROM drive is required for CD /

DVD versions.

Hard Disk Disk space requirements:

 3.34 GB of space required on installation drive

 Additional 1.9 GB of available space required for
optional MSDN Hostel documentation

 3.3 Drawback of Manual System : The drawback of manual

system is that it is not secured. There are more possibilities to lose
this data One of the alternative solutions is the improvement of the
manual system. Anything, which can be done by using automated
methods, can be done manually. But the question arises how to
perform thing manually in a sound manner. Following are some
suggestions, which can be useful in the manual system.

A more sophisticate register maintenance for various

premium Information, customer details, Immunization Details and
a good system for selecting insurance for different premium.
customer details and premium details available for the select
insurance for the premium. Adequate information may be
maintained for the select the premium for the insurance.

so that updating is made at the very moment at the same

time. Proper person for proper work should be made responsible
so that a better efficiency could be achieved. This needs a lot of
work force

3.4 About Data Base management System : DBMS is nothing it is

only record of inter related data & a program to access those set of data. A
database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that enables
users to store, create, modify and extract information from a database. The DBMS
is hence a general purpose software system that facilitates the process of defining,
constructing and manipulating database for various applications. A collation of
data designed to be used by different people is called a database. It is a collation of
interrelated data stored together with controlled redundancy to serve one or more
application in an optimal fashion that they are independent of the program of
people using the data. a common and controlled approach is used in adding new
data and modify and retrieving existing data within the database.
A database system is basically a computer based record keeping system.
The collection of data, usually referred to as the database, contains information
about one particular enterprise. It maintains any information that may be necessary
to the decision-making processes involved in the management of that organization.
A database management system is a piece of software that provides for accessing a
database, while maintaining all the required feature of data. The major activities,
operations and services provided by the DBMS.

1. Transaction Management:- A transaction is a sequence of database

operations that represents a logical unit of work and that accesses a database and
transforms it from one state to another. A transaction can update a record, delete
one, modify a set of record, delete one, modify a set of record, etc. When the
DBMS does a ‘commit’ the change made by the transaction are made permanent.
If you don’t want to make the changes permanent you can rollback the transaction
and the database will remain in its original state.

2. Storage Management: - The DBMS provides a mechanism for management

of permanent storage of the data. The internal scheme defines how the data should
be stored by the storage management mechanism and the storage interfaces with
the operating system to access the physical storage.

3. Concurrency Control: - It is the database management activity of

coordinating the action of database manipulating process that operate concurrently
that access shared data and can potentially interfere with one another. The goal of
an ideal concurrency management mechanism is to allow concurrency while
maintaining the consistency of the shared data.
4. Recovery Management :- The recovery management system in a database
ensures that the aborted or failed transaction creates no adverse effects on the
database or the other transaction. Recovery mechanisms in make sure that the
database is returned to a consistence state of a transaction fails or aborts. Recovery
is very related to concurrency in the sense that, the more the concurrency the more
is the chance that an aborted transaction can affect many other transactions.

5. Security Management :- Security refers to the protection of data against

unauthorized access. Security mechanisms of make sure that only authorized users
are given access to the data in the database. The level of access for each user and
the operations that each user can perform on the data will be monitored and
controlled by the DBMS depending on the access privilege of the users

6. Language Interface: - The DBMS provides support languages used for the
definition and manipulating of the data in the database. The data structure is
created using the data definition language commands. The data manipulating
commands by providing the language support for data definition and manipulating
the DBMS creates an environment where the users can do their jobs without
worrying about the physical implementation.

7. Data Catalog Management: - Data catalog or data dictionary is a system

database that contains descriptions of the data in the database (metadata). It
contains information about data, relationship, constraints and the entire scheme
that organized these features into a unified database. The data catalog can be
queried to get information about the structure of the database.
Purpose & Need of Database : A database system should be repository of
the data needed for an organization data processing. That data should be accurate,
private and protected from damage. It should be organized so that diverse
application with different data requirement can employ the data. Different
application programmers and different end users will have different views of data
which must be derived from a common overall data structure. Their methods of
accessing or searching the data will differ

provides a secure and survivable medium for the storage and retrieval of
data. If the user and application are not sharing data among themselves and if the
longevity of the data is only till the end of the process and application that crated it,
then there not must need for College Management System The DBMS provides
mechanism to achieve these objectives without compromising security and
integrity of the data. So if the data is shared, if it is persistent, if the users want it to
be secure and easy to access and manipulate then use of is the best available

Property of Data in Database

 Shared of a data.
 Persistence of data.
 Validity/integrity/correctness of data
 Security of data.
 Consistency of data.
 Non-redundancy of data
 Independence of a data
Rules of Database : The database has a very specific meaning and rules and
they are

 Some views of real world and represented by database. Real world is

called mini world or the universe of discourse.

 Database should show the simultaneous change with the change in real
(mini world).

 Database is logically connected data collection with some inherent


 A random collection of data is never a database.

To perform a specific task, database is created and manipulated by some

intended group of users.

Advantages of DBMS :-

 Database reduces the data redundancy to a large extent.

 Database can control data inconsistency to a large extent.
 Databases facilitate sharing of data.
 Database enforces standards.
 Database can ensure data security and privacy.
 Integrity can be maintained through database.

Limitation of database:-

 Encoded data (data hard-coded in the application) inflexibility.

 Interdependence between programs and data files.

 Data repetition or redundancy.

 Data inconsistency.

 Lack of data integrity.

3.5 About Relational Data Base management System : The

foundation of relational database technology was laid by Dr. E .F.CODD, who in
his papers ‘A Relational Model of Data for large shared Data Banks’ laid the basic
principles of the RDBMS. CODD was working for IBM at their San Jose Research
Lab in California. He had given 13 rules for a RDBMS. He laid down certain
principles of database management, referred to as relational model. These
principles were soon applied to experimental systems as a start was made on the
design of a database language that would interact with systems.

In 1974, Chamberlain and Boyce, also from IBM SAN JOSE, read a paper at
a database workshop at the university at Ann Arbor, Michigan. This paper
introduced the database language SEQUEL, which was implemented by IBM in
1974-75 as the prototype language SEQUELXRM. The first attempt at a large
scale implementation of CODD’s relational model was IBM’s System R. this
system used a revised version of the SEQUEL called SEQUEL/2. In 1977, System
R became operational and SEQUEL became SQL.

At present there are many implementations of the relational technology.

DB2, ORACLE, Sybase, MS-SQL Server, MS-access, and Ingress etc. are some
among them. Relational systems are now available in all sizes and shapes and for
all sizes of computers. A relational DBMS (RDBMS)
In other words, a RDBMS is in which data is stored in a set of predefined
tables. Each table (also called relation) contains one or more data categories in
columns. A column (or field) in the table is formally called tuple. All the data
operations are carried out on these tables. Before Relational Data Model, other data
model such as hierarchical & Network model were used to manage data. But when
it came to multi-user on a network operating system, the performance of these
models were not satisfactory solution to the problem is Relational Data Model.

The Properties of Relational Data Model (RDBMS) :-

 In relational data model all the data in database are represented by tables
with rows and columns.

 Each table has an independent identity and has a unique name.

 Each table is column homogeneous. In other words, in column of table, all

items of same kind can be stored.

 Ordering of columns & rows in table is immaterial.

 Although each table has an independent identity, relations between them can
be defined such as “foreign key”.

 Restrictions for data entry in table can be defined with the help of constraints
like Primary Key, Not Null, and Unique.
3.6 About Microsoft Visual Studio IDE : Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET)
is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an
evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB) which is implemented on the .NET
Framework. Microsoft currently supplies two major implementations of Visual
Basic: Microsoft Visual Studio, which is The Microsoft .NET Compact
Framework is a sub-Hostel of .NET framework. It simplifies the mobile
application development of smart devices. These are to a large extent limited by
the screen size, CPU performance or memory capacity. .NET compact framework
takes some of the controls and libraries from .NET framework. Moreover it
optimizes them to match the limited options of mobile devices in comparison with
PCs. There are certain criteria of user interface that mobile users demand. While
plenty of functions of standard PC or Mac applications add to the user experience,
they might decrease the mobile user experience. Mobile screen is usually small.
Therefore, the user may often miss click on mobile screen with many buttons. All
of the .NET compact framework controls are hence optimized to overcome the
possible limits of mobile devices. Since .NET CF controls only offer basic
functions for mobile developers, they are often using also third party controls
which help to speed up the development time.

Interoperability : Because computer systems commonly require interaction

between new and older applications, the .NET Framework provides means to
access functionality that is implemented in programs that execute outside the .NET
environment. Access to COM components is provided in the System .Run time.
Inter op Services and System .Enter pries Services namespaces of the framework;
access to other functionality is provided using the P/Invoke feature.

Common Language Runtime Engine (CLR) : The Common Language

Runtime (CLR) is the execution engine of the .NET Framework. All .NET
programs execute under the supervision of the CLR, guaranteeing certain
properties and behaviors in the areas of memory management, security, and
exception handling.

Language Independence : The .NET Framework introduces a Common Type

System, or CTS. The CTS specification defines all possible data types and
programming constructs supported by the CLR and how they may or may not
interact with each other conforming to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
specification. Because of this feature, the .NET Framework supports the exchange
of types and object instances between libraries and applications written using any
conforming .NET language.

Base Class Hostel : The Base Class Hostel (BCL), part of the Framework Class
Hostel (FCL), is a Hostel of functionality available to all languages using the .NET
Framework. The BCL provides classes which encapsulate a number of common
functions, including file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database
interaction, XML document manipulation and so on.

Simplified Deployment : The .NET Framework includes design features and

tools that help manage the installation of computer software to ensure that it does
not interfere with previously installed software, and that it conforms to security

Security : The design is meant to address some of the vulnerabilities, such as

buffer overflows, that have been exploited by malicious software. Additionally,
.NET provides a common security model for all applications.

Portability : The design of the .NET Framework allows it theoretically to be

platform agnostic, and thus cross-platform compatible. That is, a program written
to use the framework should run without change on any type of system for which
the framework is implemented. While Microsoft has never implemented the full
framework on any system except Microsoft Windows, the framework is engineered
to be platform agnostic, and cross-platform implementations are available for other
operating systems (see Silver light and the Alternative implementations section

below). Microsoft submitted the specifications for the Common Language

Infrastructure (which includes the core class libraries, Common Type System, and
the Common Intermediate Language), the C# language, and the C++/CLI language
to both ECMA and the ISO, making them available as open standards. This makes

Language Infrastructure (CLI) : The purpose of the Common Language

Infrastructure is to provide a language-neutral platform for application
development and execution, including functions for Exception handling, Garbage
Collection, security, and interoperability. By implementing the core aspects of the
.NET Framework within the scope of the CLI, this functionality will not be tied to
a single language but will be available across the many languages supported by the
framework. Microsoft's implementation of the CLI is called the Common
Language Runtime,

Assemblies : The CIL code is housed in .NET assemblies. As mandated by

specification, assemblies are stored in the Portable Executable (PE) format,
common on the Windows platform for all DLL and EXE files. The assembly
consists of one or more files, one of which must contain the manifest, which has
the metadata for the assembly. The complete name of an assembly (not to be
confused with the filename on disk) contains its simple text name, version number,
culture, and public key token. The public key token is a unique hash generated
when the assembly is compiled, thus two assemblies with the same public key
token are guaranteed to be identical from the point of view of the framework. A
private key can also be specified known only to the creator of the assembly and can
be used for strong naming and to guarantee that the assembly is from the same
author when a new version of the assembly is compiled (required to add an
assembly to the Global Assembly Cache).

Security : .NET has its own security mechanism with two general features: Code
Access Security (CAS), and validation and verification. Code Access Security is
based on evidence that is associated with a specific assembly. Typically the
evidence is the source of the assembly (whether it is installed on the local machine
or has been downloaded from the intranet or Internet). Code Access Security uses
evidence to determine the permissions granted to the code. Other code can demand
that calling code is granted a specified permission. The demand causes the CLR to
perform a call stack walk: every assembly of each method in the call stack is
checked for the required permission; if any assembly is not granted the permission
a security exception is thrown. However, has to split the application into sub
domains; it is not done by the .NET Framework includes a set of standard class
libraries. The class Hostel is organized in a hierarchy of namespaces. Most of the
built in APIs are part of either System.* or Microsoft.* namespaces. These class
libraries implement a large number of common functions, such as file reading and
writing, graphic rendering, database interaction, and XML document manipulation,
among others. The .NET class libraries are available to all CLI compliant
languages. The .NET Framework class Hostel is divided into two parts: the Base
Class Hostel and the Framework Class Base Class Hostel (BCL) includes a small
subset of the entire class Hostel and is the core set of classes that serve as the basic
API of the Common Language Runtime. The classes in mscorlib.dll and some of
the classes in System.dll and System.core.dll are considered to be a part of the
BCL. The BCL classes are available in both .NET Framework as well as its
alternative implementations including .NET Compact Framework, Microsoft Silver
light and Mono.

Memory management : The .NET Framework CLR frees the developer from the
burden of managing memory (allocating and freeing up when done); instead it does
the memory management itself even though there are no actual guarantees as to
when the Garbage Collector will perform its work, unless an explicit double-call is
issued .To this end, the memory allocated to instantiations of .NET types (objects)
is done contiguously from the managed heap, a pool of memory managed by the
CLR. As long as there exist a reference to an object, which might be either a direct
reference to an object or via a graph of objects, the object is considered to be in use
by the CLR. When there is no reference to an object, and it cannot be reached or
used, it becomes garbage. However, it still holds on to the memory allocated to it.
.NET Framework includes a garbage collector which runs periodically, on a
separate thread from the application's thread, that enumerates all the unusable
objects and reclaims the memory allocated to them.

The .NET Framework : The .NET Framework development platform introduces

many new concepts, technologies, and terms. The goal of this chapter is to give an
overview of the .NET Framework: to show how it is architected, to introduce some
of the new technologies, and to define many of the new terms. I’ll also take you
through the process of building your source code into an application or a set of
redistributable components (types), and then explain how these components
execute. The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is a core component of
Microsoft's .NET initiative. It is Microsoft's implementation of the Common
Language Infrastructure (CLI) standard, which defines an execution environment
for program code. In the CLR, code is expressed in a form of by code called the
Common Intermediate Language (CIL, previously known as MSIL—Microsoft
Intermediate Language).

Developers using the CLR write code in a language such as C# or VB.NET.

At compile time, a .NET compiler converts such code into CIL code. At runtime,
the CLR just-in-time compiler converts the CIL code into code native to the
operating system. Alternatively, the CIL code can be compiled to native code in a
separate step prior to runtime by using the Native Image Generator (NGEN). This
speeds up all later runs of the software as the CIL-to-native compilation is no
longer necessary. Although some other implementations of the Common Language
Infrastructure run on non-Windows operating systems, Microsoft's .NET
Framework implementation runs only on Microsoft Windows operating systems.

.NET features : .Net platform for resource-constrained devices with at least 256 K
Bytes of flash and 64 K Bytes of RAM. It includes a small version of the .NET
CLR and supports development in C# and debugging (in an emulator or on
hardware), both using Microsoft Visual Studio. It also features a subset of the
.NET base class libraries (about 70 classes with about 420 methods), a GUI
framework loosely based on Windows Presentation Foundation, and additional
libraries specific to embedded applications. The .NET Micro Framework aims to
make embedded development easier, faster, and less expensive by giving
embedded developers access to the modern technologies and tools used by desktop
application developers. Additionally, it allows desktop .NET developers to use
their skills in the embedded world, enlarging the pool of qualified embedded
developers. The unique features of the .NET Micro Framework (relative to other
.NET platforms) are:
 A memory footprint of about 300 KB; for comparison, the next smallest .NET
implementation, the .NET Compact Framework running on Windows CE,
needs about 12 MB.
 Can run directly "on the metal" without an operating system; running on an OS
is also possible.
 Supports common embedded peripherals and interconnects, including flash
memory, EEPROM, GPIO, I2C, SPI, and U S B.
 Optimized for energy-efficiency in battery-powered devices.
 Does not require a memory management unit.
 Provides multithreading support even when running on single-threaded
operating systems.
 A hardware abstraction layer allows porting to additional architectures.
 A managed device driver model allows drivers for many devices to be written
in C#.
 Execution constraints to catch device lockups and crashes.
 Transparent support for storing objects in non-volatile memory.

Due to the constraints under which it operates, the .NET Micro Framework
does have some limitations beyond those imposed by its slimmed-down libraries.
For example, the platform does not support symmetric multi-processing, multi-
dimensional arrays, machine-dependent types, or unsafe instructions. The CLR is
an interpreter rather than a just-in-time compiler, and uses a simpler mark-and-
sweep garbage collector rather than a generational approach. Interoperation
between managed and native code currently has a number of limitations. The .NET
Micro Framework does not support any .NET languages other than C# at this time.

.Net framework in context : In computer science, in the context of data storage

and transmission, serialization is the process of converting a data structure or
object into a format that can be stored (for example, in a file or memory buffer, or
transmitted across a network connection link) and "resurrected" later in the same or
another computer environment.[1] When the resulting series of bits is reread
according to the serialization format, it can be used to create a semantically
identical clone of the original object. For many complex objects, such as those that
make extensive use of references, this process is not straightforward. This process
of serializing an object is also called deflating or marshalling an object.[2] The
opposite operation, extracting a data structure from a series of bytes, is
serialization (which is also called inflating).In computer science, in the context of
data storage and transmission, serialization is the process of converting a data
structure or object into a format that can be stored (for example, in a file or
memory buffer, or transmitted across a network connection link) and "resurrected"
later in the same or another computer environment. When the resulting series of
bits is reread according to the serialization format, it can be used to create a
semantically identical clone of the original object. For many complex objects, such
as those that make extensive use of references, this process is not straight forward.
This process of serializing an object is also called deflating or marshalling an
object. The opposite operation, extracting a data structure from a series of bytes, is
deserialization (which is also called inflating or unmarshalling).

Advantages of client-server applications : Client-server applications we

develop are based on network management and also remove expensive web cross-
platform compatibility issues. New technology can also be easily integrated into
the existing system. The major advantage of client-server applications is it does not
require full screen refreshes for entering and retrieving data. Instead they allow
users to select options, check boxes and input data in real time. More customer
centric applications can be created faster and cheaper using multiple window
widgets such as trees, menus, and tabs. Any or all elements can be replaced
individually as needs arise. Client-server application provides total independence
to vendor. Client-server application offers multiple accesses to multiple teams.
Server can be accessed remotely and across multiple platforms. Information’s can
be accessed beyond geographical boundaries from any locations and all time.
Client-Server based applications are mostly implemented in the areas like
procurement and ordering, sales and marketing, human resource management,
distribution-Retail, etc.

ASP.NET : ASP.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by

Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and
web services. It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET
Framework, and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP)
technology. ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing
programmers to write ASP.NET code using any supported .NET language. The
ASP.NET SOAP extension framework allows ASP.NET components to process
SOAP messages.

Characteristics : ASP.NET web pages or webpage, known officially as "web

forms", are the main building block for application development. Web forms are
contained in files with an ".asp" extension; these files typically contain static X-
HTML markup, as well as markup defining server-side Web Controls and User
Controls where the developers place all the required static and dynamic content for
the web page. Additionally, dynamic code which runs on the server can be placed
in a page within a block <% -- dynamic code -- %>, which is similar to other web
development technologies such as PHP, JSP, and ASP. With ASP.NET Framework
2.0, Microsoft introduced a new code-behind model which allows static text to
remain on the .Aspx page, while dynamic code remains in an . Aspx.vb or .Aspx.cs
file (depending on the programming language used).

Code-behind model : Microsoft recommends dealing with dynamic program

code by using the code-behind model, which places this code in a separate file or
in a specially designated script tag. Code-behind files typically have names like
.aspx.cs or .aspx.vb while the page file is .aspx (same filename as the page file
(ASPX), but with the final extension denoting the page language). This practice is
automatic in Microsoft Visual Studio and other Ides. When using this style of
programming, the developer writes code to respond to different events, like the
page being loaded, or a control being clicked, rather than a procedural walk
through of the document. ASP. Net’s code-behind model marks a departure from
Classic ASP in that it encourages developers to build applications with separation
of presentation and content in mind. In theory, this would allow a web designer, for
example, to focus on the design markup with less potential for disturbing the
programming code that drives it. This is similar to the separation of the controller
from the view in Model–View–Controller (MVC) frameworks.

Directives : A directive is special instructions on how ASP.NET should process

the page. The most common directive is <%@ Page %> which can specify many
things, such as which programming language is used for the server-side code.

Managed code : Managed code is code that is written to target the services of the
Common Language Runtime. In order to target these services, the code must
provide a minimum level of information (metadata) to the runtime. All C#, Visual
Basic .NET, and J Script .NET code is managed by default. Visual Studio .NET
C++ code is not managed by default, but the compiler can produce managed code
by specifying a command-line switch (/CLR).

Closely related to managed code is managed data--data that is allocated and

de- allocated by the Common Language Runtime's garbage collector. C#, Visual
Basic, and J Script .NET data is managed by default. C# data can, however, be
marked as unmanaged through the use of special keywords. Visual Studio .NET
C++ data is unmanaged by default (even when using the /CLR switch), but when
using Managed Extensions for C++, a class can be marked as managed using the
go keyword. As the name suggests, this means that the memory for instances of
the class is managed by the garbage collector. In addition, the class becomes a full
participating member of the .NET Framework community, with the benefits and
restrictions that it brings. An example of a benefit is proper interoperability with
classes written in other languages (for example, a managed C++ class can inherit
from a Visual Basic class). An example of a restriction is that a managed class can
only inherit from one base class

Namespace :- Namespaces prevent naming conflicts by organizing classes,

interfaces and methods into hierarchies. For Details, see Namespaces.

Shared Members :- Shared members are properties procedures, and fields

that are shared by all instances of a class. Shared data members are useful
when multiple objects need to use information that is common to all. Shared
class methods can be used without first creating an object from a class. For
details see Shared members.

References :- References allow you to use objects defined in other

assemblies. In Visual basic.Net, references point to assemblies instead of
type libraries. For Details, See References and the Imports Statements.

Assemblies :- Assemblies replace and extend the capabilities of type

libraries by, describing all the required files for a particular component or
application. An assembly can contain one more name spaces for details, See

3.7 About VB.Net : Visual basic .Net has many new and improved
language features – such as inheritance. Interface, and over loading – that
make it a powerful object oriented programming language. As a Visual
basic developer you can now create multithreaded, scalable applications
using explicit multithreading. Other new language features in Visual basic
.Net include structured exception handling. Custom attributes, and common
language specification (CLS) compliance.

The CLS is a set of rules that standardizes such things as data types and
how objects are exposed and interoperate. Visual basic .net adds several
features that take advantage of the CLS. Any CLS –compliant language can
use the classes, objects, and components you create in Visual basic .net. And
you, as Visual basic users, can access classes, components and objects from
other CLS - compliant programming language without worrying about
language – Specific differences such as data types . CLS features used by
Visual basic.Net programs include assemblies, namespaces, shared members,
and constructors. Also included are structured exception handling, delegates
and several new data types.

Menu bars Of VB.NET :- The menu bar is the line of net that lines across
the loop of the VB windows. It is very much like menus we may have been
in other window application. The menus give we access too many features
within the development environment.

Toolbars Of VB.NET :- If we can’t see the toolbars, click view

<Toolbars> standard. We can control the whole VB environment from the
menu bar, but the toolbars gives we easy access to the menu-bar commands
we will use most frequently. We will notice that when we move the mouse
over the button they appear to raise themselves up from the toolbars. If we
keep the mouse pointer over a button for a moment, you will see the toll tip
for the button.

Solution Explorer OF VB.NET :- Docked on the right side of the

screen, just under the toolbars, is the solution explorer. The solution
explorer is quick reference to the various elements-forms, classes and
modules-in our project. The solution explorer window is much like
Window Explorer in that it allows us to expand and collapse the subfolders.
All of the subject that makeup our applications are packaged in a project. If
we save it for later use, testing, debugging, or improvement, Visual Basic
provides the default file extensions. Visual Basic project to the project. A
simple project will typically contain one form, which is the window used by
the application. In addition to forms, the solution explorer window also
lists code module and classes.

Server Explorer Of VB.NET :- Any database working or uses to

VB.NET project so create connection of this database. Server explorer
creates connection given facility many types’ data sources. Server explorer
is powerful window of VB.NET .this explorer display of vb.net left side.
Server explorer stored data connection and server name. Basically this
explorer uses to connect connection and connect server.

Properties Window Of VB.NET :- Docked right under the project

Explorer Window is the properties window exposes the various
characteristics or properties of selected objects. To clarify this concept,
consider that each and every form in an application is an object. Each and
every control that appears on a form is also an object. Now, each object in
VB.NET has characteristics such as color and size. Other characteristics
affect not just the appearance of an object but the way it behave, too. All
these characteristics of an object are called its properties. Thus a form has
properties and any controls placed on a form have properties, too. All of
these properties are displayed in the properties window.

Visual Basic .Net Professional Features :

1. Native code complier : A compiler is a computer program (or set of
programs) that transforms source code written in a programming language (the
source language) into another computer language (the target language, often
having a binary form known as object code). The most common reason for
wanting to transform source code is to create an executable program. The name
"compiler" is primarily used for programs that translate source code from a high-
level programming language to a lower level language (e.g., assembly language or
machine code). If the compiled program can run on a computer whose CPU or
operating system is different from the one on which the compiler runs, the
compiler is known as a cross-compiler. A program that translates from a low level
language to a higher level one is a de compiler. A program that translates between
high-level languages is usually called a language translator, source to source
translator, or language converter. A language rewriter is usually a program that
translates the form of expressions without a change of language. A compiler is
likely to perform many or all of the following operations: lexical analysis,
preprocessing, parsing, semantic analysis (Syntax-directed translation), code
generation, and code optimization. Program faults caused by incorrect compiler
behavior can be very difficult to track down and work around; therefore, compiler
implements invest a lot of time ensuring the correctness of their software. The
term compiler-compiler is sometimes used to refer to a parser generator, a tool
often used to help create the parser.

2. ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) : ADO.NET is a set of computer software

components that programmers can use to access data and data services. It is a part
of the base class Hostel that is included with the Microsoft .NET Framework. It is
commonly used by programmers to access and modify data stored in relational
database systems, though it can also access data in non-relational sources.
ADO.NET is sometimes considered an evolution of ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
technology, Integrated Visual Studio Test Professional. Visual Studio Test
Professional is an integrated testing tool set developed by Microsoft that delivers a
complete plan-test-track workflow for in-context collaboration between testers and
developers, in order to increase testers’ visibility to the overall project.

3. Data Environment Designer :

3.1 Data binding : Data binding is a general technique that binds two
data/information sources together and maintains them in sync. This is usually done
with two data/information sources with different types as in XML data binding.
However, in UI data binding, data and information objects of the same type are
bound together (e.g. Java UI elements to Java objects). If the binding has been
made in the proper manner, then, each data change is reflected automatically by the
elements that are bound to the data. The term data binding is also used in case
where an outer representation of data in an element changes, and the underlying
data is automatically updated to reflect this change. As an example, a change in a
Textbox element could modify the underlying data value.

3.2 Data report : Data Report is the extraction of data from human readable
computer reports. Conventional data extraction requires a connection to a working
source system, suitable connectivity standards or an API, and usually complex
querying. By using the source system's standard reporting options, and directing
the output to a spool file instead of to a printer, static reports can be generated
suitable for offline analysis via report mining. This approach can avoid intensive
CPU usage during business hours, can minimize end-user lince costs for ERP
customers, and can offer very rapid prototyping and development of custom

Advantages of Visual Basic .Net : There are quit numbers of reasons for the
enormous of visual basic:

 The structure of the visual basic.net programming language is very simple,

particularly as to the executable code.
 Visual basic .net only language but also primarily an integrated development
environment (IDE).
 The visual basic –IDE has highly optimized to support rapid application ease to
develop graphical user interface and connect them to handler function by the
 The graphical user interface of the program structure in the array and various
types of entities (class, modules, procedures, form.)
Creation of custom data consumer and providers-:
 Create customs data-aware COM control for client or middle-tier and custom
OLEDB provider.

Middle-tier testing and development tools : All areas of data access have
been improved to make it easier to perform your most common database actives.

 Universal data access, with integrated ADO/OLEDB support.

 Visual database tools integrated into the visual basic.net environment.
 New oracle schema and stored procedure design capabilities
 Data environment designer for authoring ADO based data access components.
 New integrated report writer.
 Hierarchical flex grid control for display hierarchical data.
 Ability to create data sources.
 Ability to easily remote data from machine to machine, tier to tier.
Visual basic.net web class designer-:
Create server-side application and components that are easily accessible from
any web browser on any platform.

3.8 About M.S. Access : Microsoft Access is a computer application used to

create and manage computer-based databases on desktop computers and/or on
connected computers (a network). Microsoft Access can be used for personal
information management (PIM), in a small business to organize and manage data,
or in an enterprise to communicate with servers. Like any other computer
application, in order to use Microsoft Access, you must first install it. After
installing Microsoft Access, then you can open it. There are various ways you can
open Microsoft Access. It gets launched like the usual products you have probably
been using. As such, to start this program, you could click Start -> (All) Programs -
> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office Access 2010.

From now on, that is, for the rest of the lessons, the expression "Microsoft
Access" means Microsoft Office Access 2010. If you have a Microsoft Access
database such as an E-Mail attachment, a file on a floppy disk, on the network, or
in any other means, once you see its icon, you can double-click it. Not only will
this action launch Microsoft Access, but also it will open the file. You can also
launch Microsoft Access from a shortcut. If you happen to use the software on a
regular basis, you can create a shortcut on your desktop or on the Quick Launch

If you are working on a network of related computers, your database may be

located in another computer. In this case the network or database administrator
would create a link or shortcut to the drive that is hosting the database. You can
then click or double-click this link or shortcut to open the database and, as a result,
launch Microsoft Access.

Designing and Creating a Microsoft Access Database :

1. Introduction : Microsoft Access is an application used to create computer
databases. It is equipped with all the tools you will need to start a project, to end it,
and to distribute it. That's the interface side. The creativity side will come from
you. That is, you must define what type of product you want to create, how it will
be used, who (what type of user) will use it, and where it will be used.

2. Designing a Database : Before creating a database, you should plan and

design it. For example, you should define the type of database you want to create.
You should create, in writing, a list of the objects it will contain: employees,
customers, products, transactions, etc. For each object, you should create a list of
the pieces of information the object will need for its functionality: name(s), contact
information, profession, etc. You should also justify why the object needs that
piece of information. You should also define how the value of that piece of
information will be given to the object. As you will see in later lessons, some
values are typed, some values must be selected from a preset list, and some values
must come from another object. In later lessons, we will see how you can start
creating the objects and their content.

3. Creating a Database : In our lessons, we will learn different techniques of

creating databases. For now, a database is first of all a Windows file. It is mainly
created from Microsoft Access. If you have just started Microsoft Access, to create
a database, under File, click New. You can then use one of the links in the main
(middle) section of the interface:

 To create a blank database, in the middle section, under Available Templates,

click Blank Database
 To create a database using one of the samples, under Available Templates,
click a category from one of the buttons, such as Sample Templates. Then
click the desired buttons: Microsoft Access is it the right database
development system for your needs? This discussion will help you identify
the pros and cons of using Microsoft Access database as your software
development system. We also present and discuss typical problems found in
non-professionally developed databases - particularly Microsoft Access.
The following list provides answers to the question - why use Microsoft Access for
consideration for your company's database development platform:

 Microsoft Access is available with the Microsoft Office Professional suite of

business products therefore no additional database software is required if your
company purchases computers with this suite of products already installed.
 Microsoft Access database is likely to be available and supported for years to
come because Microsoft is the premier software company in the world.
 MS Access is the most widely used desktop database system in the world.
 If database support is important to you then Access may be your best choice
since Access has more support and development consultants than any other
desktop database system.
 Microsoft Access is significantly cheaper to implement and maintain compared
to larger database systems such as Oracle or SQL Server.
 Microsoft Access consulting rates are typically lower for Access consultants
compared to Oracle or SQL Server consultants.
 Fairly complex databases can be setup and running in 1/2 the time and cost of
other large database systems (the simpler the database the greater the cost
 Microsoft Access integrates well with the other members of the Microsoft
Office suite of products (Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.).
 Other software manufacturers are more likely to provide interfaces to MS
Access than any other desktop database system.
 When designed correctly, Access databases can be ported (usually with some
difficulty) to SQL Server or Oracle. This is important if you want to start small
or develop a pilot database system and then migrate to the larger database
management systems.
 A Microsoft Access system can be placed on a website for access for remote
users. Simple screens can be developed within Access, Data Access Pages. Or
full control and functionality can be implemented using Active Server Page
(ASP) programming. Note that you still have the same simultaneous
connection limitations described above.

The following are some reasons why Microsoft Access may not be your best
choice for your company's database application development. In some cases
your computer systems may not be reliable enough to handle any database
management system safely.
 The Microsoft Office suite of software products is not in your company's
approved technology set.
 You need to capture time critical transactions - e.g., from a lab instrument
 Any single table in your database could have more than 1 million large to
medium-width records, or 5 million small-width records (i.e. 3-4 numeric or
short text fields)
 You would regularly have more than 15 people actively using the database
at the same time - for example quick data entry and/or queries and reports.
 Your database servers experience periodic, unexpected crashes - e.g. more
than 1 per month (in this case you'll have problems with any database
 You require extensive database security because of the highly sensitive
nature of the data. (Although you can get around this issue by using SQL
Server as the database engine with an Access front-end.)
 Your company needs to run multiple Access databases, some with Access
security enabled and some without.
 You will be sharing the database with mixed operating systems (Windows
98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, etc). See an article by
Microsoft on

Typical problems found with non-professional consultants development of

Microsoft Access databases.
Chapter - IV
4. Feasibility Study: The purpose of planning phase is to identify
clearly the nature and scope of the business opportunity or problem by
performing a preliminary investigation, often called a feasibility study. The
preliminary investigation is a critical step because the outcomes will affect
the entire development process. The end product, or deliverable, is a report
that describes business considerations, review anticipated benefit and cost
and recommends a course of action based on economic, technical and
operational factors.

1. What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a candidate system
meet them?
2. What resources are available for given candidate system?
3. What are the likely impacts of the candidate system on the organization?
4. Whether it is worth to solve the problem?
During feasibility analysis for this project, following primary areas of interest
are to be considered. Investigation and generating ideas about a new system
does this.

Steps in Feasibility Analysis : Eight steps involved in the feasibility

analysis are
_ Form a project team and appoint a project leader.
_ Prepare system flowcharts.
_ Enumerate potential proposed system.
_ Define and identify characteristics of proposed system.
_ Determine and evaluate performance and cost effective of each proposed
_ Weight system performance and cost data.
4.1) Technical feasibility : A study of resource availability that may
affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. This evaluation determines
whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not.
 Can the work for the project be done with current equipment existing
software technology & available personal?
 Can the system be upgraded if developed?
 If new technology is needed then what can be developed?
This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will
successfully satisfy the user requirement. The technical needs of the system
may include:

Front-end and back-end selection : An important issue for the

development of a project is the selection of suitable front-end and back-end.
When we decided to develop the project we went through an extensive
study to determine the most suitable platform that suits the needs of the
organization as well as helps in development of the project.
The aspects of our study included the following factors:-

Front-end selection :
1. It must have a graphical user interface that assists employees that are not
from IT background.
2. Scalability and extensibility.
3. Flexibility.
4. Robustness.
5. According to the organization requirement and the culture.
6. Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support.
7. Platform independent.
8. Easy to debug and maintain.
9. Event driven programming facility.
10. Front end must support some popular back end like Ms Access.

According to the above stated features we selected VB.Net as the front-

end for developing our project.
Back-End selection :

1. Multiple user support.

2. Efficient data handling.
3. Provide inherent features for security.
4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.
5. Stored procedures.
6. Popularity.
7. Operating System compatible.
8. Easy to install.
9. Various drivers must be available.
10. Easy to implant with the Front-end.

According to above stated features we selected Ms-Access as the

backend. The technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area
encountered at this stage. It is essential that the process of analysis and
definition be conducted in parallel with an assessment to technical feasibility.
It centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software etc.) and to
what extent it can support the proposed system.

4.2 Economical feasibility : Economic justification is generally the

“Bottom Line” consideration for most systems. Economic justification
includes a broad range of concerns that includes cost benefit analysis. In this
we weight the cost and the benefits associated with the candidate system and
if it suits the basic purpose of the organization i.e. profit making, the project
is making to the analysis and design phase.

The financial and the economic questions during the preliminary

investigation are verified to estimate the following

 The cost to conduct a full system investigation.

 The cost of hardware and software for the class of application being
 The benefits in the form of reduced cost.
 The proposed system will give the minute information, as a result the
performance is improved which in turn may be expected to provide
increased profits.
 This feasibility checks whether the system can be developed with the
available funds. The Hostel Management System does not require
enormous amount of money to be developed. This can be done
economically if planned judicially, so it is economically feasible. The
cost of project depends upon the number of man hours required.

4.3 Operational Feasibility : It is mainly related to human organizations

and political aspects. The points to be considered are:

 What changes will be brought with the system?

Chapter – V
Designing : This part have complete information of all types of
designing including form, database etc
5.1 Form Design:
Chapter – VI
This section deals with the details of the classes of tests which must be
conducted to validate the functions, performance, and the constraints. This is
achieved basically by the means of testing which plays a vital role in the
development of the software.

Types of Testing :- There are following two types of testing which is used
by me

 Statistical testing : Tests designed to reflect the frequencies of user

inputs. Used for reliability estimation.

 Defect testing : Tests designed to discover system defects. A successful

defect test is one which reveals the presence of defects in a system.

Benefit of Testing and Debugging :-

a. Defect testing and debugging are distinct processes

b. Defect testing is concerned with confirming the presence of errors

c. Debugging is concerned with locating and repairing these errors

d. Debugging involves formulating a hypothesis about program behavior then

testing these hypotheses to find the system error

The various low level testing which can be grouped on a broader sense are
discussed as below

1. Unit Testing : Testing of each and every module individually is called

unit testing. Each module is designed and executed so that it works
independently and generates some relative output. Unit testing of a module
results in a set of individually executing modules that generates its
independent output. The modules in this project i.e. purchases, sales,
returns, cash and bank transactions, stock status and others are individually

2. Integration Testing : Integration testing is one in which the modules

are combined with one another to synchronize the outputs and co-ordinate
the flow of control. Each module is coalesced with other module to
establish proper connectivity between the two modules. All the individual
modules have been integrated and tested.

3. Validation Testing : Validation testing deals with testing that whether

the validations are justified and all the requirements are fulfilled logically
as per the requirements as the validations are designed according to the
requirements of the application – an approach to the problem in a logical
and relational manner. All the validation testing have been done (like only
the numbers should be accepted in the phone number , amount , bill no
fields ,quantity and other related fields, similarly for the text to accepted
only in related fields like the names and other related fields). The stock
validation is the major validation that keeps track of the products dealt and
the reorder levels.
4. System Testing : Testing the whole system i.e. verifying and validating
the whole source code to check if the system as a whole is executing is
called system testing. The proposed system undergoes it under all
conditions to be called a successful system.

There are following Stages of Testing

 Unit testing : Testing of individual components

 Module testing : Testing of collections of dependent components
 Sub-system testing : Testing collections of modules integrated into sub-
 System testing : Testing the complete system prior to delivery
 Acceptance testing : Testing by users to check that the system satisfies
requirements. Sometimes called alpha testing
As we know that any software may have two types.
1. Real
2. Conceptual

1. Real : A real software is a software which is pure. Here pure

means it may be that your software is not perfect but your
software must be very close to perfect. It means all those things
which are primary and necessary field for that software must be
included in that software.

2. Conceptual: Conceptual software is software which is not

pure. Here impure means that it is only a blue print or a model
of that software. It only describes that how work can be done by
this. It does not have complete functionality of that software.

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