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Kevin, Nine, Tejasen

Mr. Abel Cadias

English 10 / 1001

June 5, 2019

Learning Preference of MUIDS class 1001 Students on History, English, and

Computer Science

In order for people to keep up and well adapted to cope with the world most current

situation, people always need to continuously study and learn. Learning is the process

humans get to know more things. People having more knowledge would generally be of

advantage and be better in decision making than those having less. Collecting as much

information and knowledge as possible could be beneficial in the very dynamic future.

That is why people have to start learning since they are young. And that essentially takes

place at school when everyone is required to join as a student. However, according to

(Willingham, 2015), different students have their own specific individual ways that could

best match with them to learn. When the learning styles are unfitting for students, the

students have to spend more time just to understand only few details of the lessons, or they

may be left with great confusion in their heads. Mahidol University International

Demonstration School is one of the international schools that has many required and

elective subjects, each of which is believed to help students know more about the world

around them. To be able for the students to understand well about the topic, they will have

to learn in their most fitting ways. The learning preferences of MUIDS class 1001 students

on History, English, and Computer Science subjects are to emphasize on using pictures,

images, diagrams, speaking, communicating, listening and using sound.

The purpose of this research report is to know the overall learning preferences of

MUIDS class 1001 students on History, English, and Computer Science, by using a survey.

The importance of this research is for the MUIDS teachers to better deliver teaching

outcome to help enrich education of the students.The author relates and interprets the

results of the survey to other research study from three academic articles from different


There are three questions. Each asking how the students prefer to learn each subject

- English, History, and Computer Science. The choices are to emphasize on listening,

watching diagram, writing, reading, speaking and group study, for all of the questions.

There is a total of 23 students who took this survey. The figure 1 below shows that, for

English subject, 27% of the total responses prefer to learn through speaking and

communicating, followed by 24% of students prefer to learn from listening, using sound

and music, 19% of the students prefer to emphasize on group study, 14% of the students

prefer to learn from watching diagrams and seeing images, 8% of the students prefer to

learn by reading, and the other 8% of the students prefer to learn by writing. In figure 2

below shows that, for History class, 34% of the students prefer to learn from watching

diagram, seeing the images, followed by 23% of the students prefer to learn by reading,

21% of the students prefer to emphasize on group study, 11% of the students prefer to learn

through speaking, communicating, 9% of the students prefer to learn from listening, and

only 2% of the students prefer to learn by writing. The figure 3 below shows that, in

Computer Science subject, 35% of the students prefer to learn from watching the diagram,

seeing images, 20% of the students prefer to emphasize on group study, 15% of the students

prefer to learn through speaking and communicating, 13% of the students prefer to learn

from listening, 11% of the students prefer to learn by writing, and 6% of the students prefer

to learn by reading. Most of the 1001 class students prefer to learn English by speaking,
communicating, and prefer to learn History and Computer Science by watching the

diagrams, seeing the images. Some students would understand better through image, other

students would understand better by reading text, or using the other learning ways (Truong,

2016).Therefore the students that learn in their most fitting style could understand the

lessons better than those whose educations does not based on their learning preference.

Figure 1 Learning Preferences of Class 1001 students on English

Figure 2 Learning Preferences of Class 1001 students on History

Figure 3 Learning Preferences of Class 1001 students on Computer Science

Because knowledge is important, the MUIDS class 1001 students will have to study

and learn many lessons. Not just learning only in the school curriculum but they also have

to learn at the tutorial schools and other places, preparing for the admission exam,

scholarship exam, SAT exam, TOEFL exam, and for other purposes. Good teaching style

will better help the students to understand the topic (Anupam, 2018). In order for the

students to have good learning outcome, the teachers will need to efficiently teach the

students. Thus, it is important for the teachers to know what are the learning preferences

of the students.

This research report concludes that high quality study and the goal of education are

the combined result of quality of learning and quality of teaching. The quality of study is

how much the students can learn from what the teachers teach. Learning preference, varied

per each individual student, affects the quality of study of each student. The teacher can

only try best to match his/her teaching style with the majority of preferences. Most students

in class 1001 have chosen to learn English through communicating and speaking and

History and Computer Science through seeing diagrams and images. Whenever students
and teachers are to develop education program, knowing the learning preferences will be

beneficial for them.


Willingham, D., Hughes, E., & Dobolyi, D. (2015). The Scientific Status of Learning
Styles Theories. Retrieved from

Truong, H. (2015). Integrating learning styles and adaptive e-learning system: Current
developments, problems and opportunities. Retrieved from

Anupam, K., & Soumya, K. (2018). Data mining based analysis to explore the effect of
teaching on student performance. Retrieved from

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