Dosing Skid Foundation

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PH dosing Skid (T-7568) Foundation



PH Dosing Skid (T-7568) Skid

2.62 2.92 Outline

Skid Foundation





Volume =7.09852 Cu.m

Static Wt of Equipment (Wstat) 37 kN
Staic Wt of Skid (Wskd) 13 kN Total Weig 50 kN
Total Operating Wt of Equipment (Woper) = Wstat + Wskd = 50 kN
Length of Foundation 4.42 m
Width of Foundation 2.92 m
Area of foundation (A)= 12.906 m2
PH dosing Skid (T-7568) Foundation

Min. section modulus=ZX= 6.29 m3

Min. section modulus=Zz= 9.51 m3
Height of foundation 0.55 m
Total Wt. of foundation =Wf= (12.9064*0.55*25)= 177.46 kN
Total (Wstat + Wf) = (Pstat) = (37+177.47) = 190.46 kN
Total (Woper + Wf) = (Poper) = (50+177.47) = 227.46 kN
Height of Equipment = 4.61 m
Allowable bearing capacity 30 kN/m2
2 Wind Load
Ref:SP-1275 CI:2.4.3 & BS 6399 Part 2
Vz =FxV10x(z/10)1/yxS3
V10(Mean hourly wind speed) = 26 m/s (Ref: Figure 2 of SP-1275)
F(Gust Duration Factor) = 1.7 (Ref: Table 4 of SP-1275)
Z(height above grade level) = 4.96 =(4.61+0.35) Height above grade
1/Y(Locality factor) = 1/11 (Ref: Table 4 of SP-1275)
S3( category factor) = 1 (Ref: Table 5 of SP-1275)
Design wind speed = 41.47 m/s
Prashant Shirke:
qz = 0.613 Vz2 eccentricity mooment
added = 50 x 0.3 = 15kNm
= 1054.236 N/m2
= 1.054 kN/m2
ca = 0.7 Size effect factor
Total moment at bottom of foundation = MX= =((1.054*4.12*4.96*(4.96/2+0.2)* 55.42 kN.m Wind
Total moment at bottom of foundation = MZ= =(( 1.054*2.62*4.96*(4.96/2+0.2) 48.21 kN.m Wind
2 Prashant Shirke:
SBC (net)at 0.2 m depth 30 kN/m
eccentricity mooment
SBC (gross) at 0.2m below G.L= =(30+0.2*1.8) 30.36 kN/m2 added = 50 x 0.45 =
I - Static Condition
Pstat/A + Mx/Zx + Mz/Zz = (190.47/12.9064 + 55.42/6.29 + 48.21/9.51)= (Due to wind) 28.64 kN/m2
Pstat/A - Mx/Zx - Mz/Zz = (190.47/12.9064 - 55.42/6.29 - 48.21/9.51)= (Due to wind) 0.88 kN/m2
PH dosing Skid (T-7568) Foundation

II - Operating Condition
Poper/A + Mx/Zx + Mz/Zz = (227.47/12.9064 + 55.42/6.29 + 48.21/9.51)= (Due to wind) 31.51 kN/m2
Poper/A - Mx/Zx - Mz/Zz = (227.47/12.9064 - 55.42/6.29 - 48.21/9.51)= (Due to wind) 3.75 kN/m2
5 Sliding Check Wind Load
I - Static Condition
=190.463*0.4/ (2.92*1.054*4.96)
x Direction= 4.99 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

=190.463*0.4/ (4.42*1.054*4.96)
z direction= 3.3 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
II - Operating Condition
=227.463*0.4/ (2.92*1.054*4.96)
x Direction= 5.96 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
=227.463*0.4/ (4.42*1.054*4.96)
z direction= 3.94 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

6 Over Turning check

I - Static Condition
x direction= 5.02 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
z direction= 8.74 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

II - Operating Condition
x direction= 6 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
PH dosing Skid (T-7568) Foundation

z direction= 10.43 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

7 Design of Reinforcement
As,min=0.18% of section =(0.18/100)*488*1000
889.20 mm2/m
As,provided= 12Tor @ 150 mm. c/c
= 753.98 mm2/m (50% each on both face) HENCE SAFE

Provide12 tor @ 150 mm. c/c Top and Bottom (B/W)

9 Check for shear

Maximum load is under saddle beam of equipment so the total weight of skid is devided per saddle load and based on dispersion
The load is considered for shear check
Maximum load/saddle beam V= 25 kN
Factored load /saddle beam Vu= 37.5 kN
Effective width b eff = 0.569 m = 0.2+ 2(0.55-0.05-(0.012/2))
Shear stress Tv= =Vu/(beff*d) 0.13 Mpa < 5 Mpa Hence safe
< 0.8√(35) Mpa Hence safe
PH dosing Skid (T-7568) Foundation
LP dosing Skid (T-7569) Foundation



LP Dosing Skid (T-7569) Skid

2.43 2.73 Outline

Skid Foundation





Volume =6.33633 Cu.m

Static Wt of Equipment (Wstat) 37 kN
Staic Wt of Skid (Wskd) 13 kN Total Weig 50 kN
Total Operating Wt of Equipment (Woper) = Wstat + Wskd = 50 kN
Length of Foundation 4.22 m
Width of Foundation 2.73 m
Area of foundation (A)= 11.521 m2
LP dosing Skid (T-7569) Foundation

Min. section modulus=ZX= 5.25 m3

Min. section modulus=Zz= 8.11 m3
Height of foundation 0.55 m
Total Wt. of foundation =Wf= (11.5206*0.55*25)= 158.41 kN
Total (Wstat + Wf) = (Pstat) = (37+158.41) = 171.41 kN
Total (Woper + Wf) = (Poper) = (50+158.41) = 208.41 kN
Height of Equipment = 4.61 m
Allowable bearing capacity 30 kN/m2
2 Wind Load
Ref:SP-1275 CI:2.4.3 & BS 6399 Part 2
Vz =FxV10x(z/10)1/yxS3
V10(Mean hourly wind speed) = 26 m/s (Ref: Figure 2 of SP-1275)
F(Gust Duration Factor) = 1.7 (Ref: Table 4 of SP-1275)
Z(height above grade level) = 4.96 =(4.61+0.35) Height above grade
1/Y(Locality factor) = 1/11 (Ref: Table 4 of SP-1275)
S3( category factor) = 1 (Ref: Table 5 of SP-1275)
Design wind speed = 41.47 m/s
Prashant Shirke:
qz = 0.613 Vz2 eccentricity moment added
= 50*0.150 = 7.5kNm
= 1054.236 N/m2
= 1.054 kN/m2
ca = 0.7 Size effect factor
Total moment at bottom of foundation = MX= =((1.054*3.92*4.96*(4.96/2+0.2)* 45.96 kN.m Wind
Total moment at bottom of foundation = MZ= =(( 1.054*2.43*4.96*(4.96/2+0.2) 43.84 kN.mPrashant Wind
SBC (net)at 0.2 m depth 30 eccentricity
kN/m 2 moment added
= 50*0.400 =
SBC (gross) at 0.2m below G.L= =(30+0.2*1.8) 30.36 kN/m 2
20 kNm
I - Static Condition
Pstat/A + Mx/Zx + Mz/Zz = (171.41/11.5206 + 45.96/5.25 + 43.84/8.11)= (Due to wind) 29.04 kN/m2
Pstat/A - Mx/Zx - Mz/Zz = (171.41/11.5206 - 45.96/5.25 - 43.84/8.11)= (Due to wind) 0.72 kN/m2
LP dosing Skid (T-7569) Foundation

II - Operating Condition
Poper/A + Mx/Zx + Mz/Zz = (208.41/11.5206 + 45.96/5.25 + 43.84/8.11)= (Due to wind) 32.26 kN/m2
Poper/A - Mx/Zx - Mz/Zz = (208.41/11.5206 - 45.96/5.25 - 43.84/8.11)= (Due to wind) 3.94 kN/m2
5 Sliding Check Wind Load
I - Static Condition
=171.40825*0.4/ (2.73*1.054*4.96)
x Direction= 4.81 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

=171.40825*0.4/ (4.22*1.054*4.96)
z direction= 3.11 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
II - Operating Condition
=208.40825*0.4/ (2.73*1.054*4.96)
x Direction= 5.84 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
=208.40825*0.4/ (4.22*1.054*4.96)
z direction= 3.78 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

6 Over Turning check

I - Static Condition
x direction= 5.1 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
z direction= 8.25 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

II - Operating Condition
x direction= 6.19 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
LP dosing Skid (T-7569) Foundation

z direction= 10.04 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

7 Design of Reinforcement
As,min=0.18% of section =(0.18/100)*488*1000
889.20 mm2/m
As,provided= 12Tor @ 150 mm. c/c
= 753.98 mm2/m (50% each on both face) HENCE SAFE

Provide12 tor @ 150 mm. c/c Top and Bottom (B/W)

9 Check for shear

Maximum load is under saddle beam of equipment so the total weight of skid is devided per saddle load and based on dispersion
The load is considered for shear check
Maximum load/saddle beam V= 25 kN
Factored load /saddle beam Vu= 37.5 kN
Effective width b eff = 0.569 m = 0.2+ 2(0.55-0.05-(0.012/2))
Shear stress Tv= =Vu/(beff*d) 0.13 Mpa < 5 Mpa Hence safe
< 0.8√(35) Mpa Hence safe
LP dosing Skid (T-7569) Foundation
HP & IP dosing Skid (T-7570) Foundation



HP&IP Dosing Skid (T-7570)

4.625 4.925 Skid Outline

Skid Foundation





Volume =11.9997625 Cu.m

Static Wt of Equipment (Wstat) 45 kN
Staic Wt of Skid (Wskd) 40 kN Total Weig 85 kN
Total Operating Wt of Equipment (Woper) = Wstat + Wskd = 85 kN
Length of Foundation 4.43 m
Width of Foundation 4.925 m
Area of foundation (A)= 21.818 m2
HP & IP dosing Skid (T-7570) Foundation

Min. section modulus=ZX= 17.91 m3

Min. section modulus=Zz= 16.11 m3
Height of foundation 0.55 m
Total Wt. of foundation =Wf= (21.81775*0.55*25)= 299.99 kN
Total (Wstat + Wf) = (Pstat) = (45+300) = 339.99 kN
Total (Woper + Wf) = (Poper) = (85+300) = 384.99 kN
Height of Equipment = 4.61 m
Allowable bearing capacity 30 kN/m2
2 Wind Load
Ref:SP-1275 CI:2.4.3 & BS 6399 Part 2
Vz =FxV10x(z/10)1/yxS3
V10(Mean hourly wind speed) = 26 m/s (Ref: Figure 2 of SP-1275)
F(Gust Duration Factor) = 1.7 (Ref: Table 4 of SP-1275)
Z(height above grade level) = 4.96 =(4.61+0.35) Height above grade
1/Y(Locality factor) = 1/11 (Ref: Table 4 of SP-1275)
S3( category factor) = 1 (Ref: Table 5 of SP-1275)
Design wind speed = 41.47 m/s Prashant Shirke:
qz = 0.613 Vz2 eccentricity moment added
= 85*0.40 = 34 kNm
= 1054.236 N/m2
= 1.054 kN/m2
ca = 0.7 Size effect factor
Total moment at bottom of foundation = MX= =((1.054*4.13*4.96*(4.96/2+0.2)* 74.52 kN.m Wind
Total moment at bottom of foundation = MZ= =(( 1.054*4.625*4.96*(4.96/2+0.2 70.87 kN.m Wind
SBC (net)at 0.2 m depth 30 kN/m 2
Prashant Shirke:
SBC (gross) at 0.2m below G.L= =(30+0.2*1.8) 30.36 kN/m eccentricity
2 moment added
= 85 * 0.3 = 25.5 kNm
I - Static Condition
Pstat/A + Mx/Zx + Mz/Zz = (340/21.81775 + 74.52/17.91 + 70.87/16.11)= (Due to wind) 24.15 kN/m2
Pstat/A - Mx/Zx - Mz/Zz = (340/21.81775 - 74.52/17.91 - 70.87/16.11)= (Due to wind) 7.03 kN/m2
HP & IP dosing Skid (T-7570) Foundation

II - Operating Condition
Poper/A + Mx/Zx + Mz/Zz = (385/21.81775 + 74.52/17.91 + 70.87/16.11)= (Due to wind) 26.21 kN/m2
Poper/A - Mx/Zx - Mz/Zz = (385/21.81775 - 74.52/17.91 - 70.87/16.11)= (Due to wind) 9.09 kN/m2
5 Sliding Check Wind Load
I - Static Condition
=339.9940625*0.4/ (4.925*1.054*4.96)
x Direction= 5.29 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

=339.9940625*0.4/ (4.43*1.054*4.96)
z direction= 5.88 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
II - Operating Condition
=384.9940625*0.4/ (4.925*1.054*4.96)
x Direction= 5.98 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
=384.9940625*0.4/ (4.43*1.054*4.96)
z direction= 6.65 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

6 Over Turning check

I - Static Condition
x direction= 11.24 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
z direction= 10.63 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

II - Operating Condition
x direction= 12.73 >1.5 HENCE SAFE
HP & IP dosing Skid (T-7570) Foundation

z direction= 12.04 >1.5 HENCE SAFE

7 Design of Reinforcement
As,min=0.18% of section =(0.18/100)*488*1000
889.20 mm2/m
As,provided= 12Tor @ 150 mm. c/c
= 753.98 mm2/m (50% each on both face) HENCE SAFE

Provide12 tor @ 150 mm. c/c Top and Bottom (B/W)

9 Check for shear

Maximum load is under saddle beam of equipment so the total weight of skid is devided per saddle load and based on dispersion
The load is considered for shear check
Maximum load/saddle beam V= 42.5 kN
Factored load /saddle beam Vu= 63.75 kN
Effective width b eff = 0.569 m = 0.2+ 2(0.55-0.05-(0.012/2))
Shear stress Tv= =Vu/(beff*d) 0.23 Mpa < 5 Mpa Hence safe
< 0.8√(35) Mpa Hence safe
HP & IP dosing Skid (T-7570) Foundation

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