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Problem solving

The below are just examples – you will need to add more!

Theoretical How to fix Faced Didn’t face

My idea might not I would have to adapt my idea so
meet the codes that is does meet all the codes
and conventions and conventions of a music video.
of a short film. I could do this by using my
research to help me know what to
include in my production.
Could miss out Check with a teacher that I have
certain tasks. everything done. Also look at my
feedback folder and know what I
need to do to complete
Not enough Research into different narrative
disruption in the theories. Think of an idea that
story line. involves an event that could
emotionally touch the audience to
make sure there is enough
Target audience Interviews, survey responses, focus
groups. Research my genre and
what the typical target audience
and then compare those results to
the responses from my survey.

Practical How to fix Faced Didn’t face

Getting actors Deciding carefully which people
reliable enough to would suit the acting part the best.
get good footage Ask around and people who
with. volunteer will be more confident as
an actor. Don’t choose someone
that doesn’t really want to act
because they will not be
The website layout Check with a teacher that
may not be a everything is laid out correctly. If
good standard. not then improve and ask how the
layout should be to look as
professional as possible.
Weather could Re-schedule to film another day.
affect filming. Make sure all the actors can film
on the rescheduled day or find
shelter somewhere to film or still film
if you want a scene in the rain.
Lighting could be Get a light from college or use your
bad when dark. own if it is good. Try to use natural
light as much as possible as it is the
best but plan ahead just in case
there isn’t any.
Could be windy Put a wind muffler on the mic or if
and mess up you don’t have that then wrap a
sound. sock around the mic. Could even
record with bad sound and then
use foley sounds over the top
when you have a good mic.
Location may be Find someone who can drive or
difficult to get to. use public transport. I can drive
now so it shouldn’t be a problem
but just incase just make sure you
can always get to where you have
planned to go.

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