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1957 - SPUTNIK the first artificial earth satellite into space (Union Soviet).

1958 - ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)

It was designed to provide a network of communication that would link the United States in
case a nuclear attack would occur.

1962 - Dr. J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to head ARPA in improving the military’s use of computer

1969 - ARPANET – ARPA went online.

1972 - Ray Tomlinson – a computer scientist that used the “@” to distinguish between the sender’s
name and network’s name in the e-mail address.
- ARPA renamed DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
- ARPANET was using the NCP (Network Control Protocol) to transfer data.

1973 - TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol was developed by Vinton Cerf and
Bob Kahn.

1974 - The term “INTERNET” was first introduced.

1976 - Queen Elizabeth sent her first e-mail. She the first state leader to do this
- Dr. Robert Metcalfe developed the ETHERNET. This allowed data to move very fast through
coaxial cables.

1983 - IAB – Internet Activities Board

- University of Wisconsin created “Domain Name System” network addresses were identified by
their extensions like (.com), (.org), and (.edu).

1985 - Quantum Computer Services – changed name to AMERICA ONLINE was offered E-Mail,
Electronic Bulletin Board, News and other information.

1988 - A virus Internet Worm – temporarily shut down 10% of the world internet servers.

1989 – Tim Berners Lee developed a new technique in distributing information over the internet. He
called it World Wide Web.

1992 - WWW was released.

1993 - MOSAIC the first Web browser developed by Marc Andreessen.

1994 - SPAMMING the sending of unwanted e-mail advertisement over computers was introduced to
the Internet Vocabulary.

1995 - Compuserve, America Online and Prodigy - was imposed $50 annual fee on all domains except
for .edu and .gov
- Java an internet programming language was released by SUN MICROSYSTEMS.

1996 - more than 45 million people were using the internet

1997 - Internet traffic records. 46 million hits of images in one day
- Shawn Fanning invented “Napster”. A computer application that allowed users to swap music
over the internet.

1999 “E commerce” grew rapidly as internet shopping spread.

2000 - LOVE BUG that caused companies to temporarily shut down their clogged networks.

2001 - 9.8 billion E-Mails were sent daily.

2002 - 605 million internet users worldwide.

2003 - Apple Computers introduced I tunes Music.

2004 - 729 million internet users worldwide.

2019 - 4.4. billion internet users worldwide



 Cyberspace
 Global Electronic Communication Network
 Hyperspace
 Information Superhighway
 Infobahn
 The Net
 Virtual Library

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