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Community Church
SOS Outreach

Summer 2019

SOS Summer of Service

SOS 2019 runs from June 13-16 based out of Bethel University and
FCC will have a good representation of students present. In addition
to conducting various outreaches during the day, evening concerts
and teaching are open to the public.

Pastoral Changes
Beginning in July, Pastor Eric officially assumes the role as
FCC’s Lead Pastor. Eric was affirmed by both the board and the
members as their choice for FCC’s next leader and all such
responsibilities will now shift to him.

As of July, Pastor Randy will begin a sabbatical as FCC’s Global

Pastor for the next months until he and Tammy deploy to
Southeast Asia. He has been released from all duties at FCC as
they prepare for their next assignment and seek fresh anointing
for the tasks ahead.

Sunday Worship 9:30am

Sunday Groups 10:45am Young Marrieds, Adults, Children (summer will vary)
Wednesdays 6:30pm Youth / Kids / Women / Adults (except July)
Orphans & Widows
On Sunday June 30th the Ingles will share about their work
with orphans and widows in Asia through church-planting and
vocational training. As always, come early and shop the
Guardian Village Handicrafts sale for birthday / Christmas / or
just for yourself - as you support the single women who made
Vacation Bible School
Mark the dates July 28th-August 1st for this year’s nightly
VBS for all children. Each year our kids have a blast learning
Bible lessons and how much God cares for them. Parents and
volunteers are invited to prioritize this event to prepare our
children for their next year of school. Plan on brining your own
kids / grandkids / and neighbors - and lead a helping hand.

Passing Along the Faith

55540 Apple Rd @ McKinley

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