Earth Retaining Systems: Table 1: Soil Description

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Earth Retaining Systems

A new building, five-storey high, is planned to be to be constructed in the centre of London.
The new development is it also designed with an 11 metres deep basement below the ground level.
The present report aims to briefly present different types of retaining wall and construction methods
that might prove suitable for this type of project, based on the known site constrains and ground
conditions. However, without a clear understanding of the overall project a series of assumption had
to be made, based on the existing information.

Site Constrains and Ground Conditions:

From the existing brief, the construction site is located in the immediate vicinity of a school
and an 18th Century Theatre. Also, 25 metres below ground level an underground line passes at about
15m horizontal distance from basement to tunnel wall. As brief also stated the site is situated in
central London, an agglomerated urban area [1]. Traffic and road access must be considered to
facilitate timely access of concrete trucks during concreting. Appropriate traffic signs must be placed,
and a site access and traffic diversion plan elaborated to minimise the disruption on the main roads
East and South of the site. Location of tower cranes should be also carefully chosen. By analysing the
provided site area, the location West of the new development appear to be the most suitable for crane
positioning due to space availability and distance from the adjacent buildings. However, a site visit is
required to clarify those aspects. Because the site is in the proximity of a school and theatre noise
level must be controlled and kept to a minimum. To reduce ground and structures vibration, which can
lead to short-term and long-term deformations, pilling methods must be analysed properly and the
optimum one selected. However, survey and monitoring operation will be conducted to monitories and
prevent those risks.
A preliminary site investigation was conducted, and the results are summarised in Table 1.
Depth Below
Soil description c' (kPa) φ' Su (kPa)
Ground Level(m)
0 - 1.5 made ground (fill) 0 30 -
1.5 – 14.3 stiff grey clay 5 22 85
14.3 – 18.1 sand 0 30 -
18.1 - 29 stiff brown clay 5 22 85
Table 1: Soil Description

The available ground investigation describes an alternation of grey London clay to sand and
brown to London clay. The presence of water table 3m below ground level means that the sand layer
is subjected to pore water pressure. Also, because the sand layer is interleaved between the two layer
of clay it acts like a confined aquifer, which means that there is none or ignorable seepage.

Types of Retaining Walls

Two types of retaining walls are commonly used depending on the needs of a project. Gravity
walls are massive structures that resists pushing of the earth by their own weight and friction
developed at the base. There are different types gravity walls from different types of materials which
can satisfy various needs. Embedded retaining walls are used for construction of basements and
underground infrastructure in urban areas. Those types of walls are buried or drive in to the ground
and ‘depend to a significant extent or even completely on the passive resistance of the ground for
their support’ [3].
There are various types of embedded walls and different materials considered;
Sheet Pile Walls are made of prefabricated elements with profiled edges to ensure the
interlock between them. Those are drive or vibrated into the ground if used for deep excavations. For
lower depths tranches can be dig initially and the panels slide in [2].
Contiguous Pile Walls are usually imposed when stability of the tranches for the panels is
not ensured (like in this case, in the vicinity of the wall are the foundations of buildings) or if within the
stratification, there is mud or sand entrained by the underground the water [3].
Contiguous piles are used in locations where no wall waterproofing conditions are required, otherwise
some type of insulation is necessary like reinforced lining or grouting the gaps. To prevent lateral
displacement a capping beam usually connects the piles at the top.
Secant Piles Walls are used when impermeability conditions are imposed. First the
primary piles holes are drilled and those are made from concrete, mortar or other low strength
material. Secondary piles are drilled between the primary ones. It is required to reinforce all the piles if
the wall is subjected to heavy loads which impose a high factor of safety. If only the waterproofing
condition is required, and the wall is not subjected to significant stresses only the secondary piles
needs to be reinforced [4].
Diaphragm Walls are reinforced concrete structures, built in-situ. This type of wall
generally reaches large depths, sometimes up to 50 meters deep, using the mechanical excavation
method. Bentonite paste is applied after digging as a support for the sides of the excavated area.
Bentonite is a clay with a special ability to for gel when mixed with water so that it can make a
sufficiently high pressure to retain the vertical soils. After bentonite treatment the reinforcement is
placed, and concrete poured panel by panel to form a continuous retaining structure [4].
Diaphragm walls appears to be the most suitable method due to its advantages over the
others, also considering the site and ground conditions. This type of walls has a short construction
time, building process is considerably less noisy and produces small vibration comparing with pilling.
It can be built at the desired depth and offer good waterproofing. In comparison secant walls can’t
achieve the same waterproofing seepage being possible at the joints. The impact on the adjacent
structures is also diminished if it is to compare with any pilling method. Can serve as an external wall
for basements, and as a foundation for superior structures.

Construction Method:
Two construction methods are usually used for basements and other similar structures.
Bottom up method is the conventional process. After excavation walls are supported with
horizontal props and the structure is erected from the bottom to the ground level.
Top down method the underground structure is made from top to bottom as the excavation
works advance. The floorboards of the structure become perpendicular supports of the retaining wall.
Vertical loads are retrieved by poles or piles.
For this project Bottom up method is recommended due to space availability and the site
condition. Retaining walls must be placed after excavation to avoid settlement of the adjacent
structures, especially the roads and school building which are in the proximity. Also conducting
multiple operation simultaneous might not be possible due to site conditions limitations. It is also the
most commonly used method of building underground structures, but also offers the optimum load
bearing capacity, for the future upper structure.

The final recommendation is that Diaphragm wall should be used with a Bottom up method
of construction. Diaphragm wall is suitable due to its short construction time, reduced cost, noise
reduction, low vibration, or waterproofing. Also, it can be use as foundation for superior structure.
Bottom up, may not be the most efficient construction method but is the safest one in the known site
and ground condition


1. CEGE0026 earth retaining systems CW Brief;

2. Baudet B. Earth retaining systems - Introductory Slides. CEGE0026: Fluids and Soils III
(18/19) UCl
3. Simpson B. Embedded retaining walls: theory, practice and understanding. Dans: 15th
International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2001.
4. Padfiled CJ, Mair RJ. Design of Retaining Walls Embedded in Stiff Clay
5. Tatum C, Bauer M, Meade A. Process of Innovation for Up/Down Construction at Rowes Wharf.
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 1989;115(2):179-195

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