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Hymn of Asia 2 L. Ron Hubbard



Man has long dreamed of solving the riddle of his own existence and achieving per-
sonal freedom.
This has been the great hope of man through the millennia of his histories – both East
and West.
Now at last, in the 1046 lines of the poem Hymn of Asia, is the statement that this hope
has been achieved – You can be free.
This moving hymn was written for a Buddhist Convention in about 1955 or ‘56, coinci-
dent with the celebrations in the Buddhist world of the 2,500th year of the Buddhist era.
Later, typed copies of this magnificent work, many in altered versions, were widely cir-
culated from hand to hand in various countries of the world.
The public demand for its publication grew enormous.
Then in late 1973 its author directed its publication and subsequently personally super-
vised the collaboration of a talented artist, designer and calligrapher in the final preparation of
the book.
Thus here we have a beautiful edition which presents the fully correct original text of
the poem, one surely destined to become a major document of Man’s spiritual history.
Hymn of Asia concerns the fulfillment of a prophecy made 2,500 years ago by Siddhar-
tha Gautama, better known as Buddha, the founder of the religion known in the West as Bud-
This prophecy can best be understood in context of Buddha’s life and work.


The two key concepts of Buddhism are contained in the words Buddha and Bodhi, each
derived from the root Budh, meaning both to wake up and to know.
Thus, a Buddha is one who is Enlightened or Awakened. Bodhi means enlightenment
or, alternately, one who has attained intellectual and ethical perfection by human means.
Siddhartha Gautama was the first in recorded history to attain such a state. And because
he also pointed the way to others to attain it he started a religion which changed the history of
the world.
Buddha’s final words before he passed from this world sum up his lifelong teaching:
Decay is inherent in all compound things, but the truth will remain forever.
Work out your salvation with diligence.
Hymn of Asia 3 L. Ron Hubbard

Here was the epochal statement that, in one lifetime, one could strive to achieve a state
of spiritual freedom from the endless cycle of death and rebirth and achieve spiritual independ-
ence of the flesh.
„Supernatural agencies“ were not involved. The entire reliance was placed upon the in-
dividual’s own impulse to redeem himself.
By rousing himself, by earnestness… the wise man may make for himself an is-
land which no flood can overwhelm. Senseless and foolish folk fall into sloth.
The wise man guards earnestness as his best treasure.1
Buddha’s own life (563-483 B.C.) provides the greatest example of his own teaching.
Siddhartha Gautama’s birthplace was at Lumbini, now a part of Nepal on the northeast
border of India. A rich nobleman, surrounded by opulence and destined to become a ruler, at
the age of 29 the Buddha-to-be resolved to leave his privileged life to seek The Greater Life.
First he studied the inherited knowledge of his day under the greatest available teach-
ers. He then retired to the forest and excelled even his fellow ascetics in endurance – nearly to
the point of death.
Realizing that self-deprivation was enervating and „mind-clouding“ he sat down be-
neath a fig tree. From that spot he resolved not to rise until he had at last pierced the veil of
illusion and achieved Enlightenment.
As the earliest scriptures of Buddhism state:
Sitting under a poplar-fig tree, he began to meditate methodically, and with his
spiritual eye pierced layer after layer of the nature of existence. He remem-
bered his previous existences, saw through the law of rebirth as a consequence
of deeds and realized: This is suffering, this is its origin, this is its termination
and this is the way to its termination. He gained the insight: Unshakable is my
liberation (from suffering); this is the last birth, there is (for me) no more re-
He was 35 when he reached Bodhi. Thereafter he spent his remaining lifetime expound-
ing his message and organizing and laying down the rules for the swelling congregation of
monks who wished to devote themselves full-time to the Teaching.


The message of Buddha reached far beyond the compass of his original followers in
northeast India.
Wherever it traveled its teaching of love and hope transformed, practically overnight,
the existing barbarisms based upon the morality of force and violence.
Within 1,500 years after the death of its founder, Buddhism had civilized most of Asia.
For example, the golden ages of Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese history were Buddhist civiliza-

1 From the Dhammapada, The Way of Truth, a work traditionally scribed to Buddha.
Hymn of Asia 4 L. Ron Hubbard

Buddhism became the dominant religion of Asia and, in terms of numbers of adherents,
the most widely held religion on the planet.
Westward its influence was just as important. Spreading along the heavily trafficked
trade routes between the East and West, its ideas moved into the Near East in the first century
B.C. The Christian message of love, its statement „The truth shall set you free“, represented
the words of Buddha filtered through some 500 years and across thousands of miles.
Siddhartha Gautama’s work even set the precedent for an applied religious philosophy
which finally re-blossomed in the West some 2,000 years later.


But Siddhartha Gautama did not regard himself as an end point. He looked upon his
work as incomplete and prophesized that at a later time a successor would arise to complete his
The most specific wording of this prediction in Buddhist literature states that 2,500
years after Buddha a red-haired or golden-haired man would arise in the West to complete the
job Buddha began.
In Buddhist literature his name is known as Metteya (or Metteyya with two y’s) in
Pali , or Maitreya in Sanskrit.3

Metta is the Pali word for love. Thus the name could mean „One whose name is kind-
ness“. A more fluent translation of Metteya in English would be „friend“.
The legend of Metteya forms an important part of the Buddhist Mature.
There are two descriptions of Metteya in the Pali Canon, the earliest Buddhist scrip-
tures. These references are found in a portion of the Canon known as the Digha Nikaya which
represent the memorized sermons of Buddha, faithfully passed down orally from generation to
generation and finally transcribed in the first century B.C.
When new Buddhist writings began to be composed just before and after the Christian
era once again we hear of Maitreya (or Metteya). These mainly consisted of legendary ac-
counts of the birthplace and history of the new Buddha-to-be.
Some 600 to 700 years later, at a time when Buddhism was decaying internally through
rampant ritualism and superstition, a reformer from Southern India wrote a Pali poem entitled
„Anagata Vamsa“. In this poem the author describes in detail the coming of Metteya who will
revitalize the Truth Buddha promulgated and usher in a new golden age for the entire known
Various other descriptions of Metteya frequently recur in Buddhist literature.
Statues of Metteya can be found throughout Buddhist lands where he often goes by lo-
cal names. Buddhists universally believe in his advent and that, according to the legend, he
shall appear in the West.
It would be instructive to look at some examples of this great prophecy which has at
one time or another inspired the greater portion of Mankind.

2 Pali - the language of Buddha and Pali Canon (the earliest written scriptures of Buddhism).
3 Sanskrit - the classical language of Indian literature.
Hymn of Asia 5 L. Ron Hubbard

In one passage in the Digha Nikaya wherein Buddha has been describing a world de-
cline he states:
At that period, brethren, there will arise in the World an Exalted one named
Metteya, Arahant,4 Fully Awakened, abounding in wisdom and goodness, happy,
with knowledge of the worlds, unsurpassed as a guide to mortals, willing to be
led, a teacher for gods and men, an Exalted One, a Buddha, even as I am now.
He, by himself, will thoroughly know and see, as it were face to face, this uni-
verse, with its worlds of the spirits, its Brahmas,5 and its Maras,6 and its
worlds of recluses and Brahmins,7 of princes and peoples, even as I now, by my-
self, thoroughly know and see them. The truth (the Norm) lovely in its origin,
lovely in its progress, lovely in its consummation, will he proclaim, both in spirit
and in the letter, the higher life will he make known, in all its fullness and in all
its purity, even as I do now. He will be accompanied by a congregation of some
thousands of brethren, even as I am now accompanied by a congregation of
some hundreds of brethren.
Later, as Buddha prepared for his death, the following prophecy was among his last
And Ananda,8 suppressing his tears, said to the Blessed One: ‘Who shall teach
us when thou art gone?’
And the Blessed One replied: ‘I am not the first Buddha who came upon earth,
nor shall I be the last. I came to teach you the truth, and I have founded on
earth the kingdom of truth. Gautama Siddhartha will die, but Buddha will live,
for Buddha is the truth, and the truth cannot die. He who believes in the truth
and lives it, is my disciple, and I shall teach him. The truth will be propagated,
and the kingdom of truth will increase for about five hundred years. Then for a
while the clouds of error will darken the light, and in due time another Buddha
will arise, and he will reveal to you the self-same eternal truth which I have
taught you.’
Ananda said: ‘How shall we know him?’
The Blessed One said: ‘The Buddha that will come after me will be known as
Maitreya, which means ‘he whose name is kindness.’ (From the Book of the
Great Decease)
The idea that Metteya will arrive when Man’s fortunes are at a low ebb is prevalent in
the legend. For example, here is a description of his advent from Chinese Buddhist sources:

4 Arahant - variation of Arhat, one who has attained spiritual perfection.

5 Brahmas - plural of Brahma, from Hindu terminology, a term signifying the personified creative aspect of a spiritual absolute.
6 Maras - plural of Mara, literally death; the personification of evil.
7 Brahmins - members of the Indian priest caste.
8 Ananda – Buddha’s cousin and his chief aide.
Hymn of Asia 6 L. Ron Hubbard

The first period began with Sakyamuni9 Buddha and ended five hundred years
after his death. It is called ‘Cheng-fa’, here translated as the first model pe-
riod. The second period lasts from the end of Cheng-fa for another five hun-
dred years and is called ‘Hsiang-fa’, the period in which pictures must be used.
In this period men must work their way to the truth through pictures and
books. From the end of the second period and lasting for a further two thou-
sand years comes ‘Mo-fa’, the final period. Then sin and need are increased to
such a degree that Buddhism itself goes to pieces. At this point, Maitreya ap-
pears with his Millennial kingdom. A new cycle of life begins, with hope and re-
demption for all living things. Thus one cycle follows another until all living
things are redeemed.
In ‘Mi-lo-Hsia-sheng Ching’, the Chinese scripture describing Metteya’s descent into
the world, we find how he is solemnly appointed by Gautama Buddha to come as the great
renewer at the time when the power of evil is at its height and all living things seem to be go-
ing to ruin under sin and punishment.
And in Tibetan Buddhist materials, echoing earlier Buddhist Indian sources, this star-
tling prophecy is made:
When he shall be seen in the West, seated in the Western fashion, his hair like
flames about his noble head, discoursing, then shall the inhabitants of the
Three Worlds10 rejoice, knowing that the emancipation of all sentient beings is
imminent. Then it shall be called the age of the blessed because it will become
commonplace to achieve Emancipation in one life-time.
Professor Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947), Russian painter and archaeologist, spent five
years exploring in the Himalayas. In his Altai-Himalaya, a five year record of his expedition
(now out of print) he related widespread prophecies throughout the East concerning Metteya.
Professor Roerich states in Altai-Himalaya, „It is told in the prophecies how the new
era shall manifest itself.“
He relates some of these prophecies as follows:
1. First will begin an unprecedented war of all nations.
2. Then shall the Teachers appear and in all corners of the world shall be
heard the true teaching.
3. To this word of truth shall the people be drawn but those who are filled
with darkness and ignorance shall set obstacles… even those who by acci-
dent help the Teachings of (this spiritual king of the world) will receive in
return a hundred fold.

9 Sakyamuni - Buddha's full name was originally Siddhartha Gautama of the Sakyas. Siddhartha was his given name; Gau-

tama his surname and Sakya the name of the clan to which his family belonged. After he attained Buddha-hood his disciples
sometimes called him Sakyamuni, "silent sage (muni) of the Sakya clan."
10 Three Worlds - three worlds of Tibetan Scriptures: Body: The physical world pertaining to the body and its operations and

life. Speech: The 'world' of Communication between entities and things. Mind: One's own world, the world of one's own Crea-
Hymn of Asia 7 L. Ron Hubbard

4. And one can already perceive unusual people. Already they (the teachers)
open the gates of knowledge, and ripened fruits are falling from the trees.
And finally:
5. Those who accept Him (the Messiah) shall rejoice. And those who deny Him
shall tremble… And the warriors (teachers) shall march under the banner
of Maitreya.


Thus, we find these are the most salient details of the Metteya legend.
1. He shall appear in the West.
2. He shall appear at a time when religion shall be waning, when the world is imper-
iled and convulsed in turmoil.
3. He will have golden hair or red hair.
4. He will complete the work of Gautama Buddha and bring in a new golden age of
man by making possible the attainment of spiritual freedom by all beings.
5. Although the date of his advent is variously forecast, the nearest date places it
2,500 years after Gautama Buddha – or roughly 1950 (the date of Gautama’s own
life being somewhat of an estimate itself).
In one form or another the prophecy of Metteya has been the principal hope that the
East has preserved and bequeathed to the world.

The Editors
Hymn of Asia 8 L. Ron Hubbard


Am I Mettayya? With interest and And are oppressed

If you see me dead I will love By Peoples
then You will all Or the governments
live forever. In very few years Of other lands.
I come to you in Peace Some in months And rule no more
I come to you as a Become Bodhi. But flee
Teacher For this is but
I do not come as an The chance of rulers
officer of Church or What I say has to do All. Give Sanctuary so.
Sect With Self
I come to you as a It has no concourse
Man. With the political. Give Sanctuary too
I do not come as a He who would rule To those
God. Support him. Who have been ruled
I come to bring you He who would govern Unjustly and
wisdom Assist him Oppressed
Those who would have Judge not their crime
Political Philosophy, But if they reach
I come to bring you Applaud them, for they The confines of your place
all that Lord Buddha are at least Of Even touch your rove
would have you know Not Beasts Secure for them
of live, Earth and A peace.
If a ruler rules
Well assist him Deliver them
I come to you with If he rules with violence Not
Freedom Do not assist him But by the wisdom
I come to you with And let that be Which I give
science his penalty. Bring to them then
I come to teach you An honesty
I come to help you. They have not known.
Give Sanctuary In such a way
To those Handle then
With complete attention Who having ruled The problems of
With arduous study Now fail Politics
Hymn of Asia 9 L. Ron Hubbard

And go no further My words In many tongues

In. You do not want me The wisdom that
You do not want Freedom Lord Buddha then
You cannot be Bodhi And I
Today a piece of Asia would have
Swings You know.
With a Troubled Mind Then I say then
To Politics Let this be the first test
Now let that be the Do you see me here? See me dead
Asian Mind, not yours. Is this platform Then I will live forever
Occupied? But you will
Do you hear my voice? See
It is to minds Do I stop the sunlight? An Earth in flames
I speak. Am I white? So deadly that
We are not Communist Do I have Golden Hair? Not one will live
We are not warlords Is this what you agree?
We are not a democratic
We are not political Fail once to stem
You are Buddhists Then see me A hand that smites
Am I Metteyya? Hear me Against me and
I am of the self Study the wisdom I die.
And your own heart That I have to
And eyes. say and you will
Be Bodhi Answer!
Agree amongst you now Is it safe for me to live?
If you did not How I look Then I live
Create me Agree I am here And am a Man
You would not see me. Agree I am solid Amongst you
If you create me dead And can be heard. And can die
Behold I live forever And also
If you create me live Live
Behold I live. Can I be seen? And as a Man
Can I be heard? Then I can have
Then see and hear. Good appetite
If you see me here Am I Metteyya? For food
Not at all for Woman
If you cannot hear And for Sleep
the sound made Upon the walls Do you then see me so?
By my voice There will be Do you accord me this?
And only feel Placed
Hymn of Asia 10 L. Ron Hubbard

And I with you. And you then address

Do you as well Metteyya.
Accord me past
So that the Soon there will appear
Blind can account me The Great Lessons A name, Maitreya
here? For all Man in East Metteyya
Do you give me a past in And West A magic name
The Western World? Upon the walls For which all
Do you create for me For you to write Faithful waiting
In yesterday And you will feel Then was done.
My books and wisdom And see them as I am the beginning
So that you can read? Real I am the end
Am I real? I am real enough
To be doubted
If you doubt, ask And you can doubt.
Am I alive? The brother at
Do I stand here? Your side
Will you study what if he can see as well. No blasphemy
I have to tell? And if he can Can mar my name
Am I before you? The Great Lessons So blaspheme if you will
Am I Metteyya? Are Real. So pure it is that
Name that no
Speakingness can soil it.
See how like I give you
A Man Certainty
I go Of such a kind Appoint Amongst you
To me amongst you now That you can doubt. Some small few
A Mortal span I ask no faith. To tell about me lies
And you, For such I give And invent wicked Things
You now remember is Real enough And spread out infamy
That I walked here To suffer every doubt. Abroad and Within
And you remember too Am I Metteyya? And to stand before
I spoke Our altars
And insult and
Everywhere you are Lie and tell
And you recall as well I can be addressed Evil rumors about us all.
I have a past But in out temples best
And you can find it. Address me and you address
And you can Lord Buddha. For all is Life
Speak with me Address Lord Buddha To Buddha.
Hymn of Asia 11 L. Ron Hubbard

All is Life. Say what I say If you stray

And what And become lost
Lord Buddha said. and slaves as you have been.
No blasphemy With these
Now can mar And your agreement to
The name of Be attentive now. We now can build
Buddha, Lord. You have preserved The Eastern
Each revilement Only a bit And the Western worlds
Is a prayer Of what Into one great
For just the mention Lord Buddha Brotherhood of Man.
Of the name Said.
Then Cleanses all. He said much more
But then there came We can civilize
Men who said the Barbarian
Mention the Name Other things We can make lawful
And do not worry And changed the criminal
If you think A piece of this We can make sane
Some stray A bit of that the insane
Condemning thought And so we strayed. We can ourselves
Or doubt. be free.
Mention the name
Its holiness is Censor not free speech
Such it can And censor not free thought We can make just
Withstand all bludgeoning But recall The ruler
Consult with prayer In all these We can make
Be calm Twenty-five centuries Merciful the strong
And you will know. None came We can make well
And spoke The sick
The Great Lessons Again We can make intelligent
You could know Nor added to them The dull person.
Of yourselves Then to make We can make social
All that You free. The unsocial.
Of which I speak I speak then
And so So you can agree.
Don't argue or dispute We can make kind
When some come up to The cruel.
you So speak and think We can reach
And say another thing Whatever you will Men's minds
For if they knew all truly But come again to these Les- And change them.
They would then sons
Hymn of Asia 12 L. Ron Hubbard

Is the best path here. decades

By single persons of study
Or large throngs To attain
We can do this. There is assistance for you. A Light.
You can do this I will undertake
Swiftly To give you Golden placques
Of slowly That do attest Preserve amongst you
And the time Not your status (for that can And follow them
You take be done only by your Your leaders and
Will depend society) but Your holy men
Entirely upon Your skill Revere their word
Your skill And these you then can show Their order and
And understanding of And reach more Their skill already won.
The Great Lessons. Quickly to your goals I will not bless your studies
For even if you do If you do not have
Attain Bodhi Peace and permission
These you will discuss From your leaders.
About these you can ar-
gue And yet wish to help the rest
But the wisest man There are still so I confirm their authority
And the one Many who are blind Their customs and their laws
Who will do things best To all else but And change them not
For others A placque. unless they with themselves
And reach most quickly There are ways To change.
Buddha for himself To do things right
Will come at last And ways to do them wrong
To the Lessons them- And I will help you Your leaders are your
selves As I can. staffs and guides.
And their exact meaning All titles that they have
And processes. And all their holdings
Two months of study These are theirs
For the bright And the possession of
This is a road Will place one's Their orders.
This is a broad highway Foot upon the way
This is an easily seen To help the rest.
Route A week of help For this is no revolt
And only those From such a student No revolution for the malcon-
Obsesses to be different Can make a Bodhi tent
Will stray. Of the best. We follow newly taught
The easy path Gone are your I a path so old
Hymn of Asia 13 L. Ron Hubbard

It starts with Time That without women

Which has no end or start Knowing too
And on which Buddha But to all I give these Les- You are but half.
Shone to give us light. sons
I confirm all honors won And all may have them
And heights obtained But the exact Teaching Place woman at your side
And confirm them Without dispute And let her study
even more firmly Must then be kept Let her speak
Than they were. Inviolate in Each place But do not do this
And under charge of your If it disturbs your orders or
leaders, Your quiet.
For your leaders Open to inspection always In this you be the judge
Are your leaders Open to violation never. Except for this
Your orders (societies) Let woman read here too.
Are your orders.
Your positions (ranks) Study then
Are your positions Be worked with then Obey your leaders
Here on Earth. Become Bodhi For these are reasonable men
And in the sky As little as you know Obey your district's
From which I speak Of these Lessons Political chief
Well behind the Use them. For he has force.
Body that you see As much as you know You are organized
And in another world Use them. And poised
There are orders (ranks) But use them For the spiritual
As well. For good Conquest of Man
Not evil Do not let disorder
Amongst yourselves
I am but a teacher Or petty pride
I bring you word Use them for love Impede your progress.
Of Lessons you have lost Not hate
And here will win again Conquer all with
And Lessons new Knowledge and with skill Your empire is
That were reserved Use no war. The Empire of
For time until The Spirit
You were organized You own all lands
As you are These Lessons are If you own this.
And spread your For Woman as for Man Your strength on Earth
Priests across Unless your customs Is your understanding
The width of the world cry out otherwise. Your good order
As you now do. But we admonished And your tolerant behavior.
Hymn of Asia 14 L. Ron Hubbard

We will become From all the countryside

Rich in peace And rulers too
Your have power and dig- And palaces to Sufficient to sustain
nity That degree that Your societies and selves
Gained in these We maintain good order For good you do
Past Centuries. And reasonable conduct And by our
All that has become Great And preserve or Great Lessons
Can be greater. even create Service you
All that has been beauti- The Sanity of Man. will render all
ful And so from each
Can become more beauti- As he can pay
ful. You have waited Obtain your dues
For Centuries Past
For the Lessons
Bid political leaders Your freedom But I forewarn
To come and speak And Man's freedom Do not with greed collect
Before they strike Awaits And take no more
For we can assist them Your study Than you do need.
And your And hoard not
Skill. But spend as freely
Bid the people As you take and
to continue to work Build not idle
And to produce more And for your dues ornaments but
And to come to our And tax Places for the use
Temples for we can I bid you please Of man
Bring them calmness No longer beg. Demanding only
And Peace and health. For begging days That they bow
Are past and the To Buddha.
Lord Buddha
We enter in to a Has such
Golden Age. Power now And too I warn you
We are Golden Men. Throughout the lands, Do not take
We are the New Men Achieved by That which is given grudg-
The new spiritual His Wisdom ingly.
Leaders of Earth. And your efforts Your tax must come to you
That you can With love
Or it brings hate
We will prosper Into the land.
To that degree And must demand So do good works
That we work Your tax And cultivate
Hymn of Asia 15 L. Ron Hubbard

The love of giving you And let no filth accumulate. But plant and reap it all.
For good of all.

Let none be idle Restore to Asia now

Persuasion is the best Within your gates Her beauty and her skill
demand But work them all For you as priests
Good purpose is the finest In vineyards, orchards Are leaders of all men
argument. pastures and fields Not skulkers in the dark
But beg no more For idleness on excuse of Persuade into a
And fill the coffers full study Paradise your country
And buy with this Begets sloth and poverty And tax it as your
Such hospitals And these beget Due.
And Palaces for rest Disease of doctrine
Such Buddhas And of mind.
As the world has Your are the Creators
Never seen. Of new country
Let each support the rest And new wealth
And none be parasite. New people and
To profit then Thus we shall prosper. New Life
Add Industry to Ideas Begin!
Work well and
Eschew sloth In the wilderness
Never interrupt Clear out the deadly things I bring
Commerce or In the bare mountain Great Lessons.
The enterprise And where no crop is grown I have written them
Of Men Plant trees and punish those In an orderly way.
For all that on who I have written them first
Which you trade Waste them. In a tongue of science
Is willingness to do. Which was stolen
When that is gone Long ago from the
Why then you have killed On the plain East.
the race. Study to plow From this tongue
To save the Land You can translate
Not scar it. Into your many
And in your places In every possible fertile Tongues
And monasteries and place For each of you
shrines Plant crops to make Have among you
Be clean, be bright Land more fertile still Scholars who can
And polish everything And waste no land Speak this tongue.
For vanity of death
Hymn of Asia 16 L. Ron Hubbard

The Secret well. There can be love

There is no other I am ready now. for self
tongue spoken in I am ready to come home
Common by your To my people.
Scholars. Please accept me so.
These lessons Forgive the body There can be love
Were composed That I bear for woman
In the Western World. I need it now or man
This hat to be so To Speak. There can be love
Because of the Forgive the tongue for children
Disorders in the With which I and the family
East since Speak. I would
Vaishakha 2453. rather it were Pali
Even your own prophesies But you comprehend it not. There can be love
Centuries Old for groups
Said I would appear and sects
In the Western World. And if I come
I appeared. Be sure that
while I myself, There can be love
In contact with for Mankind
You will forgive Mortal flesh,
And understand. Can err,
It is the West These Lessons There can be love
Which Threatens Do not. for animals
Earth. There I If you reject me trees and grass
have been to And bid me not And Insects too
learn of it and Then do not fear.
Study it and For I, bereft
Save us all. From you, There can be love
Let me come home. Will only weep. for earth and
Let me come away Such is my love. Sun and Moon and
From the barbarians All the Stars
To live in your hearts.
I walked amongst I give you now
You as a mortal boy. (Before I go There can be love
I sat at your feet And leave a for spirits,
And you did not know, Vacuum here) demons and
Except some The lesson first of all the soul
few amongst you
And these kept
Hymn of Asia 17 L. Ron Hubbard

There can be And I see how You have

love for Gods You've carried out created me again
the Lessons who was created before.

And these Eight parts

Are love For know that I have an amnesty
And love is all. These must be To Evil deeds and doers all
Achieved I give to all a
And first and that Freedom now
But there be more They do so many From demons
And this Things you will be And the Dark.
You soon will see Amazed for years
And seeing then Just viewing them.
And understanding too Let me see how you do I forgive your
You will be Buddhas And how you behave many failures to
All Lord Buddha
This I promise you. I thank you for
And then Your deeds and
Lord Buddha Hope.
When you have studied willing too I compliment you
the And me alive for your steadiness
Great Lessons And mortal still And worship.
And years from now I'll tell quite all.
Grown expert Behave Obey
In this Wisdom and Be Courteous In 25 Centuries
This skill, To gods You have
If you have still Lord Buddha Brought Civilization
A distance yet to go To the World
And you are ready then Both East and West.
And if all things And myself Before
Have gone well And to your leaders Lord Buddha came
And your priests All was wilderness
And even to your And men were
And I live still Governments Beasts of prey.
As mortal man And study hard
Why then I'll And practice well
Give you more And prosper all. And with your
To carry you afar. Working and your
But let this be my secret Faith
Until time comes I go Has come
Hymn of Asia 18 L. Ron Hubbard

Hope for man Then all things We can win.

And civilization Written here will
Everywhere. Then be true.
We can win
Because our work
I compliment And if I come to you Will hold in Check
You all You must set a place aside The Forces That Destroy.
For him For Wisdom You cannot lose
Whom I have To be taught By following here.
Met And put upon the Your Destiny Awaits.
Walls the scrolls
Of the Great Lessons
And who I am. I was taught I go
In another place I am amongst you
And time. As a mortal Man
Today mighty I can appear
Weapons exist To you in
And if we work We have a Day or sleep.
Poorly now Mission to perform. I love you.
Or disbelieve We must work
Or quarrel to save ourselves
Amongst ourselves And save all Men. Am I Metteyya?
The whole wide Thank you for being here. I have spoken to you.
World of Mankind Thank you for You will study soon.
When will die. Having kept alive Meanwhile
But behold it is The flame of Life Good-bye.
Not dead. On Earth.

So answer here And know

This call. That if you do
If it is your will Not labor yet
That I be exiled And even more
Then I will stay away. That Earth will
Shadows shall fall. Die within
If you desire me, A few years' time.
speak and I Hence I am here.
will come. Hence we must waste no time
It is your choice. In argument
And if I come Or petty fights.

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