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The primary argalä and virodha-argalä houses (marked in gray) are the same
houses depicted in the Tatkalika-sambandha chakra or diagram for temporary
relationships. This is because these houses indicate the primary source of
support for ones activities in life. These are therefore called pradhäna houses,
or primary/chief houses for ones life.
The remaining houses, depicted in white, are those we must share resources
with, and whom distribute wealth between them. These are therefore aptly
named Sämänya houses.

According to the sanskrit given by GC Sharma in his translation of BPHS, it is
implied that three or more grahas are required to causes vipareet-argala.

We stick to the Sanskrit given by R. Santhanam where no number of malefics

in the third are implied and instead follows in the natural steps to identifying
argala – i.e. More planets will show the dominant argala/virodhärgalä.

•Second house indicates the food one eats and those who feed us. The twelfth
house shows those who we ourselves must feed and devote our energy to.
•Fourth house indicates the home one lives in, and those who work for you.
The tenth house shows ourselves at work to ensure the comfort of
•Eleventh house indicates the main source of gains and the reaping of ones
hopes/desires in life. The third shows how we help others reap their desires,
and the need for self-sacrifice or initiative on the behalf of others to get things

•Fifth house indicates our followers or supporters whom we give the mantel
to, in hope that they will follow in our footsteps. However, this is considering
whether or not we have done the same in light of our predecessors which are
seen in the ninth house, and an inability to meet their demands may delay the
future generations prosperity.
•The eighth house carries the great load of transforming our body, mind and
soul to ensure change for the good (or bad) in lifting us out of our karmas.
This is obstructed by the sixth house, where our own personal weaknesses can
delay our transformation for the better and leave us stuck in life.
•The seventh house is the blessing of relationships in life, where we meet our
equal; realise and measure our own traits and qualities. If however our ego
(first house) is too big, we may be blind towards such knowledge, or even
refrain from engaging in such activities because of our own personal ideals or
strong character.

The second house shows the food one eats, and the argalä or virodhärgalä it
receives shows the nature of the food and where it comes from.

Virgo, Scorpio and Gemini give pradhänärgalä to the second house, whilst
Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces give sämänyärgalä.
•Virgo’s argalä is obstructed by Jupiter and Moon in Cancer. This
shows how the personal views and ideals (Lagna) of Sri Rama are
controlling or restricting his eating habits, and dominating over the eat-
when-in-need habit which normally arises when the third house is
stronger. Jupiter and Moon indicate sweet and salty foods will
dominate the taste.
•Gemini and Ketu’s argalä is obstructed by Saturn in Libra.
•Scorpio’s argalä is obstructed by Mercury and Taurus.
•Sagittarius’ and Rähu’s argalä is obstructed by Sun and Aries.
•Pisces and Venus’ argalä is obstructed by Mars and Capricorn.
•The argalä of Aquarius is equally obstructed by the virodhärgalä of
Leo as there are equal number of planets.

The effect of Argala on the various houses, has a direct impact on the specific
indications of the particular house. In this way every house has an impact on each
other house through the significations of the house in question.
Example: Just as food sustains the body, the second house has argala on the first
house. Also just as good karma causes good fortune, so also the tenth house has
argala on the ninth house. In this way each house should be studied from the
perspective of argala.

Argalä on Lagna should be seen for all relevant matters of the body, home,
happiness, etc.
Argalä on the Atmakaraka is equally relevant and speaks of the inner souls
motivation as well as inner happiness, pain, suffering, etc. Therefore to fully
understand the impact of a disease, the argalä of the disease-causing planets from the
sixth and eighth from Atmakäraka is relevant to see if the disease has a crippling
affect on the natives life all together. Similarly the fifth from atmakaraka is seen for
the sanity of the individual as the souls gathers its true motivation for being in this
world, from this fifth house.
Therefore the pair of Lagna and Atmakäraka find their prime purpose in matters of
health, happiness and longevity.
The rajayoga and attainments of fortune and status are governed by the Arudha
Lagna. Here not only is it important to attain the status, but also to truly desire it as
the longing for any fortune or greatness is again governed by the souls desire and
thus the Chära Atmakäraka. Therefore again the pair of Atmakäraka and Arudha
Lagna are important for the analysis of rajayoga.
Rajayoga supporting all three is an enormous blessing and gives unlimited resources
provided the argala isn’t obstructed.
The hand of God in our lives is seen from the Naisargika käraka. We can therefore see
the constant impact of planets on our wealth (Jupiter), job growth (Mercury),
relationships (Venus) in any dasa, by seeing the Argalä of the relevant dasa on the
specific Käraka. I.e. If the dasa is placed in the tenth from Venus, the native will be
asked to do some karma or work for a loved one or partner. If this is placed in the
eighth from Jupiter the dasa will promise financial growth in the form of better loans,
bonds, stock options, or a remodelling of the persons finances.

We need to analyse Rajayogas giving argala to the first house from Atmakaraka and
Arudha lagna for those whom really experience great power.

•A Raja yoga is formed by Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga, however this yoga does not
give argala to the Arudha lagna, nor does it obstruct Argala to the arudha lagna.
Therefore this yoga did not give the native power and position.
•Jupiter and Mars are joined as ninth and tenth lords causing a very powerful rajayoga
for teaching, karma yoga and establishing dharma in soceity.
•The amatyakaraka associated with either atmakaraka or tenth house/lord grants
rajasambandha and therefore association with the topmost people in any given field.
Mercury is not associated with either directly, but a parivartana yoga between
Mercury and Saturn gives this association with the help of a THIRD person
(dispositor) as Saturn also lords the sign of the tenth lord and amatyakaraka. Also that
’friend’ will have an association of Mars (ninth lord) and/or Jupiter with their lagna in
some mannor. Tony Blair has Jupiter and Mars joined his Lagna.
•As Rähu is associated with the amatyakaraka this could happen through politics.

•It therefore becomes evident that the yoga in Aquarius is his major rajayoga and we
must analyze the argala in the chart. This is joined the atmakaraka therefore having a
direct association with the first house from AK. This is further justified as the argala of
the Moon in seventh from AK is not enough to disturb this yoga. Finally this yoga
gives argala to the Arudha lagna because of being in the second therefrom.

Accidents are most clearly seen from the third from Arudha lagna, and the nature of the
planets there will show the nature of the accident. The argala of such planets on yogas for
chronic or long term health problems can show accidents or fatal incidents which trigger
problematic yogas in a chart.
Venus is placed in the third from arudha lagna and shows the potentiality for vehicle
accidents. Moon aspects this Venus by Rasi dristi and shows that this incident will surely
happen. Venus is furthermore in the seventh house and is therefore a maraka to longevity or
there is a risk of the prana/lifeforce taking a severe toll.
Among the more problematic health issues in the chart, we find that the lagnesh is afflicted
by three malefics. These are not associated with the sixth and eighth houses from lagna, and
instead show defects, handicaps or deformities arising. Rähu has dristi on the Sun and
therefore risks causing problems to bones, whilst the affliction of Mars causes problems in
the nerve-tissue. Jupiter further will give some liver or related problems.
Yet, due to the parivartana yoga between the planets in Leo and the exalted Sun in Aries, this
promotes a remedy or a means OUT of the problem. Fifth house indicates mantra.
To analyze pain occurring at a soul/atma level see the sixth/eighth lords from the atmakaraka
sign. These are Jupiter and Saturn and are both joined each other, showing that this
particular affliction in the chart will be a very shocking experience and cause intense
suffering. With the advent of Venus-Venus Dasa the native was hit by a car.
This resulted in being hospitalized and immovable for several months, with worries for his
survival and recovery.
Almost 5 years after the incident occurred, despite gaining somewhat normal bodily
movement, he still has difficulty in the full use of his hand. He turned towards mantra and
meditation in a major way and has been growing towards an almost complete recovery ever

In the chart of Bill Gates, the only planets which either have unobstructed argala or
virodha-argala on all three of First, Fifth and Ninth houses are Mars and Mercury.
These therefore have the power of AUM in the chart and can create anything the
native aspires for in life.
Now to see the impact on the finances, we need to analyze the argala of Mercury and
Mars to the second house from Arudha lagna and Atmakaraka. If this also causes the
same to the second from Lagna then this will cause great resourcefulness and wealth.

Mars and Mercury obstruct the argala of Ketu on the second house from Lagna. They
further obstruct the argala of Rähu on the second house from Arudha lagna. Finally
they also have unobstructed argala on the second from atmakaraka, ensuring massive
wealth and resourcefulness.

The given chart is that of Sri Ramakrishna Parämahamsa, the founder of the
Ramakrishna Mission and Guru of Swami Vivekananda.

Yoga for spirituality are rare and to the extent that astrologers must search
long and far for them. One yoga is given by the two classics: Jataka Parijata
and Sarvartha Chintamani, namely that if the Sun (enlightenment) is in the Lagna
as Jupiter (knowledge) and Saturn (renunciation) associated with the ninth house and
are in the same degree (or navamsa), then a saint is born.

In the given chart, the Sun is in the lagna, Saturn is placed in the ninth house,
whilst Jupiter aspects the same from the fifth house whilst both are placed
within one degree from each other justifying the yoga for being a saint.

Now, if one of the parts of this yoga has unobstructed argala on the first, fifth
and ninth houses, the saint will gain deep purity and either, enlightenment
(sun), knowledge (jupiter) or renunciation (saturn) will come very easily. In
this case Sun is the sole graha having unobstructed argala on all three granting
enlightenment and experiences of being connected to the divine quite easily
and frequently. This justifies many of the stories of Sri Ramakrishnas life
during which he would fall into trances on many occasions.


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