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Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment

problems: a software-based approach

P. Senthil Kumar

International Journal of System

Assurance Engineering and

ISSN 0975-6809

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

DOI 10.1007/s13198-019-00794-w

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Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems: a software-based
P. Senthil Kumar (Department of Humanities and Sciences, Navodaya Institute of
Technology, Navodaya Nagar, Raichur, India)

Source Title: International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management

Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.1007/s13198-019-00794-w

Reference to this paper should be made as follows:

Kumar, P. Senthil. "Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems: a software-based
approach." International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (2019):
1-15. doi: 10.1007/s13198-019-00794-w
Kumar, P. S. (2019). Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems: a software-based
approach. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 1-15.
doi: 10.1007/s13198-019-00794-w


Kumar, P. Senthil. "Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems: a software-based

approach." International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (2019):
1-15. doi: 10.1007/s13198-019-00794-w


Kumar, P.S., 2019. Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems: a software-based

approach. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, pp.1-15.
doi: 10.1007/s13198-019-00794-w


Kumar PS. Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems: a software-based approach.

International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. 2019:1-5. doi:
Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag


Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems: a software-based

P. Senthil Kumar1

Received: 24 February 2018 / Revised: 17 April 2019

 The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and The Division of Operation and
Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2019

Abstract This paper sustains a sound mathematical and Intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problem  Lingo 17.0 
computing background. In this paper, the software-based Software-based approach  Optimal assignment  Optimal
approach for solving intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment solution
problem (IFSAP) is presented. The IFSAP is formulated
and it is solved by using Lingo 17.0 software tool. Theo-
rems related to IFSAP is proved. The IFSAP and its crisp 1 Introduction
solid assignment problem both are solved at a time and
their optimal solution is obtained. In addition, the optimal The classical assignment problem was developed by Kuhn
objective values of both the IFSAP and its crisp solid (1955). In a classical assignment problem, two types of
assignment problem (SAP) are estimated with the help of constraint sets are considered, viz. job and machine con-
substituting the optimal solution(s) to their respective straints. But in our day-to-day life, in addition to these two
decision variables in the objective functions. Some new constraint sets, we deal with the third type of constraint set,
and important results are proposed. To illustrate the effi- which is known as factory constraint. The factory con-
ciency of the proposed method the numerical example is straint, that is, the third constraint is due to different types
presented. The reliability of the proposed results are veri- of assignment modes (conveyances). In this case, assign-
fied by using the numerical example. Strengths and ment problem becomes SAP. Therefore, the concept of
weakness of the paper is mentioned. The novelty of the studying SAP is the very interesting one in the history of
analysis is given into a coherent, concise, and meaningful mathematics. Also, it is an important role in real-world
manner of analysis. Social issue (real-life problem) is situations. Due to this, the first mathematical model of SAP
converted into a mathematical model and it is solved by the was proposed by Pierskalla (1967) which is the straight-
proposed method. At the end, the advantages of the pro- forward extension of the classical assignment problem. The
posed algorithm is explained. reduction method for solving STP was introduced by
Anuradha and Pandian (2012). Kadhem (2017) proposed
Keywords Intuitionistic fuzzy set  Intuitionistic fuzzy the heuristic solution approaches to the solid assignment
number  Triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number  problem. Hence, the method for solving SAP under crisp
Assignment problem  Solid assignment problem  environment already exists in the literature. In the history
of assignment problem, by using different algorithm, some
of the authors/researchers solved different types of
& P. Senthil Kumar
assignment problems in various fields, which is as follows.;; Ozor et al. (2017) presented an application of the assign-
ment technique to optimisation of solid waste management
Department of Humanities and Sciences, Navodaya Institute in Enugu region. Faudzi et al. (2018) presented an
of Technology, Bijanagera Road,
assignment problem and its application in education
P.B. No. 26, Navodaya Nagar, Raichur, Karnataka 584103,
India domain: A review and potential path. Divide row minima

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

and subtract column minima technique for solving intuitionistic fuzzy environment. In particular, both the
assignment problems under the crisp environment was balanced and unbalanced intuitionistic fuzzy assignment
introduced by Hossen and Akther (2017). Thus, many problems was solved by Kumar and Hussain (2016b, c).
authors have studied assignment problems and SAPs under Recently, very few authors (Aggarwal and Gupta (2017),
crisp environment successfully. Kumar (2018e, 2019b, c, d, e, f) have solved IFSTPs but
Generally, the performing time of each job to each none of them have solved IFSAPs. Therefore, the concept
machine with different factories is not a constant (for of studying IFSAPs are new in intuitionistic fuzzy opti-
example, some of the factors like unexpected power cut, mization problems.
power fluctuation). Further, depending upon the efficiency In this article, the software tool based approach for
of the machine (or capability of men), the performing time solving IFSAP is presented. The IFSAP is formulated and
of each job is varies from factory to factory. Therefore, the it is solved by using Lingo 17.0 software package. The-
performing time of each job to each machine with different orems related to IFSAP is proved. The IFSAP and its
factories is vague. So, to deal with vague information, we crisp solid assignment problem both are solved at a time
have to utilize the fuzzy set theory. Fuzzy set theory, and their optimal solution (optimal assignment) is
developed by Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh. He was born in Baku, obtained. Further, the optimal objective values of both the
Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. Fuzzy set theory IFSAP and its crisp solid assignment problem (SAP) are
introduced by Zadeh (1965) has been widely used to cap- estimated with the help of substituting the optimal solu-
ture vagueness and impreciseness in decision-making tion(s) to their respective decision variables in the
problems. The fuzzy set theory not only used in the deci- objective functions. Some new and important results are
sion-making problems but also used in the variety of fields, proposed. To illustrate the efficiency of the proposed
especially, in optimization problems, because of its special method the numerical example is presented. The relia-
features. Therefore, due to the application of fuzzy set bility of the proposed results are verified by using the
theory, Dinagar and Palanivel (2009), Mohideen and numerical example. The advantages of the proposed
Kumar (2010), Kumar (2016a, b), Gotmare and Khot algorithm is proposed.
(2016), Malini and Ananthanarayanan (2016), Kumar and This paper is constructed as follows: Sect. 2 presents
Shukla (2016), Hu (2017), Muralidaran and Venkateswarlu some basic definitions and ranking method of TIFN. Sec-
(2017), Saini et al. (2018), Kumar (2018a), Thakre et al. tion 3 presents the mathematical model to the intuitionistic
(2018), Habib (2018), Sam’an et al. (2018), Vinoliah and fuzzy solid assignment problem. Section 4 strongly
Ganesan (2018), Khalifa and Al-Shabi (2018) and several describe the proposed method and it also shows some new
authors have been solved the optimization problems (gen- theorem and important results. In Sect. 5, IFSAP is for-
erally, the transportation problems and assignment prob- mulated and then it has been solved. The discussion about
lems both are called optimization problems) under fuzzy the obtained results from the proposed numerical example
environment successfully. Recently, Anuradha (2015) and the advantages of the proposed method is given in
solved solid assignment problem under the fuzzy Sect. 6. Finally, the conclusion is given in Sect. 7.
Fuzzy set consider the membership value. But, it does
not taken into account of non-membership value and 2 Preliminaries
hesitation index. To overcome this issue, Atanassov (1983)
introduced the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy set, which is an The following basic definitions like fuzzy set, intuitionistic
extension of the ordinary fuzzy set. The beauty of the fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy number, triangular intu-
intuitionistic fuzzy set is that it considered not only the itionistic fuzzy number and arithmetic operations on tri-
membership values of an element in the set but also it angular intuitionistic fuzzy number which are found in,
considered the non-membership values of an element in Zadeh (1965), Atanassov (1999), Burillo et al. (1994),
that set. Further, the sum of both the membership and non- Hussain and Kumar (2012c, 2013), Varghese and Kuri-
membership values lie in [0, 1]. Due to this special features akose (2012), Kumar and Hussain (2014a, 2015, 2016a),
of intuitionistic fuzzy set theory, Angelov (1997) intro- Kumar (2017a, b) are used in this section.
duced the concept of optimization problems under intu-
Definition 2.1 (Fuzzy set) Let A be a classical set lA(-
itionistic fuzzy environment. Subsequently, several authors
x) be a function from A to [0, 1]. A fuzzy set A* with the
(Hussain and Kumar (2012a, b), Kumar and Hussain
membership function lA(x) is defined by,
(2014a, b, c, d, 2016a), Nagoorgani et al. (2016), Jinshuai
et al. (2017), Abhishekh and Nishad (2018), Kumar A ¼ fðx; lA ð xÞÞ : x 2 A and lA ð xÞ 2 ½0; 1g ð1Þ
(2018b, c, d, 2019a, 2020a, b, c)) have introduced various
algorithms for solving optimization problems under

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Definition 2.2 (Intuitionistic fuzzy set (Intuitionistic fuzzy >
> 0 if x\a1
> x  a1
set, Atanassov 1999)) An intuitionistic fuzzy set A in X is >
> if a1  x  a2
< a2  a1
defined as an object of the form lA~I ð xÞ ¼ 1 if x ¼ a2 ð5Þ
> a3  x
A ¼ fhx; lA ð xÞ; #A ð xÞi : x 2 X g ð2Þ >
> if a2  x  a3
: 3  a2
> a
where the functions lA : X ! ½0; 1 and #A : X ! ½0; 1 0 if x [ a3
define the degree of membership and degree of non- and
membership of the element x [ X respectively, and for 8
every element x [ X in A, 0  lA ð xÞ þ #A ð xÞ  1 holds. > 1 if x\a01
> a2  x
> if a01  x  a2
Furthermore, we have >
< a2  a01
#A~I ð xÞ ¼ 0 if x ¼ a2 ð6Þ
pA ð xÞ ¼ 1  lA ð xÞ  #A ð xÞ ð3Þ >
> x  a2
> 0 if a2  x  a03
Equation (3) is called the intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) : 3  a2
> a
1 if x [ a03
index or hesitation margin of x in A. pA ð xÞ is the degree of
indeterminacy of x [ X to the IFS A and pA ð xÞ 2 ½0; 1 i.e., where a01  a1  a2  a3  a03 and lA~I ð xÞ; 0A~I ð xÞ  0:5 for
pA ð xÞ : X ! ½0; 1 and 0  pA ð xÞ  1 for every x [ X. pA ð xÞ lA~I ð xÞ ¼ 0A~I ð xÞ; 8x 2 R: This triangular intuitionistic fuzzy
expresses the lack of knowledge of whether x belongs to number is denoted by A~I ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 Þ a01 ; a2 ; a03 .
IFS A or not. Generally, the hesitation margin of x in A is
denoted by pA ð xÞ or hA ð xÞ. The membership and non-membership functions of tri-
angular intuitionistic fuzzy number is schematically shown
Example Let A be an IFS with lA ð xÞ ¼ 0:5 and #A ð xÞ ¼ by Fig. 1.
0:3 ) pA ð xÞ ¼ 1  0:5  0:3 ¼ 0:2: It can be interpreted
as ‘‘the degree that the object x belongs to IFS A is 0.5, the Definition 2.6 (Arithmetic operations on TIFN) Let A~I ¼
degree that the object x does not belongs to IFS A is 0.3 and ða1 ; a2 ; a3 Þ a01 ; a2 ; a03 and B~I ¼ ðb1 ; b2 ; b3 Þ b01 ; b2 ; b03 be
the degree of hesitancy is 0.2’’. any two triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (TIFNs)
Definition 2.3 (Intuitionistic fuzzy number) An Intu- then the arithmetic operations as follows:

itionistic Fuzzy Number (IFN) A~I is Addition: A~I  B~I ¼ ða1 þ b1 ; a2 þ b2 ; a3 þ b3 Þ a01 þ b01 ;
1. an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of the real line R, a2 þ b2 ; a03 þ b03 Þ
2. normal, i.e., there is some x0 2 R such that Subtraction: A~I B~ I ¼ ð a1  b3 ; a2  b2 ; a3  b1 Þ
lA~I ðx0 Þ ¼ 1; 0A~I ðx0 Þ ¼ 0; a1  b03 ; a2  b2 ; a03  b01
3. convex for the membership function lA~I ð xÞ, i.e.,  
  Multiplication: A ~I
B ~ I ¼ ð q1 ; q2 ; q3 Þ q0 ; q2 ; q0
1 3
lA~I ðkx1 þ ð1  kÞx2 Þ  min lA~I ðx1 Þ; lA~I ðx2 Þ ; for
every x1 ; x2 2 R; k 2 ½0; 1; where
4. concave for the non-membership function 0A~I ð xÞ, i.e., q1 ¼ minfa1 b1 ; a1 b3 ; a3 b1 ; a3 b3 g; q2 ¼ a2 b2 ;
0A~I ðkx1 þ ð1  kÞx2 Þ  max ð0A~I ðx1 Þ; 0A~I ðx2 Þ ; for q3 ¼ maxfa1 b1 ; a1 b3 ; a3 b1 ; a3 b3 g;
every x1 ; x2 2 R; k 2 ½0; 1  
q01 ¼ min a01 b01 ; a01 b03 ; a03 b01 ; a03 b03 ; q2 ¼ a2 b2 ;
q03 ¼ max a01 b01 ; a01 b03 ; a03 b01 ; a03 b03
Definition 2.4 (Triangular fuzzy number) A fuzzy num-
ber A is defined to be a triangular fuzzy number (TFN) if Scalar multiplication:
its membership function lA: R ? [0, 1] is equal to I  0 0 
8 x  a1 1. mA~ ¼ ðma1 ; ma2 ; ma3 Þ ma1 ; ma2 ; ma3 ; for m  0
> if x 2 ½a1 ; a2   0 0 
< a2  a1 2. mA~I ¼ ðma3 ; ma2 ; ma1 Þ ma3 ; ma2 ; ma1 ; for m\0
lA ð xÞ ¼ a3  x ð4Þ
> if x 2 ½a2 ; a3   0
: a3  a2 0 
Theorem 1 Let c~I ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 Þ a1 ; a2 ; a3 and D ~I ¼
0 otherwise  0 0 
ð b1 ; b2 ; b3 Þ b1 ; b2 ; b3 be two TIFNs. Then,
Definition 2.5 (Triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number) A I ~ I 0 0 0 0
c~  D , a1  b1 ; a2  b2 ; a3  b3 ; a1  b1 , and a3  b3 .
triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number (TIFN) A~I is an
intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) in R with the following Proof The proof is straightforward.
membership function lA~I ð xÞ and non-membership function
#A~I ð xÞ:

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Fig. 1 Membership and non-

membership functions for a

It is notable to mention that Theorem 1 respects to the S #c~I ð xÞ is the score function for the non-membership
all operations of Definition 2.6, and clearly has the math- function #c~I ð xÞ
ematical relations reflexive, symmetry, and transitivity.
  a1 þ 2a2 þ a3
 0 0  S lc~I ð xÞ ¼
~I ¼
Definition 2.7 Let c~I ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 Þ a1 ; a2 ; a3 and D 4
 0 0 
  a01 þ 2a2 þ a03
ðb1 ; b2 ; b3 Þ b1 ; b2 ; b3 be any two TIFNs then S #c~I ð xÞ ¼
  I  I  I  0  I   I  0  I  4
~ I ¼ a1 < D
D ~ ; a2 < D~ ; a3 < D~ ~ ; a2 < D
a1 < D ~ ;a < D~
I ~
if <ðc~ Þ; < D  0I
 0 0    ða1 þ 2a2 þ a3 Þ þ ða01 þ 2a2 þ a03 Þ
Definition 2.8 Let c~I ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 Þ a1 ; a2 ; a3 and D ~I ¼ f c~I ¼
 0 0  8
ðb1 ; b2 ; b3 Þ b1 ; b2 ; b3 be two TIFNs. Then the set of TIFNs
is defined as follows (Varghese and Kuriakose (2012)): From the accuracy function, we have
 I ~I ) if and only if c~I D
1. <ðc~I Þ [ < D ~ , c~I D ~I cI ) [ f (D
1. f(~
  ~I ) if and only if c~I D
cI ) \ f (D
2. f(~ ~I
2. <ðc~I Þ\< D ~ , c~I D
I ~I
  I ~ I I
c ) = f (D ) if and only if c~ D
3. f (~ ~I
3. <ðc~I Þ ¼ < D ~I , c~I D ~I

2 0 0  0 0 
 02 02
 I  1 ða3  a1 Þ a2  2a3  2a1 þ ða3  a1 Þða1 þ a2 þ a3 Þ þ 3 a3  a1
< c~ ¼ 4 0 0
3 a3  a1 þ a3  a1
2 0 0  0 0 
 02 02
 I  1 ðb3  b1 Þ b2  2b3  2b1 þ ðb3  b1 Þðb1 þ b2 þ b3 Þ þ 3 b3  b1
< D~ ¼ 4 0 0
3 b3  b1 þ b3  b1

Whenever the above formula doesn’t provide finite value Definition 2.9 The ordering ^ and < between any two
then we can make use of the following formula [Kumar ~I are
triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers c~I and D
~I then the accuracy
(2019g, h)]. Let A~I ¼ c~I and B~I ¼ D defined as follows:
function of c~I is denoted by f ðc~I Þ and is defined by ~I if and only if c~I D
~I or c~I D
Sðl I ðxÞÞþSð#c~I ðxÞÞ   1. c~I 4D
f ðc~I Þ ¼ c~ 2 where S lc~I ð xÞ is the score func- ~I if and only if c~I D
2. c~I <D ~I or c~I D
tion for the membership function lc~I ð xÞ
Definition 2.10 Let fD~I ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; mg be a set of tri-
angular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. If <ðD ~I Þ for
~I Þ  <ðD
q j

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

~I is
all j, then the triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number D 4 Proposed method
the maximum of fD ~I ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; mg:
The software tool (Lingo 17.0) based method for solving
Definition 2.11 Let fD ~I ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; mg be a set of tri- intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problem proceeds as
angular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. If <ðD ~I Þ for
~I Þ  <ðD follows.
p j
~I is
all j, then the triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number D Step 1: Construct the intuitionistic fuzzy solid assign-
~ I
the minimum of fD ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; mg: ment problems. The intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment
problem is generally an assignment problem in which,
the assignment time/costs/profits only are intuitionistic
fuzzy numbers.
3 Mathematical model of intuitionistic fuzzy solid
Step 2: Now, calculate the ranking index (see Varghese
assignment problem
and Kuriakose (2012) ranking procedure) for every
intuitionistic fuzzy number in intuitionistic fuzzy solid
The mathematical model for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Solid
assignment problems.
Assignment Problem can be stated as follows:
Step 3: Replace every intuitionistic fuzzy number by
Determine xijk (= 0 or 1), for all i, j, k which minimize
their respective ranking indices in intuitionistic fuzzy
Xn X n X n
solid assignment problems.
Model 1: ðIFSAPÞ Minimize Z ¼  xijk
i¼1 j¼1 k¼1
Step 4: Now, by using Lingo 17.0 software tool, solve
the solid assignment problems which are obtained by
Step 3 of the proposed method.
subject to the constraints Step 5: The optimal solution obtained by Step 4 of the
n X
X n proposed method, is also an optimal solution of the given
xijk ¼ 1; for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n ð8Þ intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems.
j¼1 k¼1
In order to obtain the intuitionistic fuzzy objective function
n X
n value of model (1), the obtained optimal solution from the
xijk ¼ 1; for j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n ð9Þ Steps 1–4, is supplied to the objective function formula of
i¼1 k¼1
model (1), and its intuitionistic fuzzy value is calculated.
n X
The overall solution approach for solid assignment
xijk ¼ 1; for k ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n ð10Þ
problem with TIFNs is shown by the flowchart of Fig. 2.
i¼1 j¼1
Now, we are going to prove the very interesting theo-
xijk ¼ 0 or 1; for all i; j and k ð11Þ rem. Subsequently, we have proposed some new and
where I
= the intuitionistic fuzzy time of assigning the important results.
job j to the machine i in the factory k, xijk ¼ the decision Theorem 2 If some of the IFNs in the IFSAP (assignment
variable, (xijk ¼ 1Þ = the job j is assigned to the machine i time/costs/profits, for instance) are replaced by equivalent
in the factory k, (xijk ¼ 0) = the job j is not assigned to the IFNs (for example, their ranking values), the new IFSAP
machine i in the factory k. has the same set of optimal solutions/assignments.
Similarly, the mathematical model of the equivalent
Proof IFSAP is an SAP, in which only the assignment
crisp version of the above Intuitionistic Fuzzy Solid
time/costs/profits are represented in terms of IFNs. We
Assignment Problem can be stated as follows:
know that, in an IFSAP, the number of persons, the number
Determine xijk (¼ 0 or 1), for all i, j, k which minimize
  of jobs and number of factories are all crisp numbers. In an
Model 2: ðSAPÞ Minimize < Z~I IFSAP, all the decision variables depends on its constraints
X n X n X n   [for better understanding see the following constraints:
¼ < ~tijk
xijk ð12Þ
i¼1 j¼1 k¼1
person constraints (see Eq. 8), jobs constraint (see Eq. 9),
factories constraint (see Eq. 10) and feasible restriction
subject to Constraints of model (1). Where (see Eq. 11)]. But, the constraints all have the crisp deci-
<ð~tijk Þ ¼ tijk = the time of assigning the job j to the sion variables. From the above discussion, the optimal
machine i in the factory k. solutions/assignments of IFSAP is always crisp numbers.
The optimal solutions/assignments is always unchanged if
all the time/costs/profits of the assignment problem is
unchanged. Further, our assumption is to replace equiva-
lent IFNs in the IFSAPs. So, the time/costs/profits are

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Theorem: 4 Every intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment

Start problem has at least one crisp optimal solution and at most
n crisp optimal solution (where n depending on the nature
of the problem i.e., it depends on the dimension of the
problem). But, it never has an intuitionistic fuzzy optimal
Take the model (1) i.e., IFSAP as an solution. That is, the optimal solution of the intuitionistic
fuzzy solid assignment problem is always the crisp number.
Proof In IFSAP, the coefficients of the objective function
only are considered as intuitionistic fuzzy numbers but the
decision variables and the coefficients of all the constraints
Calculate the ranking index of model (1) are all always in crisp number.
Usually, the coefficients of the constraints and the value
of right-hand sides of the constraints are all considered as a
crisp number. If we assume that the coefficients of the
constraints, the right-hand side value of each constraint and
Replace every IFN by their respective ranking indices the decision variables are all imprecise nature then it is
in IFSAP (i.e., model 1). It gives the model (2). meaningless. It violates its assumption. Hence, physically it
is not meaningful. Therefore, the optimal solution of the
intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problem is always the
crisp number.
Result 1 If every IFSAP is possible to be solved using
Solve the model (2) by the lingo software tool Lingo 17.0 software tool, then IFSTP is also possible to be
solved by Lingo 17.0 software tool.
Result 2 If every optimization problem (for example, TP,
AP, STP, and SAP) is possible to be solved using Lingo
17.0 software, then intuitionistic fuzzy optimization prob-
Supply the obtained solution to the objective function of
lem (for example, IFTP, IFAP, IFSTP, and IFSAP) is also
model (1) to obtain the intuitionistic fuzzy objective function
value of the solution possible to be solved by Lingo 17.0 software.
• The variables defined throughout in this article are
considered as linear form.
• The accuracy of the optimal solution is always
depending upon the efficiency of the software used.
Fig. 2 The flowchart of the proposed solution approach for intu- • According to the assumption of the intuitionistic fuzzy
itionistic fuzzy solid assignment problem
solid assignment problem, the value of sum of the
decision variables corresponding to the job wise, men
unchanged in a new IFSAP and only the existing assign-
wise, and factory wise should be one.
ment time/costs/profits are replaced by its equivalent IFNs.
• The value of the decision variable in each machine has
From this, we conclude that, if some of the IFNs in the
exactly the numerical value one in one variable. The
IFSAP (assignment time/costs/profits) are replaced by
remaining variables are all at zero level.
equivalent IFNs (for example, their ranking values), the
• Similarly, the value of the decision variable in each
new IFSAP have the same set of optimal solutions/as-
men and each factory has exactly the numerical value
signments. Hence the theorem.
one in one variable. The remaining variables are all at
Theorem 3 If all of the IFNs in the IFSAP (assignment zero level.
time/costs/profits, for instance) are replaced by equivalent
IFNs/FNs/crisp numbers, the new IFSAP/FSAP/SAP has
the same set of optimal solutions/assignments.
5 Illustrative example
Proof The proof of this theorem is similar that of
Theorem 2. This section illustrates the real-life related IFSAP.

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Example Consider the PSK Workstations India Private I

~t233 I
= (3,13,14)(2,13,24); = (3,8,16)(0,8,19);
Limited (PSK Workstations India Private Limited is a I
~t332 ~I
= (3,8,16)(0,8,19); t333 = (3,13,14)(2,13,15).
diverse TV/Radio manufacturing company with the brand Solution:
name ‘‘PSK’’, headquartered at Tamilnadu, India) has three The following are the basic assumptions to solve the
jobs namely assembling (J1), testing (J2) and packing (J3). given IFSAP:
These three jobs can be done by three workers namely M1,
M2 and M3. Suppose that there are three factories denoted Let xijk ¼ 0 or 1; for all i; j and k.
by F1, F2 and F3. All the three workers are capable of Let xijk ¼ 1 denotes the job j is assigned to the machine
doing all the three jobs with different factories and all the i in the factory k.
three factories are capable of doing all the three jobs with Let xijk ¼ 0 denotes the job j is not assigned to the
different men (or persons) but a single person can under- machine i in the factory k.
take only one job with only one factory at a time. The The following notations denote the assignment time of the
performing time of each job is not known exactly due to given intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problem.
lack of experience, understanding, capacity, interest and so I
~t111 I I I I I I I I I I I I
; ~t112 ; ~t113 ; ~t121 ; ~t122 ; ~t123 ; ~t131 ; ~t132 ; ~t133 ; ~t211 ; ~t212 ; ~t213 ; ~t221 ;
on. So, the time consumption for all the jobs with different
~t222 I I I I
factories are not known exactly, which are given in terms ; ~t223 ; ~t231 ; ~t232 ; ~t233 ;
of TIFNs. From the past experience, it is known that ~tijk is ~t311 ; ~t312 ; ~t313 ; ~t321 ; ~t322 ; ~t323 ; ~t331 ; ~t332 ; ~t333 :
the assignment time of the job j in the factory k to be
performed by the man i. The time (in hours) that each man In this article, intuitionistic fuzzy assignment time is given
takes to do each job with different factories is given in the in hours.
following table (refer to Table 1). Therefore, three men, For each intuitionistic fuzzy assignment time, its cor-
three factories and three jobs can be associated with only responding decision variable is defined as follows.
one of the others (i.e., only one man (person) is associated x111 ; x112 ; x113 , x121 ; x122 ; x123 , x131 ; x132 ; x133 , x211 ; x212 ; x213 ,
with only one factory with only one job). Find the x221 ; x222 ; x223 , x231 ; x232 ; x233 , x311 ; x312 ; x313 , x321 ; x322 ; x323 ,
assignment of man (persons) to jobs with different factories x331 ; x332 ; x333 (decision variables of the given intuitionistic
that will minimize the total time taken. fuzzy solid assignment problem). Now, we need to apply
the proposed method to solve the given IFSAP.
Where ~t111 = (3,13,14)(2,13,15); As per the Step 1 of the proposed method, the problem is
~t112 I
= (8,12,15)(3,12,17); = (4,6,8)(3,6,9); designed.
~t211 I
~t212 = (3,13,14)(2,13,24);
= (4,16,19)(2,16,21); For each intuitionistic fuzzy number in Table 1, its
~t213 I
= (4,8,12)(3,8,13); = (2,17,18)(0,17,32); ranking value is calculated by using Step 2 of the proposed
~t312 I
= (5,8,10)(1,8,11); = (4,8,12)(3,8,13); method, which is as follows:
~t121 I
= (4,8,12)(3,8,13); = (4,6,8)(3,6,9);
~t123 I
= (5,8,10)(1,8,11); = (3,13,14)(2,13,24);
~t222 I
= (5,8,10)(1,8,11); = (4,6,8)(3,6,9);
~t321 I
~t322 = (4,8,12)(3,8,13);
= (3,13,14)(2,13,15);
~t323 I
= (3,8,16)(0,8,19); = (3,13,14)(2,13,15);
~t132 = (4,6,8)(3,6,9); I
~t133 = (5,8,10)(1,8,11);
~t231 I
= (10,34,37)(6,34,41); = (3,13,14)(2,13,24);

Table 1 Tabular representation

Capacity ek
of real-life IFSAP
Factories F1 F1 F1 1
F2 F2 F2 1
F3 F3 F3 1
Men’s Jobs
Assembling (J1) Testing (J2) Packing (J3) Supply ai
M1 t~111 ~t112 ~t113 ~t121 ~t122 ~t123 ~t131 ~t132 ~
t133 1
M2 t~211 ~t212 ~t213 ~t221 ~t222 ~t223 ~t231 ~t232 t~233 1
M3 I
~t311 I
~t312 I
~t313 I
~t321 I
~t322 I
~t323 I
~t331 I
~t332 ~I 1
Demand bj 1 1 1

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Table 2 Crisp version of real-

Capacity ek
life IFSAP
Factories F1 F1 F1 1
F2 F2 F2 1
F3 F3 F3 1
Men’s Jobs
Assembling (J1) Testing (J2) Packing (J3) Supply ai
M1 10 11 6 8 6 7 10 6 7 1
M2 13 12 8 12 7 6 27 12 12 1
M3 15 7 8 10 8 9 9 9 10 1
Demand bj 1 1 1

I  I  I  I 
< ~t111 ¼ 10; < ~t112 ¼ 11; < ~t113 ¼ 6; < ~t211 ¼ 13; solution and optimal objective value to the crisp SAP
I  I  I  I  corresponding to the given IFSAP.
< ~t212 ¼ 12; < ~t213 ¼ 8; < ~t311 ¼ 15; < ~t312 ¼ 7;
I  I  I  I  The optimal solution and the total assignment time are
< ~t313 ¼ 8; < ~t121 ¼ 8; < ~t122 ¼ 6; < ~t123 ¼ 7;
I  I  I  I  x113 ¼ 1; x222 ¼ 1; x331 ¼ 1 and Min Z ¼ 22
< ~t221 ¼ 12; < ~t222 ¼ 7; < ~t223 ¼ 6; < ~t321 ¼ 10;
I  I  I  I 
< ~t322 ¼ 8; < ~t323 ¼ 9; < ~t131 ¼ 10; < ~t132 ¼ 6; The remaining variables are all at zero level (refer to
I  I  I  I 
< ~t133 ¼ 7; < ~t231 ¼ 27; < ~t232 ¼ 12; < ~t233 ¼ 12; Figs. 3, 4).
I  I  I  Figures 3 and 4 show the optimal solution of both the
< ~t331 ¼ 9; < ~t332 ¼ 9; < ~t333 ¼ 10:
given IFSAP and its crisp SAP. Figure 3 also shows the
By applying Step 3 of the proposed method, every intu- optimal objective value to the crisp SAP corresponding to
itionistic fuzzy number (see assignment time) in Table 1 the given IFSAP.
has been replaced by their respective ranking indices. The The crisp optimal allocation table corresponding to the
crisp version of IFSAP is given in Table 2. given IFSAP is given in Table 3.
We can formulate the pure integer linear programming From the proposed Theorem 3, we can get optimal
problem (PILPP) to the above problem (see Table 2) which solution directly to the given IFSAP which is as follows.
is as follows: x113 ¼ 1; x222 ¼ 1; x331 ¼ 1
Minimize Z ¼ 10x111 þ 11x112 þ 6x113 þ 8x121 þ 6x122 The remaining variables are all at zero level.
þ 7x123 þ 10x131þ 6x132 þ 7x133 In otherwords,
þ 13x211 þ 12x212 þ 8x213 þ 12x221 þ 7x222 Men 1, Job 1 and Factory 3,
þ 6x223 þ 27x231 þ 12x232 þ 12x233 þ 15x311 Men 2, Job 2 and Factory 2,
þ 7x312 þ 8x313 þ 10x321 þ 8x322 þ 9x323 Men 3, Job 3 and Factory 1.
þ 9x331 þ 9x332 þ 10x333 We can write the above solution in symbolically, which
is as follows:
subject to the constraints F3 F2 F1
M 1 ! J1 ; M 2 ! J2 ; M 3 ! J3
x111 þ x112 þ x113 þ x121 þ x122 þ x123 þ x131 þ x132 þ x133 ¼ 1;
x211 þ x212 þ x213 þ x221 þ x222 þ x223 þ x231 þ x232 þ x233 ¼ 1; The optimal objective value of the given IFSAP is calcu-
x311 þ x312 þ x313 þ x321 þ x322 þ x323 þ x331 þ x332 þ x333 ¼ 1; lated as follows:
x111 þ x112 þ x113 þ x211 þ x212 þ x213 þ x311 þ x312 þ x313 ¼ 1; The minimum objective value Z~I
x121 þ x122 þ x123 þ x221 þ x222 þ x223 þ x321 þ x322 þ x323 ¼ 1; ¼ ð4; 6; 8Þð3; 6; 9Þ  1 þ ð5; 8; 10Þð1; 8; 11Þ
x131 þ x132 þ x133 þ x231 þ x232 þ x233 þ x331 þ x332 þ x333 ¼ 1;
 1 þ ð3; 8; 16Þð0; 8; 19Þ  1
x111 þ x121 þ x131 þ x211 þ x221 þ x231 þ x311 þ x321 þ x331 ¼ 1;
¼ ð12; 22; 34Þ ð4; 22; 39Þ
x112 þ x122 þ x132 þ x212 þ x222 þ x232 þ x312 þ x322 þ x332 ¼ 1;
x113 þ x123 þ x133 þ x213 þ x223 þ x233 þ x313 þ x323 þ x333 ¼ 1; We can write the computer code to the above PILPP (refer
xijk 2 f0; 1g: to Table 2) in LINGO 17.0 tool, which is as follows:

By applying Step 4 of the proposed method [i.e., by

applying LINGO 17.0 software to this problem (either the
above PILPP or see Table 2)], we get the following optimal

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

6 Results and discussion

Lingo matrix picture for the crisp SAP corresponding to
the given IFSAP is given in the following figure (refer to The minimum total intuitionistic fuzzy assignment time of
Fig. 5). problem 1 is:

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

IFSAP Output Summary (IPP Approach)

Global optimal solution found.

Objective value: 22.00000
Objective bound: 22.00000
Infeasibilities: 0.000000
Extended solver steps: 0
Total solver iterations: 0
Elapsed runtime seconds: 0.04

Model Class: PILP

Total variables: 27
Nonlinear variables: 0

Integer variables: 27
Total constraints: 10
Nonlinear constraints: 0
Total nonzeros: 108
Nonlinear nonzeros: 0

Variable Value Reduced Cost

X111 0.000000 10.00000
X112 0.000000 11.00000
X113 1.000000 6.000000
X121 0.000000 8.000000
X122 0.000000 6.000000
X123 0.000000 7.000000
X131 0.000000 10.00000
X132 0.000000 6.000000
X133 0.000000 7.000000
X211 0.000000 13.00000
X212 0.000000 12.00000
X213 0.000000 8.000000
X221 0.000000 12.00000
X222 1.000000 7.000000
X223 0.000000 6.000000
X231 0.000000 27.00000
X232 0.000000 12.00000
X233 0.000000 12.00000
X311 0.000000 15.00000
X312 0.000000 7.000000
X313 0.000000 8.000000
X321 0.000000 10.00000
X322 0.000000 8.000000
X323 0.000000 9.000000
X331 1.000000 9.000000
X332 0.000000 9.000000
X333 0.000000 10.00000
Row Slack or Surplus Dual Price
1 22.00000 -1.000000
2 0.000000 0.000000
3 0.000000 0.000000
4 0.000000 0.000000
5 0.000000 0.000000
6 0.000000 0.000000
7 0.000000 0.000000
8 0.000000 0.000000
9 0.000000 0.000000
10 0.000000 0.000000

Fig. 3 From LINGO 17.0 software package, the output summary for both the IFSAP and its crisp SAP

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Fig. 4 From LINGO 17.0 software package, the output summary for both the IFSAP and its crisp SAP

Table 3 Optimal table of real-

Capacity ek
life IFSAP
Factories F1 F1 F1 1
F2 F2 F2 1
F3 F3 F3 1
Men’s Jobs
Assembling (J1) Testing (J2) Packing (J3) Supply ai
M1 10 11 6(1) 8 6 7 10 6 7 1
M2 13 12 8 12 7(1) 6 27 12 12 1
M3 15 7 8 10 8 9 9(1) 9 10 1
Demand bj 1 1 1

Min Z~I ¼ ð12; 22; 34Þð4; 22; 39Þ ð13Þ it decreases if the time decreases from 39 to 22 h. Beyond
(4, 39), the time is totally un-acceptable (Fig. 6). Assuming
The result in (13) can be explained (refer to Fig. 6) as that #Z~I ðtÞ is non-membership value (degree of non-ac-
follows: ceptance) and lZ~I ðtÞ is membership value (degree of
The degree of acceptance of the performing time for the acceptance) of performing time t (in hours). Then the
decision maker (DM) decreases if the time decreases from degree of non-acceptance is 100#Z~I ðtÞ% for the decision
12 to 4 h; while it increases if the time decreases from 22 maker and the degree of acceptance of the performing time
to 4 h. Beyond (4, 22), the level of acceptance or the level t is 100 lZ~I ðtÞ% for the decision maker. Decision maker is
of satisfaction for the decision maker is zero. The decision not sure by 100ð1  lZ~I ðtÞ  #Z~I ðtÞÞ% that she/he should
maker is totally satisfied or the performing time is totally accept the performing time t or not.
acceptable if the performing time is 22 h. The degree of Values of lZ~I ðtÞ and #Z~I ðtÞ at different values of t can be
non-acceptance of the performing time for the decision determined using equations given below.
maker increases if the time decreases from 22 to 4 h; while

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Fig. 5 Lingo matrix picture for the crisp SAP corresponding to the given IFSAP

8 1. Use of intuitionistic fuzzy reduction method or

> 0 if t\12
> t  12 intuitionistic fuzzy Hungarian method is not
> if 12  t  22
< 10
lZ~I ðtÞ ¼ 1 if t ¼ 22 and
> 34  t
> 2. If we apply the proposed method, then we will
> if 22  t  34
: 12 reduce ours’ computational time.
0 if t [ 34 3. This proposed method always gives optimal solu-
> 1 if t\4 tions (or optimal assignments).
> 22  t
> if 4  t  22 4. This proposed method is applicable for both the
< 18
#Z~I ðtÞ ¼ 0 if t ¼ 22 FSAP and IFSAPs.
> t  22
> if 22  t  39 5. Unbalanced fuzzy solid assignment problems (UBF-
: 17
1 if t [ 39 SAPs) and unbalanced intuitionistic fuzzy solid
assignment problems (UBIFSAPs) both are also
The proposed method (the software-based method) for can be solved by the proposed method in an easy
solving intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problem has manner because it is based on a crisp pure integer
the following advantages: linear programming method.
6. If we applying the proposed method, then we need
not balance the problem when it is unbalanced.
7. If the problem is complex, then we can make use of
1 this proposed method.
Membership ( ( )) ( ), ( ) 8. By using the proposed method, we can do the
and sensitivity analysis in both the FSAP and IFSAP.
( ( )) values 9. By using the proposed method, we can handle both
the maximization and minimization problems easily.
10. If we using the proposed method then we can solve
4 12 22 34 39
the crisp, fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy solid assign-
time t ment problems in an efficient manner.
Fig. 6 Graphical representation of intuitionistic fuzzy solid assign-
11. We can solve a large number of problems within a
ment time limited time.

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

12. The proposed method is easy to be understood and meaningful manner of analysis (Note: The optimal solution
applied. of the proposed problem is same as the solution obtained
13. The proposed approach is useful to solve the by both the PSK method [Kumar (2020c) Developing a
timetabling (scheduling) problem effectively. New Approach to Solve Solid Assignment Problems Under
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment. International Journal of
Strengths of this article There are many theorems, Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA), Volume 9, Issue 1,
mathematic equations, definitions, examples, results, fig- Article 1] and TORA software [Kumar (2019b) Algorithms
ures, discussion of social issue/finding the optimal solution for solving the optimization problems using fuzzy and
of real-life problem, and so forth. intuitionistic fuzzy set. International Journal of System
Assurance Engineering and Management]). Therefore, this
Weaknesses of this article An important part of every
work is well written. The manuscript does not show in an
study is to use an instrument with high reliability and
absolutely technical and narrow manner of analysis.
validity. If such instruments are not used, little faith can be
Because, it presents new theorems, real-life examples,
put in the results.
some concrete results, strengths of the paper, weaknesses
The software used in this article is a user-friendly (easy of the paper, social issues and so on. The theoretical
to use, operate, understand and so on) software. In this background and the methodological approach is not a
article, the open-source software is used. So, the decision- challenging one for the public (or layman). Because, if the
maker/manager can easily study and distribute the software person who has the basic knowledge in computer is also
to anyone. The proposed assignment model especially, possible to solve the problems by using the proposed
helpful to solve the three-dimensional related assignment method. So, the manner of deployment sounds not like a
issues. This article provides the basic knowledge to solve technical guidance of modeling. Thus, the joint manipu-
the n-dimensional intuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment lation of mathematics and computing information sustains
problems. By using the Lingo 17.0 software, the decision- high argumentative impact of readers’ interest.
maker/manager can be solved the intuitionistic fuzzy solid The narrative flow clearly shows upon:
assignment problems without any cost. Because, the solu-
1. The thematic of ‘‘System Assurance Engineering and
tion depends on an open-source software. Social issues can
be formulated as a mathematical model. Further, it can be
2. The limitations and opportunities involved upon
solved by the Lingo 17.0 software tool. Hence, the software
economies of scale achievement.
used in this article is socially useful and economically
3. The main socio-technical applicability of the modelling
In engineering college or university course, the time-
4. The Lingo 17.0 software tool doesn’t approach like a
tabling problem is one of the most important problems. The
technical promotion over-viewed, which is not limiting
timetabling problem is also called the scheduling problem.
the interest from the general readership in favour of
Generally, the time management is very important task in
targeted scientific groups.
industry, college, university, organization and so on. The
proposed article concentrate to minimize the task/job The article clearly illustrates the issues, problems, and
assignment time. Therefore, the proposed article useful for trend related to the journal title ‘International Journal of
public (especially, decision-makers, managers, engineers). System Assurance Engineering and Management’. It rep-
This work gives the opportunity to the decision- resents current thinking on the solid assignment problem.
maker/manager to solve the n-dimensional crisp/fuzzy/in- The 3-dimensional assignment problem also known as the
tuitionistic fuzzy solid assignment problems. In this work, solid assignment problem, consists in allocating n jobs
the author discussed the solution of intuitionistic fuzzy (tasks) to n machines (workers) in n factories such that
solid assignment problem using the approach of software. exactly one job is allocated to one machine in one factory.
The output results are also given by the computer screen- This kind of issues occurs in both engineering and man-
shots. Computerized output with screenshots of results are agement. Thus, the article provides quite a detailed account
given in this paper, which is an additional strength for this of the problem, and using one numerical example, it takes
paper. Therefore, this work is well written and logically the reader through various algorithms, which is useful and
organized. instructive. The author fully satisfied with the balance of
The manuscript sustains a sound mathematical and the article. Because, it clearly demonstrates how the field
computing background. Further, it has the wider applica- has developed, and it demonstrates the application of some
bility perspectives in a commercial, industrial, or man- very recent work in the field. The author believes that there
agerial context of reference. In this article, the novelty of is an over-emphasis in this article. Finally, the author
the analysis is given into a coherent, concise, and

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Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
intuitionistic fuzzy assignment problem. Int J Eng Res Appl
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Kumar PS, Hussain RJ (2015) A method for solving unbalanced
intuitionistic fuzzy transportation problems. Notes Inst Fuzzy
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