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5/24/2019 new shop skill - Google Docs

The shop skill i have learned was one i struggled with for a while, that was editing videos.
While i could do this the first 2 years i always had ms.brown or a friend help me out with it. Now i
can do it on my own, with the exception of dragging the files to the computer messing up a few
Its really not too hard ,and even i dont know how i struggled with it. all you have to do is
first put the sd card or whatever has the files you wish to edit together in the computer and open
premiere. Then drag them into the timeline, you now have a place to edit, cut, or change the
effects of your clips. Now for me sometimes this does mess up so if that does not work the first
time try it a second time, premiere does that occasionally. Step 2 is to click on the clip you want
to edit. There are many tools you can use like the one that cuts your videos down if you need to
do that for any reason, excess film, unnecessary part, etc. i dont know its name but using it is
really easy. All you have to do is go to the end or beginning of your clip and click and hold on the
edge of said clip. Then you move to the left or right to cut some film out of it. There is a tool to
edit out parts in the middle too. Its called the razor tool. Click on it then click where the part you
want to edit out starts. Then click where said part ends and it will cut it to a different clip. Click on
it with the selection tool and press backspace and its gone. If you want to add any effects to it, i
have a tutorial for that, but also you can add things by picking some picture online lets say, now
you can save that picture, edit it in photoshop so it fits what you want to see in the clips that you
are making, then same story, drag that to where you want to see it. I have an example of what
this should look like on my weebly as my 3ds commercial that i made. You can use that for
reference. And one part you might need to do if you use the razor tool is move the clips next to
each other (after the cut out) so that there isnt a pause between two separate clips. Just make
sure you are on the selection tool for this which just looks like your standard mouse on a
computer. You can click and hold on a clip and drag it anywhere you like. There is one more tool
i have never used personally but it is a thing i know how to use. The pen tool. It looks like a pen
and if you click on it, you can write on your clips with it. Just go to where you see your clips (not
the timeline) and by that i mean where you see the actual video. You once again click and hold
and use the mouse to write on the clip. The way it works is pretty weird but you should get used
to it after some time. To delete it either press the undo button a lot or go to the thing that appears
on the timeline saying graphic, click on it, and press delete. It should be gone then. The other
tool is the type tool, to use this you press the T in the tools section and click somewhere on the
clip (where you can see the clip playing out) and a small red rectangle will appear. Type
something and the letters should start appearing. Type whatever you want in this box and to
delete it would be the same story with how you delete the pen tool.
Using adobe premiere really is not that hard. I hope this did help if you have trouble using
it. There will be some photos at the bottom to show you where the tools are located and what the
pen tool and text tool will look like. 1/3
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