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Long Distance

Yellow Folder Forms
● More recent admits: If you have not received a yellow folder, stop by
after this session.
● If you have forms to turn in today that haven’t been collected yet, please
take to the Enrollment Services Office across the hall.
● Students walk a lot.
○ Policies dictate where and when and with how many companions.
○ Rain gear is important.
● Staff provides limited local transportation.
○ In-town doctor appointments
○ NCHS/SMS sports practices
○ Scheduled runs to local stores (advance sign-up needed)
● We are generally unable to provide transportation beyond
○ College visits, scholarship weekends, family vacations are the
responsibility of the parent.
● In Town Riding Permissions
○ Students may ride with family/non-LSMSA friends.
■ Driver must be on riding permission list.
■ Students generally may not drive in town.
○ Students may earn limited in town driving/riding privileges.
■ Certain days and times only; in town only; with parent
● To and From Home
○ Driving self, riding with parent, or riding with another driver
■ Must have permissions in place and sign out
○ Eagle Bus Service for extended weekends
■ Can sell out; buy tickets as soon as on sale.
● Permission Form in myLSMSA
○ Parents can call in or email in updates to permissions
○ One-time or permanent
● Permissions must be consistent with our policies
○ Ex. We only allow students to drive to/from home for overnight
stays and in Natchitoches with the driving privilege. If a parent called
to give their student permission to drive to Shreveport for the day
for shopping, that would not be allowed under our policies.
Overnight Weekend Trips
● Student completes online overnight trip request form
○ School contacts parents by phone or email regarding the trip.
■ By email if trip home with approved drivers
■ By phone if trip elsewhere or need other permissions
● Students should return in time to unload their belongings before curfew.
When They are Sick
● Missing Class
○ If on campus, Nurse must approve absence before the class begins in
order for it to be excused
● Doctor’s Appointments at Home
○ Excused by Nurse with note
○ Try to schedule routine appointments around class schedule
When They are Sick
● Doctor’s Appointments / Urgent Care / ER
○ Nurse will consult with family (unless emergency) and schedule appt
○ Staff will transport student
○ Student/parents are financially responsible
● Helpful to set up account with a pharmacy
○ Nurse/SLAs will pick up prescriptions for students
● Accommodations
○ Rides to school when injured
○ Sick meals and regular check-ins when in a “sick room”
Daily Medications
● All prescription medications must be checked-in and must have a
Medication Order form completed by your doctor.
● Many medications will be returned to the student.
● Controlled medications (including ADHD medications and narcotics) and
antidepressants/anti-anxiety medications must be administered by staff.
○ Locked in the med cabinet in the office
○ Administered by Nurse or SLAs
● Always notify the Nurse of your student’s medications. If they start a new
medication while home, contact the Nurse. Some medications require an
adult to transport them and a contract to be signed.
Over-the-Counter and As Needed Meds
● Students may keep certain Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications, as long
as the forms completed by parent and doctor allow it.
○ Students may not have Sudafed or other “DM” medications. We will
be able to provide as needed.
● OTC medications are available in residence hall office and Nurse’s office.
Encourage Your Student to Talk to Us!
● Let someone know as soon as possible if they are ill or injured.
○ If they wait until 10 pm, our only option is ER.
■ Long wait and usually more expensive for you
● If they have an illness that is highly contagious or will be admitted to the
hospital, we will need for a parent/guardian to come get them / stay with
Emotional Concerns
● Will be covered more in session with the counselors.
● Students can be referred by parent, teacher, SLA, friend, self to see a
● Students can also see counselors in Natchitoches who aren’t associated
with LSMSA. We will provide transportation.
● Please let us know about any mental health history.
● Stress can bring up symptoms that had previously seemed resolved.
● Please contact us if you are worried or note changes in your student.
● In some situations, we will need a parent/guardian to come to campus
with little warning. Plan for how you’ll handle this if it happens.
The Role of the SLA
● The SLA will do their best to get to know your student, help your student
connect with other resources on campus, and serve as a resource for you.
● SLAs can have up to 48 students on their halls and some students are
more difficult to get to open up.
● Please contact the SLA if you have concerns or questions.
○ Email is often the best way to initiate a conversation because their
schedules are atypical.
● Recognize that there are some very real limitations to what the SLA can
do. The student has to be a cooperating partner!
● Consider opening a checking account with a local bank so your student
can easily access cash when needed.
● Bank of Montgomery ATM in the CPT, does not charge a fee for other
accounts, but the other bank may.
● Not a good idea to keep large amounts of cash.
● Prepaid credit cards are another good option.
The LSMSA Calendar
● Plan for extended weekends and holiday dismissal and return days.
● Review the dates for Required Weekends.
● Special Projects (January) is a graduation requirement
● All students are expected to attend Matriculation, Senior Rec, and
Residence Hall Rooms
● Try to avoid bringing way too much. Rooms get cluttered and messy.
● Review the list of things to bring / to leave at home
○ Yes, bring: mini-fridge, mattress pad, area rug, hutch/shelf (Caddo)
○ Yes, bring: blankets and maybe a fan. It’s difficult to get the
temperature at a point where 150+ individuals are all happy.
Dehumidifier can be a huge plus, if students will use it correctly.
○ No, don’t bring: microwave, curtains
● Maintenance requests are submitted online by the student.
● Avoid placing beds/computers under air conditioners.
● Encourage your student to LOCK THEIR ROOM.
Disciplinary Incidents
● Teenagers sometimes make bad choices.
● Most situations will be met with logical consequences and seen
(by us) as an opportunity for growth.
● Some situations might result in suspension, mandatory
withdrawal, or expulsion.
● Attending LSMSA is a privilege and acceptance to LSMSA is for one
year only. Students who are not in good standing will be required
to reapply.
● The best cure for homesickness is usually time.
● Let us know so we can try to help.
● Try to encourage them to stick it out for a bit and try to supress
your own urge to come get them because you miss them so much!
Practical Pointers
● We rely a lot on emails from the parent and completion of forms in
myLSMSA. It’s important that your account is secure and your student
doesn’t know your passwords.
● Certain events require special dress and the first takes place before the
first extended weekend. Students should arrive on campus in the fall with
at least one “professional dress” outfit.
● Learn our systems and policies. Read the materials we send home.
● If you’re trying to reach someone on campus, send an email or leave a
Talk in Advance About
● Data plans. What’s your expectation? Our wifi shuts down before they
want it to and sometimes when it’s on it’s just spotty.
● Spending money. What’s reasonable?
● Calls home. How often is expected?
● How important it is that they get sufficient sleep and exercise.
● Making good choices. Drugs and alcohol are deal-breakers here.
If You Can…
● Get involved with Parents’ Council and come to help with one of their
● Send a care package once in a while.
● Come to campus and meet their friends. Take a few of your students’
friends out for a meal and get to know them a bit.
● Try to ask about what they’re learning instead of about the numbers
(grades) associated with what they’re learning.
● Don’t panic if the numbers (grades) look a little different from what
you’re used to seeing.
When it Gets Rough
● Prepare your student for the reality that it will sometimes be difficult.
● Help your student learn to make choices and to avoid overextending.
● Try to remember that your student is sometimes viewing situations
through a teenage filter - often a stressed and tired teenage filter. They
may need you to help them find perspective.
● Allow your student to learn to problem solve and to use resources.
● Help your student to find perspective and to persevere when necessary.
Next Summer…
● Physical and medical forms required every year.
● Driver’s Ed? We don’t offer it here.
○ Driver’s Permit form - Dr. Knox - plan in advance
● Job permit? We can’t supply them, so see school board at home.
Staying Informed
● Explore myLSMSA and email us if you have questions.
○ Permission forms are available or will be soon.
○ Additional forms will show up later this summer and
throughout the school year.
● Read the Handbook in July. Make sure your student reads the
● See your Eagle Guidebook for information about move-in in
August and other important information.
● If you feel like you haven’t heard from us (via email) for a while,
double check the email associated with your profile in myLSMSA.
● Contact Emily Shumate, Director of Enrollment and Student
Services at or 318-357-2515.
● Because I move between two offices, email is the absolute best
way to reach me.

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