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Composites are generally composed of two phases, one called the continuous or matrix phase that
surrounds the discontinuous or dispersed phase.

3400 BC Mesopotamians: Plywood is the first man made composite

1500 BC Egyptians: They used mud and straw to create strong building
1200 BC Mongols: Invented the 1st composite bow by mixing wood, bone, animal glue and birch bark
1900’s Scientists: Modern Era of Composites; invented plastics and glass fiber
1939-1945 WWII: Great advancements in composites
1970’s Composite Industry: Began to mature wherein carbon fibers were developed
Now composites are used in aircraft industry, automobile industry, and sports industry
 The modern ski is a good example of the use of composites to make a product with unique
properties. The top and sides are composed of ABS polymer that has a low Tg allowing it to
remain flexible even at low temperatures.
 Use of graphite (solid) and graphite/Kevlar (dotted) composites in the exterior of the Boeing 767
passenger jet. Sites include wing tips, fixed trailing edge panels, inboard and outboard spoilers,
inboard and outboard ailerons for the large wings, and the fin tip, rudder, elevators, stabilizer
tips, and fin fixed trailing edge panels for the tail wings.
 Locations of various advanced materials, including composites, employed for heat protection in
the Space Shuttle Orbiter.
Classification of Polymer-Intense Composites

Particle-Reinforced Composites: Large-Particle Composites

One form of composites is particulate reinforced composites with concrete being a good example. The
aggregate of coarse rock or gravel is embedded in matrix of cement. The aggregate provides stiffness and
strength while cement acts as the binder to hold the structure together.

As long as the added particles are relatively small, of roughly the same size, and evenly distributed
throughout the mixture, there can be a reinforcing effect. The major materials in cement concrete are the
cement, a fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (gravel and small rocks), and water.

The aggregate particles act as inexpensive fillers. The water is also inexpensive. The Good strength is
gained by having a mixture of these such that there is a dense packing of the aggregates and good
interfacial contact, both achieved by having a mixture of aggregate sizes—thus the use of large gravel and
small sand. The sand helps fill the voids between the various larger gravel particles.
Mixing and contact is achieved with the correct amount of water. Enough water must be present to allow
a wetting of the surfaces to occur along with providing some of the reactants for the setting up of the
cement. Too much water creates large voids and weakens the concrete.

Fiber-Reinforced Composites

Fiber-reinforced composites are composed of axial particulates embedded in a matrix material. The
objective of fiber-reinforced composites is to obtain a material with high specific strength and high
specific modulus. The strength is obtained by having the applied load transmitted from the matrix to the

 Processing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites

Pultrusion is used to produce rods, tubes, beams, etc., with continuous fibers that have a constant cross-
sectional shape. The fiber (as a continuous fiber bundle, weave, or tow) is impregnated with a
thermosetting resin and pulled through a die that shapes and establishes the fiber to resin ratio. This
stock is then pulled though a curing die that can machine or cut producing the final shape such as filled
and hollow tubes and sheets.

Thermosetting Pultrusion Process

 Fibers are pulled from the fiber creel through a guide plate.
 Fibers are guided at the guide plate where the fibers and resin are impregnated.
 Resin bath must have the proper resin viscosity; polymer solution is added which contains
polymer resin, filler, catalyst, release agent, etc.
 Then pulled through pre form guides or preformer to eliminate excess resin.
 The heated die in most of pultrusion process is divided into two zones; a low temperature for
gelation and a high temperature to cure the resin. The pultrusion die is heated by a heater and
the temperature is controlled using thermocouple sensor, which interacts with heater to ensure
the temperature is sufficient and to avoid die from overheating which can cause the defect on
the pultruded profile.
 Generally, the continuous unidirectional fibres are impregnated with low viscosity thermosetting
matrix before passing through the heated die for profile forming. At this stage, the resinchanged
from liquid to rubbery state and this transition is also known as gelation point or gel point and it
continues to form solidified pultruded profile.
 The puller with the rubber clamp gripped the profiles and the profiles are pulled through the
cutter and are cut to desired lengths. The clamp is controlled using pneumatic controller system
and it is reported that pneumatic system is better than hydraulic clamp (which was used in older
version pultruded machine) in protecting the profile. The pulling speed is controlled using a
programming control system and it can be easily monitored and controlled in the monitor screen.

Structural Composites
Structural composites can be combinations of homogeneous and composite materials.

Laminar composites are composed of two-dimensional sheets that generally have a preferred high-
strength direction. The layers are stacked so that the preferred high-strength directions are different,
generally at right angles to one another.
• 2D Sheets or Panels
• Stacked and bound with orientation in altering directions
• Improved strength in 2 or more directions in 2D but not 3D

Sandwich composites are combinations where a central core(s) is surrounded generally by stronger outer
layers. Sandwich composites are present in the modern ski and as high temperature stable materials used
in the space program.
• Face sheets with uniform strength are separated by a core or honeycomb

Laminating is a simple binding together of different layers of materials. The binding materials are often
thermosetting plastics and resins. The materials to be bound together can be paper, cloth, wood, or
fibrous glass. These are often referred to as the reinforcing materials.
Laminates are most commonly used surface finish for furniture elements, as they provide decorative look
in comparatively less price. They also enhance the durability of the furniture as they are scratch resistant
and easy to clean. Due to availability of various types of laminates, commercial and corporate offices,
industries, restaurants, hotels, showrooms, etc. are also now decorated by using laminates.

Types of Laminates Based on Thickness:

(a) Regular Laminate Sheets: The regular laminate sheets have a thickness that ranges from 8 mm to 1.5
mm. These sheets are glued by carpenters to substrate materials such as plywood using common
adhesives like Fevicol.
(b) Compact Laminate Sheets: Compact laminate sheets have a thickness ranging from 3 mm to 30 mm.
These laminates are self-supporting and hence do not need to be glued to woods or any other material.
The top and bottom sides of compact laminate sheets have decorative surfaces.

Types of Laminates Based on Usage:

(a) Decorative Laminates: Decorative laminates are hard sheets of around 1 mm and are widely used to
give finished look to the furniture elements. They are commonly used to decorate and protect wooden
furniture. Decorative laminates are manufactured in a wide variety of colours, designs and textures. They
are generally used in residential areas to create a decorative look of the house.
(b) Industrial Laminates: The industrial laminates have higher strength, higher resistance to scratches and
wear and tear and durable. They are also fire-resistant, antibacterial and chemical resistant. They have
wide application in industries and hospitals. Circuit boards are made using industrial laminates.

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