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Wheatstone Project Fact Sheet

July 2015

Wheatstone Project

In late 2011, Chevron Australia began • domestic gas processing plant and Local benefits
construction of the $29 billion pipeline connecting to the Dampier-to-
The Wheatstone Project is one of Australia’s
Wheatstone Project, located 12 Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline
most significant resource projects which
kilometres west of Onslow on the • LNG and condensate storage continues to deliver substantial economic
Pilbara coast of Western Australia. • marine facilities including a shipping benefits.
channel, turning basin, Materials
The foundation project will consist of two Wheatstone has made a significant
Offloading Facility (MOF) and export jetty
LNG trains with a combined capacity of 8.9 contribution to the Australian economy
million tonnes per annum (MTPA), plus a • workforce accommodation village and during its construction phase and will
200 terajoule per day domestic gas plant. associated infrastructure at Ashburton continue to do so in operations when the
North. focus will move to highly skilled, long-
The project has approval to expand to 25 term jobs in LNG and domestic gas plant
MTPA of LNG, with first LNG expected in Project Participants operations.
2016. The Wheatstone Project is a joint venture
between Australian subsidiaries of Chevron To date, the Wheatstone Project has
generated more than 7,000 jobs in Australia
Upstream - Offshore Facilities (64.14 percent), Kuwait Foreign Petroleum
Exploration Company (KUFPEC) (13.4 through the project and its contractors.
Offshore facilities will gather and partially
process gas and associated condensate and percent), Woodside Petroleum Limited Since construction began in late 2011,
deliver it onshore for further processing. (13 percent), and Kyushu Electric Power we have spent more than $275 million
Key offshore components include: Company (1.46 percent), together with PE with more than 70 Onslow businesses
Wheatstone Pty Ltd, part owned by TEPCO and organisations for site construction
• well infrastructure and subsea (8 percent). contracts and town based services such as
Eighty percent of the Wheatstone Project’s transport, catering, venue hire and general
• gas processing platform in 73m of water supplies.
foundation capacity will be fed with natural
• 225km trunkline to transport gas from gas from the Wheatstone and Iago fields, In addition, we have committed more
the platform to the onshore facilities at which are operated by Chevron Australia in than $250 million to social infrastructure
Ashburton North. joint venture with Australian subsidiaries projects in Onslow, which will include
of KUFPEC and Kyushu Electric Power upgrading community facilities, education
Downstream - Onshore Facilities Company, together with PE Wheatstone and health services and roads and water
Once onshore at Ashburton North, the gas Pty Ltd. infrastructure.
and condensate will be processed further.
The remaining 20 percent of gas will be
Key onshore components include:
supplied from the Julimar and Brunello
• slug-catcher to separate the gas and fields held by Australian subsidiaries of
liquids Woodside Petroleum Limited and KUFPEC.
• initial two-train LNG processing plant

Wheatstone Project
Wheatstone Project Fact Sheet
July 2015


Brunello Iago


Karratha Gas Plant

Trunkline Barrow Island


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Wheatstone Gas Plant


Ashburton North

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LNG Sales and Marketing Wheatstone field licenses and an eight Where does the name
percent interest in the Wheatstone natural Wheatstone come from?
Around 85 percent of Chevron’s equity
gas processing facilities. Kyushu Electric
LNG from the Wheatstone Project has been The name Wheatstone comes from the
has also acquired 1.83 percent of Chevron’s
committed to premier LNG buyers. Wheatstone Channel in the Montebello
equity share in the Wheatstone field licenses
Islands, an archipelago of 174 small islands
Chevron Australia (together with Woodside and a 1.46 percent interest in the Wheatstone
130km off the Pilbara coast. The Montebello
Energy and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum natural gas processing facilities.
Islands are about 25km north of Barrow
Exploration Company) has a number of
Island and 95km south of the Wheatstone
Sales and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) Environmental Stewardship gas field.
with premier LNG buyers for the delivery
Chevron strives for world’s best practice
of LNG from the Chevron-operated
in environmental management and
Wheatstone Project. These agreements
include Tokyo Electric Power Company
(TEPCO) (3.1MTPA), Kyushu Electric The Wheatstone Project underwent a
(0.7MTPA), Chubu Electric (1MTPA) and rigorous and thorough environmental
Tohoku Electric (0.9 MTPA). assessment that culminated in stringent
Chevron Australia has also signed an
additional SPA with TEPCO for 0.4 MTPA of Under these conditions, Chevron will
LNG from the Wheatstone Project. undertake a range of environmental
monitoring and management programs to
In addition, TEPCO, through a related
protect marine fauna and reduce the impact
company, has acquired from Chevron a
to sensitive benthic habitats.
10 percent participating interest in the

For more information on the Wheatstone Project contact:

TOLL FREE: 1800 782 957

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