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Frames CRA

​ picture that needs to be framed is 6cm x 11cm. We only have access

Problem:​ A
to a 4cm x 7cm frame. We need to utilize the whole area of the 4cm x 7cm frame
to create a frame or the 6cm x 11cm picture, with as few cuts as possible;
otherwise, the more cuts you make, the more materials that go to waste. Essentially
we need to find the width of the insides of the frame after being put into place.
Plan:​ ​We know that in order to find the area of both the picture and our frame, we
need to multiply Length x Width. After finding the area we need to use some
geometry. By cutting the corners from the frame, we can find the area of the
smaller corners. Once this is done we need to use an equation used in Quadratics (

Work:​ The area of the picture is 6cm x 11cm = 66 . The area of the frame that
is supposed to fit the picture is 4cm x 7cm = 28 . Due to the corners of the
frame adding more length than the actual length of the picture, the corners needed
to be removed, making them into another variable . There are 4 corners, making
. The length of both the top and bottom of the large picture is 11. The length of
the sides are 6. Knowing this, the area of the smaller frame that’ll be cut up, and
the knowledge of Quadratics, an equation can be composed:
. Onced simplified, the formula becomes
, because the equation must be equal to zero due to the
equation structure which is . After simplifying the equation once
more it becomes, . This equation is from quadratics (
). In order to solve this equation, it must be factored but its
unfactorable, there aren't any factors of -112 that add up to 34. The Quadratic
formula which is used to solve unfactorable equations plays its part here;

Onced these variables ( ) are plugged into the Quadratic

formula, It can be solved by simplifying the equation

to to . After being solved, the two

possible answers could be . Since the width of the frame cannot
be a negative number, the obvious answer is .

Reflection:​ During this assignment, I have learned and practiced Quadratics. The
Quadratic formula is the newest installment of Quadratics I used. The problem in
this assignment was being able to split a small frame into pieces and fit it into a
larger picture. The width of the frame must be the same, but it was missing. Now
that I have solved the problem using quadratics, I know that the width of the frame
is 0.75cm.

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