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Personal Information
Last Name __Rodriguez__________ First Name __Dali__________ MI: ___S___
Male/Female ​M​ ​ F Ethnicity __Hispanic_______ DOB (MM/DD/YY) _02/11/02_________
II. Contact Information
Street Address _1001 Glenoaks Blvd_____
City __San Fernando_____ ZIP Code _91340_ Phone Number (818) _966-5924__
Professional Email address _Salvadordali.dr@gmail.com______
III. Family Information
Are you the first person in your family to go to college? Y ​N
If yes, please describe what prevented your family members from attending college. If no, please include who in your
family has attended college; which institution they attend; and any struggles or successes they had.

IV. Family Responsibilities

Activity Hours performed Description

each week

Chores 5 Several chores one performs are washing dishes, making beds, washing

Childcare/babysitting 10 I take care of niece when I get home from school until my sister returns fr

Assisting in family busine 2 During the weekend I help my father when needed


V. Personal Attributes




Desire to meet new people

Desire to try new things

Reading ability

Public speaking ability

Compassion for others


Emotional stability


What are your two strongest attributes? What makes them strengths?
Attribute #1 ___Motivation ________ Please explain ___Motivation is one of my strongest attributes because if one is
interested on a work I will look forward to sharing my ideas and investing my time___________
Attribute #2 _Desire to try new things_____ Please explain ___Desire to try new things is my second strongest attribute
because I am open to trying new things,________________
What is an area you need to improve in? What will you do to improve in this area?
Area __Public Speaking____ Please explain ___Public speaking is an area I need to improve in because I often tend to
stutter when speaking publicly______________________

VI. Courses Taken in High School

Strongest Subject __Math_____ please explain _My strongest subject is Math I tend to do very well with the topics
and concepts that are present in math__________________
Most Difficult Subject __Science_______ please explain _The subject that I find the most difficult is science,
specifically physics. Although I am interested in the concepts that are taught in class I find it difficult to understand most
of the concepts.__________________
VI. Honors, AP, Career, College-Prep or College Courses Taken ​(if applicable)

Course Title Grade College/Univ. Sem. or Qtr. / Year

AP Computer Science 10 1 year

AP Calculus BC 11 1 year

AP US History 11 1 year

AP English Language 11 1 year

Honors Geometry 9 1 year

Honors Algebra 2 10 1 year
Honors Math Analysis (Pre-calculus) 10 1 year
Honors English 9 9 1 year
Honors English 10 10 1 year

VII. Career and College Plans

Career Goal Attend a 4-year University, then earn a Bachelor's
Possible College/University
Possible College/University

VIII. Extracurricular Activities

Description of Activity Duration

YMOC (Young Men of Color): Group were young males gather and have August 2018 - June 2019
discussions on the issue that relate to young Latino males that often come
from low income community

Project Grad Los Angeles: Program that helps individuals prepare and guide August 2017- Present
for college. They host after school class that allows individuals understand
concepts relating to college.
IX. Awards/Certificates

Type of Award or Certificate Awarding Organization

College Fair Project Grad La

High Honor Roll San Fernando High School

X. Employment or Volunteer Hours

Title of Position and Description of Duties Organization

Library Volunteer: Los Angeles Public


XI. Next Steps

Answer the following in the space provided:
​Who inspires you? What attributes do they have they inspire you? What can you do to inspire others?
One individual that inspires me is my sister, she was able to attend to a four-Year University following high
school, and is content with life at the university. The attribute that she has that inspires me is the ability to find
new opportunities and take advantage of them. She was able to get in to research program, where she go and
documents the lives of immigrants that are being held at camps, she has also had the opportunity to study
abroad in Ireland.

What clubs or activities can you join to gain experience in your intended career field?
To gain experience in my intended career field I can look for workshops or internship that relate to the field. I
can also find individuals that are involved in the career field to be able to get advice and build connections.

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