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REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED - Jonyoreg ma goth otive Ho~? ie : el pire: opy Mr. i pucsassiFiED-S DOP spgrsadet 29 soot sorte @ v x 4 HORALDUM RIPORE Tho Technical Stof* Dugway Proving Ground Tooelo, Ute DUGWAY PROVING TECHNICAL LIBRARY G GROUND Ad-4%6 G06 Forwarded t> the Chidf, Chonical Warfare Sarvico: AY Ow 4s DECLASSIFIED-DOD Directive Ho< 5200.9, 27 Septambar 1958 CONTR-L MNDER 8062-26 PFDPG 0696 PFDPE 0696 ~0869 Ro — geod for facks of 45 “ests — only coucks tons were oa thy onep—~ no Se P ' tam of 20S. Conan #2, 7 — Says BF abt how Army got access to lend 1995 + SE report on Adeck on Gue-Type fot bictors —» declass ted 91958, but parts stil redackd Chem eq /fons defrnitely ued at bohm Yh Teckel y Grea Western rabbife- 4-79 animals ysed th tot py. V9 = oats — placd it shies Yellow Jocket-— dixpected unformb over, tea ot wenterm — pot tests ~ erly af prams 330-6300 Ils of ogeart deappecl on Yellow Jacket — p. 73% — See nak pax > _ xe CASS te AD Dean Ig Repent (AES te 490, ED UNCLASSIFIED = JOD,DPG} DISCLAIMER NOTICE This document may contain pages which do not reproduce legibly. Inconsistent page numbers are due to omittance of blank pages. PFDPG 0697 REGRADED UNCLASS FIED - JoD,0R@ == ye! DUTY PROVING OROUID @ y : ~ Toocle, Utah é oer hr for so a 4: O LeWc0T: Traxanittal of Docurunts as Listut ? Hs (QU, 85, Shkof, Tocmnteat Cornand, Bégenoed Arsonel, uoryland (A) cctcus, tochnieei Division, Washington, D. Cy () surticls Expcrirental Station () br. K. Kinsan, British Contral Scientific Offico (1 air Chemical Officer, Hq, AAF, Washington, D. C. () Chief, Hocieal Division, Oc-ci8, Washincton, D. Cy () Nobile CNS Unit, Bushnoll, Flori¢a () Ketical k seerch Letoratory, Cli Center, BE. A. Md., Att: Inf. Br. (.) Chict, Toxicological Resoarch Branch, Mod. Divs, OC-CWS, 3. A, ,MMdy () President, Choniec! Warfare Poor’, E-gorood arsonal, Ws (} Conrandin’: Genorel, A.P.0, 827 () Bureau, titieine and Surgery, oxy Lopt., Attr Roscarch Diviaton a () Colonel Humphrey Past, ritish Arcy Steff. () "Rc, Div. 9, Nashinrton, D. C., Att? Dr. Kirner () Dre RK, Connen, Dopt. of Physiolory, U, af Chicago () Dr, Honer Smith,’ ¥. University, Sehool of Mecicine () Drs Grrl Neiman, Dest. of Chusistry, Calif. Inst. of Tochnology 1. The Cocunonts Listed in the receipt form below aro horowith sttecs : a. For infornation and filow «4 y's e or Fer Latermat tan ae a tans Qe li mature shoots 2, Acknovlecyexont of receipt is roquestoc. sin uy promptly.rturn th. aiciu r.cotrt) {:SPONDENCE ortico Dito GEE Ys promo. unclas SUBJECT: Transmittal of Documents. TOs Comencing Ufficer, Dugvay Proving Ground, Tooole, Utch. 1. Receipt of corrospontonce Liste’ below is acknorlodzucs Bixwokly Report No. Copy Nionthly Roport Copy D.P.GAKR. No. | 86 Copy 248, 10y 12,12,13,14, & DiMA. Now Sopy 16. Copy Signatur bPc~7-57 Rank: MRE ech ee rece ce PEDPG 0698 2, Wer pasos, both porsistont end non-porsistont, are offoctive st Jazanoeo dofensive positions of tho typos tostod. (a) Wustard cas is tho most effective of tho materials tested. Tuts fact is subject to tko limitations: (1) That the eneny has no inproznated pormoable protective clothing. (2) Thot the tomporature be above mustard's frooting point (46°F). (b) then tho location of the eave opening is know ant accecaitle, the position nay bo reducod with artillery sholl, rockets, or cireraft tunitions carrying either persistent or non-porsistent var gascs (c) An aroa:containins a largo nunbor of caves or a complex untercround fortification ean bo succossfully cttackod with cas whether or rst tho location of the openings is now (1) For this purpose mustard gas is superior to tho other agents. (2) Standard nethods of aren coverare may bo uscd for blankoting tho cntiro targot. G (3) Soray fron low flying aireratt is superior to otnor nothods for contaninating targets in open terrain with mustard. (2) Becouso of its cose of ignition whothor roloased from burstor-tyzo oF bursterless munition AC is not dependable for tactical uso, D. Recor wdattonss It is reconmonded thats 1s Ck bo rede a standard filling for artillery shall. 2, A larco, stroanLincd spray tonk for fightor craft bo standardized. 3. Tho 185 gallon burstorloss, licht-caso res bomb testod at Dupway bo standardized, PFDPG 0700 RADED UNCLASSIFIED - JOD,DPC | oA StI - 0,8} Dae TASLE OF CONTENTS in Mjoct se ee ee Authority eee eee HISTORICAL se ee ee ee TAL vs ee ee eee EXPIRE a, Targets 1. “Cerels Back Cavo Wa. 2 « 2. Groat Westorn Mine... + 3. Yalow Jacket Mine Aron + 4. River Bed Tergot Area. « fonts V, Smke see eee eee 2. Hydrocarbons se ee 3, Toxic Agomte . 2 6 ee Munitions 1. 4.2-inch Chenical Mertar 2, artillory ss... es 3, T.2-inch Chonienl Rockot 4. Bombo wee eee ee 5. Aircraft, Sprey Tanks... 6. Droppable Light Caso Tanks Conduct of Tosts. 2. s+ RESULTS see ete ee es DISCUSSION OF RESULTS .. +... he Flano 1, Igniteble Vapor se eee 2, Mapale-ges lino Filled 165 ablo Tank (Fire Bomb) . + 3. HC Smako . + 4. PUP ond EWP ws ee eee nd Sake Munitions 5. Toxie Agents 1, Gonorsi- we ee oe ee 2, Point, Target-Caves with Vis! DENT Gallon Jottison- Tire dived, vio openings « : L 2 2 3 3 6 PFDPG 0699 Di REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED - JOD,DPG | vw oe be | | : ‘HE. coNsLUsTONS TACLI OF CONTENTS ‘~Continued= Genoral ss de eee Wen-Porsistont Gas Forsistont Agonts (H) 3. Aron Coverage Goneral ss ee eee Non sistont Agents Porsistont Agonts . + Sec ee qe oe qe ae \e ee 1s joa 16 Goa 18 goa 22 God 23 “eh ASSIA PFDPG 0701 REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED ~ JOD,0RC) B HE 26 ATTACH AGATIIST CAYE-TYIE FORTIFICATIONS mroDvery te Object 1. Tho sbjoot “£ Project Sphinx is to dotormine a, Tho best naterial, oithor availeblo or undor devolcpnont, recueing Japenese caves and underground fortifications; and b. Tho bost means *f omploynont of thet ratorial. 2. Tho wject 2f the tosts described horain was to eomparo tho Sof veri us CHS materiels for roducing caves and underground P. authority 1. Lotter SFCWT 660 DF inpenceo Fyrtificati ons. 2. Lotter SFCWT, 28 May 1945, "Problen on Reduction of Jazanose Furtifications". 22 May 1945, "Problem on Reduction 3. Lotter S'CVD, 5 Juno 1945, "Material for Use Against Japan", 4, Lotter SICTT, 470.6 DIG, 17 July 1945, “Uso of Non-Forsistont Agents tn Caves". 5S. Lotter SPCHT 470.6 DFG, 20 July 1945, "Flame Attacks Against Caves" II, HISTORICAL In tho past a large number of tosts woro conductod with porsistont and non=p vunker type fortificati ns. Thoso teste wore run rt Duss enc DEG Nobile Unit, Bushnoll, Florida, San Jose ir >oct, and United rsistont gases, and flrco type munitions against pill box ond ay Proving Ground Kinedom Exporinontal Stations, and have boon deseribec in reports fron thoso installetions. & sumary of thoso tosts is given in Projoct Cuordinaticn Staff Repart Ne. 9, 17 Mey 1945, Nodiesl Roseerch Division, CWS, hae studiod the offectivonoss of flaca throwers bth portablo and rachanized in reducing pill boxes and Dunkers, Extensive tosts wéro conduc! dotormine the offectivoness of inf}: cqcaneyye pFDPG 0702, ixzjoot_Sohinx ne pill bexus ant bunkor typo fortifications + Those Napted in tho Dugeny weekly Rop>rts and +11 bo Thoteded in tha Ciseuses n of tho tots deseribed in this reports jor to tho initioticn of Project Sphinx tho uso of chanical aranty evuinet cave type fortifications had not boon studied. Tho tosts aeons ed in this ropert roprosont tho only extensive study on this subjects Included in tha current prigran wore tosts onploying texte agente (c3, Ck, AC, ane H), smoke (110, %?, FAP end Er), and flano runt tions Cie sce' aux cos sline). Theso ajonts Wore tested in bonbs, mortar ond trtillory cholls, reeksts, and Uroppablo light caso tanks. the edieal Rosonrch Division has tosted flare throwers agcinst eovsee Tho results mill bo reported soparately. THE. EXTER: ESTAL A. Targots 1. Canels Beck Cavo Ho. 2 Cenols Bock Cave liz, 2 is @ natural cave located nosy tho erost -f @ linostone ridge. Its position with respoct to tha surrounding forrein is chew in Figure 1, The ap roxinnto dinonsions and shapo aro indicated in Figuro 2. the front ontrance is bisoctod by a vortieal pillar leaving tus natural >poninje. Ono f those vas clerod with a ecnerate oud wrod barricado. The ronaining 2poning is an inclined passazo~way approxinatoly 25 fost long that locds t> the chaubor. This ontrance is zrotocted by a petural perepot extending across tho front of the cavo naking it impossible to firo shells directly into tho chaubers In addition to elosing one of the entrances, the cave was midifioa by crilling two side tunnols ant a vortienl shaft in the roof. One of tho side tunnola is a passage 40 foot long, and oxtends through tho rok forration to Caye No. 1, This tunnel was oquippud with a wooden dvor. Tho cthor tunnel is a coad ond passage 26 feot long. Im olditinal ontrarce wac provided by tho vortienl shaft which connoctod ‘the top sf tho cove to the crost of tho ridge. A elosure was provided for this shaft at its uppor ond. 2. Groat Western Mino. tal agnosie 475 foot long Inentod part way up getDynumesins. 4 PFDPG 0703

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