FrancisHunt - The Market Sniper - TraderProfile

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Francis Hunt - The Market Sniper - Trader

Founder at The Market Sniper. For a FREE compressed Intro to my trading strategy Link

Francis Hunt as the originator of the Hunt Volatility Funnel trading methodology describes himself
as a Trader, Technical Analyst and Teacher, is mostly known from his YouTube channels as The
Market Sniper, The Crypto Sniper, and The Reset Sniper.

Stemming from his over 30 years of experience and deep immersion in trading and technical analysis
of various markets, this unique approach to trading is the culmination of everything he found to have
been valuable and profitable on a consistent, reliable basis, distilled into a single all-encompassing
trading system that can easily be learned and internalised by others.

Francis Hunt made his first investments in 1987 pre-crash and bought his first option in 1991 and has
been trading equities and other assets since. He is a technical trader who believes all information
related to an asset is reflected in its price and therefore reveal the true market sentiment of that

In addition to being a highly successful trader and technical analyst, Francis also enjoys teaching his
trading methodology to others. He built a community of like-minded traders around him that supports
him and each other with trade ideas and positive reinforcement in an otherwise lonely and harsh

‘’ is an education company for such retail traders seeking to benefit from this
proven rule based approach to their trading as well as deeper understanding of how markets & price
behaviour function.

The Trading Metamorphosis Program, includes online course material, live webinars, discussions
in a Snipers Circle community of ‘like-minded’ traders sharing and expanding on their trade ideas,
software tools, broker relationships and much more.

The Trading Metamorphosis Program is designed to transition traders at any level and background
from where they are today to becoming profitable, successful, financially independent – Lifestyle

Email on Trader@TheMarketSniper

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+44 (0) 208 333 2552
FrancoFXTRader - Skype

Founder - Director - Trader at The Market Sniper
July 2009  -  Present
1. 'Trading Metamorphosis Program' Principle at The Market Sniper.

Primary Fund Manager of the FireBird HVF Fund

Advocate, provider and implimentor of a Total Trader Transformation. A groundbreaking retail

trader program, taking your P&L form losses or flat to consistent long term profitability.

**** Are you a possible promoter of ground breaking trading program, aimed at the retail trader in
the 35-55 year age group?

Looking to hear from anyone who would like to JV/Promote the highly well received 2 month

Interested in the US(all states), Dubai, Northern UK, former CIS states, South Africa, Beijing/Hong
Kong, Sidney and others. Costs nothing to chat. *****

My other interests involve an excellent Macro-Economic sense along with a counter-intuitive

interest in Current Economics portrayal in the Mainstream Media.

Sales Director Tech at Datamonitor

January 1999  -  August 2009 (10 years 8 months)
Grew the revenue line extensively over 100%+ in 5 years

Founder & Director

August 2009  -  2009 (5 months)
Founded, Built and developed a £6,5 million turnover Property Investment Business. Director and

Chairman and Founder

April 2002  -  December 2008 (6 years 9 months)
Honey Badger Property Investments specialises in the
procurement of New Build investment property for aspiring

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and existing Landlords property portfolio's.

Our opportunities will all include a number of key ingredients;

Superior capital appreciation outlook, substantial initial equity
through aggressive discounts, well supported
rental markets, neutral to positive gross cash flows, and
low transaction costs through well appointed Broker
and solicitor partners. We are 'The Property Investment Specialists'.

Francis Hunt

Message from the Chairman

“ Every day you delay, you could have been
making capital gains”

"I would strongly endorse the integrity of Francis Hunt. In all my dealing with him he has shown
always courtesy and professionalism to me and I will continue to work with Francis in the future."
Service Category: Real Estate Agent
Year first hired: 2008
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity

Bill Turney.

Bond University
MBA, Entrepreneurship, 1997 - 1998
Van Zyl & Pritchard
Zap Dip, Computer Programming, 1988 - 1989
Activities and Societies: COBOL II Programming.
University of the Witwatersrand
Bsc, Actuarial, 1986 - 1989
Activities and Societies: HIIT Training, Nutrition, KiteSurfing, VolleyBall.

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Francis Hunt - The Market Sniper - Trader
Founder at The Market Sniper. For a FREE compressed Intro to my trading strategy Link

Contact Francis on LinkedIn

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