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Script of ​a​ Commercial 

Cues  Output  Time in Seconds 

Music   Song lasts the duration of the  62.5 


Voice (Me)  Now, there is a new chance to  40 

find food whenever you leave 
your house to scavenge. There 
is a place called “ ​Pastel 
Palace​”. We serve ice cream, 
cake, cookies, pies, eye 
wrenching colored walls, and 
unbelievably hot and cold 
temperatures that are always 
changing. Yes indeed, Pastel 
Palace aims to become the 
restaurant with the most 
uncomfortable shift in 
temperature. When a restaurant 
is noticeably cold or hot, think 
about how improved in 
technology it is to be 
absolutely freezing or broiling. I 
really do mean freezing ​and 
broiling; either your brownie 
will be rock solid, or you will be 
melting faster than your ice 
cream. In short, you should 
definitely visit this restaurant 
to enjoy the food, unless you’re 
on a diet. Come on people, self 
control is important, everybody 
knows, they are taught that in 
about second, third grade. What 
was I talking about the… oh 
yea! Visit Pastel Palace, our 
phone number, 412-773-2477, 
we should be on 8347, Taklan 
Avenue. We are only in 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania right 
now. Still, you should come 
over here, we need the money, 
not want money, we 
legitimately need money. Bye! 
Voice (some guy)  Wow… that’s what happens  10 
when you don’t memorize the 
script... you should really think 
these things through dude.  

Voice (Me)  I did a decent job! What do  5 

you want from me. 

Voice (some guy)  Pizza.  0.5 

Voice ( Me)  Fine, I guess you deserve it for  4 

setting up the recording 

Voice  Pastel Palace. What, our food  3 

can b
​ e eaten!? 
End End Total time in seconds: 

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