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KN 352 Group Project Proposal

Fall 2017

Task: As a group, select a topic pertaining to Exercise Physiology; establish a research

hypothesis; design a research study based on this topic; execute your research study (collect
data, analyze it, make a decision re hypothesis) and develop presentation to communicatethe
results to the class (in lecture class).

Learning Objectives:
 Expand your knowledge and skills of Exercise Physiology concepts learned in the
classroom and lab setting
 Apply research principles for doing an experiment.
 Gain or refine behavioral skills critical for career success:
o Team work and project management
o Creativity and problem solving
o Critical thinking
o Communicating within team and presenting to an audience

Process and Due Dates:

 Next week in class after in-lab presentations, work in your assigned lab groups to select
an exercise physiology topic, determine variable(s) and develop a study design. Complete
a draft of your research study proposal to your lab instructor by Friday, November 10th
11:59 pm.
o The project must be reviewed and approved by your instructor prior to starting it.
The review is to ensure safety of students and feasibility of the study (it can be
accomplished within the timeframe, lab availability, and equipment available).
o Approval will count as part of your grade. If not approved upon the first
submission, the final research study design still has to be approved before data
collection starts.
 Data collection must begin the week of November 13th or points will be taken off the
group’s final presentation grade. Perform your research study using the appropriate
equipment and materials, and collect the data pertaining to your hypothesis.
 As a group, develop a presentation on your research study using the “lab report overview”
posted on blackboard as a guide. Every presentation is due to the group’s lab instructor
via email by November 26that 11:59pm.
 You will present your study and findings in a Powerpoint presentation to the class during
the last 2 weeks of class in lecture November 27th thru December 8th.
 Presentation date and order will be randomly generated. Be sure to bring 3 hard copies of
your Powerpoint presentation as well as your raw data and peer evaluations to class for

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Updated 11-3-17
Research Proposal Outline (due 11/10 by 11:59pm)
What do you plan on accomplishing? What is your question?? Include at least 1
previously published study in support of your experiment.
Purpose? Hypothesis?
Layout of the study: Experimental design(clinical study design, randomized control
trial, cross over study, blind/double blind…etc); critical variables; where and how
will the variables be measured; and measurements that will be taken and analyzed.
General steps/phases that will be taken to accomplish your study. Bring me through
how your study will be conducted. (Gathering data, resting measurements, apply
variable, measurements after variable..etc). Outline your complete methodology.
Reference academic papers and studies to determine the best study design and
include the foundational ones here.
Every member of the group should also participate as an exerciser if plausible for
your research.
The proposal should not exceed 1 page.

General Exercise Physiology Topics to Help with Study Ideas

Aerobic capacity
Anaerobic power
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance
Exercising blood pressure
Exercising heart rate
Ergogenic aids

Example of Research Questions:

How does the length of recovery intervals affect cycling power?
What are the effects of caffeine on endurance performance, blood pressure, RPE,
Does a high intensity, short duration anaerobic workout protocol positively impact
resting HR and BP more so than a low intensity, long duration aerobic workout
Does arm heating, arm cooling or dehydration affect grip strength?
Is VO2 max correlated with running performance (e.g., time for the mile run)?

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Updated 11-3-17

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