Overview of Calculations: Where

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Overview of Calculations

We will determine the surface area, dimensions, and volume of the sedimentation tank as
well as the weir length. The calculations are as follows:

1. Divide flow into at least two tanks.

2. Calculate the required surface area.
3. Calculate the required volume.
4. Calculate the tank depth.
5. Calculate the tank width and length.
6. Check flow through velocity.
7. If velocity is too high, repeat calculations with more tanks.
8. Calculate the weir length.

1. Divide the Flow

The flow should be divided into at least two tanks and the flow through each tank should be
calculated using the formula shown below:

Qc = Q / n


Qc = flow in one tank

Q = total flow
n = number of tanks

We will consider a treatment plant with a flow of 1.5 MGD. We will divide the flow into
three tanks, so the flow in one tank will be:

Qc = (1.5 MGD) / 3

Qc = 0.5 MGD
2. Surface Area

Next, the required tank surface area is calculated. We will base this surface area on an
overflow rate of 500 gal/day-ft2 in order to design the most efficient sedimentation basin.

The surface area is calculated using the following formula:

A = Qc / O.R.

A = surface area, ft2
Qc = flow, gal/day
O.R. = overflow rate, gal/day-ft2

In our example, the surface area of one tank is calculated as follows:

A = (500,000 gal/day) / (500 gal/day-ft2)

A = 1,000 ft2

(Notice that we converted the flow from 0.5 MGD to 500,000 gal/day before beginning our

3. Volume

The tank volume is calculated just as it was for flocculation basins and flash mix chambers,
by multiplying flow by detention time. The optimal detention time for sedimentation
basins depends on whether sludge removal is automatic or manual. When sludge removal
is manual, detention time should be 6 hours. We will consider a tank with automatic sludge
removal, so the detention time should be 4 hours.

The volume of one of our tanks is calculated as follows:


V = (500,000 gal/day) (4 hr) (1 day/24 hr) (1 ft3/7.48 gal)

V = 11,141 ft3

(Notice the conversions between days and hours and between cubic feet and gallons.)
4. Depth

The tank's depth is calculated as follows:



d = depth, ft
V = volume, ft3
A = surface area, ft2

For our example, the depth is calculated to be:

d = (11,141 ft3) / (1,000 ft2)

d = 11.1 ft

The specifications note that the depth should be between 7 and 16 feet. Our calculated
depth is within the recommended range. If the depth was too great, we would begin our
calculations again, using a larger number of tanks. If the depth was too shallow, we would
use a smaller number of tanks.

5. Width and Length

You will remember that the volume of a rectangular solid is calculated as follows:


V = volume
L = length
W = width
d = depth
For our tank, the length has been defined as follows:


Combining these two formulas, we get the following formula used to calculate the width of
our tank:

In the case of our example, the tank width is calculated as follows:

W = 15.8 ft

The length is calculated as:

L = 4 (15.8 ft)

L = 63.2 ft

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