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S.W.O.T. Analysis:


- On location classes for all 6 levels in the office.

- 3 time slots a day (M-F: 6:30am, 5pm, 6:45pm) / (Sat.: 8am, 9:45am, 11:30am)

- At least 2 classes per level per week (18 total classes per week):
LEVEL 1 (5/week) – Tues 6:45pm, Thur 5pm, Fri 6:30am/6:45pm, Sat 8am
LEVEL 2 (4/week) – Mon 5pm, Wed 6:30am/6:45pm, Sat 11:30am
LEVEL 3 (2/week) – Mon 6:45pm, Thur 6:30am
LEVEL 4 (2/week) – Tues 6:30am, Thur 6:45pm
LEVEL 5 (3/week) – Mon 6:30am, Wed 5pm, Sat 9:45am
LEVEL 6 (2/week) – Tues 5pm, Fri 5pm

- Online platform to help students learn outside of classroom.

- Smaller and/or 1-on-1 classes with native English speaker with various topics.

- Interesting and/or funny topics and entertaining class plans to keep the students
engaged while learning about and practicing specific grammar topics.


- It is difficult for students to schedule classes for their designated time slot, and/or it
is difficult for them to consistently get to the office during those days and times for
reasons like traffic, pico y placa, work and family obligations, etc.

- The students do not want to do the platform because they do not have time, do not
want to, or do not think they need to practice outside of class.

- Students just focus on the platform, and do not come to class.

- The students think that coming to either the class or doing the platform work will be
enough for them to progress and improve enough to learn and advance to the next
- The student cannot advance to the next level if they do not do the platform even if
they are really good in class.

- Some students might like individual classes or bigger classes or some only like
coming with a friend or coworker.

- The topics are not specific enough for higher level students.


- Ease the travel burden of the students by expanding to different permanent or

changing locations like small rented office spaces, homes of the teachers/students,
the students’ businesses, nearby cafés and restaurants, etc. at a higher adjusted rate.

- Offer some online Skype classes for students if they cannot make it to class.

- Add more available time slots – later morning, lunchtime, etc. – where students can
come to the office for classes. Or change the amount of classes per week per level.

- Customize individual 1-on-1 (or small group) classes on specific topic for certain
higher-level students charging more because of the additional work required.

- Offer discounts to students who can encourage/bring/recommend others to come to

class with them – friends, coworkers, family, etc. – especially if they are taking the
same level classes at the same time.

- Do not require students to do the platform – except for the Mid and Final Exams –
in order to advance to the next level unless they are struggling or not making it to
class. If they are progressing well in class and coming on a weekly basis, the
platform course work and tests don’t need to be mandatory.

- Set positive/negative reinforcement rules regarding attendance or platform work.

Examples: It is mandatory that students must come to or schedule at least 1 or 2
classes a month unless they give advanced warning as to why they will not be
coming for a certain length of time. // They must come to class within the 1st 2
months of purchase and then follow the previous rule for the remainder of their time
in that level. // If the students come to all 16 classes within 4 months then they get a
discount on the next level. // If the students get above a 90% average on the
platform they get a discount on the next level. // If students do not come for 2-3
months, they are charged a fee or have to drop the course without full refund.

- Students will become reliant on the teachers always travelling to them, thus
increasing the cost for ConIngles when accommodating to these students.

- These places may also provide distractions for the students or it may be hard for
them to focus on their work in these places.

- The students do not like Skype classes or would rather purchase and use one of the
cheaper and less effective schools like English Live, Open English, etc.

- Having more time slots would be more expensive for ConIngles and could make the
students demand unfeasible or costly time slots.

- Student will not take classes unless/until they can get a discount.

- If they do not come to class and are then required to do the platform, they may
become resentful and upset that they are forced to do work. Most adults are very
prideful and may demand refunds or get angry because they are being treated like
they are back in high school again.

- These rules may be too restrictive for the students or costly for ConIngles.

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