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Information Terra Crable

UGA- DEI Certificate Program; Speaker Series

Washington University-St. Louis- Credit bearing academic Intergroup

Dialogue Program; Bias glossary and how to for the reporting system on
the school website.

University of North Georgia- Diplomats for Diversity (current students

are peer educators) and are involved in campus wide initiatives, town halls
(monthly panel led discussion on topics of interest in recent news, on
campus or surrounding community), classroom and office facilitations and
workshops on a variety of diversity topics, Welcome Day Event for all
incoming freshmen to build a sense of community and introduce students
to the services available from the office of Multicultural Student Affairs

Boston University- Conversation Corps-cohort of undergrads, bringing

important topics to dorms and campus locations; book club focused on
diverse authors and books about diversity and inclusion topics; coffee and
conversation-regular meeting to discuss topics related to diversity,
inclusion and equity on campus and in surrounding community,
Admissions Student Diversity Board (ASDB) actively recruits from
multicultural communities and works to increase enrollment and enrich
the multicultural experience of all students at BU.

Case Western Reserve University- Diversity 360-Campus Wide Diversity

Ed program, students, staff and faculty, can be implemented and
customized into modules to assist the campus community in advancing its
efforts to be a welcoming, inclusive environment for learning, leading and
innovation (includes pre/post assessment of diversity related knowledge);
Diversity Awareness Training-# of workshops and consultation services
for students, staff and faculty; Power of Diversity Lecture Series;
Trailblazer Project-Portraits across campus showcasing contributions of
alumni of color; Day of Dialogue- Campus-Wide Dialogue Event for
CWRU students, faculty and staff-share Ideas & hear Diverse Perspectives
on Critical Local, National & Societal Issues; Lunch and Learn Series-
launched with Day of Dialogue, more in depth and regularly occurring;
History Makers-access to thousands of African-American oral history
videos, including information highlighting the university and its alumni.
Benchmarking Information Terra Crable

North Carolina State University-Raleigh- Respect the Pack-part of fall

welcome week where campus comes together to commit to support values
of equality and diversity, paint free expression tunnel and watch student
orgs perform; DEPTH-Diversity Ed. for our Peers to THrive student
initiative to facilitate conversations among student body about diversity,
social issues and complex problems guided by peer educators in
workshops and trainings; Diversity Education Week and Campus
Diversity Dialogues-Annually in Oct. ed and engagement for whole
campus to promote awareness, understanding, and respect of diverse
cultures and enhances constructive leadership and dialogue.NC State
Diversity Courses Requirement- Gen Ed program requirement for
undergrads one course each on US Diversity and Global Knowledge.

Ohio State University- AIDE-Advocates for Inclusion and Diversity

through Education; meets each Thursday night and features dialogue
about a Social Justice issue, workshop or training about a particular topic
and/or a guest speaker; BuckIdentity workshops-educational
programming to assist students in developing the necessary skills,
awareness and knowledge to engage in diverse workplaces and to support
equitable, positive social change; Diversity and Social Justice in
Leadership-3 credit hour course for undergrads; and DICE-Diversity,
intercultural and Community Engagement Certificate Program where
students must receive 8 credits which are earned by engaging in a variety
of programs, service projects and/or retreats and write one reflection paper
in one year's time.

University of Connecticut- student org. Student Coalition for Social

Justice-conducts sustained intersectional social justice campaigns to incite
positive social change by creating a cohesive social justice community

University of Illinois @ Urbana/Champaign- Peer Facilitated workshops,

Cohort model certificate program, lunch and learn type gatherings to
discuss topics, Racial Justice Ally and Advocate Trainings, Interfaith
Collaboration Challenge, First Year mandatory workshop on diversity

University of Maryland-College Park- Words of Engagement Intergroup

Dialogue Program (WEIDP) is an initiative of the Office of Diversity and
Inclusion that bring together students of diverse social identity groups
Benchmarking Information Terra Crable

through the power of dialogue. Utilizing theory, experience, and social

justice frameworks, WEIDP challenges participants to complicate and
explore who we are, what we know about each other, and the cultural
systems of power that impact our lives and relationships. WEIDP courses
are for credit and count towards the Cultural Competence Diversity

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities- OED: Equity and Diversity

Certificate Program-participants will develop tools necessary for advancing
equity and diversity n all the aspects of their lives (free to students, staff
and faculty), staff and faculty workshops; MCSE: Power and Privilege
Speaker Series-to provoke thought, cultivate questions and enable
conversation, Art of Participatory Leadership Training-to develop skills
around effecting change on campus, Social Justice Leadership Certificate
Program-interdisciplinary program exploring issues of social justice, Social
Justice Leadership Retreat-team building, self-exploration of identities,
training on privilege, racism, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic,
and campus climate, Social Justice Action Living and Learning Community
collaborate and learn from other students through peer education and
outreach, Cultural Community Collective-community service group that
strengthens connections between diverse student groups.

Earlham College- Diversity Progress Committee consists of students,

faculty and staff and advises campus leaders and board on issues of
diversity; 2 students/groups are awarded $10,000 to pursue a peace project
over the summer annually; Lobby in D.C. every spring with the Friends
Committee on National Legislation on a current political issue; speakers;
student/faculty research, site visits.

University of Cincinnati- RAPP (Racial Awareness Program) 9 month

intensive program, ARJ (Accelerating Racial Justice) 5 day intensive
program, RAPPORT-ongoing engagement of RAPP Alumni/RAPP-35
member cohort, welcome and orientation, 10 sessions (3 hrs), 1 two day
offsite retreat, end of program banquet. ARJ- 5 day intensive retreat off
campus prior to the start of fall semester to build awareness, knowledge
and skills related to racial justice and inclusive leadership, RAPPORT-
meetings with RAPP alumni, workshops, internships, community service,
leadership roles.

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