2016 Annual Report For Uploading GCG

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Year 2016 was bountiful for Clark Development Corporation in terms of investments, employment
generation, infrastructure development, tourism promotion, public safety awareness, security
enhancement, and Corporate Social Responsibility program.
The list could go on as may be gleaned in this report.
The challenge we face in 2017 will be to build on previous accomplishments in order to transform the Clark
Freeport Zone into the modern industrial estate and premier service and logistics hub by 2020 that we

New Hope.

There is now an impetus from National Government that inspires us to achieve more. The Build, Build, Build
program of the Duterte Administration would bring about realization of long-awaited implementation of
key projects for Clark – a new passenger terminal at the airport, the rail link between Clark and Metro
Manila and between Clark and Subic.
All these, complemented by CDC’s own infrastructure program for Clark and adjoining communities,
manifest even more our resolve to make Clark indeed a vital linchpin of our country’s economic engine.

New Challenges.

Clark faces the challenge of ushering a new business landscape as growth must be inclusive.
There is a need to craft a new Master Development Plan (MDP) for the Freeport that will complement the
administration’s thrust for the Clark Industrial Development Plan (CIDP) that includes parallel
development of the entire region.
The synergy of infrastructure development plans for Clark Green City, proposed mass transport railway
system between Clark and Manila, the proposed cargo railway system between Clark and Subic are
challenges that will require our collective experience and expertise gained since we started rebuilding the
Freeport into what it is today.
CDC has weathered numerous challenges since its inception 23 years ago, and I am confident that we have
capable personnel who can surpass them this year and every year thereafter. Achieving our mission will
also mean that we would have provided a better future for the region’s next generations.

President and CEO

Page 2

The rebirth of Clark since the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo eruption in 1991 is a testament to the strength
and passion of the people who have never stopped believing that one day Clark and Central Luzon
would (literally) rise from the ashes and become one of the most progressive and innovative areas in
the country and the region.
Today, Clark has generated millions of dollars in investments and created thousands of jobs and
opportunities for our people.
The best is yet to come.
With the Duterte administration's focus on developing areas outside of Metro Manila, Clark stands at
the crossroads of tremendous socio-economic opportunity.
The development of the railway infrastructure from Southern Luzon-Manila-Clark, the connectivity
between Clark airport and the Subic Freeport, and the building of Clark Green City will further propel
Clark and the entire Central and Northern Luzon into greater prosperity in the very near future.
With the new leadership in CDC taking the helm, there is very little doubt that this enormous potential
for lasting, sustainable and equitable growth will soon be a reality.
The time for Clark is now and there will be no turning back.

President and CEO
Bases Conversion and Development Authority

Page 3

To utilize the best practices in good governance to achieve economic growth, generate employment op-
portunities, cultivate an environment for balanced and inclusive development with the physical and hu-
man resources of the Clark Freeport Zone.


The strategy of culture and values transformation for Clark Development Corporation (CDC) and
giving emphasis on the “ways of doing things” coupled with corporate principles such as
transparency, accountability, and professionalism paved the way in cementing the foundations of
good governance.

This was the platform espoused by the new leadership when it assumed office more than four (4)
years ago. Simple as it may initially sound, the sustained exemplary performance in 2013 to 2016
proved its effectiveness. With the CDC Board of Directors’ enlightened leadership and direction
towards effective good governance, expectations are high that the coming years will sustain what
has been started in 2013 through 2016.

Further, significant changes in our corporate polices and structure, organizational reforms,
strengthened and sustained good governance undertakings, and best practices for policies and
procedures have been put in place and institutionalized, leading to a more efficient, transparent, and
accountable organization.

In furtherance of transparency and accountability, the CDC has created a link in its website on
Corporate Governance. The site discloses information on the responsibilities of the CDC Board of
Directors, Disclosure of Audited Financial Reports and Annual Reports, Corporate Social
Responsibility and compliance with the Code of Corporate Governance.


In compliance with Governance Commission for Government Owned and Controlled Corporation (GCG)
issuances, CDC has created a link at its website wherein the public can submit their issues, concerns and
complaints regarding CDC employees directly to the GCG. CDC is also in the process of securing the
approval of its own whistle blowing policy by the first quarter of 2017.

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Based on unaudited financial statements for the year 2016, CDC posted again significant growth in terms of
revenues, net income and cash position.

REVENUES (In Billions) NET INCOME (In Millions)

 Unaudited figures for the year 2016 shows a net

 2016 gross revenues of Php 1.64 Billion is 6% income of Php 783 Million, which is 12% higher
higher than the 2015 revenues of Php 1.55 compared to 2015 actual of Php 697 Million.
 2016 net income represents 21% of the accumulated
 Revenues for 2016 represents 10% of the total earnings of Php3.80 Billion.
revenues of Php 16.37 Billion.
 Net income in the last 4 years (2013-2016)
 Average revenue per year for the period 2013 surpassed the combined net earnings in the past 16
to 2016 (4 years) is Php 1.45 Billion, which is years (1996-2012) by 65%.
more than twice the average for the years
1996 to 2012 (17 years) of Php 0.62 Billion.  Of the aggregate net income, the net income for the
period 2013 to 2016 represents 62%.



 CDC again remitted to the National Government a

record total of Php 700 Million cash dividends in
2016, the highest single year remittance so far.
 Total cash dividends paid is Php 2.05 Billion, of
which Php 1.42 Billion or 69% represents the
dividend years 2012-2015.

 The 2016 ending cash position, which is duly

supported by bank and financial documents,
improved by 18% compared to 2015 figure. This
is after payment of cash dividends,
infrastructure projects, and retirement pay,
among others.

 The 2016 cash level of Php 2.753 Billion is 16

times more than the 1996 cash level at Php 173

 The 2016 cash level is also more than twice the

2012 cash level of Php 1.30 Billion.

Page 11
 As of December 31, 2016, the Manpower Count is  Continuing commitment in the fight against
638 as compared with the 640 on December 31, corruption and instill utmost integrity through
2015. the Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno during
monthly flag raising ceremony.
Regular Employees 623
Probationary 2
Contractual 5
Project 8

Total 638

 Further gender awareness and development

through the following:
 Celebration of the National Women’s Month by  The consistent implementation of the “No Gifts
conducting Fun Run and Fun Walk last March 31, Policy” and “Manual of Corporate Governance”
2016 participated by 463 employees. approved by the Governance Commission for
GOCCs (GCG) has improve the image of CDC in
terms of its business transactions with its

 The achievement of score from its Performance

Scorecard with GCG and consistent compliance
to Good Governance, Transparency Seal and
Citizen’s Charter requirements resulted in the
grant of authority for the release of
Performance Based Bonus (PBB) to officers and
employees and Performance Based Incentives
(PBI) for the Board of Directors.

 The implementation of the Training Plan for Year

2016 has extended the provision of the following
human resources trainings:
2. Conduct of the company–wide training on  Foreign Training - 20 participants
Gender and Occupational Safety and Health in  Local - 256 participants
compliance with GAD related activities  In House - 8 in-house trainings
requirements last November 28, 2016  Echo Seminar - 276 participants
participated by 636 employees.

Month Participants

January 32
March 15
April 16

September 59
November 636

Page 12
 Collaborated with University of the Philippines - c. The implementation of the
Clark to develop a Masters in Ecozone Manage- organizational structure of CDC has
ment program for CDC personnel as an ongoing paved the way for the promotion of 31
succession program. A total of 30 employees Employees to various Vacant Positions
from CDC have undergone UP Proficiency and opened for filled-up.
Psychological Exams as part of admission for the d. GCG has also extended CDC a
Masters in Management major in Economic Corporate Business Unit Grade of 18 in
Zone Operations and 23 employees passed the relation to Compensation and
exam. Position Classification under Executive
Order No. 203, Series of 2016. At present,
CDC is undertaking the required Career
 The retirement benefits of 18 personnel under
Banding and Job Grading and Leveling
the CDC retirement program were given as a
which shall be submitted to GCG upon
result of the full funding of the retirement fund.
approval by the CDC Board.
CDC has adopted and maintained the benefits
based on the principle of non-diminution of
benefits and good faith and exercise of due  The exercise of Management prerogatives and
diligence in its grant. authority to hire, dismiss, approve, were
strengthened by revision of the composition of
the Selections and Promotions Committee (SPC).
 CDC has also consistently exercised prudence
The hiring policies were also revised to enhance
and due diligence by implementing the
management assessment of the capabilities of
following measures in relation to health care:
applicant through an on-the-job assessment
a. Strict implementation of the inclusions
and exclusions of the Self-Administered
Health Plan.  Completed on November 2016 is the Phase 2 of
b. Budgeting of all medical requests and the Competency-Based Human Resources
procedures. Management and Development project, that
c. 623 employees benefited from the CDC have identified the core technical /Functional
Health Plan and 1,503 qualified Competencies required for each plantilla
dependents. positions, which was contracted by the
Center for Labor Education, Advocacy Research
and Development (CLEARED), Inc.
 Continuing review of the CDC organizational
structure through the following:
 The drive to improve workplace ethics and
a. Approval of the CDC Reorganization culture has not diminished the discharge of the
Plan by the GCG on 2016 February 3 following policy measures:
through GCG Memorandum Circular
(MO) No. 2016-03. The CDC a. Customer service with a smile.
organizational structure is continuously b. Punctuality of the Management Team by
being reviewed to make the same reporting for work before 8:00 a.m. and
responsive to the priority programs of leaving the office after 5:00 p.m.
the corporation. c. Acapela singing of the Philippine National
b. From 977 plantilla positions prior to the Anthem and sharing of employees on
Reorganization, the approved OS culture and values in the workplace
reduced the number of plantilla during monthly flag raising ceremony.
positions to 657. The 75 co-terminus to d. Mentoring responsibility and sharing of
the incumbent positions shall be common information for effective
abolished upon resignation, retirement, resolution of corporate issues
promotion or termination of the e. Issuance of administrative sanctions to
incumbent. erring employees.

Page 13

The 6% increase in new locators from 2015 figures is 1000 895

attributable to the entry of businesses engaged in 824
800 750
commercial (32%), ICT (24%) and Service (23%) 679
sectors mostly under subleasing agreements. New 606
600 537
locators belonging to the other sectors 464
complementary to the work-live-play business
environment of Clark have also added up: industrial
(12%); Tourism (4%); Institutional (2%) and Logistics
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


A remarkable 11.8% increase of new jobs created

100,000 93,467
compared to 2015’s 8% increment is brought about 82,382
80,000 75,538
by the expansion of the manufacturing and ICT 71,073 72,616
70,000 64,055
sectors. 58,014 60,162
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


Committed Investment
Committed Employment
in US$ Billion
Type of Lease
2016 2015 2014 2015 2014

Direct Leases 0.923 0.303 0.189 4,441 4,886 75,672

Subleases, and 0.097 0.050 0.088 15,751 8,782 8,638

Memorandums of

Total 1.020 0.353 0.277 20,192 13,668 84,310

Page 14

CDC and the Bureau of Immigration (BI) with respect

FILINVEST MIMOSA INC. to the inter-agency monitoring, which the JMO
provides, have conducted random audit visits to the
following locators. The objective is to ensure that:
 No foreign nationals are working without the
appropriate visas/permits and,
 That existing holders of Special Clark
Working Visas are physically present to prove
that they are not engaged in gainful
employment other than the employer or
purpose, which the visa/permit was issued
Area: 201.64 Has In addition to the inter-agency coordination/visits,
Committed investment: Php 5 Billion the personal appearances of foreign nationals are
required by CDC and BI when applying for the first
time and every year thereafter for the entire
duration of their engagement with their locator-
Visa Processed : 6,219


CDC, through outbound missions to promote Clark
together with the rest of the Investment Promotions
Area: 0.9 Has Agencies (IPAs) under the Philippine Investment
Committed investment: Php 50 Million Promotions Plan (PIPP), has been aggressively
receiving several inbound investment missions by
prospective investors from several countries,
MSK GROUP WORK CLARK interested in locating in Clark, as follows:

Country Number of Delegates

Brunei 7
Canada 1
China 3
Ethiopia 14
France 14
Germany 2
Area: 3.1 Has Japan 7
Committed investment: Php 354.65 Million
Korea 1
Malaysia 6
Taiwan 42
Area: 0.21 Has USA 6
Committed investment: Php 58.8 Million
Total 120


With additional committed investment of Php38.77

billion within nine to ten years for the following
projects: Entertainment, Business Zone, American
Town and Wilderness Area.

Page 15

Ambassador Cuisia’s determination to convince the U.S. of the competitive advantage of the Philippines in
terms of business & investment led the BOI and DOT to organize the “Philippines Business and Investment
Forum”. During the forum, the Philippines showcased its major asset: English-speaking workers. The forum
also assured US investors of continuity in promoting transparency and accountability, reforms and good
governance even with the change of administration after the May 2016 elections.

IPA’s Coordination Meeting with NY Trade Attaché John Paul Inigo and NY Attache Kerwin Nate - Philippine
Center, 5th Avenue, New York

AFAB Manager Initorio, AFAB DA Pineda, Consul Kerwin Nate, CDC VP Noel Manankil, Trade Attache JP Inigo, SCADC
CDC VP Tejada, SCADC ED Pamintuan, CDC VP Manankil Executive Director Linda Pamintuan, AFAB DA Pineda

DTI-IPA Meeting chaired by DTI Undersecretary Nora Side Session: “Investment Opportunities for International
Terrado – Philippine th
Consulate Boardroom, Philippine Enterprises” - Eisner Amper LLP, 3rd Avenue, New York
Center, 5 Avenue, New York

Page 16
5 4.75
4.43 Trade Performance
4 3.66 In CY2016, both imports and exports continue to decline
3.32 with imports decreasing by 8.60% (from total importation of
3 US$3.55 billion in CY2015) and exports by 25.04% (from total
2.26 exportation of US$4.43 billion in CY2015).
1.45 Based on the report cited during the “Forum on the Region-
0.89 alization of Philippine Export Development Plan 2015-2017”,
the poor performance of Philippine exports was due to the
concentration of fewer products and markets and that
0 these are experiencing declining demand in the global
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 market. This was particularly pertaining to the semi-
conductor and electronics industry in which during CY2014 it
accounted for 58% of the total manufactured goods with a market value of US$51.6 billion.
Some CFZ locators engaged in the semi-conductor and electronics industry stated the following reasons for
the decrease in their import and export values for CY2016:
 Phoenix Semiconductor Philippines Corp. (PSPC) – attributed its low trade performance to low
demand in its products.
 Nanox Philippines Inc. – apparently recorded lower trade performance because of the shift from
global to the local market.
On its midyear review, Export Development Council had to revise export targets and decided to be more
conservative this time considering continuing sluggish global demand and world trade which impact many
economies, including the Philippines. Export targets for CY2016 & CY2017 in the original Philippine Export
Development Plan (PEDP) 2015-2017 and the corresponding revisions are as follows:
Target Export Revenue Growth, 2016-2017
Original PEDP Original PEDP Revised PEDP Revised PEDP
2016 2017 2016 2017
Goods 5.4 – 8.0% 6.7 – 10.0% 0% 3.0%
Services 9.0 – 10.3% 9.9 – 12.0% 9.0% 8.0%

TOTAL EXPORTS 6.6 – 8.8% 7.7 – 10.6% 3.0% 3.0 – 5.0%

Sources: PEDP 2015-2017; www.edc.net.ph; The Philippine Star (Business)

Since the 2nd half of 2015, exports have been declining due to the global economic slowdown. Because of this,
Philippine export target of $100 billion for 2017 was pushed back by three (3) years or until 2020.


Permits Average
Total 50%
253,149 permits were Issued Processing %
Department Permits Reduced
issued by the Business within “52% Time Compliance
Issued Time
Enhancement Group Reduced Time (2012)
and 99.8% of them Trade Facilitation 236,520 236,520 3 days 1.5 days 100%
were processed
within the 52% Building & Facilities Permits 1,414 1,246 4 days 2 days 88.1%
reduced processing Environmental Permits 4,609 4,379 4 Days 2 Days 95%
time reckoned from
Health & Sanitation 10,606 10,587 5 days 2.5 days 99.82%
2012 levels.
TOTAL 253,149 252,732

Page 17
The Clark Development Corporation was given CENTRAL LUZON EXCELLENCE AWARD FOR HEALTH for its
participation and facilitation of the APEC Healthy Women Healthy Economies Policy Toolkit. Participating CFZ
companies such as GGDC and CRL also received the same award.

Healthy Women Healthy Economies (HWHE) is an The HWHE Policy Toolkit Scorecard was developed by
APEC initiated agenda for enhancing women’s the Dept of Health along with other partners Dept of
economic participation by improving women’s Labor, Phil Commission on Women, Merck Phils,
health. The task is to develop a policy toolkit to among others.
identify health barriers which may constrain
women’s participation in the workplace. The APEC The toolkit covers five core areas: Workplace Health
working group for HWHE Is led by the Philippines and Safety, Health Access and Awareness, Gender
and the USA and with other groups such as Human based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health and
Resource and Development, Policy Partnership on Worklife Balance.
Women and the Economy and the Health Working
Group. Industrial establishments in Region III was chosen to
pilot the HWHE Policy Toolkit. Twelve (12) companies
agreed to participate, 10 (ten) of whom are from the
Clark Freeport Zone. The Clark Development
Corporation through the Health and Sanitation
Division, facilitated the application of the policy
toolkit for the 10 companies and participated in the
consolidation of results and presentation in APEC
2016 Lima Peru. Among the CFZ participants, La Rose
Noire Phils was chosen to have best practices for
women in the workplace, hence, La Rose represented
by Mr. Rolando Zafra was invited and attended the
Dra. Dobles with CFZ locators during the Central Luzon Excellence APEC 2016 in Lima, Peru together with CDC and DOH.
Award for Health


On November 2016, CDC Health and Sanitation

with SGS Phils Inc for food establishments. This aims
to upgrade skill and knowledge on high risk kitchen/
food handling operations. Modules include
microbiological hazards, personal health and
hygiene, cleaning disinfection, safe food handling
and storage, Food Safety Law, pest control and
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).
Participants include among others Midori Hotel,
Fontana, Xenia Hotel and Royce Hotel.

Page 18

2016 was a banner year for Clark tourism with the decision of management to beef up promotions of Clark for
both business and tourism.
CDC’s tourism performance reached unprecedented heights as it bagged the “Destination of the Year” award
at the first-ever Sports Tourism Awards event spearheaded by Selrahco Management with distinguished panel
of judges from both the public and private sectors representing the Philippine Olympic Committee, Philippine
Sports Commission, Department of Tourism, Strategic Works, Inc. and Selrahco Management. Awarding rites
was held at the Resorts World Manila on November 22, 2016.
Year-round special events, intensified social media promotions, outdoor advertising, participation in travel and
tourism expositions, hosted VIP tours and tri-media exposure resulted to the increased awareness and positive
reputation of Clark as a tourist destination.

Page 19
January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016
Data was culled from major visitor points which include seven (7) hotels in 2015 and thirteen (13) hotels in 2016,
Clark International Airport passenger arrivals, educational tours, Clark Museum guests, special events and use
of parks and open spaces. Please note that data on hotel occupancy is partial only updated as of January 9,

Increase/ % Increase/
Visitor Points 2015 2016
(Decrease) (Decrease)

Hotel Occupancy 1,001,980 1,106,535 104,555 10.43%

Same Day Tourists

126,288 90,315 (35,973) -28.48%
Clark Museum 33,739 39,860 6,121 18.14%

Events / Open
288,739 222,707 (66,032) -22.87%
448,766 352,882

Clark Airport Arrivals

Domestic 20,538 25,150 4,612 22.46%

International 402,794 432,133 29,339 7.28%

423,332 457,283

TOTAL 1,874,078 1,916,700 42,622 2.27%


 Clark has finally found its niche as a multi-sports  In 2016, Clark became the only venue in the
destination with the successful hosting of some country where three (3) of the five (5) Color
of the country’s newest, highly popular and Manila Run franchise were held namely, the
branded sporting events: Carnival Run, the Challenge and the Blacklight
Run. The Blacklight Run-Clark Leg, in particular,
 Color Manila Carnival Run-Clark Leg became the most attended Color Manila running
 Color Manila Challenge Clark Leg event with 5,000 participants.
 Color Manila Blacklight Run- Clark Leg
 PAL Inter Club Golf Tournament
 Beach Volleyball Republic
 Clark Bike Tour
 Pinas Cup 2016
 Powerman Duathlon Pilipinas

Page 20
 The 20th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon TOURISM PROMOTIONS AND SERVICES
Fiesta held on February 11-14, 2016, set a new
record of 112,069 visitors. Tourism Collaterals and Advertising
 Installed Clark Build Up Letters at the Parade
Ground and Bayanihan Rotunda. Social
media promotions were mounted to let the
public know of its existence.

 The CDC-organized Clark Festival 2016 posted an

estimated 26,350 visitors last December 3-4, 2016
up from 23,000 pax in 2015. It also set a record
having collected Php 1,890,000.00 worth of
sponsorships which was the highest since its  CDC’s Promotional Mascot, “Clarkey”, was
inception in 2013. officially launched last December 3, 2016 at Clark
Festival and featured during special events.

Page 21
Tourism Billboard Projects
Participation in MICE, Travel and Tour
Billboard ads installed along NLEX (estimated 185,000 Expositions
daily vehicular traffic) and digital ads on LED gantry
located in EDSA.

Northphil Tourism Expo

SM City Clark Activity Center; November 11-13,
2nd Place, Best Corporate Booth

Clark Brochures
Placement of
brochure racks and
brochures at major
visitor points within 2016 MICE Asia
Clark such as hotels, Suntec Exhibition and Convention Center
theme parks, Sun (Singapore),
September 21-22, 2016
Valley golf facility, Shortlisted Clark as “Most Inspiring MICE Venue”
Medical City Clark,
Clark Museum, TPD
Office and DOT
Information kiosk at
Clark airport .

Pull Up Banners
Pull up banners at
DOT information
kiosk at Clark
airport, Clark
Museum and
Tourism Promotions Tara Na sa Norte Travel Expo
Division (TPD) Glorietta 5 Activity Center, August 5-7, 2016
office. Also
utilized during
offsite promotional
activities and special

Portable booth system

New sets of portable booth system were fabricated.
TBEX Pilipinas 2016 (B2B Activity)
Quest Hotel & Convention Center
November 25, 2016

Page 22
Clark In Action Radio and Live Streaming Media Coverage
program – Tourism
Significant media coverages for Clark facilities
CDC-TPD co-anchors Clark In Action - Tourism live and attractions were solicited thru the joint
streaming and radio program every Wednesday to efforts of CDC Tourism Promotions and
promote Clark events, hotel and theme park Communications Divisions.
promotions, the Clark mobile app, website, social
media applications and other tourism projects and
activities of TPD.

TV 5 Media coverage of Hansa Creations Showroom

Tour Guide Training Project

TPD collaborated with the Department of Tourism Region III for the 8-day intensive tour guide training held on
May 16-23, 2016 at Systems Plus College. Nine (9) CDC employees and 5 agency-hired tour guides completed the

Tourism Seminar for Clark Frontliners

In cooperation with DOT Region 3, CDC conducted the first “Service Excellence in Tourism Seminar” on
September 16, 2016 at the CDC Skills and Training Center (former Clark Polytechnic School). Thirty (30)
frontliners from various tourism establishments in Clark participated in this seminar which seeks to further
enhance frontline services to tourists and guests.

Page 23
The Environmental Permits Division (EPD) oversees 1.3 Review & Endorsement of ECC/CNC
and enforces the compliance of CDC and applications to EMB RIII. 30 applications
stakeholder to national environmental laws, for Environmental Compliance Certificate
including regulatory requirements in the Freeport, (ECC) or Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC)
through regular facility inspections for compliance were submitted for technical review and
audits. The EPD also implements programs and endorsement to Environmental Manage-
projects on environmental protection, conservation, ment Bureau of DENR (DENR EMB).
and sustainable development.
1.4 CDC Environmental Compliance for the
A. RA 8749: Philippine Clean Air Act of
1. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE 1999. Secured 5-year period Permit to
Operate (PTO) for four (4) units standby
1.1 Certificate of Environmental Compliance generator sets located at the White
(CEC). 717 locators were granted CECs House, Buildings 2121, 2125, and 2127.
while another 75 were issued Conditional
CECs with an annual average of 89% B. RA 6969 and DAO 2013-22 (Toxic
compliance for the entire Freeport. Substances & Hazardous & Nuclear
Wastes Control). Re-registration for the
corporation’s Hazardous Waste
C. Regular submission of duly notarized
quarterly Self-Monitoring Reports (SMRs)
to DENR EMB RIII its environmental
performance and compliances on air,
water, solid and hazardous waste
D. DENR Administrative Order 2014-02:
Revised Guidelines for PCO Accreditation
E. PD 1586: Philippine Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) System. Secured
ECC for the Demonstration of Site
Remediation Project on Persistent
Organic Pollutants (POPs) Contaminated
Site to be implemented in 2017.
1.2 Violations Report, Technical Conferences,
and Complaints. 29 Notices of Technical 2. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING
Conference were served to locators with
violations or complaints. Of the 26 CDC monitors all the six (6) river systems
violators, EPD imposed penalties on 10 traversing Clark Freeport Zone and the effluent
locators with total penalties of (wastewater) being discharged by industrial and
PhP1,050,000 and PhP887,500 in collected commercial locators on a quarterly basis to ensure
fines. In 2015, the total penalties amount- that the surface waters are within the standard
ed to only PhP30,000. limits. The results showed compliance to DENR
Administrative Order 34 standards.

Page 24
3.1 Clearance for Exit of Non-Hazardous 4.1 Recyclables Collection Events (RCEs) and
Wastes or Recyclables Disposal of Selected Hazardous Wastes
EPD institutionalized an Accreditation The 13th RCE was held on April 22, 2016,
System for Scrap Buyers/Recyclers. Only the 14 RCE was held last June 24, 2016 in
registered scrap buyers in Clark can cooperation with the Metro Clark
conduct business within the zone, with Chamber of Commerce and Industry
3,007 Clearances for Exit compared to 2,614 (MACCI), and the 15th RCE was held last 7
clearances in 2015 for an increase of 15%. November 2016.
The 1-day collection of recyclable materials
included common hazardous wastes and
materials such as electronic wastes,
busted bulbs/lamps, lead-acid batteries,
ink cartridges, used cooking oil/petrol.

3.2 Clearance for Exit of Hazardous Wastes

The Clearance to Exit for Hazardous Wastes
are based on DENR guidelines (RA 6969
and its DAO 2013-22) and EPD 240
clearances for the year.
14th RCE in Angeles City

Donation of FMI to ABS CBN’s Bantay Banterya Program

3.3 Ongoing Accreditation of Scrap Buyer

or Recycler (SBR): 4.2 Launching of the Ban on Plastics and
Polystyrene (Styropor) and Promotion of
The updated List of CDC Accredited Scrap the Use of eco-friendly Packaging
Buyers/Recyclers has been uploaded in the Materials
CDC website www.clark.com.ph
(Newsroom/Issuances Relevant Total ban on the use of plastic bags and
Documents) as reference for Clark locators, polystyrene was launched on 22 April 2016.
with 34 companies accredited this year
bringing the total number of accredited
SBRs in Clark to 73, as of January 10, 2017.

3.4 Clearance for Exit for the Disposition

of Tree Logs/Debris
388 Clearances for Exit for the Disposition
of Tree Logs/Debris were issued compared
to 232 clearances in 2015 reflecting a 40%

Page 25
4.3 Proper Septage Management II. Parks and Ecosystem Management Section
EPD issued Memorandum Circular EPD 15-
05 to protect the receiving water body 1. Clark Tree Heritage Program
through proper disposal of septage
(thickened liquid waste of septic tank and 1.1 Tree Maintenance. 1,468 pruning/
portable toilets) pursuant to Clean Water trimmings conducted
Act (RA9275) and the Sanitation Code (PD
856). 1.2 Tree Cutting. 300 tree cuttings
1.3 Tree-related requests from Locators &
CDC offices. 126 tree-related requests
acted on.
1.4 Nursery operations. The CDC Nursery
propagates different varieties of
ornamental seedlings and plants with an
estimated 150,000 seedlings on stock.

4.4 Collection, Treatment & Disposal of

Busted Bulbs/Lamps
CDC-EPD issued Memo Circular EPD BDBEG
2015-03 for the Metro Clark Waste
Management Corporation (MCWMC) to
collect for treatment and final disposal
“free-of-charge”, the accumulated busted PEM Officer Tirso Castillo conducting inspection of trees for the tree in-
lamps/bulbs from CFZ locators and ventory project, and the rented Man Lift Truck during tree trimming
residents from January 2015 to April 22, operations.
2. Ground Maintenance Program
4.5 Demonstration of Site Remediation on
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) 2.1 Grasscutting
Contaminated Site in Clark
Grasscutting operations are being
The Philippines was granted GEF conducted on six (6) routes as basis for
assistance from the World Bank to help the regular maintenance and cutting cycles
country meet its obligation on the phase especially during the rainy season.
out polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB),
unintentional POPs, and POPs 2.2 Streetsweeping/Litterpicking
contaminated sites. Through a Project
Preparation Grant (PPG) in 2009, the DENR Street sweeping and litter picking
prepared the details of this project, the services have 3 sectors covering all CDC-
Integrated Persistent Organic Pollutants controlled areas in the Freeport Zone.
Management (IPOPs) Project. One
component of the grant is the site 2.3 Landscaping & Maintenance
remediation works on POP-contaminated
site located inside the PAF area through Landscaping works are conducted at the
Deep Soil Mixing Technology. green zones in the CDC corporate
complex, along major roads like M. A.
This project is on-going with ECC Ref. Code. Roxas Highway, Friendship Gate, CDC
No. R03-05122016-3870 issued last May 12, housing facilities, and other areas.
2016 for the in-situ soil remediation works
on a POPs
contaminated site covering an area of 35
square meters with the following project
1. Soil testing for cement soil ratio
2. Mobilization of equipment and
3. Site preparation
4. In-situ soil mixing
5. Concrete testing
6. Site cleanup and demobilization

Page 26
3. Related Projects / Activities 3.4 Other Tasks
3.1 Tree Surgery. 10 native trees were  Spucing of 147 African palms
identified to undergo surgery.



3.2 Firebreaks and Shaded Fuel Breaks. EPD

issued Memorandum Circular EPD 16-
0122 last 27 January 2016 advising all
locators, residents and the PAF to build
firebreaks, maintain shaded fuel breaks  Site clearing of U.P. clark
and observe good housekeeping such as
bush cutting and removal of dried
vegetation to prevent grass/bush fires.
The general objectives of having these
fire protection measures are to slow
down the spread of bushfire and to
reduce or stop the generation of air
pollution, which contribute to climate

3.3 Tree Inventory. CDC conducts a tree

inventory in all CDC controlled areas as a
joint project with the GIS and BFPD. At
present the mobile application has
already been installed by the GIS into
existing personal tablets of the EPD and
is currently undergoing beta testing by
the PEMS. The tablets where the app is
to be installed are still undergoing

Page 27
The Construction Management Division (CMD) fully supports the corporation’s commitment to our
stakeholders and investors to transform the Clark Freeport Zone into a modern industrial estate, premier
service and logistic hub with facilities for tourism and leisure.
All projects undertaken by the CMD are geared towards upholding this commitment, by implementing projects
that are of substantial impact to our customers, stakeholders and investors.
As of December 31, 2016, the CMD has completed Seventeen (17) projects and currently supervises Six (6)
on-going projects. There are also Eight (8) projects which are now under bidding process and scheduled to be

Completed Infrastructure Development Projects

Location Map of Completed Infrastructure

Page 28
 Improvement of Kalayaan Road  Asphalt Re-Blocking along P. Cruz Street
Date of Completion: January 18, 2016 Date of Completion: February 2, 2016

 Construction of Slope Protection at Upper  Re-Opening of J. Abad Santos Right Turn Lane
Dolores Creek Date of Completion: February 06, 2016
Date of Completion: February 10, 2016

 Site Development Works at the Back of Clark Museum

Date of Completion: February 24, 2016

Page 29
 Supply & Installation of Streetlights for Access Road leading to Nanox Expansion Area
Date of Completion: March 08, 2016

 Construction of Sidewalk along E. Quirino  Construction of Access Road leading to Nanox

Street Expansion Area
Date of Completion: March 11, 2016 Date of Completion: March 14, 2016

 Renovation of Building 2098 (PSD Command Center) Phase 2

Date of Completion: March 17, 2016

Page 30
 Construction of Warehouse and Impounding  Supply, Installation and Testing of One (1) Set
Area Truck Scale
Date of Completion: May 02, 2016 Date of Completion: May 24, 2016

 Replacement of 340 Units High Pressure

Sodium (HPS) Streetlights to Light Emitting  Opening of Side Gate along Don Juico Avenue
Diode (LED) Streetlights Date of Completion: October 06, 2016
Date of Completion: June 18, 2016

 Construction of East Perimeter Road and Clark  Construction of East Perimeter Road and Clark
Alley Package 1 Alley Package 2
Date of Completion: November 11, 2016 Date of Completion: November 03, 2016

Page 31
 Additional Parking Area at CDC Motorpool  Additional Parking Area at CDC Motorpool
Date of Completion: December 15, 2016 Date of Completion: December 25, 2016

On-going Infrastructure Development Projects

The on-going projects are the Transport Depot at the back of SM Clark, Drainage Improvement along Gil Puyat
Avenue (Lower Dolores Sub-System Section2) Renovation of CDC Bldgs. 2112 and 2113, Improvement of
Drainage along 1st Street, and Improvement of Valdez St. 22nd Street and Makiling Street, and Supply and
Installation of Eight (8) Units Locators’ Directional Signs.

Infrastructure Projects under Bidding Stage

Projects under bidding stage are the Detailed Engineering Design of Spine Road (New Alignment),
Improvement of Friendship Gate, Detailed Engineering Design of Service Road and Dike at Clark, Detailed
Engineering Design for the Rehabilitation of Gil Puyat Avenue, Rehabilitation of Fire Alarm of CDC Bldgs.,
Proposed Roof Improvement of Bldg. 2125, Drainage Improvement of J.Abad Santos Ave., and Installation of
Traffic Lights at Gil Puyat-Panday Pira Intersection.

Page 32
The Building and Facilities Maintenance Division (BFMD) is one in supporting CDC’s primary mission to
provide the best service to its locators, visitors, tourists and stakeholders entering the CFZ by consistently
improving the facilities such as roads, drainage system, including well-lighted streets and efficient traffic signals
that will result to a safe, secured and convenient haven for business and leisure.

 Maintenance of Sub Stations, Street Lights, & Traffic Lights

Coordination meeting and inspection of sub stations Regular maintenance of street lights and traffic lights
within Clark Freeport zone

 Improvement of flag pole infront of Bldg. 2122. E.  Improvement of the monument of Manual A.
Quirino St. Roxas along M.A. Roxas Highway corner J. Abad
Santos Ave.

 Improvement of Clark Polytechnic for OFW One  Construction of Waiting Shed along C.M. Recto
Stop Processing Center Highway, in front of L&T International Group
Phils. Inc.

Page 33
 Repainting of Covered Walkway within CDC  Road repair along Gil Puyat Avenue
Corporate Area

 Improvement of of Bldg. 2090 (Bale Balita)  Repainting of tennis Court Flooring

 Desilting of drainage system along Gil Puyat Ave.  Installation of road signs

Page 34
The Information Technology Department has endeavored to formulate and implement the following business
and systems strategies to develop, execute and manage information systems programs and projects that are
consistent with CDC’s vision and mission:



Inclusion of the following modules to the BAR and The ITD is also in charge of maintaining several
eBAR: systems that are being utilized by CDC
Departments. ITD also provides user support for
 Environmental Permits module; systems such as, but not limited to:
 Sanitary Permit module;
 Property Management; and,  TFD’s ePBI/ePBO System;
 Fire Safety Certification module.  TFD’s Entry/Exit Gate Pass System;
 The CDC BAR;
To ensure uninterrupted service to our locators/  Computerized Timekeeping System;
stakeholders, ITD has also developed an offline  Computerized Accounting System (CAS);
Visa Processing module for the BAR.  PABX System;
 Network, internet, email; and,
Bidding for the BAR Enhancement project was also  Clark Freeport’s CCTV System.
completed. Expected delivery of the dedicated
BAR server is in 1Q 2017.


Updated the corporate website to comply with the Successfully deployed the (POC) Wi-Fi hotspot area at
requirements of the GCG. the Clark Parade Grounds.

Page 35
Developed the Clark Online Job Application System Upgraded fixed and PTZ cameras to latest models
which is now being utilized by CSRPD. Applicants can for all sites and successfully deployed portable
now submit their CVs thru the CDC website and thru CCTV system for events, such as the Philippine Hot
the iClark Mobile Application. Air Balloon Festival and Fuse Music Festival.
Prepared an Audio-Visual Presentation/Briefing
Material for the Clark CCTV Project.


ITD also provides support to various CDC Departments thru the conceptualization, design and layout of
promotional materials and other publications .

Build-up letters for the

Clark Parade Grounds
and Bayanihan Park
(Tourists’ “selfie”

Page 36
Recovered lands from informal settlers
Pastolan Area
Q1, February 2016 19
(near Mabalacat Gate)
T-40 Area
Q3, September 2016 40
(Northside of J. Abad Santos Highway)
Prince Balagtas towards North SCTEX
Q4, November 2016 5
CY 2016 TOTAL 64

Recovery/Demolition Other Activities

CDC has completed the removal/ CDC Removal/Demolition of illegal stalls, shanties, transport
demolition of 15 houses of informal terminals and clearing operations at the following areas:
settlers from the 19 hectares BCDA-CDC-  Clark Veteran’s Cemetery
CIAC area at “Pastolan”, near Mabalacat  CFZ Old Main gate-Lagoon
Gate on the first quarter of 2016.  Terminal Depot proposed area
 Bayanihan Park
 Along the Clark Concrete Fence at Brgy Margot, Angeles City,
 Along the East Perimeter Concrete Fence at Mabiga, Mabalacat City
 Shanties at East Perimeter Fence at Barangay Lakandula, Mabalacat City
Continuous monitoring previously surveyed and profiled informal
settlers in coordination with the Sangguniang Barangays.
Conducted survey and profiling of the identified owners of large
parcels of private operated lots at the Sub-Zone area. Organized
clearing of garbage thrown inside CFZ along the East Perimeter
Road in coordination with the JCBBBB partners.
Facilitated the review and approval for the renewal of the MOA on
the Joint CDC and Barangay Bantay Bayan Brigade (JCBBBB) for
another six (6) months
Organized and negotiated for the clearing and self–demolition of
food stalls and vendors at the MIDORI area.

Photos covering JCBBB in Action

Coordinated with other CDC offices (EMD, BFPD, PSD and BDD1)
and facilitated the inspection of the Clark Natures Park on the is-
sues of the Employees Barracks. Continuous cooperation with other
CDC Departments in the recovery of target areas.

Photos covering the demolition/removal of

informal settlers

Photos covering SCAA in Action

Page 37
CDC Contracted Security Services:
Three contracted security agencies provided the usual
requirements of CDC PSD personnel particularly the
brand new vehicles and other equipment needed to
perform their tasks of securing the CDC area of
responsibility. PSD management instigated stricter
measures to ensure that said agencies strictly enforced
the requirements of the contract and any violations
were properly dealt with.

Industrial Fire-Fighting Course

Special Events:
1. 20th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon
Festival (PIHABF). The 20th PIHABF held last
February 11-14, 2016 was a success with the
CDC Contracted Security Services
security and traffic assistance provided by PSD.
Philippine Air Force (PAF) and PNP PERSONNEL
also provided their support and assistance to
Selected PSD personnel attended the BASIC INCIDENT make the event generally peaceful.
26, 2016 conducted by the National Disaster Risk 2. Unregistered Motorcyles, Over Speeding,
Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) Region 3. Smoke Belching, Improper License, and Reckless
This training provided knowledge to PSD officers and Driving. Continuous traffic operations were
enhanced cooperation among other units specially those made to implement strictly the traffic laws and
responding to calamities and other emergencies. regulations within the zone.
PSD Special Reaction Unit (SRU) attended a special 3. Visit of the President of the Republic of the
course on COMBAT SHOOTING & SNIPERS COURSE on Philippines. The launching of “Volunteers of
the last week of October 2016. Nanay Against Drugs” presided by Pampanga
Governor Lilia Pineda with Congresswoman
Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo was attended by the
President as the Guest Speaker. PSD provided
all the support in terms of personnel, patrol
vehicles, and equipment to ensure safety and
personnel cleared the roads and highways of
CFZ to ensure continuous flow of traffic and
passage not only of Clark locators but
PSD-SRU Combat Shooting and Snipers Course
especially emergency vehicles, communication,
utilities, maintenance and other support units.
PSD Fire and Rescue personnel had its special
provided by the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority
(SBMA) Fire Marshal and Training Officers. This was
held at CDC Parade Grounds and at SBMA Urban
Search and Rescue Training Facility on November 21-
26, 2016.

5. Fontana Leisure Park. PSD, CDC Investment

Promotions Division, and Fontana conducted
joint inspections of villas.

Industrial Fire-Fighting Course

Page 38
Extending a Helping Hand
Transforming Lives
CDC’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CSR
program is aligned and related to the organizations
shared value of working towards the achievement of
inclusive growth as a critical success factor. To this
end CDC has, for decades, implemented promotion
of economic and social development of its
surrounding communities as its primary strategy. CDC provides a range of services, such as provision of
This is further implemented through community direct financial assistance, and material assistance
welfare assistance (CWA) and resource including infrastructure, road improvement, water
augmentation support to Local Government Units system upgrading and other basic services under its
(LGUs) and other partners. HELPS: Health. Education. Livelihood. Partnership.
Cognizant of the parallel development of the Services/Special Projects initiatives including the
contiguous communities surrounding the Clark following:
Freeport Zone and Clark Special Economic Zones. On HEALTH, CDC spearheaded 5 Projects with 2,030
CDC’s CSR programs are targeted to the Beneficiaries.
development of disadvantaged sectors of our
society. CSR Programs are consciously undertaken
bearing in mind CDC’s responsibility to vulnerable On EDUCATION, the state-owned agency initiated 2
sectors of our society (i.e. women, children, Person’s Projects were 109 CFZ Locators participated and
with Disabilities (PWDs) and Indigenous Peoples). attended by 493 participants.

The CSR & Placement Division administers and

implements social welfare programs and services
designed to uplift the living conditions and improve
the quality of life of distressed and disadvantaged
individuals, groups, families and communities around
the Clark Freeport and/or Economic Zones for them
to become self-reliant and productive members of
the Philippine Society. Assistance is given to the
following poor, marginalized and vulnerable/
disadvantaged sectors of society and partner
 Government Agencies (Philippine Air Force); Information Education Campaign (IEC) on the latest Developments on
Local Government Units (LGUs) such as Social Welfare Benefits including Labor Standards/Compliances and
 Barangays, Municipalities, Cities surrounding Immigration Rules was conducted at the Officers Club for Clark
the Clark Freeport Zone located in Pampanga Locators. Pag-Ibig Fund. Philheatlh, SSS, Bureau of Immigration and
DOLE Region III were among the Resource Speakers
and Tarlac;
 Public Schools (Elementary, High School,
 College and Tech Voc.);
 Indigents (as certified by their barangay
 officials or DSWD);
 Non-Government Organizations whose
programs are aligned with CDC’s Corporate
Social Responsibility Programs (e.g. Manila
Water Foundation);
 Indigenous Peoples (IP);
 Persons with Disabilities (PWD);
 Victims of Calamities; and
 Individuals in Crisis Situations

Forum on Labor Advisory-10 series of 2016 Prohibiting Labor only

contracting) held at Royce Hotel CFZ in partnership with Department
of Labor and Employment Region III. This forum was held in order to
provide critical information and details to update top management/
decision-makers on the implementation of Labor Advisory No. 10 to CFZ
locators especially those who are currently engaging manpower

Page 39
On LIVELIHOOD, CDC conducted two (2) major jobs On PARTNERSHIP – CDC partnered with various
fair, two (2) mini Jobs Fair and one (1) Local private and non-government organizations for 16
Recruitment Activity (LRA). It also implemented the Projects such as lighting a community, awarding
following training under the Skills and Training and excellent students and clean up drive among others.
Employment for Underprivileged Persons (STEP-UP):
Language and Fundamentals Call Center Training On SPECIAL PROJECTS - 5 Major Projects where
Program in partnership with Sutherland Global implemented by CDC: distribution of Wheelchair 20
Services Phils., Inc., (SGSPI) at Clark Polytechnic for Wheelchair and 20 crutches, Gift Giving Project 2016
the following batches: 5th to 8th, BPO Readiness dubbed as “Light a Life” held at the Clark Parade
Program in partnership with IQOR Philippines, Inc.th at Grounds. A total of seven hundred forty four (744)
the Clark Polytechnic for the following batches: 5 , beneficiaries from the five (5) contiguous
6th , 13th (Aug 1-19, 2016) communities surrounding the Clark Freeport Zone.

Jobs Fair organized by CDC entitled: #HOTS (Hired on the Spot) Jobs Posing for the cameras are the various beneficiaries of CDC’s Light a
Fair 2016 at Robinsons Place, Balibago, Angeles City Life gift giving held at CDC Parade Ground, Clark Freeport Zone.

Language and Fundamentals Call Center Training Program in

partnership with Sutherland Global Services Phils., Inc., (SGSPI) at Clark Donation of beds and cushions to Ospital ng Capas for their hospital
Polytechnic for the following batches: 5th to 8th. needs.

High Speed Sewing with 37 completers, Wig Making

in partnership with Aderans Phils. and Starboard SYNOPSIS:
Manpower Services Inc. with 62 Completers, Food &
Beverage and Housekeeping in partnership with It is CDC’s pledge to make sure that economic
Midori with 98 trainees graduated the course and benefits inside the Clark Freeport Zone (CFZ) do
were hired. trickle down to the communities and is really felt by
its residents. To this end CDC has actively undertaken
Aside from trainings, CDC conducted Seedling innovative CSR projects that truly HELPS which is an
Dispersal and were dispersed to farmers from the acronym for Health. Education. Livelihood.
municipality of Bamban, Capas, Porac, Mabalacat and Partnership. Services/Special Projects.
Angeles City (Sapang Bato) and the 3 partner school;
Claro M. Recto Information & Tech. High School, Villa CDC shall work closely with the National and
Concepcion Elementary School (Bamban) and Local Government Units, business community (e.g.
Dapdap elementary School (Bamban). locator companies) and volunteers (employees), Non
Government Organizations (NGOs), government
CDC also donated ten (10) Pangkabuhayan Kart to agencies and other private organizations to be able
selected beneficiaries as part of livelihood assistance to optimize CSR collaborations in order to make CSR
program. These kiosks were turned-over to ten sustainable by raising the level of participative (as
beneficiaries during the inauguration of Capas against passive) CSR and by making CSR endeavours
Walking Street , Barangay Sto. Rosario, Capas Tarlac. more structured and organized as an integrative part
of the the daily operations of all enterprises and
Also part of CDC’s livelihood projects is Carabao individuals under its sphere of influence.
Re-dispersal. A female carabao was dispersed to a
farmer Michael Del Rosario of Capas Tarlac. A male
offspring was redispersed to Mr. Benigno Sigua of
Barangay Bical , Mabalacat Pampanga.

Page 40
On Legal — For the year 2016, the Office of the Legal d. Successful privatization of the former Mimosa
Affairs (OLA) forged to accomplish the following Leisure Estate was finally realized after 13
humble achievements. years and 5 attempts, thru the initiative/efforts
of the Management and collaborative/efficient
OLA ably and competently carried out its mandate by support and handling of numerous protracted
obtaining favorable judgments in major legal cases legal cases and of several respective claims on
involving delinquent locators, protection of CDC’s the same Estate by CDC counsels (external,
rights and interest, government properties in the in-house, OGCC) with the guaranteed revenue
CFZ/CSEZ and its territorial jurisdiction as authorized for CDC without any cost/expense to CDC and
by law, its Officers performing their official functions. additional PhP5Billion investment.
a. Dismissal of the two (2) Petitions for Further to protection of CDC’s rights and interests,
Injunction filed separately in year 2015 against exercise of police power for the protection of
CDC by a delinquent locator (Hollywood Park government properties, OLA proactively caused the
Development Corporation (HPDC) and its issuance of a Cease and Desist Order and with the
President) in view of the CDC’s termination of assistance of the external counsel immediately
the Lease Agreement and take-over of the obtained a Writ of Preliminary Injunction against the
leased property. unregistered proponents of a Waste Recovery Facility
being undertaken at the Sacobia River for being an
b. The Office of the Ombudsman and the environmentally critical and hazardous to human
Supreme Court both ruled against the cases health and condition and violative of CDC’s rights as
for misconduct, grave coercion and the implementing arm of the BCDA and the
disbarment filed against several CDC administrator and development authority for the CSEZ
Executives/Officers and employees, who and the manager of the Ancestral Domain pursuant to
performed in their official functions and the Joint Management Agreement.
duties and effective implementation of lease
contracts in relation to the termination of
lease agreement and take-over of leased
property of delinquent locator.

Recent status of areas involves in the case filed by CDC against

Lydia C. Soliman (Proposed Waste Recovery Facility)

Also, two (2) criminal cases involving theft of CDC

properties within the Clark Freeport Zone wherein the
accused were proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt
of the crime of theft and were sentenced with
imprisonment and ordered to pay CDC nominal
Favorable judgment on labor cases were also
Termination of Lease Agreement and take-over of the lease
obtained as proofs of Management’s adherence to
property of Hollywood Park Development Corporation good governance and compliance with procedural
and substantive due process.
c. Reversal of the Commission on Audit (COA) OLA has improved its corporate services by ensuring
Proper of the disallowance in audit of the that the processes are in compliance with the ISO
CDC’s 50% share in the payment of tuition and requirements and the quality of the contract reviews
miscellaneous fees for the Aeta College and opinions with the active support of the Office of
Student Scholars of CDC and AUF and ruled the Government Corporate Counsel.
that “considering the scholarship program’s
foremost intention is to extend humanitarian Finally, to effectively avert the immediate
assistance to indigenous peoples, who are less garnishment of government funds, OLA proactively
privileged members of the community (1) the coordinated with COA and CDC depositary banks on
concerned CDC officers are not required to the impending claims for payment of the judgment on
refund the disallowed amount; and (2) in the labor cases Legal assistance to the various
same manner, the beneficiaries are not re- departments intensified collection efforts of
quired to refund the amount which they Management.
received or enjoyed in “good faith”.

Page 41
Adherence to the rule of law and governance
framework of the administration, OLA remained
steadfast in its mandate to provide legal services by
providing legal representation/assistance for the
promotion and protection of CDC’s rights and best
interests, in particular and the government, in



Pursuant to the objectives of Executive Order No.605, s.

2007, the Government Quality Management Committee
(GQMC) conducted a Recognition Ceremony for
government agencies, including government-owned-and
-controlled corporations, state universities and colleges,
and local government units whose Quality Management
System (QMS) have attained ISO 9001 QMS Certifica-
tions from January 2012 to October 2016.
In recognition of the established QMS of CDC in
conformity with the ISO 9001 Standards and the
applicable Government Quality Management Systems
Standards, as well as its commitment to said effort, CDC
was conferred the GQMC Certificate of Recognition on
November 10, 2016.
The awarding ceremony aims to recognize the efforts
and diligence of government agencies who pursued
quality service by having an ISO 9001 Certified Quality
Management System within January 2012 to October
The CDC has been awarded the ISO9001:2008
Quality Management System certificate by the TUV
Rheinland Philippines Inc. on 26 January 2016 with
validity period from 26 January 2016 to 14 September
The ISO certification manifest that the TUV Rheinland
Philippines Inc. independently audited and confirmed
that the processes of CDC for Business Development,
Business Enhancement and Zone Management
services is in conformity with the standards of the
International Organization for Standardization.
The management on behalf of the CDC organization
is extremely proud in the attainment of the ISO
certification. The management quality is not just a
concept, but a reality which means that the “policies
and procedures show how people of CDC work and
how they engage to stakeholders in providing Compliance to Governance Commission for
customers’ requirements beyond satisfaction.” Government Owned and Controlled Corporation’s
(GCG) Requirements
CDC was able to comply with the requirements of its
Performance Agreement Negotiation with GCG to
obtain a self-evaluated grade of 94.8 in its Performance
Scorecard. All the Transparency Seal information
required by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) were
already submitted and awaiting online and/or actual
physical validation by the designated members of the
Task Force and of the Commission. Aside from posting
them on the website (www.clark.com.ph) for easy
access and downloading, CDC also satisfied all of the
requirements specific to RA 10149 and other
submissions to support the government’s resolve for
fairness and transparency in all government processes
CDC ISO-IQA Team and transactions.
Page 42

From L-R: Justice Jose A.R. Melo, Engr. Rommel A. Bondoc, Atty. Manuel M. Feliciano, Engr. Eliseo B. Santiago (Chairman),
Atty. Cresencio P. Aquino, Mr. Jose Danilo A. Honrado, Mr. Ricardo S. Baron, Atty. Arthur P. Tugade (CDC President & CEO),
Mr. Francisco L. Villanueva, Jr., Mr. Francis Raphael C. Elum and Atty. Arnel Paciano D. Casanova, Esq. (Vice Chairman/BCDA President & CEO)


*From L-R: Mr. Nestor I. Villaroman, Jr., Mr. Ramp Nielsen S. Uy, *From L-R: Mr. Vivencio B. Dizon (BCDA President) and Mr.
Mr. Edwin D. Rodriguez and Mr. Noel F. Manankil (CDC President and CEO) Gregorio D. Garcia, III (BCDA

* Date of Appointment: December 2016

Page 43
Date Appointed to the 18 December 2012 to 09 September 2016
Years of Directorship Three (3) Years and Nine (9) Months
Academic & Professional B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Qualifications Mapua Institute of Technology, 1971
Experience and Expertise  Independent Director Petroenergy Resources
 Member, Board of Directors and Executive
Committee of Isla Petroleum & Gas Corporation
 Former Vice President for Retail for the East,
Shell Group (2009)
 Former Country Chairman of the Shell Companies
in the Philippines
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Finance & Risk Management Committee
 Governance Committee
SANTIAGO, ELISEO B.  Utilities and Infra Oversight Committee
Filipino Number of Board Meet- 18/18
Chairman of the Board
ings Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 18/18
Attended for CY 2016

Date Appointed to the 29 April 2011 to 12 August 2016

Years of Directorship Five (5) Years and Three (3) Months
Academic & Professional  Master in Public Administration
Qualifications John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University, 2007
 Certificate on Negotiations of Financial
Transactions, United Nations Institute for
Training and Research, 2006
 Bachelor of Laws, University of the Philippines,
 Diploma on Urban and Regional Planning, U.P.,
 AB English, U.P., 1992
Experience and Expertise  President/CEO, BCDA, April 2011-Present
 Board Member and Vice Chairman, CDC
 Executive Director, Asia Society-Philippine
Foundation, Inc., September 2009-April 2011
 Trustee and Chairman of Governance and
CASANOVA, ARNEL PACIANO D. Human Resource Committee, Center for
Filipino Agriculture and Rural Development, Inc., Mar.
Vice Chairman of the Board 2009-Present
 Corporate Secretary
 Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation,
2004-August 2009
 BCDA Management and Holdings, Inc.,
 Bataan Technology Park, Inc. 2000-2003
 Faculty, Visiting Lecturer, Ateneo de Manila
School of Government , 2007-Present
 Faculty, College of Law, University of the
Philippines 2014-present
 Founding Director/Philippines Country
Representative, Avantchange, Ltd., 2007-April
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees Finance & Risk Management Committee
Governance Committee
Utilities and Infra Oversight Committee
Number of Board Meet- 18/18
ings Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 18/18
Attended for CY 2016

Page 44
Date Appointed to the 12 December 2012 to 27 April 2016
Years of Directorship Three (3) Years and Four (4) Months
Academic & Professional  Financial Management Program
Qualifications National University of Singapore, 1985
 Bachelor of Laws, Cum Laude
San Beda College, 1971
 AB Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude
San Beda College, 1967
Experience and Expertise  Founder Chairman:
 Frizzfashion Mercantile & Trading Inc.,
 Transglobal Equipment Leasing, 2007-2012
 Gateway Shipping Agency Inc., Perry, 2005-
 Perry’s Technology, 2005-2012
 APT Travel, 2005-2012
 Perryome, 2004-2012
 Perry’s Farms, 2004-2012
TUGADE, ARTHUR P.  Erico Spring Inc., 2004-2012
Filipino  Perry’s Foundation, 2004-2012
President & CEO/ Board of Director  Transglobal Trucking, 2004-2012
 Perry’s Holdings Corporation, 2004-2012
 Business and Professional Civic Affiliations &
 Rotary Club Poblacion-Parañaque, Honorary
Member, 2013-present
 Tuloy Foundation, Board of Trustees,
 San Beda College, Board of Trustees,
Member, 2006-present
 San Beda College, Board of Trustees,
Vice President, 2011
 San Beda College Alumni Foundation, 2005-
 World President’s Organization, 1997-
 Young President’s Organization, 1990
 Makati Business Club, 1983
 Rotary Club of Panday Pira, Member, 1978-
 Rotary Club of Panday Pira, Director, 1978
 Rotary Club of Panday Pira, Director,
Club Services, 1981-1982
 Rotary Club of Panday Pira, President,
 Rotary Club of Panday Pira, Director,
Community Services, 1983-1984
 District Chairman, Rotary Exec., Training
Services, 1984-1985
 District Chairman, Sub-Committee, Alumni
Foundation, 1985-1986
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Executive Committee
 Governance Committee
 Finance and Risk Management Committee
 Organizational and Personnel Committee
Number of Board Meetings 8/8
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 16/16
Attended for CY 2016

Page 45
Date Appointed to the 18 December 2012 to 29 December 2016
Years of Directorship Four (4) Years
Academic & Professional  Bachelor of Laws, San Sebastian College, Ma-
Qualifications nila, 1973-1977
 Bachelor of Arts, San Sebastian College, Manila,
Experience and Expertise  Managing Partner, CP Aquino and Partners,
 Independent Director, Global Estate Resort, Inc.,
 Director, Suntrust Corporation, 2009-present
 Corporate Legal Counsel, MBF/One Card
Corporation, 1998-2004
 Chief Legal Counsel, Government Service
Insurance System, 1992-1998
 Director, GSIS ASB Joint Venture Corporation,
 Director, Meat Packing Corporation of the
AQUINO, CRESENCIO P. Philippines, 1992-1998
Filipino  Chief Legal Counsel/Corporate Secretary, Com
Board of Director Savings Bank, 1992-1998
 Executive Director, National Reconciliation
Development Council
 Peace and Order Council (NRDP/POC), DILG,
 Ex officio Commissioner (DILG), Housing and
Land Use Regulatory Board, 1988-1992
 Special Assistant and Officer in Charge, Bureau
of Lands, Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR), 1986-1988
 Assistant Manager, Republic Planters Bank,
 Corporate Counsel/Corporate Secretary, RPB
Venture Capital Corporation, 1980-1986
 Associate Professor, San Sebastian College,
 Associate Professor, St. Paul College Quezon
City, 1979-1981
 Managing Partner, Madriaga, Aquino Law
Offices, 1979-1981
 Associate Lawyer, Tabaquero, Guzman and
Africa, 1977-1979
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Audit Committee
 Security Committee
Number of Board Meetings 24/24
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 24/24
Attended for CY 2016

Page 46
Date Appointed to the 29 April 2011 to present
Years of Directorship Five (5) Years and Eight (8) Months
Academic & Professional B.S. in Business Management
Qualifications Ateneo de Manila University, 1974
Experience and Expertise  Permanent Representative of Sen. Mar A. Roxas
at Don Honorio Ventura Technological State
University, Bacolor, Pampanga, 2009-June 2010
 Permanent Representative of Sen. Mar A. Roxas
at Pampanga Agricultural College, Magalang,
Pampanga, 2008-June 2010
 Director and Official Representative of the Bar-
on Family at RSB Pentastar Corporation, Maba-
lacat Bus Terminal, Pampanga, 2004
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Executive Committee
BARON, RICARDO S.  Finance & Risk Management Committee
Filipino Number of Board Meetings 24/24
Board of Director Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 24/24
Attended for CY 2016

Date Appointed to the 29 April 2011 to present

Years of Directorship Five (5) Years and Eight (8) Months
Academic & Professional B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Qualifications Mapua Institute of Technology
Experience and Expertise  Vice President for Operations, A.G. Araja
Construction and Development Corporation,
September 2007
 Project Manager, A.G. Araja Construction and
Trading, March 2007-September 2007
 VP-Operations, AG Araja 2007 – April 2014
 President, Sincere Mineral Corporation,
June 2006-September 2006
 Matatag Mining Corporation
 President, December 2005-June 2006
 Vice President for Operations,
June 2005-December 2005
 Municipal Vice Mayor, Presiding Officer,
Local Government of San Simon, Pampanga,
June 1998-June 2004
Filipino Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
Board of Director 15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Executive Committee
 Organization and Personnel Committee
 Utilities and Infra Oversight Committee
 Adhoc Committee on Power Infrastructure
Number of Board Meetings 24/24
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 26/26
Attended for CY 2016

Page 47
Date Appointed to the 29 April 2011 to 24 November 2016
Years of Directorship Five (5) Years Seven (7) Months
Academic & Professional Master in Business Administration, University of
Qualifications the Philippines, 1979-1981
B.S. in Industrial Engineering, University of the
Philippines, 1966-1971
Experience and Expertise  Advisor, Office of the Secretary (OSEC), DPWH
Head Office, Manila, February 2011 to present
 Consultant, Business Development, Trading and
Marketing, February 2009
 Chief Operating Officer (COO), GFTG Property
Holdings Corporation, June 2002-January 2009
 Consultant, Business Development, Trading and
Marketing, June 2001-May 2002
 Vice President, Business Development and
Customer Services Group, July 1993-May 2001
 Project Manager IV, Clark Air Base Conversion
Program, BCDA, December 1992-June 1993
ELUM, FRANCIS RAPHAEL C.  Project Manager IV, BOT Projects/Private Sector
Filipino Development, Coordinating Council of the
Board of Director
Philippine Assistance Program, Office of the
President, October 1991-November 1992
 Legislative Staff Chief, Office of Congressman
Arden Anni, House of Representatives, July 1987
to September 1991
 Project Manager, Technical Builders Corp. Q.C.,
 Water District Development Coordinator, Office
of the Governor, Province of Sulu, 1975-1979
 Manager, Production Planning & Control Dept.,
ELISCO Tool Manufacturing Corp., Taguig, Rizal
 Staff Engineer, Project Development and Evalua-
tion Dept., Elizalde Iron & Steel Corp., Taguig,
Trainings Attended  GCG Corporate Governance Scorecard Orienta-
tion, 21 February 2016, Makati City
 GCG Corporate Governance Scorecard Orienta-
tion, 25 November 2015, Infinity Tower Suites,
 ICD Training Program for Corporate Govern-
ance, 15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Executive Committee
 Organization and Personnel Committee
 Utilities and Infra Oversight Committee
Number of Board Meetings 22/22
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 24/24
Attended for CY 2016

Page 48
Date Appointed to the 29 April 2011 to 24 November 2016
Years of Directorship Five (5) Years Seven (7) Months
Academic & Professional  Bachelor of Laws, Far Eastern University, 1977
Qualifications  A.B. Political Science, San Beda College, Manila,
Experience and Expertise  President and CEO, Feliciano Group of
 President, Unified Financing Company, since
 President, St. Joseph Memorial Park, since 1979
 President, JCF & Sons Realty and Development
Corporation, since 1981
 President, Felman Realty and Development
Corporation, since 1994
 President, Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation,
since 2007
 Trustee, Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation,
since 1994
FELICIANO, MANUEL M.  Member, Fraternal Order of Utopia, Ateneo Col-
Filipino lege of Law
Board of Director
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees Executive Committee
Audit Committee
Number of Board Meetings 22/22
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 25/25
Attended for CY 2016

Date Appointed to the 29 April 2011 to 15 June 2016

Years of Directorship Five (5) Years and two (2) Months
Academic & Professional BSC Major in Banking and Finance, Saint Louis
Qualifications University, 1966-1970
Experience and Expertise  President and CEO, Feliciano Group of
 Political Officer II, Office of Senator Benigno S.
Aquino III, Senate of the Philippines, 2007-June
 Chief of Staff, Tarlac Operations, Office of Cong.
Benigno S. Aquino III, 1998-2007
 Head, Fire Department, Central Azucarera de
Tarlac, 1998-2008
 Fire Chief and Field Services Officer, Central
Azucarera de Tarlac, 1995-1998
 Technical Staff, Hacienda Luisita, Inc., 1992-1995
 Staff Assistant to Project Manager, Tarlac
Development Corporation, 1989-1992
HONRADO, JOSE DANILO A.  Auditor, Central Azucarera de Tarlac, 1982-1989
Board of Director Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Executive Committee
 Audit Committee
 Security Committee
Number of Board Meetings 11/22
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 22/23
Attended for CY 2016

Page 49
Date Appointed to the 29 April 2011 to 31 December 2016
Years of Directorship Five (5) Years and Eight (8) Months
Academic & Professional  Master of Laws (Ll, M.), University of
Qualifications Sto.Tomas, 1960
 Bachelor of Laws (Ll. B.) Manuel L. Quezon
University, 1956
Experience and Expertise  Chairman, Commission on Elections, 2008-2011
 Chairman, Melo Commission (re Extrajudicial
Killings) 2006-2007
 Justice, Supreme Court (SC), 1992-2002
 Chairman, Board of Directors, PNOC-EC,
 Chairman, Board of Advisers, Philippine
National Bank, 2002-2005
 Associate Justice, Court of Appeals, 1979-2002
 Commissioner, Civil Service Commission,
MELO, JOSE A.R.  Solicitor, Office of the Solicitor General,
Filipino 1971-1975
Board of Director  Commissioner, Professional Regulation
Commission, 1974-1975
 Staff Member, Legal Office, Office of the
President, 1962-1971
 Confidential Assistant to the Chairman,
Presidential Anti-Graft Committee, 1963-1965
 Legal Adviser, Board of Censors for Motion
Pictures, 1969-1975
 Staff Member, Diokno Law Office, 1957
 Law Practitioner, 1957-1962
 Master of Laws (LI.M.), University of Sto.
Tomas, 1960
 Bachelor of Laws (LI.B.), Manuel L. Quezon
University, 1956
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Finance & Risk Management Committee
 Organization & Personnel Committee
 Security Committee
Number of Board Meetings 24/24
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 28/28
Attended for CY 2016

Date Appointed to the Oct. 28, 2008 to Present

Years of Directorship Eight (8) Years and Two (2) Months
Academic & Professional  Strategic Business Economic Program,
Qualifications University of Asia & the Pacific (2014)
 Doctor of Business Management, DLSU GSB/
Holy Angel University, 2010
 Master in Business Management, Asian
Institute of Management, 1985
 B.S. Management Engineering, Ateneo de
Manila University, 1979
Experience and Expertise  President, Stotsenberg Media Productions, Inc.
 Senior Partner, Taft Consulting Group, Inc.
 Member of the Board, Clark Development
Corporation (CDC)*
 CFO/Member of the Board, Luzon Urban
Beltway Banner, Inc. (Banner)*
VILLANUEVA JR., FRANCISCO L.  Member of the Board, Danvil Holdings, Inc.
Filipino (Formerly Berkley Int’l. Phil., Inc.)*
Board of Director
 Member of the Board, Metro Clark Media
Network, Inc. (MCN)*

Page 50
Experience and Expertise  Member of the Board, Polaris School of Music,
 President, Metro Angeles Chamber of Com-
merce & Industry, Inc. (MACCII)*
 President, Metro Clark ICT Council (MCICTC)
 Past President & Ex-Officio, Clark Investors &
Locators Association (CILA)*
 Professor, Ateneo Graduate School of Business
 Professor, Holy Angel University Graduate
School of Business (HAU GSB)
 Professor, Baliuag University Graduate School
of Business (BU GSB)
 President, SHS Class 74 Alumni Foundation,
 Past President & Trustee, SHS Chevalier Alumni
Foundation, Inc.*
 Chairman, Alumni Association of Asian institute
of Management, Pampanga Chapter
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Audit Committee
 Security Committee
 Utilities and Infra Oversight Committee
Number of Board Meetings 24/24
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 24/24
Attended for CY 2016

Date Appointed to the 01 December 2016

Years of Directorship One (1) Month
Academic & Professional Bachelor of Science in Tourism, University of Santo
Qualifications Tomas, 1985
Experience and Expertise  President and CEO, RCS Logistics Phils., Inc.
(Formerly Express Lane Logistic Phil., Inc.) July
 President and CEO, Northlink Transport and
Forwarding Services, Inc. (Formerly Northlink
CY Terminal), August 2014-Present
 Chairman of the Board, Universal Trust
Insurance Agency, August 2011-Present
 Chief Executive Officer, E2 Logistics Phils., Inc.,
 Vice President, Snipers Security Agency, August
2005-December 2015
 President, Documents and Parcel Express,
RODRIGUEZ, EDWIN D.  Airfreight Manager, Inland Customs Brokerage
Filipino Corp., 1985-1990
Board of Director  Sales and Service Supervisor, DHL All Cargo
Express, 1985-1990
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for Corporate Governance
15 April 2015, The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Executive Committee
 Human Resources, Nominations and
Organizational Development Committee
 Risk Management, Legal and External Relations
Number of Board Meetings 2/2
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 1/1
Attended for CY 2016

Page 51
Date Appointed to the 01 December 2016
Years of Directorship One (1) Month
Academic & Professional  Master in Public Management (MPM), Ateneo De
Qualifications Manila University School of Government,
 Diploma in Local Governance and Development,
Development Academy of the Philippines, 2010-
 LL.B., Arellano University School of Law, 2003-
 B.S.C. major in Legal Management
Experience and Expertise  Vice Chairman, Lockheed Group of Companies
(Private Security Services, Healthcare Services
(HMO), Construction Business, Real Estate,
Courier Services, Utility and Maintenance,
Financial Services) Manila, Philippines, 2013 to
 Vice Governor, Provincial Government of
UY, RAMP NIELSEN S. Northern Samar, Philippines, 2010-2013
Filipino  Deputy PRO for Visayas, League of Vice
Board of Director Governors of the Philippines
 Member, Vice Governors League of the
 Member, National Movement of Young
 Member, Hagonoy Masonic Lodge No. 369
 Member, Rockwell Leisure Club
 Member, Quezon City Sports Club
 Member, Rotary Club of Greenhills
 Reservist Officer with the rank of Major,
Philippine Army AFPSN 0-146321
Trainings Attended  ICD Corporate Governance Orientation Program,
08 December 2016, The Peninsula Manila
 League of Vice Governors of the Philippines,
Local Legistation Conventions, 2010-2013
 Diploma in Local Governance and Development,
Development Academy of the Philippines,
Board Committees Executive Committee
Audit Committee
Number of Board Meetings 2/2
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 1/1
Attended for CY 2016

Date Appointed to the 01 December 2016

Years of Directorship One (1) Month
Academic & Professional  Degree of Bachelor of Science in General
Qualifications Engineering, Mapua Institute of Technology,
 Bachelor of Science Business Administration –
Management, National College of Business and
Arts, 1978-1982
 Eligibility First Grade Career Service Eligible
[Professional], 1982
Experience and Expertise  Acting Assistant Department Head, Quezon City
Government, QC Hall, 1997-1998
 Executive Officer IV & concurrent Head for
Administration, Urban Poor Affairs Office,
Quezon City Hall, 1992-1993
 Development Management Officer III/
Administrative officer for Special Projects – the
Management Information System, [Funded by
VILLAROMAN, JR. NESTOR I. the Netherlands Embassy], Presidential
Filipino Commission for the Urban Poor, 1990-1992
Director  Project Officer II, Presidential Commission for the
Urban Poor, 1989-1990

Page 52
Experience and Expertise  Project Officer I, Presidential Commission for
the Urban Poor, 1988-1989
 Section Chief, Public Assistance and External
Legal Affairs Department [PAELAD], Ministry of
Human Settlements, 1986-1987
 Special Executive Assistant, Office of the Area
Manager, National Capital Region, Ministry of
Human Settlements, 1985-1986
 Settlements Assistant II, District Action Center
II National Capital Region, Ministry of Human
Settlements, 1982-1985
 Settlements Aide III, Ministry of Human
Settlements-Region IV, 1982
 Line Producer for Regal Films, 1998-2002
Trainings Attended  Corporate Governance Orientation Program for
GOCC by ICD, 08 December 2016,
 Dusit Thani Hotel Makati
 Capability Building Seminars-Workshop [CBS]
Capability Building Program [CBP]
 Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor in
NCR & Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao Region,
1992-1995 [Program Coordinator for the
project/in-charge of the actual implementation
of the Program in all cities and highly urbanized
municipalities in the entire country]
 Basic Orientation on Liberal Democracy, White
Rock Hotel, Zambales, 1991
 Seminar on Cooperative and Management,
Presidential Commission for the Urban
 Basic Research Survey Skills Development,
Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor,
 Food Technology Seminar, Quezon City, 1985
 Project Management Training for KKK
Development, Pasig, 1985
 Seminar on Kilusang Sariling Sikap [KSS],
University of Life, Ortigas, August 1984
 Orientation-Seminar, Ministry of Human
Settlements – NCR, June 1984
 Orientation Seminar on KSS, Pasig, April 1984
 HIT Briefing Seminar, Pasig, February 1984
 View Seminar, KKK-NCR, Ministry of Human
Settlements, October 1983
 Staff Development Seminar, Pasig, Sept.1983
 Metro Manila Field Officers Workshop, Pasig,
 Ministry of Human Settlements-NCR, 1983
 Seminar on Regional Livelihood, Shelter and
Community Services, Pasig, May 1983
 Basic Orientation Course on Community
Development, April 1983
 Today’s Marketing and Management Practices,
Junior Business Club, QC Sports Complex,1982
 Workshop/Seminar on Community Works, Love
Bank Organization, Baguio City, March 1982
 7th National Congress on College Students,
YMCA Baguio City, 1981
 Love Bank’s Mid-year Seminar on Talent
Development Program, Love Bank
Organization, Batulao, Batangas, October 1981
 Seminar Workshop on Leadership and
Community Development, Love Bank
Organization, Baguio City, April 1981
Board Committees  Executive Committee
 Finance, Investments & Promotions Committee
 Business and Strategic Planning Committee
Number of Board Meetings 2/2
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 1/1
Attended for CY 2016

Page 53
Date Appointed to the 01 December 2016
Years of Directorship One (1) Month
Academic & Professional  Master of Science in Computational Finance,
Qualifications 1997, (All subject completed, comprehensive/
thesis for completion), De La Salle University
 Certified Public Accountant, 1991
 Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Major in
Accounting, 1991, Deans List, De La Salle
Experience and Expertise  Clark Development Corporation (CDC)
President and Chief Executive Officer,
December 2016
 CDC Vice President (VP) for Administration and
Finance, April 2013 to November 2016
 CDC VP for Finance, June 2001 – March 2013
 CDC Officer-in-Charge, VP for Admin & Finance,
December 2000 - May 2001
 CDC Manager, Internal Audit Department, July
MANANKIL, NOEL F. 1999 – November 2000
Filipino  CDC Officer-in-Charge, Internal Audit
President and Chief Executive Officer Department, March 1999 – June 1999
 CDC Officer-in-Charge, Corporate Planning
Department, August 1998 – February 1999
 CDC Sr. Finance Officer, Corporate Planning
Department, January 1996 – July 1998
 Holy Angel University Instructor, 1992-2007
COMPANY, 1991 - 1992
Trainings Attended Corporate Governance Orientation Program for
GOCC by ICD, 08 December 2016,
Dusit Thani Hotel Makati
Board Committees  Executive Committee
 Finance, Investments & Promotions Committee
 Business and Strategic Planning Committee
Number of Board Meetings 2/2
Attended for CY 2016
Number of Committees 1/1
Attended for CY 2016

Page 54
Date Appointed to the 26 August 2016
Years of Directorship Four (4) Months
Academic & Professional  University of Reading, United Kingdom
Qualifications Master of Science (MSc) in Applied
Development Studies, December, 1999 (with
Distinction), Recipient, British CHEVENING
Scholarship Awards, British Foreign
Commonwealth Office and The British Council
 De La Salle University, Manila
Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) degree in Economics and
Bachelor of Science in Commerce (BSc.) degree
in Management of Financial Institutions,
September 1996
Consistent Dean’s Honors List
Outstanding Thesis in France
Experience and Expertise  14 August 2016 - Presen President and CEO/
Vice-Chairman of the Bases Conversion and
Development Authority
DIZON, VIVENCIO B.  Acting Chairman of the Clark Development
Filipino Corporation
BCDA Representative
 Member, John Hay Management Corporation
 Member, Poro Point Management Corporation
 Member, Fort Bonifacio Development
 Member, Bonifacio Estate Services Corporation
 Member, Bonifacio Global City Estates
 July 2013 – July 2016, Consultant, Senate
Majority Leader – Alan Peter Cayetano
 June 2011 – July 2013, Undersecretary for
Political Affairs, Office of the President of the
Republic of the Phils.
 June 2007 – May 2011, Vice President for Corpo-
rate Communications, Strategic Alliance Hold-
ings Inc. – Technologies (SAHI – TECH)
 January 2005 – April 2007, Senior Lecturer,
University of Northern Virginia, Prague Campus,
Czech Republic
 Lecturer in Economics, Finance and Statis-
tics for the Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration Program
 July 2002 – November 2004, Chief of Staff,
Office of Sen. Edgardo J. Angara, Senate of the
 September 1999 – June 2002, Assistant
Professor, Department of Economics, De La
Salle University
 Research Associate, Angelo King Institute
for Economic And Business Studies, De La
Salle University
 September 1996 – July 1998, Lecturer of
Economics and Finance, De La Salle University,
 Economics Research Staff, Senate of the
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for
Corporate Governance
Orientation Program for GOCCs
21 November 2016
The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees  Executive Committee
 Governance and Strategic Planning Committee
 Finance and Risk Management Committee
Number of Board Meetings 8/8
Attended for CY 2016

Number of Committees 3/3

Attended for CY 2016

Page 55
Date Appointed to the 26 August 2016
Years of Directorship Four (4) Months
Academic & Professional  Bachelor of Commerce, Major in Marketing,
Qualifications Letran College
Experience and Expertise  14 August 2016 to present, Chairman, Bases
Conversion and Development Board
 Chairman, Heritage Park Management
 Member, John Hay Management Corporation
 Member, Clark Development Corporation
 Member, Poro Point Management Corporation
 Member, Fort Bonifacio Development
 Member, Bonifacio Estate Services Corporation
 Member, Bonifacio Global City Estates
 Member Bonifacio Arts Foundation
 2006-2016, Consultant, Senator Alan Peter
Filipino  2016 handled vice presidential campaign of Alan
BCDA Representative
Cayetano, member of TV communications team
of Rodrigo Duterte presidential cam-
paign,consultant to the senatorial campaign of
senator Joel Villanueva, congressman Martin
Romualdez and MMDA chairman Francis
 2013, handled communications campaign of
Senator Nancy Binay and consultant to Grace
Poe and Sonny Angara senatorial campaigns.
 2010, handled pre-launch campaign of Manny
Villar, partly handled presidential bid of Gilbert
Teodoro. Headed communications campaign of
Vice President Jejomar Binay
 2004, handled presidential campaign of Panfilo
 headed senatorial campaign of senator Pia
 1979 to 2000, chairman, partner and chief
creative officer of Leo Burnett Philippines
Advertising Company
 1977 to 1979, executive vice-president
Bagumbayan Corporation
 1966 to 1976, vice president Banco Filipino
 1964 to 1966, copy chief Ace Compton
 Industry leadership: Founding chairman,
Creative Guild of the Philippines, Founding,
Philippine Board of Advertising, Founding
member, Bank Marketing Association
 Lifetime achievement awardee of the Creative
Guild and Maverick of the year, Association of
 Philippines advertising agencies.
Trainings Attended ICD Training Program for
Corporate Governance
Orientation Program for GOCCs
November 2016
The Peninsula Manila
Board Committees Governance & Strategic Planning Committee
Number of Board Meetings 6/8
Attended for CY 2016

Page 56
CDC Executives

From L-R: Atty. Perlita M. Sagmit (VP for Legal Affairs and General Counsel), Ms. Evangeline G. Tejada (VP for Business Develop ment
and Business Enhancement), Mr. Noel F. Manankil (CDC President and CEO),
Mr. Alizaido F. Paras (OIC Office of the VP for Administration and Finance), Engr. Alveen H. Tabag (VP for Engineering Services) &
Gen. Ramsey L. Ocampo (Ret.) (VP for Security Services)

From L-R: Engr. Mariza O. Mandocdoc (AVP for Special Concerns), Ms. Ma. Zoraida G. Camello (AVP for Administration), Atty. Noel le Mina D. Meneses (AVP
for Business Enhancement), Ms. Thelma C. Ocampo (AVP for Business Development I), Engr. Teresito T. Tiotuyco (AVP for Technic al Services), Mr. Rodem R.
Perez (AVP for Business Development II), Mr. Rommel C. Narciso (AVP for External Affairs), & Mr. Dionisio T. Dychioco (AVP for Information Technology)


Vast resources abound in and around Clark . From infrastructure
to utilities to key installations. The list goes on. The presence of an
international airport also gives Clark a big boost when it comes to
investment attraction. With the dispensation of a new administration,
Clark Development Corporation is also leaning on tremendous
contributions of its human capital. The challenges that the future pose
is assured of answers with the full optimization of Clark’s resources,
particularly its harnessed manpower potentials where its hopes are
mainly anchored.
Editorial Team:
Mr. Anthony Emmanuel G. Tulabut Mr. Tarcisius T. Tiotuyco
Mr. Eric V. Jimenez Ms. Maria Jennifer S. Tayag
Mr. Dante M. Deang Ms. Mylene C. Paraan
Ms. Astrud Aguinaldo
Concept, Design and Layout:
Mr. Anthony Emmanuel G. Tulabut Mr. Borj Meneses
Ms. Maria Jennifer S. Tayag Ms. Mylene C. Paraan
Mr. Borj Meneses
Mr. Raul Amores
Ms. Carlota M. Paule
Mr. Walter A. San Diego Page 57
Mr. Reinnier M. Quitalig
Clark Development Corporation
Building 2125 E. Quirino Street
Clark Freeport Zone 2023
(+6345) 599-9000
(+6345) 599-2717
(+6345) 599-2043
(+6345) 499-0894


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