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Exemplos de cálculo

Before performing each calculation, press the [AC] key.

(−6) + 4 + 7.5 = 5.5 [−] 6 [+] 4 [+] 7.5


54 = 625 5 [×] [=] [=] [=]

1 / 2 = 0.5 1 [÷] 2 [=] or

2 [÷] [=]

1 (2 x 5 − 2) = 2 [×] 5 [−] 2 [÷] [=]


100 + (100×5%) = 105 100 [+] 5 [%]
100 [×] 5 [%] [+]

10 − (10×20%) = 8 10 [−] 20 [%]

10 [×] 20 [%] [−]

300 × 27% = 81 300 [×] 27 [%]

11.2 56 × 100% = 20% 11.2 [÷] 56 [%]

Add [M+]

Subtract [M−]

Recall memory [MRC]

Clear memory, M=0 [MRC] [MRC]

Add 10 to memory 10 [M+] or,

2 × 5 [M+]

Set tax rate [AC] [%](rate set) 3
3 [%](rate set)

Check [AC] [TAX+](tax 3

currently set rate)
Tax inclusive 150 [TAX+] 154.5

Tax amount [TAX+] 4.5

Tax exclusive 206 [TAX−] 200


Tax amount [TAX−] 6

Margem de lucro

SP=400, CP=200. Find margin

200 [COST] 400 [SELL] [MAR] 50%

CP=150, Margin=25%. Find SP and net margin

150 [COST] 25 [MAR] 50

[MAR] (Margin)
[SELL] 200 (SP)

SP=150, Margin=30%. Find CP and net margin

150 [SELL] 30 [MAR] [MAR] 45 (Margin)

[COST] 105 (CP)

Cálculo Constante
3 × 4 = 12 3 [×] 4 [=]
3 × 6 = 18 6 [=]

12 ÷ 4 = 3 12 [÷] 4 [=]
24 ÷ 4 = 6 24 [=]

2+3=5 2 [+] 3 [=]

4+3=7 4 [=]

3−2=1 3 [−] 2 [=]

2−2=0 2 [=]

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