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Breadmaking Use of Andean Crops Quinoa, Kañiwa, Kiwicha, and Tarwi

Cristina M. Rosell,1,2 Gladys Cortez,3 and Ritva Repo-Carrasco3

ABSTRACT Cereal Chem. 86(4):386–392

The effect of addition of flours from the highly nutritious Andean crops ture could be obtained from 100% Andean crop flours, with the exception
quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule), of quinoa breads that had overall sensory values about half a completely
kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus), and tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) has been perfect score, and which were not significantly different from the breads
investigated in wheat doughs and fresh bread quality. The thermome- made from a 50:50 blend of wheat and quinoa. Replacement of wheat
chanical profile of wheat doughs and bread quality has been explored by flour by ≤12.5% (tarwi), 25% (kañiwa), and 50% (kiwicha), respectively,
increasing substitution of wheat flour at 0–100% by Andean crop flours. still produced breads with good sensory acceptability but variable color
Dough blends were evaluated using the Chopin Mixolab device, whereas and doughs with acceptable thermomechanical patterns. Partial substitu-
bread quality assessment comprised sensory (overall acceptability) and tion of wheat flour by Andean crop flours constitutes a viable option to
physicochemical (moisture, specific volume, texture, color) determina- improve the nutritional value of the breads, with acceptable technological
tions in composite breads. In general, no breads with aerated crumb struc- performance of dough blends and composite breads.

Western diets based on wheat-derived breads are much less sa- diverse conditions of humidity and temperature (Jacobsen 2003).
tiating than those based on more traditional grains in less devel- The crop was recently introduced to various European countries
oped countries. Particularly, some alternative crops (buckwheat, and also to North America, Asia, Africa, and Australia (Jacobsen
oat, quinoa, amaranth grain, etc.) are of nutritional interest for 2003). Quinoa was nominated by FAO as a crop most likely to
developing healthier and typical regional foods (Berghofer and significantly contribute to global food security in the 21st century
Schonlechner 2000; Berti et al 2005). (FAO 1998).
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidi- Despite the potential improvement that these Andean grains
caule) and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) are indigenous pseudo could represent when looking for healthier diets, scarce studies
cereals from the Andean region. Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) is a have been focused on the development of bakery goods. Up to
legume cultivated in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador since pre-Inca 20% replacement of wheat flour by quinoa or kiwicha has been
times. All these crops are highly nutritious and environmentally reported (Bruemmer and Morgenstern 1992; Chauhan et al 1992;
adaptable. The protein content of quinoa and kañiwa is high and Morita et al 2001) for making wheat-based breads. Even the use
they have balanced amino acid composition (Repo-Carrasco et al of germinated quinoa as breadmaking ingredient in wheat bread
2003). Kiwicha proteins have also an excellent nutritional value, formulation has been proposed (Park and Morita 2005). Addition-
especially when combined with other cereals (Pedersen et al ally, a breadmaking trial showed that wheat flour replacement by
1987). Tarwi is extremely rich in protein (45% protein content) 10% tarwi gave acceptable bread quality (Gross et al 1983; Lo-
(Schoeneberger et al 1987) and oil (16% oil content) (Gross et al renz and Coultier 1991). No information has been found regard-
1988), but due to the presence of bitter and toxic alkaloids must ing the use of kañiwa in breadmaking processes.
be debittered before consumption. Quinoa contains saponins that A comparative study on the potential breadmaking properties of
also have to be eliminated before use as human food. Addition- these four Andean crops is described for extending their applica-
ally, high dietary fiber content and natural antioxidants such as tion and improving the nutritional value of the existing bakery
phenolic compounds gives these Andean grains even greater po- products. The effect of increasing substitution of wheat flour by
tential as functional and bioactive ingredients in food products Andean crop flours from 0 to 100% on rheological characteristics
(Gorinstein et al 2007). Partial substitution of wheat flour by of bread dough and fresh bread quality is presented. Rheological
flours from Andean crops could improve the nutritional quality of behavior of the bread doughs was assessed by defining the ther-
wheat bread because they are rich in lysine and other essential momechanical profile using the Mixolab device and fresh bread
amino acids present in scarce amounts in wheat flour (Berghofer quality was assessed by measuring sensory (overall acceptability)
and Schonlechner 2000). These Andean crops contain no gluten, and physicochemical (moisture, specific volume, texture, crumb
which seriously constrains the technological performance of the and crust color) parameters.
baking process. However, recently in Europe, quinoa has attracted
attention for people with celiac disease as an alternative to the MATERIALS AND METHODS
common cereals like wheat, rye, and barley, all of which contain
gluten (Schoenlechner et al 2008). The use of composite flours A commercial blend of breadmaking wheat flour and the fol-
also offers economic advantages for countries like Peru where the lowing varieties of the Andean crops were used: Rosada quinoa
cultivation of wheat is very scarce for geographical and climate (Chenopodium quinoa) from Huancayo location, Cupi kañiwa
reasons. Andean grains have potential agronomic importance (Chenopodium pallidicaule) from Puno, Centenario kiwicha
world-wide because they easily adapt to different environmental (Amaranthus caudatus) a new cultivar developed by the National
conditions. They can be cultivated on poor soils and at high alti- Agrarian University from Ancash, and tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis)
tudes. In particular, specific ecotypes of quinoa are adapted to from the leguminous program of the National Agrarian University
La Molina (Lima, Peru). All the Andean crops were grown in
1 Cereal
2006 season and were used in 2007. The grains were stored in
Group, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC),
P.O. Box 73, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain.
sealed plastic containers in a cool, dark, dry cabinet until use.
2 Corresponding author. Phone: +34 963900022. Fax: +34 963636301. E-mail: Standard bread formulation using baker’s compressed yeast and salt were followed.
3 Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias,

Av. La Molina s/n, Lima, Peru. Preparation of Flours of Quinoa, Kañiwa, Kiwicha, and Tarwi
doi:10.1094 / CCHEM-86-4-0386 Debittering of quinoa to remove saponins was achieved by
© 2009 AACC International, Inc. washing in water then drying at 50°C for 4 hr. Quinoa grains were


milled in a laboratory mill (Cyclotec 1093, Foss, Denmark). Kañi- moisture content, and crumb hardness. Crust and crumb color
wa and kiwicha grains were cleaned and milled with the Cyclotec were determined using a colorimeter (ChromaMeter CR-400/410,
mill. Tarwi grain was dehulled then debittered to remove alkaloids Konica Minolta, Japan). Moisture content was determined follow-
following the modified Cusco method described by Gross et al ing the ICC Method. Texture profile analysis (TPA) of the bread
(1983). The debittered tarwi was dried at 50°C for 12 hr in a hot- crumbs was performed by a texture analyzer (TA-XT2i, Stable
air cabinet dryer and then milled as previously described. Micro Systems, Surrey, UK). A bread slice 1-cm thick was com-
pressed up to 50% of its original height at a crosshead speed of 1
Flour Characteristics mm/sec with a cylindrical stainless steel probe (10 mm diameter).
The fflours used were wheat (Triticum aestivum), quinoa, ki- All measurements were performed immediately after the 30-min
wicha, kañiwa, and tarwi. Moisture, protein, ash, and fat were cooling period. Sensory perception was performed by a trained
determined following standard methods (ICC, Vienna). The colors panel of judges who scored the overall acceptability of the breads
of milled grain samples were measured directly in the powder by using a semistructured scale (0 extremely dislike, 10 extremely
using a colorimeter (Chroma Meter CR-400/410, Konica Minolta, like).
Japan) after standardization with a white calibration plate (L =
97.64, a = –0.02, b = 1.77). The color was recorded using Hunter Statistical Analyses
L,a,b uniform color space (HunterLab), where L indicates white- Values were the mean of three replicates, unless otherwise de-
ness, a indicates hue on a green (–) to red (+) axis, and b indicates scribed. A multiple sample comparison procedure was used to
hue on a blue (–) to yellow (+) axis. determine statistically significant differences among the means
(Plus v.7.1, Statistical Graphics Corporation, UK). Fisher’s least
Thermomechanical Behavior of Flours significant difference (LSD) test with 95% confidence was used
Mixing and pasting behavior of doughs from wheat and Andean to discriminate among means.
crops blends were studied using the Mixolab device (Chopin,
Tripette et Renaud, Paris, France). The real time torque (ex- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
pressed in Nm) measured for the dough indicates physical pa-
rameters including the quality of the protein network and starch The proximate composition and color tristimulus parameters of
behavior during mixing, heating, and cooling (Bonet et al 2006; the flours used in this study are presented in Table I. Compared
Collar et al 2007, Rosell and Collar 2008). Flour blends (50 g) of with wheat, all the Andean cereals had significantly (P < 0.05)
increasing proportions of the Andean crop flours (0, 12.5, 25, 50, high protein content, particularly tarwi, which was extremely high
and 100%) were evaluated by the Mixolab with a constant addi- (57.4%). Fat and ash content of the four Andean crops were sig-
tion of water. The mixing settings used were 6 min at 30°C, heat- nificantly (P < 0.05) higher than in the wheat flour, again particu-
ing rate of 4°C/min until 90°C, 7 min holding at 90°C, cooling larly the fat content of tarwi (24.5%). These levels for quinoa,
rate of 4°C/min until 55°C, then 5 min holding at 55°C. The mix- kañiwa, and kiwicha were similar to those previously reported
ing speed during the entire assay was 75 rpm. The recorded curve (Repo-Carrasco 1992; Repo-Carrasco et al 2003; Park et al 2005).
shows consistency during mixing, overmixing, pasting, and gel- Protein and fat content of tarwi flour agree with previous data
ling. reported for tarwi or lupine flour obtained after debittering by
using the Cusco method (Gross et al 1983). The L (whiteness)
Breadmaking Process value of all the Andean flours was lower than that observed for
Wheat-Andean crop flour blends (0, 12.5, 25, 50, and 100%) wheat flour, particularly for kañiwa, which showed a strong
were used for making small pan breads. Blended flours (300 g) brown color. The a value for the wheat flour was negative (green
were mixed with water (59% v/w, blend basis), salt (1.8% w/w, hue), but positive (red hue) for all Andean flours, and most sig-
blend basis) and yeast (2% w/w, blend basis) in a 300-g Bra- nificantly for the brown kañiwa. All b values were positive (yel-
bender farinograph bowl for 4 min (wheat flour and wheat-quinoa low hue); tarwi had extremely high value and a characteristic
blend), 6 min (wheat-tarwi blends), or 8 min (wheat-Kiwicha yellowish color. As a consequence, Andean grain-wheat flour
blends and wheat-kañiwa blends). After kneading, the doughs blends will produce a range of colored bakery products.
were divided into 50-g pieces and individually placed into alumi-
num pans. Fermentation was done in a proofing cabinet for 45 Thermomechanical Behavior of Andean Grains-Wheat
min at 30°C and 85% RH. The dough pieces were baked for 35 Flour Blends
min at 165°C in an electric oven and the loaves were removed Plots of the thermomechanical behavior of doughs obtained
from the pans and cooled at room temperature for 30 min. from wheat-Andean crop blends recorded in the Mixolab device
are shown in Fig. 1. Additionally, plots obtained for wheat flour
Bread Quality Determination and Andean crops flour were included for gaining information
Bread quality was evaluated by assessing volume (rapeseed about the Andean crops viscometric profile associated to the heat-
displacement), weight, specific volume, crust and crumb color, ing-cooling processes. The first part of the curve corresponds to

Proximate Composition (g/100 g, as-is) and Color Tristimulus Parameters of Sample Floursa
Wheat Quinoa Kañiwa Kiwicha Tarwi
Moisture content 14.21 ± 0.09d 8.31 ± 0.06b 11.46 ± 0.10c 11.57 ± 0.09c 6.14 ± 0.07a
Proteinb 9.81 ± 0.10a 13.83 ± 0.23c 14.75 ± 0.19d 12.34 ± 0.09b 57.36 ± 0.59e
Ash 0.53 ± 0.08a 2.09 ± 0.09c 3.27 ± 0.06e 1.73 ± 0.08b 2.61 ± 0.09d
Fat 0.92 ± 0.09a 5.04 ± 0.14b 6.40 ± 0.15c 6.36 ± 0.12c 25.40 ± 0.33d
L 89.96 ± 2.09d 81.74 ± 2.51c 44.70 ± 1.96a 76.12 ± 2.41b 73.92 ± 2.09b
a –0.73 ± 0.09a 0.35 ± 0.10b 5.01 ± 0.08e 1.90 ± 0.09c 2.68 ± 0.15d
b 10.48 ± 0.23a 14.48 ± 0.81b 13.50 ± 0.94b 17.09 ± 1.03c 70.99 ± 2.15d
a Mean values in a row followed by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05). Data expressed on moisture basis (n = 3).
b Protein conversion for wheat was N × 5.7 and N × 6.25 for all others.

Vol. 86, No. 4, 2009 387

mixing and initial heating (up to 52–58°C) and is associated with Very similar patterns were observed for the blends with kañiwa
proteins undergoing hydration, changes induced by mechanical and wheat flour (Fig. 1B), despite the pure kañiwa dough giving
input, thermally induced aggregation and unfolding (Rosell et al only a very low torque during the entire test period. The greatest
2007). Further heating and cooling results in starch gelatinization difference was observed during mixing, overmixing, and initial
and gelling, respectively (pasting), with a consequent increase in heating, where dough containing kañiwa-wheat blends showed
dough consistency initially due to starch swelling and then due to lower torque than wheat flour dough, indicating that kañiwa pro-
starch recrystallization (Rosell et al 2007). The Andean crops all teins decrease dough stability. Kañiwa showed very low mechani-
had very different thermomechanical behaviors to wheat flour, cal stability and consistency, which could only be recorded during
and to one another. Significant differences were detected in the a short initial period. During the overmixing and heating phases
part of the curve associated to starch changes, except for tarwi no torque could be detected, indicating no starch gelatinization.
where the differences were more pronounced in the part of the The doughs with pure kañiwa were very fragile and easily disin-
curve associated with protein changes. tegrated, yet the blends up to 50% gave similar doughs to those of
The plots for quinoa-wheat dough (Fig. 1A) showed that blends quinoa.
had intermediate behavior between pure wheat flour and quinoa The kiwicha-wheat blends generated dough with mechanical
flour, proportional to the level of added quinoa. Pure quinoa flour behavior similar to wheat flour (Fig. 1C) and overlapping
gave a very low consistency dough, requiring a higher tempera- Mixolab plots were obtained for all blends during the mixing,
ture than wheat for its starch pasting (minimum torque observed overmixing and initial heating phases. Divergence started when
at a dough temperature of 57°C, compared with wheat at 55°C). starch gelatinization began and in contrast with the quinoa and
However, significant genetic variation for both thermal and past- kañiwa-wheat blends, the effect was more pronounced depending
ing properties of quinoa starch has been reported (Lindeboom et on the level of kiwicha added. Low pasting viscosity and setback
al 2005). Maximum peak torque during heating was reached at has been associated with the low amylose contents of kiwicha
72°C for the wheat dough, followed by a pronounced torque de- starch (3.0–12.5%) (Uriyapongson and Rayas-Duarte 1994; Kong
crease. This fragility of the swollen starch granules is reflected in et al 2009). In contrast to the other Andean grains, kiwicha flour
the swelling after they break down under continuous stirring (Tip- was able to develop dough with measurable torque, but like
ples et al 1980). The quinoa flour gave a very low consistency kañiwa, as heating started its consistency became undetectable.
during cooling, which indicates very low recrystallization or set- The tarwi-wheat blends showed opposite behavior to the other
back (Rosell et al 2007; Collar and Rosell 2009). Dough stability Andean crops (Fig. 1D). Increasing the amount of tarwi flour in
during pasting decreased significantly upon addition of 12.5% the blends augmented dough consistency, particularly through the
quinoa but only slightly more up to 50%. There was a dramatic initial mixing phase. This was expected considering the protein
drop in stability between the 50% blend and pure quinoa. The content of this flour (57.4% tarwi vs. 9.8% wheat). During the
same trend was observed for the maximum torque produced dur- first part of the curve (mixing, overmixing, and initial heating),
ing the heating stage, with a drop on addition of any quinoa, only plots are governed by changes to proteins and the extent of the
a small difference up to 50%, but a dramatic decrease to pure modification is greatly dependent on the protein content and na-
quinoa. Similar trends were observed for the torque measured ture (Bonet et al 2006). Generally, the tarwi doughs were difficult
after cooling at 50°C. to manipulate due to high consistency. Again, in contrast to the

Fig. 1. Thermomechanical behavior plots of dough obtained from wheat-Andean crop blends (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100%) recorded in the Mixolab device. A,
Quinoa; B, Kañiwa; C, Kiwicha; D, Tarwi.


other Andean crops, the presence of tarwi up to 25% hardly af- Carrasco et al 2003) that produce nonenzymatic Maillard brown-
fected wheat starch gelatinization. From 50% addition, the curve ing during the baking process. The a values for the bread crusts
during pasting did drop significantly from the wheat curve. The were always positive (red hue) but with the exception of breads
effect of wheat starch dilution was not evident in the presence of containing kañiwa, no clear trends were observed with increasing
tarwi, likely masked by the proteins. Protein type can modify substitution of wheat flour. The b values for bread crusts were
pasting and gelling properties of cereal starches (Marco and also positive (yellow hue), and a generally significant decrease
Rosell 2008), and in turn be influenced by thermal-induced ge- was observed with increasing the level of Andean crop flours in
latinization processes leading to modified dough rheological be- the blends.
havior (Ngarize et al 2004). The blends with up to 25% tarwi, For the crumb, the L values showed generally significant reduc-
slightly increased the torque during cooling compared with wheat, tion whit increasing proportion of Andean crop flours, yielding
probably due to the interactions between the wheat amylose and darker crumbs. However, the level of additional Andean crop
tarwi lipids (the second major component of the tarwi flour), as it flours needed to significantly darken the crumb from pure wheat
has been previously observed for surfactant-supplemented wheat varied between them, from >50% with quinoa and tarwi to 12.5%
doughs (Collar 2003). The 50% blend showed a completely dif- with kañiwa (Fig. 2). The a values ranged from negative values
ferent thermomechanical plot, with extremely high dough consis- (green hue) to positive values (red hue), increasing significantly
tency during mixing but a more pronounced drop during the when the proportion of Andean flour was >25%, except for
pasting phase. Pure tarwi showed very erratic behavior: low kañiwa where the 12.5% blend was significantly redder than pure
torque during mixing, then almost being undetectable during heat- wheat. The b values were all positive, indicating yellowish color.
ing and cooling. The pure Andean crop breads were all significantly higher than
pure wheat bread (with tarwi the highest) except for kañiwa
Bread Quality Parameters which was significantly lower (Table II, Fig. 2).
Breads obtained by substituting wheat flour with increasing The moisture contents of the Andean crop breads are given in
Andean crops flour produced a range of loaves with different Fig. 3. Kañiwa and kiwicha breads showed increasing moisture
sensory and technological characteristics (Fig. 2). content with increasing wheat flour substitution but the pure
The color tristimulus parameters of the breads obtained from breads decreased to a level similar to pure wheat for kañiwa and
wheat-Andean crops flour blends are detailed in Table II. Crust significantly lower for kiwicha. Breads containing up to 25%
whiteness (L) decreased when the proportion of the Andean flours tarwi flour showed increasing moisture content, but it dropped at
increased in the blends. Breads with higher proportions of Andean higher levels of wheat replacement until pure tarwi was signifi-
flours had darker crust (Fig. 2) due to the darker color of the An- cantly below pure wheat. For quinoa, yet another pattern was
dean crops flour and also the increased content of reducing sugars evident, with no increase in moisture content up to 25% substitu-
and proteins with lysine residues present in these flours (Repo- tion, then a significant jump but no difference between the substi-

Fig. 2. Breads obtained from wheat-Andean crops flour blends (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100%).

Vol. 86, No. 4, 2009 389

Color Tristimulus Parameters of Breads from Wheat Flour Blends with Andean Crops (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100%)a
Crust Color Crumb Color
Sample and Blend (%)b L a b L a b
0 55.9d 10.5b 23.9d 60.3c –1.0a 11.4a
12.5 39.7c 12.7c 16.5c 60.4c –0.8a 13.6b
25 37.1c 12.7c 14.9c 59.5c –0.2b 15.9c
50 34.0b 12.2c 13.2b 55.7b 1.2c 17.8d
100 21.1a 8.5a 9.4a 46.7a 1.8d 16.1c
0 55.9d 10.5c 23.9d 60.3e –1.0a 11.4b
12.5 43.1c 10.8c 17.7c 45.7d 1.9b 10.5b
25 34.5b 8.4b 12.5b 38.2c 3.8c 10.8b
50 37.8b 6.6a 12.3b 30.1b 4.9c 8.2a
100 23.0a 6.4a 8.3a 23.2a 5.0c 7.9a
0 55.9c 10.5a 23.9c 60.3c –1.0a 11.4a
12.5 42.5b 12.7b 18.4b 58.4c –0.5a 12.4a
25 37.7b 11.7b 15.3a 54.8b –0.4a 13.0a
50 34.3a 11.9b 13.4a 54.4b 1.0b 15.9b
100 32.8a 9.9a 14.1a 45.2a 3.2c 16.0b
0 55.9b 10.5b 23.9b 60.3c –1.0a 11.4a
12.5 49.3a 12.5c 22.4b 63.0c –0.8a 17.3b
25 47.6a 12.9c 22.3b 63.4c –0.7a 21.4c
50 51.2a 10.6b 24.3b 56.6b 3.5b 23.8c
100 45.3a 6.6a 20.0a 45.3a 6.6c 20.0c
a Mean values in columns within each Andean blend with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) (n = 4).
b Andean crops flour in the blend.

Fig. 4. Specific volume of breads obtained from wheat-Andean crops

flour blends (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100%). Error bars indicate standard devi-
Fig. 3. Moisture content of breads obtained from wheat-Andean crops ation.
flour blends (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100%). Error bars indicate standard deviation.

although kañiwa and kiwicha flours with similar proximate com-

tution levels from >25% to pure quinoa. Likely the distinct flour position to quinoa do not conform with this explanation. Previous
composition, rich in proteins and lipids, was responsible of this microscopic analysis of doughs containing 30% quinoa flour re-
result. Wheat flour substitution by Andean crops flour also af- vealed they were unable to form a well-developed gluten matrix
fected bread specific volume (Fig. 4). The 12.5% Andean crop involving aggregated starch granules (Park et al 2005).
flours did not show any effect, except for kañiwa where this level Results of texture profile and sensory perception (overall ac-
produced an increased specific volume. Kañiwa flour contains ceptance) of bread crumbs with increasing proportion of Andean
more fermentable sugars than quinoa and kiwicha, favoring yeast crop flours are given in Table III. The presence of 25% quinoa in
fermentation and consequently increased gas production (Repo- the blends caused significantly harder crumbs compared with the
Carrasco et al 2003). At 25% substitution, kiwicha was still simi- control (wheat bread) and that hardness progressively increased at
lar to pure wheat and the kañiwa blend had dropped back to the higher substitution levels. Similar findings were reported by Park
wheat level. For quinoa and tarwi, substitution levels >12.5% et al (2005), where up to 30% quinoa substitution of wheat flour
resulted in significant reductions in the specific volume of their produced a poor extensible gluten network that lead to hardening
loaves, dependant upon substitution level. It was previously re- of the bread crumb. For kañiwa and kiwicha, a significant harden-
ported that substitution of 7.5–10% wheat flour with quinoa in- ing did not occur until 25% substitution and for tarwi crumb
creased loaf volume, but further substitution at >15% resulted in hardness increased at all substitution levels. Tarwi flour has a
decreased volume (Morita et al 2001). The reduction of the gluten higher percentage of proteins and lipids and therefore relatively
content in the dough might be responsible for the volume effect, limited starch compared with the other Andean crop flours, ex-


Texture Profile Analysis and Sensory Perception of Crumbs from Breads Obtained Wheat Flour Blends with Andean Crops (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100%)a
Sample and Blend(%)b Hardness (g force) Springiness Cohesiveness Chewiness (g force) Resilience Overall Acceptancec
0 508a 0.999b 0.811b 414a 0.446b 7.3b
12.5 461a 0.999b 0.838b 462a 0.470b 8.0b
25 1,013b 0.999b 0.808b 817b 0.434ab 7.5b
50 2,815c 0.938a 0.702a 1,859c 0.362a 5.5a
100 4,249d 0.967a 0.769a 3,160d 0.390a 4.5a
0 508a 0.999a 0.811c 414a 0.446b 7.3c
12.5 497a 0.999a 0.821c 405a 0.367b 7.5c
25 645a 0.996a 0.773b 478a 0.388b 7.0c
50 3,886b 0.954a 0.585a 2,163b 0.221a 3.8b
100 nd nd nd nd nd 0.7a
0 508a 0.999c 0.811b 414a 0.446b 7.3c
12.5 455a 0.999c 0.803b 366a 0.410b 8.3d
25 454a 0.998c 0.805b 258a 0.394b 7.3c
50 1,520b 0.901b 0.646a 880b 0.183a 5.8b
100 2,599c 0.602a 0.540a 829b 0.153a 2.0a
0 508a 0.999c 0.811b 414a 0.446b 7.3d
12.5 1,014b 0.983b 0.667a 665a 0.315b 6.3c
25 2,427c 0.944b 0.647a 1,483b 0.280ab 3.3b
50 6,105d 0.874a 0.637a 3,422c 0.241a 1.0a
100 nd nd nd nd nd 0.3a
a Mean values in columns within each Andean blend with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) (n = 4); nd, not determined.
b Andean crops flour in the blend.
c Scale of 1–10.

plaining its difference in this hardness trend. In all cases, there quinoa (compared to 7.3/10 for pure wheat bread), and no signifi-
was a general trend for decreased springiness, cohesiveness, and cant differences compared with wheat in blends up to 25%. De-
resilience when the proportion of Andean crop flours increased, spite the very poor performance of pure kañiwa and kiwicha
although often not significantly between adjacent blend levels. breads, blends of up to 25% gave acceptable sensory scores, but
For chewiness, this trend was reversed, generally increasing with variable thermomechanical and color patterns. Only tarwi gave
rising percentage of Andean crop flours in their breads, although universally poor results for most of the blend levels tested. If
again, often not significantly between adjacent blend levels. Qui- these variable quality attributes can be tolerated addition of An-
noa was the only Andean grain in this set that produced a bread in dean crop flours to wheat flours, with the possible exception of
the complete absence of wheat flour, although with very compact tarwi, to wheat flours constitutes a viable option to improve the
macrostructure. The other Andean grains, gave very hard dough nutritional value of breads for quantitative and qualitative protein
unable to retain the gas released during fermentation, and thus composition and bioactive components.
very compact and hard bread structures (Fig. 2).
Only pure quinoa bread gave a sensory acceptance score that ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
was a least close to its pure wheat comparative (Table III). How-
This work was financially supported by Spanish Ministry of In-
ever, at least some of the blends of all the Andean crops gave ac-
novación y Ciencia (AGL2005-05192-C04-01 and AGL 2008-00092ALI),
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[Received December 22, 2008. Accepted March 9, 2009.]


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