"The Masque of The Red Death" Essay

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Trey Taylor
Mrs. Woolke
Pre AP English
6 November 2018

“The Masque of the Red Death” Essay

In the story The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe, prince Prospero tries to protect his

wealthy guests from the red death at a ball he is hosting within seven rooms of an abbey. This story is

interpreted as an allegory through the numerous examples of symbolism shown throughout the text.

One example of symbolism used to show allegory throughout the story was when the author used

the guests in the abby used welded locks to try to keep out the red death. This was shown when the author

stated, “The courtiers having entered brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the

bolts,”showing they were ready to isolate themselves from the rest of the society(Poe 2). This quote

shows that the courtiers believed that throwing some locks on the door and isolating themselves away

from society, they would be able to escape the red death and the rest of its effects on the outside world.

The guests at the ball believed that they were able to keep the plague out by using their wealth and

resources to isolate themselves from the rest of society but we all know death is impossible to escape.

Another example of the welded locks being used to lock out the plague was shown when the author

exclaimed, “The external world could take care of itself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to

think. The prince had provided all the appliance of pleasure,”(Poe 1). This shows that the people inside

were carefree by locking themselves inside and isolating themselves from the epidemic. It also shows that

the prince decided to make his own world of joy and happiness when there was death and decay going on

outside. Lastly, the prince tried to hide away from the red death by hiding behind welded locks and

cement walls to live carefree in his quarters.

The next example of symbolism was shown when the people were introduced to the masked

figure that symbolizes disease, death, and destruction. This was shown when the people came in contact
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with the masked figure and stated, “And now was acknowledged the presence of the red death. He had

come like a thief in the night,”(Poe 5). This quote shows how the figures uninvited presence strikes fear in

the ones present at the ball. The figures dark presence is depicted as being resembled to one of a thief.

Another example was shown when the author said, “And the rumor of this new presence having spread

itself...expressive of disapprobation and surprise,”(Poe 3). This quote shows how much fear the dark

figure imposed upon the ones in its presence and how it realized its own existence. The quote also helped

visualize how the dark figure disturbed the celebration by arising many unpleasant emotions. Finally, the

masked figure helped contribute to the idea of allegory throughout the story by being symbolized as

death, disease, and decay.

Another symbol shown throughout the story that contributed toward the overall allegory through

the story was represented in the seventh room which symbolized a bloody, fearful death. The author

showed the idea of this when he stated, “The panes here scarlet-a deep blood color,”(Poe 2). The author

described the panes of the window as a deep blood color to symbolize the red death occurring in the

room. Imagery was also used here to display the dark colors of the room which also symbolize death and

darkness. Also, the author exclaimed, “There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candle

within the suit of chambers,”(Poe 2). The author used visual imagery here to show that there was no light

able to be seen in the house. This quote symbolizes death by having no light in the room. The last room

symbolizes the end of the house along with the end of the guests lives.

Finally, throughout the story there was lots of symbolism used by Poe to let the reader connect to

the story on a figurative and literal level. This story was interpreted as being an allegory of the black

plague which happened in the 1300’s and this story used various types of symbolism to show that no

matter how rich or famous you were back then, there was no escape from death.

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