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Company’s name: Arturo Calle


Nature of the company (purpose): It’s a clothes company which looks to dress people with good quality
and pretty clothes.

Social actions Economical actions Environmental actions

Strong Weak actions Strong actions Weak actions Strong actions Weak actions
It is a They don’t have They have a I believe this is They are more They should
company that many contact good a very good focused on start using a
describes with the economy company and it making better little bit of
Colombia customers and because the doesn’t lack of products than recyclable
very well, as it they don’t give quality of their economical become a materials to
is famous, them products is actions. The famous protect the
Colombian information very good and economy of this company. environment.
society has a about their they sell them company is
little bit of sustainability for a really good. They should
fame. which may be reasonable give some
important. price. information
The workers about
here, have a They look protecting the
good towards environment
relationship improvement for the
with which makes customers
costumers, them earn
which makes more money.
the process
better. They are
It generates a looking to
lot of jobs in have their own
Colombia so economy, so
that the that they don’t
society can depend on
sustain. others.

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