Ex 501 Utilisation of Electrical Energy Jun 2015 PDF

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rgpvonline.com Total No.of Questions :5} (Toil No.of Primed Pages 3 ROI NO EX-501 BLE. V Semester Examination, June 2015 Utilization of Electrical Energy Time: Three hours ‘Maximum Marks : 70 ‘Notesi) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, Cis ‘compulsory and D part has internal choice, ii) Allparts ofeach questions aretobe attempted at one place. itl ll questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and B ((Max.50 words) cary 2 mars, part C (Max.100 words) ‘cary 3 marks, part D (Max-400 words) carry 7 marks. iv) Except numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawing et. Units | a) Whatdo you understand by Polar Curve? 1b) Write the basic nature of light ©) Explain stroboscopic effect’ in brief 4)_tisdesiredto illuminate a drawing hall with an average illumination of about 250 tux. The area ofthe hall is 30m 20m. The lamps are tobe fitted at sm eight. Find ‘ut the number and size of incandescent lamps required for an efficiency of 12 lumens/watt uti factor 0.4 and maintenance factor = 0.85 OR ‘Explain the working ofa high pressure mercury vapour lamp giving its circuit diagram. Write the advantages and disadvantages of mereury vapour lamp. a ») ©) a a) » ° * a » el Unit ‘Whats resistance welding? What are its limitations? ‘What is Electrolysis? Explain briefly. Distinguish direct heating and indirect heating. Describe with diagram the working principle of 4) Vertical core type furnace ii) Coreless induction fumace oR ‘What is Electroplating and what for is it done. Deseribe the various operations involved in electroplating. Unit ‘What are the merits and demerits of DC system of track electrification. Explain tractive effort. Draw the speed time curve for urban and main fine serviee. Derive the equation of specific energy corisumption. oR ‘Write short notes on: ji) Mechanics of train movement Co-efficient of adhesion Univ ‘What isthe difference between AC drive and DC drive system. Write the difference between group drive and individual tive. 2 4) a) ») °) 8 fo} Explain the four quadrant operation of electrical drive. Explain plugging with neatsketch diagram. oR Explain regenerating bre with neat sketch diagram. Unity ‘Why de series motor used asa traction motor? ‘What do you mean by Electric ear? ‘Whatis tractive effort. Explain in brief. Weite short notes on: 4) Eleotical Vehicles ii) Transmission requirement oR ‘What do you mean by Energy Consumption. Explain in detail .

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