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Presentation of the company

Company’s name: Ecopetrol

Nature of the company (purpose):

Social actions Economical actions Environmental actions

Strong actions Weak actions Strong actions Weak actions Strong actions Weak actions
Ecopetrol realizes an a not very strong or They have Something very the company tries to be Oil is one of the most
action of educative negative action is that established large negative is that many responsible when it harmful products for
projects, sanitation, Ecopetrol does not businesses with other times, therefore, to comes to exploiting the environment,
the health and the collaborate all the oil companies which exploit territories the oil territories and does not mostly because of its
quality of life of the consecutive years that have helped the becomes scarcer, use many chemicals waste, these wastes
people, therefore is to say Ecopretrol growth of the therefore in the sale the that affect the can often not be
this company is does not improve the company Ecopetro, price goes up and it environment. Ecopetrol controlled, and the oil
doing a social quality of life of the economically the becomes much more look for rescue all the must be created or
investment for the inhabitants if not that it company of ecopetrol expensive, so you can animals that are treated by very
welfare of the contributes so that is very strong since decrease your sales a affected by the harmful chemicals.
citizens. The these do not have major oil is very required by little it is not known how chemicals. Ecopetrol This company is
ecopetrol company diseases or vital needs. society that is to say it much chemicals can company always try to characterized for
seeks relocation of Migration caused by the has become a increase the materials restore the damage exploiting explore and
the families affected search for employment necessity or or products for the caused in the damage territories to
by the exploitation opportunities and something useful, exploitation of oil, environment. be able to take out or
income generation due therefore the although it is true that ecopetrol promises to make use of the
to the company's economical this all countries need oil restore environmental product. These
projects. Involuntary company is very when it increases its and protect every companies need very
displacement of homes feurte since it could value or sometimes its resource that is used, it strong and harmful
and infrastructure always sell its product capacity countries do is also said that they chemicals to exploit
not buy and reuse until will have greater territories and take
there is abundance of responsibility with the out the oil and then
oil and lower the price, waste of oil put it on sale.
this is why companies
can be quiet and not
take many products.

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