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Assessed Lesson Plan


Teacher Development Course

Lesson Plan
Assessed Lesson 1

Name: Aaron Garcia Level: B2.2 Number of Learners:

Length of the lesson: 60 min Topic/Theme: First Conditional Clauses Date 22nd of May
Learning Aims
By the end of the class students will be better able to use first conditional clauses with (when, unless, as soon as, unless) by the means of talking
about the future (weekend plans).

Learners will have developed their reading for specific information sub skills through reading to the routine of their teacher.

Learners will have practiced clarifying and asking information speaking sub skills through interviewing and comparing answers with their peers.
Personal Aims
To be able to deliver a good set of instructions by being clear and simple, and using the modelling technique.

To be better able to work with Text Based Learning, to deliver a good class.

To be better able to work on guided discovery for students to learn the language purposefully and more naturally.

To be better able to work with the three stages of Language Clarification.

Materials to be used
Designed by the Teacher.

Usual weekend photo. Designed by the teacher.

Lesson Rationale
Assessed Lesson Plan

My class is varied in terms of age difference, talking about routinary weekend activities is something that every member can relate to. Many of
them have mentioned that they either work or have some type of activity that allows the context to very really relatable.
I have chosen this aim so that my students can discuss this important and everyday topic on a more natural matter. I have taken into account
that they are initial B2 so the exponents are not difficult to understand, they are not a lot, and they are high frequency and fixed. They will write
a text so they can practice on a written way but also express their ideas with a partner. The class responds well to speaking activities where they
can share and express their opinion.
I have chosen to work with Text Based Learning so it is easy for the learners to identify the language via a natural context. I will start the class
with a personalized activity about sharing ideas on what they usually do during weekends. I have based the text on my own persona so students
engage with me and the rapport is enhanced. I will devote time to phonology focusing on the stress of contractions with will, as this is a key
feature that natives use on a daily basis, so that my students get to sound more natural when having a conversation. I will scaffold the free
practice by first working with a controlled practice to focus on meaning crossing out the one incorrect option out of three, then a less controlled
practice to work out form with a filling the gaps with their own ideas activity, and finally to write their own text about their weekends to provide
my learners the opportunity to practice the language and personalize it in a meaningful way.

Assumptions about Class/Language

1. Learners have at least a morning routine they can talk about and work out.
2. Some lexis such as linkers and sequencers have been introduced to their schema prior this class.
3. Learners have been exposed to the weekend activities lexical set.
4. Learners are familiar with the fact of storytelling and narration of a story in the order as it happened.
5. Learners are able to identify specific information from a text.
6. Learners are familiar with the fact of talking about their weekends with their peers.

Task and Class Management

Potential problems with tasks and class management Possible Solutions
Assessed Lesson Plan

The class is a multi-level specifically in speaking skills. Some may lack I will plan the groupings so that the less confident speaker gets
confidence. paired with someone that provides him/her confidence when
talking about their own experiences.
Level of difficulty of activities I will adapt the original activity to make it more and less
challenging for both weaker and stronger students also I will bring
extra activities for fast finishers.

Learners may not be used to work with guided discovery and will want the I will plan the pairing strategically so that there is a classmate that
teacher to explain. could support this kind of reluctant learners. I will monitor and
support when necessary. Also prepare an extra information sheet if
it is extremely necessary for students to understand the language.
Students’ attitude I will design personalized activities according to students attitude
during the class so that they get engaged with the topic and the
class in general.
Assessed Lesson Plan

What is the target language?

Example: As soon as I finish washing the dishes I will continue swiping the floor. Clauses with time expressions (First Conditional).


The expressions are used to indicate order of activities and contextualize them with prior or post activities.

o Except if = unless
o Earlier in time = before
o Up to the time = until
o When/Just after = once/as soon as


A sentence can contain a main clause and a secondary clause that gives more information. We can add subordinate clauses to a main clause with
words like: as soon as, before/after, once, unless, until:

I’ll go for a coffe after/once/as soon as I finish this email.

If the verb in the main clause is with will or going to, the verb in the subordinate clause is in the present simple or present perfect.

I’ll call wo as soon as I arrive.

We’ll take the kids to the park once they’ve done their homework.
Assessed Lesson Plan


Contracted forms with will

I’ll = I will
/ail/ = /ai/ /wil/

Anticipated language problems for your learners Possible Solutions

Meaning: Learners might confuse the uses of the expressions. To work out every expression to analyze how the context and the
intention changes by the means of refereeing back to the CCQ’s.
Form: Students might confuse when to use present simple or present To express that the only simple difference between the use of the
perfect. tenses is to give emphasis to the clause.
Phonology: Learners might not stress well enough the contracted form. Model the sound, then highlight with the hands and the mouth,
elicit the stress and the work out with drilling.
How will you establish/convey meaning?

With marker sentences taken from the comprehension activity based on the text.

I will go to the as soon as I go

cinema to the bank.

How will you check meaning?

With CCQ’s to “classify” the expressions.

o Which words mean except if…?

o Which words mean earlier in time…?
o Which word mean up to the time…?
o Which words mean when/just after?
Assessed Lesson Plan

How will you focus on form?

By asking concept checking questions, and pointing out with the finger on the marker sentences pasted on the board.

o What tenses are used after the words in bold?

And by reorganizing the marker senteces and asking CCQ’s.

I will go to the as soon as I go

cinema to the bank.

o Does the clause make sense in this order?

How will you focus on phonology?

By highlighting the stress on the contraction of will.

By drilling chorally, the marker sentences pointing the sound on the board.
Assessed Lesson Plan

Lead in To engage learners and 10 mins T-L
activate their schemata 1. Give out Hand out 1 (questionnaire about
and set the context for weekend activities). Instruct learners to
the task. complete the first column with their own
information. Demo the task for better
2. Have learners to interview two partners L-L
more to complete the remaining columns.
3. Elicit interesting bits of information and
provide feedback on content. (10min) T-L

Prediction To engage learners 3 mins

with text and generate 1. Show the picture of your interests. Ask T-L
expectations. learners, in pairs, to predict what you will
do in the weekend and in what order. (13min)
2. Elicit ideas from students.

Reading To confirm predictions. 8 mins

To develop reading for 1. Give out the worksheet set. T-L
detailed understanding. 2. Instruct learners to refer to the activity 2, to
read the story and confirm their
3. Elicit ideas about correct and incorrect
4. Refer learners to the activity 3 on the T-L
worksheet so the learners answer an
ordering activity according to information
of the text.
5. Check answers with the entire group.
6. Then refer students to the activity 4 on the
same worksheet, where learners answer a
Assessed Lesson Plan

column-matching activity. Model the

activity if necessary.
7. Learners compare answers in pairs, then
check as a whole group. While checking
answers start pasting the marker sentences
on the board, for students to have clear
reference. (21min)
8. T provides feedback.

Clarification To clarify Meaning of

the target language. 1. With the isolated marker sentences from 10 mins T-L
the reading task and the different
To model and provide expressions.
controlled practice of
I will go to the as soon as I go
To highlight form. cinema to the bank.

2. Teacher clarifies meaning by using CCQ’s:

o Which words mean except if…?
o Which words mean earlier in time…?
o Which word mean continue up
o Which words mean when/just after?

3. Teacher clarifies form by asking CCQ’s. T-L

o What tenses are used after the

words in bold?

Assessed Lesson Plan

4. Teacher clarifies the second part of form by

re organizing the isolated sentences and
asking CCQ’s.

I will go to the as soon as I go

cinema to the bank.

o Does the clause make sense in this


5. Teacher clarifies pronunciation by drilling

the marker sentences focusing on the stress (31 min) T-L
of the contracted forms.

I will -> I’ll

Controlled To provide controlled 6 mins

Practice written practice of the 1. Refer learners to activity 5 on the
clauses with first worksheet set and model the example for T-L
conditional. learners to continue with the rest of the
2. Learners are expected to select the
incorrect option from the sentences.

I always go to the gym unless / after / once I

have breakfast.

3. Have learners answer individually the

activity and monitor them.
4. Make learners to compare answers in pairs. L-L
Assessed Lesson Plan

5. Elicit answers with the whole group and (37 min)

elicit problems. T-L
6. Deal with any issues briefly.

Less To provide less

Controlled controlled practice of 1. Refer the class to the activity 6 and instruct 8 mins T-L
Practice the clauses with first learners to finish the clause starters with
conditional. their own information.
2. Model the activity on the board for T-L
students to get a better understanding.

As soon as I have some money I will

buy a new backpack.

3. Allow students to work with the activity

4. Have learners to share their clauses in pairs. L-L
5. Flexi – if time allows, chose learners to
share their sentences with the whole class. (45 min) L-L

Freer To provide freer 10 mins T-L

Practice practice of the clauses 1. Refer the group to the section 7 on the
with first conditional. worksheet set. Instruct learners to write a
little text about the things they will do the
next weekend and the order they will
perform them.
2. Then have learners to discuss together and L-L
agree on a time when they can meet apart
from the friend coming to town.
3. Flexi – if time allows it, elicit learners to T-L
share their story with the whole class /
other groups. (55 min)
Assessed Lesson Plan

Feedback To provide overall 5 mins T-L

feedback on language. 1. Provide feedback on good uses of language.
2. Work with some error correction about
important issues. (60 min)

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