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Presentation of the company

Company’s name: Bavaria


Nature of the company (purpose): Beer producer

Social actions Economical actions Environmental actions

Strong Weak actions Strong actions Weak actions Strong actions Weak actions

They have a some people they have a as they have a all of their lefts This is a very
good exceed with the great variety great variety of or residues that clean
relationship consumption of of different products as, this company company, they
with all the these products products, so they have some produces by doesn't do any
ones who and in this state some of them products that their beers,and impact to the
work there of drunk, they can be cheap. are so reused. Also environment
and people can do things expensive and they give a because they
who live near that are not this make that good quality of reuse they
to the good. the oblation water for their products.
companies doesn't buy this workers.
plant, they do products The extraction
socialization of ingredients is
and activities very
with people to concientized
that they are
the best
doing beer.

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