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The movie entitled “ Jose Rizal (1998)” directed by Marilou Diaz –Abaya and
starring Cesar Montano as Jose Rizal reminds the life and works of our National hero during
the colonization of the Spaniards in the Philippines. Jose Rizal (1998) is a commendable film
with the great actors and actresses which portrayed their roles as if they were the real characters.
The events in the movie are not like common movies those scenarios are arranged in order
instead flashbacks were used and add twists that leads suspense in the movie.

While I’m watching the movie, it made me know him more his character is one of
a good reflection of being a Filipino his courage, wisdom, love of our country and his brilliance
are the greatest. I really appreciated everything what he has done for our country. The moment I
am watching, it feels like he talked to me and told me that I must do good things whatever others
may do and don’t fight for your own sake but also fight for your love ones, family, and other.
Little by little I realized how lucky we are today and how fortunate most especially millennial.
We never ever reached the real life of our countrymen during the colonization. Therefore the
“Rizal Law” must require in school because this movie shows the Philippine history, the
nationalism and heroism in a right way.

After I finished watching the movie, I felt like in pain and sad when the day he
made a one last favor he knew that it would be his last time, the moment the firing squad shoot
him and he fell on the ground is the saddest point. His death is not fair; he died for his country
for us to have freedom. I’m also inspired by his bravery since early from his childhood he did not
stop to study hard until he came to Europe to continue his education and continues writing
novels that serves an eye opener to the Filipinos, he proves that pen is more powerful than
sword. Jose Rizal’s taught us not just the history but values as well that we Filipino must love
and patronize our own; we must give importance in education because this is the only thing that
others may not steal without it we became naive to things that we don’t know. Also Jose Rizal
taught us to carry his legacy that “history is a history” we should not let it happen again and we
should not put foreign countries over our own.

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