Mathematical Methods 2019 PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

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Mathematical Methods 2019

PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

Question 1 (7marks)
Find if:
a) 𝑦 = sin⁡(3x + 5)

(1 mark)

b) 𝑦 = tan⁡(ln 𝑥)⁡

(2 marks)

c) 𝑦 = (e3x + 3⁡)sin⁡(cos 𝑥)

(2 marks)
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

Question 2
The graph of f ( x ) is sketched on the axes below.

a) On the same set of axes sketch the graphs of f ' ( x ) and f '' ( x )

[4 marks]

b) Complete sign diagrams for f ( x ) , f ' ( x ) and f '' ( x )

[3 marks]
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

c) Write down the following intervals:

i) f(x) is increasing


[1 mark]
ii) f’(x) is increasing


[1 mark]
iii) f”(x) is increasing


[1 mark]

Question 3

A cork bobs up and down in a bucket of water. The height of the cork’s centre above the
bottom of the bucket (in cm) can be modelled by the following trigonometric function:
𝑠(𝑡) = 30 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠⁡ ⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡𝑡 ≥ 0⁡𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠

a) Find the cork’s velocity at each of the following times: 𝑡 = 0, 1, 2, 3

(3 marks)
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

b) Find the time intervals when the cork is falling during the first 8 seconds.

(3 marks)

c) Find the time(s) during the first 8 seconds when the cork is moving upwards at 2 m/s.
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

Question 4
Just before a cyclone reached a coastal town the wind speed at the local weather station was recorded. The wind

speed was modelled by W  120te0.5t kmh-1 where t ≥ 0 is the number of hours after the initial reading.

a) Sketch the graph of W against t.

(3 marks)

b) What was the wind speed at i) 15 minutes and ii) 3 hours?

(2 marks)

c) When was the cyclone at its most powerful?

(2 marks)
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

d) The weather station sends out an alert when the wind speed is above 50 kmh-1. For how long was the alert sent

(3 marks)

e) Show that the second derivative of W is W ''(t )  e0.5t (120  30t )

(3 marks)

f) Hence or otherwise, find when the second derivative is equal to 0 and comment on what is happening at this time.

(3 marks)
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

Question 5
Let f ( x )  for x > 0

a i) Find f’(x)

[1 mark]

1 3
ii) Show that the equation of the tangent to the graph of y = f(x) at x = 1 is y   x 
2 2

[2 marks]

iii) Show that the x-intercept of the tangent to the graph of y = f(x) at x = 1 is at x = 3

[1 mark]

The graph of y = f(x) is shown below. The tangents to the graph of y = f(x) at x = 2 and x = 4 are also shown
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

1 3
b i) The tangent to the graph of y = f(x) at x = 4 has the equation y   x  . Find the x-intercept of this
16 4

[1 mark]

1 3
ii) The tangent to the graph of y = f(x) at x = 6 has the equation y   x . Find the x-intercept of
12 6 2 6
this tangent

[1 mark]

c) Consider the tangent to the graph y = f(x) at x = a. Let x0 be the x-intercept of this tangent.

i) On the basis of your answers to Parts a) and b), make a conjecture describing how x0 is related to a.

[1 mark]
Mathematical Methods 2019
PRACTICE TEST Applications of Differential Calculus

ii) Prove your conjecture from c i).

[5 marks]

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