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o i n t s
A Publication of the Pittsburg Education Association
159 E. 4th Street, Pittsburg, CA 94565 (925) 432-0199,
May 14, 2019

Mediation Negotiations
The first mediation negotiating session between PEA and PUSD will occur today, May 14,
2019. The PEA bargaining team is committed to negotiating in good faith as we have for the past five
(5) years with PUSD to settle the contract. The District’s 2018 - 2019 Local Control Funding Formula
(LCFF) funded the District at $119,730,733 an increase from the previous year. Next year, the District
LCFF will also increase. For this reason, we take a seat at the table each year to negotiate an
Let’s be clear, PEA’s bargaining team has always negotiated as good faith brokers to reach a
settlement with the District that keeps the budget balanced to pay for salary increases. To do
otherwise, would be counterproductive for our members, parents, community, and students. There is an
agreement that can be reached between PEA and PUSD that continues to demonstrate our commitment
to attract and retain highly qualified educators. We stay at the table, sometimes literally all night,
negotiating the best agreement possible for our members and students.
During meditation, the bargaining team will not be able to provide updates; however, we have
listed below the current proposals submitted by PEA to PUSD.
• Article 6 – Hours of Employment
Propose increase in compensation for Adult Education and pre-school teachers, staff meetings
end at contract time, and protection of prep
• Article 11 - Safety Conditions
Propose a student discipline plan to provide timely feedback and consistency across all school
• Article 12 – Employee Benefits
Proposed full medical benefits for employee only and equal increase in contribution to others
• Article 13 – Salary
Proposed modified salary schedule for preschool to ensure a living wage
Proposed modified salary schedule for specialists, because the District spends over $2.6 million
to contract outside psychologists, behaviorists, and speech pathologists.
Proposed 4.0% salary increase for all members because PUSD;
o received over 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) funds for 2018 – 2019
o Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provided funds of over $119 million for 2018 -

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