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Mateo Garcia 1

Cindy Mateo

Professor Canek

Political Studies

25 September 2018

What post-secondary option is best for me?

Many young people today think attending college is not worth it because you will end up

in debt and you might think you are just wasting your time, while others think that having

education is more valuable because you have more opportunities. In fact, College plays a

successful role in securing better health and better pay. As a matter of fact, the best

post-secondary option for me is getting a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Becoming part of

criminal justice field will motivate me to succeed because I am passionate about it.

Attending college has utility because it promises me better pay after I graduate. Utility

means something useful or benificial. Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we can

estimate that a college graduate with a bachelor’s degree, would likely earn about $2,707,280 in

their lifetime, not including taxes (Bureau). While having a High School diploma I am more

likely to earn $1,606,272. This estimate shows that attending college will a significantly more


The benefits of majoring in something I love doing describes how us people of color

should work harder to get the education we want in the article, ”Racial Wealth Gap Persists

Despite Degree Study Says.” For example in this quote,“Blacks and Latinos at all education

levels, including college and advanced degrees, earn less than their white counterparts, which
Mateo Garcia 2

means lower lifetime earnings and less ability to save", said John Schmitt. To complete

academically with whites, you have to be passionate about your education.

Some may argue that it’s not necessary to attend college because you are just wasting

your time and money. Yet, if you attend college and “waste your money in college” is worth it

because you will get the double you “wasted”.According to College Board,"higher education

levels earn more, pay more taxes, and are more likely than others to be employed and to have job

benefits such as retirement and health insurance” (College Board). Have in mind gaining access

to more jobs than others is a great opportunity because nowadays looking for jobs is difficult.

Having a college degree is better because you have a higher education and you are more likely to

get the job.

Attending college is a great way to have a better education and better health. Having a better

education will likely help you have more job opportunities. To have job opportunities your

health matters thus, having health insurance will be a great way to attend all these jobs.

Attending college is important because you have a better education and won’t be a dropout

without education.
Mateo Garcia 3

MLA CITATION​ Bureau Of Labor Statistics

Accessed 12 September 2018​ Accessed 12 September 2017

healthier-behaviors-and-more-civic-involvement​ College Board Accessed 9 January 2017

Cindy, I’m bummed out that you did not make the revisions I suggested. I think your final draft

could have scored much higher!

Written Communication
Development D/P 80%

Organization D/P 80%

Language Conventions D 75% Need to revise your works cited

page and correct other errors.

Knowledge & Thinking

Argument/Thesis D/P 80%

Claims/Supporting Ideas D/P 80%

Counterclaims D/P 80%

Evidence P 82.5%

Analysis of Evidence D/P 80%

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