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A Lab Like This

Science. It is one of the most important academic subjects that students must take and must learn. Divine
Word College of Urdaneta (DWCU) knows this and it is an institution that aims to develop their students in
different aspects to be better individuals in the future, that’s why the administrators opened different kinds of
laboratories and one of these laboratories is the Biological Experiment Laboratory or the Biolab.

Divine Word College of Urdaneta officially opened the Biolab last February 23, 2017, the same time that
the institution was celebrating it’s 50th Foundation Anniversary. It was approved by the school’s former president,
Fr. Gil T. Manalo, SVD. It has been on the minds of the president and the staffs for a long time. Finally, now that
it is opened, they are now able to cater their students, as well as their teachers, with their needs in Biology using
the different lab facilities to learn more, having the privilege to feel like real professors and scientists.

What can students expect from the Biolab? What can be seen inside this lab?

Inside the Biolab, students will see a white board and a sink in front for washing hands during different
lab activities. There are also long tables with bunsen burners on top of them and with fluorescent lights above,
which are helpful for students during individual or group activities or experiments. The lab is equipped with
objects and tools including microscopes, different instruments used in experiments, and even some certain
specimens contained and preserved in the microscope slides that are used by the students in studying or
experimenting. With these equipment, students will be able to enhance their skills and knowledge in Biology. In
the lab, there are also previous projects or school works done by some biology or science students that adds
knowledge and help other students feel motivated into studying during lab hours. Two more interesting things
found inside the lab are the model of the skeletal system of the human body and the model of a frog.

Students can conduct different kinds of experiments in the biolab. They can dissect different animals like
frogs and fishes, observe specimens, and share their knowledge and learnings through reporting or group
activities, depending on what the professor or the teacher instructs. It is also expected that this lab would be for
the junior high students with science subjects, and also for the senior high students with Biology subjects,
specifically STEM students from the grade 12.

The Biolab is meant to help the students be more immersed in their subject, as well as enjoy Science,
without looking only through images and reading their textbooks. Now that they have a lab to use, they can do or
conduct different activities or experiments and be closer to what they are learning rather than just sitting down
and looking at what the people did in the past. The opening of the Biolab is beneficial, not only for the students
in this year but also to the students in the future.

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