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​Student Name:​ Guillermo Jacobo

Block #: 1 Group # 3

Power Analysis
Research Sheet

A power analysis is used to research possible allies and opposition to your demand. Choose a person or group
to research that you think can influence your demand.

Use credible sources to answer the following questions. Cite your sources. Cite your sources by writing the
​ olumbia College​) (​Purdue University​).
publisher’s name in parenthesis and including a link to the article (C

0) Who are you researching?

Christina Miller

1) What issue is your group addressing?


2) What is your demand?

Providing homeless shelters provide job opportunities for the
homeless as a way of rehabilitation

3) What is the name of the person or group you will research for
your power analysis? ​

Her name is Christina Miller

4) Does this person or group operate in the public, private, or

non-profit sector? What is their institution called?

She operates in the public. The institution that this person is in is called Deputy Mayor of
Homelessness Initiatives

If they operate in the public sector, what branch and level of government do they operate in?

The branch and level of government that she operates in and supports executive branch
Level: local
5) How much power do they have to influence your demand? Give a detailed explanation.

They a have a lot of authority and will make a very big impact because since the purpose of this
institution is to intensify that office´s work confront the root causes of poverty and prevent people
from becoming homeless. But Miller is making new plans and to kill homelessness. This policy will
absolutely help out the homelessness and with their authority of making changes for the better than it
will work on both parties.
6) Who has influence over them? Give a detailed explanation.
The ones who have influenced over them is the Mayor. Eric Garcetti is the one who elected Miller for
the position of Deputy Mayor of Homelessness Initiatives.

7) Do they support your demand? Are they an ally or an obstacle? Give a detailed explanation.

Yes I believe that they will support my demand.. Allies there are plenty of organizations or institutions
in where they will be supported and obstacles will be actually getting those organizations and
persuade them to help us out.

8) What is their self-interest? What are they concerned about? What matters to them?

​Their self-interest is making Los Angeles a better place with less/no homelessness problems and what
concerns them is probably failing and not improving anything from this problem that Los Angeles is
very known for.

9) Where would you place this person/group on the grid below? Explain your answers.

I would place this person on the grid below as a Ride or Die because no only she is the deputy mayor
of homelessness initiative currently but before she did joined the Garcetti administration in April and
was the Senior Project Manager for Homelessness Strategies. This says that she is foreal about
helping out the issue of homelessness and is something she have been doing since the longest and it
is an Attention Getter which she is opened and gets to listen to other ideas.

Cited Source:

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