Electrosynthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanoparticles As Inorganic Component

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Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 45–54

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Electrosynthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles as

inorganic component in organic thin-film transistor active layers
Rosaria Anna Picca a,∗,1 , Maria Chiara Sportelli a , Diana Hötger b , Kyriaki Manoli a ,
Christine Kranz b , Boris Mizaikoff b , Luisa Torsi a , Nicola Cioffi a,∗
Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, via E. Orabona 4 70126 Bari, Italy
Universität Ulm Institut für Analytische und Bioanalytische Chemie, Albert Einstein Allee, 11–89081, Ulm, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: ZnO nanoparticles have been prepared via a green electrochemical synthesis method in the presence
Received 8 June 2015 of a polymeric anionic stabilizer (poly-sodium-4-styrenesulfonate, PSS), and then applied as inorganic
Received in revised form 16 July 2015 component in poly-3-hexyl-thiophene thin-film transistor active layers. Different parameters (i.e. current
Accepted 20 July 2015
density, electrolytic media, PSS concentration, and temperature) influencing nanoparticle synthesis have
Available online 26 July 2015
been studied. The resulting nanomaterials have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) and spectroscopic techniques (UV-Vis, infrared, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopies), assessing
the most suitable conditions for the synthesis and thermal annealing of nanostructured ZnO. The proposed
Nanostructured oxide
Electrochemical-thermal synthesis
ZnO nanoparticles have been successfully coupled with a poly-3-hexyl-thiophene thin-film resulting in
Poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) thin-film transistors with improved performance.
Metal oxide semiconductor © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [21,22]. This is a peculiar feature of nanostructured ZnO since other

semiconductor oxides (e.g., V2 O5 , MO3 , WO3 , TiO2 ) have been
The application of metal oxides in the form of nanoparticles mainly proposed as interlayers between the organic semiconductor
(NPs) and thin films is continuously expanding, ranging from their and metal contacts in organic TFTs (OTFTs) [23]. In general, metal
use in photo-catalysis to opto-electronics and in solar cells, but oxides such as titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) are used as high-k materials
metal oxides are also used in electrical, biomedical and sensor in order to increase the capacitance of the dielectric layer and lower
applications [1–5]. Among metal oxide NPs, ZnO nanomaterials the operating voltage of the device [24]. Moreover, in solar cell
have attracted the interest of scientists and technologists because processing, ZnO has also proven to be more stable than TiO2 under
of their excellent electrical and physicochemical properties in the air conditions [25]. Regarding TFT fabrication, either ZnO thin films
last decades. Zinc oxide is a versatile wide band-gap semiconductor or ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) were used. The latter can be syn-
(3.1-3.4 eV) and has a large excitation binding energy of 60 meV at thesized by several methods [26,27] and among the alternatives,
room temperature [6]. It has also tunable opto-electronic proper- electrochemical approaches are emerging as advanced solutions. In
ties and piezoelectric features [7]. Zinc oxide is also an attractive general, they can be considered particularly appealing due to their
material for the development of thin-film transistors (TFT) [8–15]. efficiency, versatility, and scalability. The use of aqueous media
Interestingly, this nanostructured oxide has been proposed not has often been reported, which also makes them “environmentally
only to build up n-type TFTs [16], but also hybrid organic-inorganic friendly” [28,29]. Moreover, a control over electrosynthesis param-
materials -either as composites or bilayers- for high-performance eters (electrolyte composition, applied potential, current density,
and stable devices, such as hybrid solar cells [17,18], light-emitting etc.) affords for additional strategies to tune the nanomaterials’
organic field effect transistors (LE-OFETs) [19,20], OFET gas sensors ultimate properties [30]. In this field, a pioneering paper on size-
selective synthesis of colloidal core-shell metal nanoclusters (Pd,
Ni, etc.) by a pure electrochemical method was proposed by the
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +390805442020; fax: +390805442026. group of Reetz more than twenty years ago [31], which produced
E-mail addresses: rosaria.picca@uniba.it (R.A. Picca), maria.sportelli@uniba.it a cascade of subsequent studies [32–34]. Therein, an electrolyte
(M.C. Sportelli), D.Hoetger@fkf.mpg.de (D. Hötger), kyriaki.manoli@uniba.it composed of acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran (ACN/THF 4:1) in
(K. Manoli), Christine.kranz@uni-ulm.de (C. Kranz), boris.mizaikoff@uni-ulm.de
(B. Mizaikoff), luisa.torsi@uniba.it (L. Torsi), nicola.cioffi@uniba.it (N. Cioffi).
the presence of tetraoctylammonium bromide (TOAB) as capping
ISE Member; division: Electrochemical Materials Science. agent was used applying a moderate current density of 0.1 mA/cm2 .

0013-4686/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
46 R.A. Picca et al. / Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 45–54

Such an approach has been then exploited by the same group polishing of zinc sheets, was obtained from Fluka Chemicals. p-
for the production of colloidal inorganic oxides (specifically CoO) doped Si/SiO2 (Si:B, oxide: 300 nm, <110>) wafers were purchased
[35], by simply insufflating air into the electrochemical cell after from Si-Mat Silicon Material. Gold pellets for thermal evaporation
the electrosynthesis of metallic clusters. This method was fur- (99.99%) were purchased from Gambetti Kenologia. Milli-Q water
ther developed by Natter and Hempelmann, who were the first was used throughout the experiments.
proposing the EDOC (Electrochemical Deposition under Oxidizing
Conditions) method to prepare highly crystalline nanostructured 2.2. Experimental set-up
ZnO by insufflating air during the whole electrosynthesis [36,37].
Mahamuni et al. [38] used a zinc sheet as working electrode to pro- A three-electrode cell was employed to prepare ZnO NPs. The
duce ZnO quantum dots by the sacrificial anode electrolysis. The cell was composed of two twin zinc sheets and an Ag/AgCl (in
synthesis was carried out under oxygen atmosphere in galvano- saturated KCl) reference electrode. Zinc electrodes were firstly
static mode. This resulted in the production of ZnO quantum polished using sandpaper, and afterwards using Al2 O3 powder.
dots (QDs). Several examples of ZnO electrosynthesis have been Then, they underwent 3 cycles of sonication alternating Milli-
performed in organic media, such as 2-propanol [37], ACN/THF Q water and 2-propanol. The electrodes were then activated in
mixtures [39], methanol or ethanol [40–44]. With the exception 1 M HCl for 30 s [51]. The synthesized nanoparticles mass was
of electrodeposition of ZnO nanostructures from aqueous Zn(II) estimated by difference of zinc sheets weights, before and after
salt baths [45–47], little is published about the synthesis of ZnO the process. The electrosynthesis was carried out galvanostatically
in aqueous media. In 1997, considering the spontaneous oxidation (j = 10 mA/cm2 ) for 1 h, under vigorous stirring at room temper-
of Zn sheets in water, Kitano and Shiojiri [48] prepared ZnO NPs, at ature, with a CH-1140b potentiostat-galvanostat (CH Instruments,
dc voltages V > 100 V. This is probably the first example of aqueous USA). The electrolytic medium was composed of 1 g/L PSS, dissolved
preparation of ZnO particles. In 2011, the Veith group [49] pro- in 30 mM NaHCO3 aerated aqueous solution. pH was monitored
posed a synthesis using diluted acetic acid as electrolyte at 40 V at the beginning and at the end of the synthesis. Afterwards, the
applied potential, and carefully studied the influence of tempera- colloidal dispersion was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 45 minutes.
ture, insufflated gas, and sintering on the morphology and chemical The resulting precipitate was dried overnight at 70 ◦ C. The obtained
speciation of the as-prepared ZnO NPs. Other authors have reported powder was finally calcined at 300 ◦ C or 600 ◦ C in a muffle furnace
on the use of alkaline (rather than slightly acidic) conditions to for 1 h.
synthesize ZnO NPs at high potentials (20 - 40 V) [50] followed by
an annealing step to improve particle crystallinity. Few years ago, 2.3. Morphological and spectroscopic characterization
Venkatesha and co-workers [51–53] have presented a two-step
method using NaHCO3 aqueous solution as electrolyte to gener- Both dried and calcined powders were suspended in ultrapure
ate mixed zinc carbonate and hydroxide species at low potentials water (1 g/L) by sonication for 30 minutes, before TEM and UV-Vis
with a subsequent thermal treatment for the precursor decompo- characterization. Pristine samples were diluted 1:9 with Milli-Q
sition to ZnO NPs [51,52]. Based on these electrochemical–thermal water.
methods, we have developed a modified approach based on the use TEM microscopy was performed with a FEI Tecnai 12 instrument
of anionic stabilizers to better control the particle size, morphol- (high tension: 120 kV; filament: LaB6 ), by dropping the NP suspen-
ogy, and surface chemistry of ZnO NPs, galvanostatically grown in sion on a Formvar® -coated Cu grid (300 mesh, Agar Scientific). The
aqueous media. Poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS), often used microscope was calibrated by using the S106 Cross Grating (2160
as stabilizer in sensing applications [54], was selected as dispersing lines/mm, 3.05 mm) supplied by Agar Scientific. Alignments and
agent due to its biocompatibility, non-toxicity, and suitability for astigmatism correction were carried out following factory settings
printable electronics. Moreover, the negative charges from sulfate and fast Fourier transform processing, respectively.
groups carried by PSS could also promote the interaction with both UV-Vis spectroscopy was carried out with a Shimadzu UV-1601
ZnO NPs and biomolecules, for perspective biosensing applications double beam spectrometer, equipped with a silicon photodiode
[54]. In this work, different synthetic parameters, such as cur- detector, from 200 to 800 nm, with 1-cm Quartz Suprasil® cuvettes
rent density, electrolyte composition and temperature, stabilizer (Hellma Analytics).
concentration, and thermal treatment, were studied to investigate FTIR spectra were collected on a BioRad FTS6000 instrument
their influence on the ZnO NPs morphology and chemical compo- with a DTGS detector in transmittance mode (resolution 4 cm−1 ,
sition. Moreover, the electrical properties of OTFTs modified by range 4000–400 cm−1 ), and processed using the BIORAD WinIR Pro
ZnO NPs were evaluated, triggered by the proven NPs’ capability software. Samples were prepared as KBr pellets, grinding a suffi-
to improve sensing performances [55], thus posing a basis for the cient quantity of ZnO nano-powder in an agate mortar.
further development of ZnO-containing OTFT biosensors [56]. Dried and calcined powders were characterized by means of
XPS, using a Thermo Fisher Scientific Theta Probe Spectrometer
equipped with a monochromatized AlK␣ source and beam spot
2. Experimental diameter of 300 ␮m. Samples were mounted onto the sample
holder by means of a double-side copper tape (Agar Scientific).
2.1. Materials All XPS and Auger spectra were registered in constant analyzer
energy (CAE) mode. Survey and high-resolution spectra (C1s, O1s,
Zinc sheets (1 mm thick, 99.99 + %) were purchased from Good- Zn2p, ZnL3 M45 M45 , S2p and Na1s) were acquired at pass ener-
fellow Ltd and cut into 2 × 1 cm pieces. Sodium bicarbonate (purum gies of 150 and 100 eV, respectively, and with a step size of 1.0
p.a., ≥ 99.0%), 2-propanol (Chromasolv® Plus, for HPLC, 99.9%), and 0.1 eV, respectively. The influence of X-ray radiation on sam-
hydrochloric acid (ACS reagent, 37%), poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5- ple chemical environments was excluded by performing multiple
diyl) (P3HT, regioregular, electronic grade, 99.995% trace metal acquisitions of C1s and Zn2p spectra on sacrificial samples for a
basis, Mw ∼ 15.000–45.000, Rieke® Metals Inc.), Chloroform duration longer than the optimized analysis time. Artifacts related
(puriss. > 99.8%, ACS reagent), poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) to massive sample damage upon irradiation and electron emission
(PSS, average Mw ∼ 70,000, powder), and potassium bromide (FT- were ruled out. Detailed spectra processing was performed by com-
IR grade, ≥99% trace metals basis) were purchased from Sigma mercial Thermo Avantage software (v. 4.75, © 1999–2010 Thermo
Aldrich. Aluminum oxide (purum p.a., 99.7%), for the mechanical Fisher Scientific). Accurate curve-fitting analysis was applied to
R.A. Picca et al. / Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 45–54 47

the high-resolution spectra applying a Shirley background removal Table 1

Variation of the electrosynthesis parameters, and yield of the process, obtained by
and using an optimized database of Scofield sensitivity factors for
electrodes differential weighing.
element quantification (expressed as At%) in a metal oxide environ-
ment. The same peak shape parameters (Gaussian/Lorentzian ratio Electrolytic media Current density Colloid Process yield
j [mA/cm2 ] concentration [g/L] (%)
and full width at half maximum) values were utilized for the curve
fitting of components belonging to the same high-resolution spec- NaHCO3 30 mM 10 1.63 47
trum. Spectra were corrected for charge compensation effects by PSS 1 g/L in 1 0.24 68
NaHCO3 30 mM
offsetting the binding energy relative to the aliphatic component
PSS 1 g/L in 5 1.43 82
of the C1s spectrum, which was set at 284.8 eV. Modified Auger NaHCO3 30 mM
parameter (␣ ) [57,58] was used to study the zinc chemical specia- PSS 1 g/L in 10 3.18 92
tion, since a poor spectroscopic resolution is expected for the Zn2p NaHCO3 30 mM
main photoelectron emission [59,60].

Good NP morphology was observed, especially for NPs calcined at

2.4. OTFT preparation and characteristics measurements the highest temperature (Fig. 1b-c) showing a mean core diameter
of 46 ± 8 nm (Fig. 1d).
OTFT devices were prepared on a highly p-doped silicon sub-
strate acting as the gate electrode (G). Thermally grown 300 nm 3.1. Influence of synthesis parameters on the production of ZnO
silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) was used as gate dielectric. The substrate sur- nanoparticles
face was cleaned by immersion in 2-propanol, for 15 minutes in an
ultrasonic bath, and then dried under nitrogen flow [61]. 3.1.1. Current density
The procedure consisted in a two-step deposition using a Considering that the current density (j) applied during elec-
Laurell Technology Corporation spin coater (model WS–650 trosynthesis has effect on the size distribution of the obtained
MZ–NPP/LITE). In the first step (A), 1 g/L of ZnO NP aqueous sus- particles [31,64], three different values were tested: 1, 5 and
pension was spin-coated on a clean substrate, followed by the 10 mA/cm2 . As expected, the lower the current density, the lower
deposition of a P3HT film onto it (2000 rpm, for 1 minute) from a the amount of dissolved Zn. The use of dilute hydrogen carbon-
2.5 g/L P3HT chloroform solution. Different devices were prepared ate solutions for zinc corrosion was considered as it limits a fast
with ZnO NPs calcined at 300 ◦ C or 600 ◦ C and selecting two rotation electrode passivation promoting the formation of dispersed white
speeds (300 or 2000 rpm) for step A. flakes saturating the electrolytic medium [65–68]. In particular,
Source (S) and drain (D) contacts were finally deposited by ther- large nuclei of ZnO are hypothesized to grow as a thick oxide film
mal evaporation (8 × 10−7 torr) of gold through a shadow mask. The on the anode [65] and porous structures are formed under these
resulting OTFTs had a bottom-gate/top-contact configuration. The conditions allowing the process to last for several minutes [68].
gate contact was obtained scratching SiO2 layer with a diamond Furthermore, we observed that the addition of a charged stabilizer
tip in order to reach the Si surface. The electrical performances of could extend the duration of the synthesis over this time.
the fabricated devices were then evaluated in air using a Keith- The process yield was calculated as the ratio between the exper-
ley 4200-SCS semiconductor parameter analyzer. OTFT channel imental and the theoretical mass of nanodispersed zinc, showing a
length (L) and width (W) were 200 ␮m and 4 mm, respectively. remarkable increase with j. The experimental value was obtained
Current–Voltage (I-V) output curves were registered by measur- by weighting the zinc electrodes before and after electrosynthesis,
ing IDS (drain-source current) versus VDS (drain-source voltage) while the theoretical mass was calculated through the Faraday’s
at different gate bias VG values (ranging from 0 to -100 V in 10 V law equation in terms of a 2-electron process. Average nanodis-
steps). Transfer characteristics were measured by sweeping the persed zinc mass (mZn ) and process efficiency are reported in
gate voltage (VG ) from +100 V to -100 V (4 V step) at constant drain Table 1.
voltage (VDS = -100 V). In the latter case, the gate voltage was swept The as-prepared gels obtained at different current densities
from positive to negative values in order to identify any ambipolar were characterized by TEM (Fig. 2) showing an irregular and unde-
behavior. The values of mobility (␮), on-off current ratio (ION /IOFF ), fined morphology in a sol-like state.
and threshold voltage (VT ) were extracted from transfer curves, XPS and FTIR characterizations were performed to investigate
keeping VDS fixed at − 100 V and following the procedure reported the chemical composition of the collected colloids. XPS analysis of
in [62]. the samples prepared at different current densities showed that,
below 10 mA/cm2 , Zn(II) species are not predominant and Zn(0)
3. Results and discussion state is partially observed, probably due to a cathodic stabiliza-
tion [31]. This is demonstrated by the line shape and position
In a previous proceeding paper, we preliminarily demonstrated of ZnL3 M45 M45 (Fig. S1) signal falling at KE = 991.8 ± 0.1 eV. In
the feasibility of the Chandrappa route to ZnO nanomaterials fact, this value and the corresponding modified Auger parameter
synthesis [51], employing modified electrolyte baths and elec- (␣’ = BEZn2p3/2 + KEZnL3M45M45 [69]) at 2012.1 ± 0.2 eV are interme-
trosynthesis conditions [63]. In general, it is well accepted that diate between the values expected for Zn(0) and Zn(II) states
the use of different dispersing agents may allow a better morpho- [59,60,70], thus suggesting their simultaneous presence. As a result,
logical control of electro-produced nanostructures. In particular, a current density of 10 mA/cm2 was considered suitable for the
anionic species such as PSS are responsible for the anodic stabi- preparation of nanocolloids.
lization of nanocolloids, improving also the reaction yield [63]. In
the present study, optimal conditions for the synthesis of ZnO NPs 3.1.2. Electrolytic medium
were defined based on a detailed morphological and spectroscopic Other media with similar pH (pH = 8) and ionic strength were
characterization. It was found that PSS 1 g/L, room temperature and compared to NaHCO3 solution. NaCl 30 mM and borate buffer were
a current density of 10 mA/cm2 are the best choice for carrying out chosen using PSS 1 g/L as stabilizer. The increase in pH was con-
the electrochemical step. ZnO NPs were obtained by calcination firmed in both cases, and a process yield of 89% was obtained, which
of electrosynthesized nanogels at temperatures above 300 ◦ C for is also comparable to the NaHCO3 based electrolyte. Nonetheless,
1 h. TEM images of pristine and calcined NPs are reported in Fig. 1. TEM analysis of both samples demonstrated that these electrolytic
48 R.A. Picca et al. / Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 45–54

Fig. 1. TEM micrographs of ZnO NPs electrosynthesized in the presence of 1 g/L PSS at 10 mA/cm2 and calcined at (a) 300 ◦ C, (b-c) at 600 ◦ C, and (d) their size distribution

Fig. 2. TEM micrographs of electrosynthesized nanogels prepared with 1 g/L PSS in 30 mM NaHCO3 at different current density j: a) 1 mA/cm2 , b) 5 mA/cm2 , and c) 10 mA/cm2 .
R.A. Picca et al. / Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 45–54 49

Fig. 3. TEM micrographs of electrosynthesized nanogels prepared with 1 g/L PSS in different media at pH 8: a-a’) borate buffer, b-b’) 30 mM NaCl.

media influenced negatively the final particle morphology. Both cause any significant change in NPs chemical composition and size
media promoted the formation, already in the as-prepared gel, of as compared to lower concentration (Fig. 4a). On the other hand,
rice-like microstructures (Fig. 3a-a’). Moreover, the presence of salt 600 ◦ C-calcined NPs still showed the persistence of a relatively thick
crystals could not be avoided (Fig. 3b-b’). Therefore, it is assumed organic layer around them, which could be a source of contamina-
that carbonate ions play an important role for the production of tion due to byproducts of PSS degradation (Fig. 4b).
nanostructured spheroidal particles, with reasonably narrow size Considering the presented results, nanoparticles prepared at
distribution, and the choice of NaHCO3 seemed to be the most j = 10 mA/cm2 with 1 g/L PSS in NaHCO3 30 mM at room temper-
appropriate one. ature were selected as optimal nanomaterial, which were then
characterized for further application in nanostructured organic-
inorganic OTFT active layers.
3.1.3. Influence of temperature and stabilizer concentration
In several works involving hydrogen carbonate as electrolyte,
authors reported on the formation of various zinc hydroxides- 3.2. Spectroscopic characterization of ZnO NPs
carbonates mixed species and complexes during zinc corrosion
[51,52,65,71]. In particular, it has been found that a main com- Pristine and calcined samples were characterized by UV-Vis,
ponent is a basic zinc carbonate Znx (CO3 )y (OH)z . The reaction FTIR, and XPS spectroscopies to investigate their bulk and surface
temperature was then raised to 80 ◦ C, in order to promote the direct chemistry, and the influence of thermal treatment on their com-
formation of the desired oxide [72]. However, IR characterization of position. In Fig. 5, UV-Vis (panel A) and IR (panel B) spectra of the
powders prepared at 80 ◦ C still showed the predominance of signals prepared and calcined particles are presented.
associated to carbonate and hydroxide (Fig. S2). The absorption band (␭max ) moved towards higher wavelengths
The effect of PSS concentration was also tested employing 20 g/L going from pristine particles (␭max = 349 nm) to ZnO nanomateri-
concentration of stabilizer in 30 mM NaHCO3 solution. This did not als annealed at 300 ◦ C (␭max = 361 nm) and 600 ◦ C (␭max = 373 nm).
50 R.A. Picca et al. / Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 45–54

Fig. 4. TEM images of 600 ◦ C-calcined ZnO NPs electrochemically prepared with 20 g/L PSS in 30 mM NaHCO3 at 10 mA/cm2 . Panel b shows NPs surrounded by the PSS shell.

In pristine samples, the poor definition of the maximum could be

ascribed to the reduced presence of nanostructured ZnO. Moreover,
a second band at 262 nm was indicative of the presence of PSS,
which is hardly visible in the other two spectra. The red shift in NP
absorption band, which is generally attributed to an increase in NP
size [51], is in good agreement with TEM results as 600 ◦ C-calcined
ZnO NPs present a larger mean diameter (46 ± 8 nm) than at 300 ◦ C
(18.0 ± 1.1 nm). FTIR characterization allowed the investigation
of bulk chemical composition obtained after the electrosynthe-
sis (curve 1) and thermal treatment at 300 ◦ C (curve 2) or 600 ◦ C
(curve 3) for 1 h. Pristine particles mainly consist of hydrozincite
(Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 ) as IR bands associated to hydroxyl and carbon-
ate groups are clearly observable in agreement with literature
data [73]. In particular, the broad band at 3397 cm−1 (highlighted
in blue in Fig. 5B) is attributed to stretching vibrations of struc-
tural hydroxyl moieties and adsorbed water. Carbonate stretching
modes (highlighted in yellow in Fig. 5B) are also detected at 1510
and 1389 cm−1 (␯3 split frequency), 1045 cm−1 (␯1 ), 833 cm−1 (␯2 ),
and at 706 (␯4 ) [73]. However, it has been reported that hydroz-
incite can be decomposed at temperature above 250 ◦ C to form ZnO
[49,51,73], as confirmed by IR spectrum of 300 ◦ C-calcined samples,
which shows weak signals relevant to hydrozincite (␯3 split fre-
quency falling at 1510 and 1389 cm−1 ) and a single band around
450 cm−1 compatible with the Zn-O stretching mode. Complete
conversion to ZnO NPs can be achieved at 600 ◦ C as demonstrated
by the strong band at 413 cm−1 (red zone in Fig. 5B) with a shoulder
at 525 cm−1 (Fig. 5b, curve 3) [73]. Interestingly, the surface chem-
ical composition of pristine and calcined particles determined by
XPS (Table S1) led to similar results indicating that a low amount
of PSS is retained on ZnO NPs even after their treatment at 600 ◦ C
(see sulfur atomic%). Moreover, the analysis of Zn2p3/2 [63] and
ZnL3 M45 M45 regions showed that above 300 ◦ C, NPs are made of
ZnO. XPS data relevant to a commercial ZnO powder, to dried (at
70 ◦ C) electrosynthesized particles, and calcined NPs are summa-
rized in Table 2. Typical ZnL3 M45 M45 Auger region acquired on
600 ◦ C calcined ZnO NPs is reported in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5. Comparison of UV-Vis (A) and FTIR (B) spectra of pristine and calcined (at 3.3. Use of ZnO NPs in OTFT electronic active layer
300 ◦ C or 600 ◦ C) samples. In Fig. 5B, IR bands associated with main vibrations of
hydroxyl groups, carbonate moieties, and Zn-O bond are highlighted and labeled.
Calcined ZnO NPs were also applied to develop TFT based on an
organic-inorganic bilayer structure of P3HT and ZnO NPs under-
neath in place of a single mixed deposit P3HT/ZnO NPs [63]. Other
R.A. Picca et al. / Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 45–54 51

Table 2
Zn2p3/2 and Zn LMM peak positions, and Auger parameter (␣’) for commercial ZnO
powder, and nanoparticles prepared in this work.

Sample BEZn2p3/2 [eV] KEZnLMM [eV] ␣’ [eV]

ZnO STD 1021.7 ± 0.2 988.6 ± 0.2 2010.3 ± 0.2

Dried 70 ◦ C 1022.1 ± 0.2 987.5 ± 0.2 2009.6 ± 0.2
Calc. 300 ◦ C 1021.6 ± 0.2 988.5 ± 0.1 2010.1 ± 0.3
Calc. 600 ◦ C 1021.7 ± 0.1 988.5 ± 0.1 2010.2 ± 0.2

Fig. 6. Typical ZnL3 M45 M45 Auger signal of ZnO NPs calcined at 600 ◦ C.

studies [15,74–76] have already demonstrated that the implemen-

tation of ZnO NPs can change the properties of OTFT-based devices
in terms of improved performances and stability, which are closely
correlated to NP morphology, composition, etc. In this work, the
role of calcination temperature (i.e. 300 ◦ C and 600 ◦ C) and spin
coating speed of the ZnO NPs layer in the electrical performance of Fig. 8. Output curves (A) and IDS vs VG plots (B) for TFTs based on bare P3HT and
the TFT device was investigated. Bare P3HT based OTFTs were also P3HT/ZnO NPs.
tested for the sake of comparison. I-V transfer curves for all the
tested samples, plotted as (IDS )1/2 versus VG , are shown in Fig. 7.
ZnO NPs, used as inner layer, contributed to the improvement of in P3HT [74,77]. This is evident by the slight shift of the thresh-
P3HT-based TFT figures of merit. In all cases, the bilayer structures old voltage towards more positive values in the case of the bilayer
showed much higher drain current and mobility values from the structure (fig. 7), indicating a faster switch on of the devices incor-
devices fabricated with bare P3HT. Such an occurrence can be tenta- porating the ZnO NPs layer underneath the organic semiconductor.
tively explained by the ability of ZnO NPs to reduce the trap density Furthermore, for the ZnO suspensions calcined at 300 ◦ C, the spin-
ning rate seems not to affect greatly the OTFT performance, whereas
a clear difference in the device performance occurs in the case of
600 ◦ C-calcined ZnO NPs upon changing the spinning conditions. In
particular, an improved performance was found for the suspensions
of 600 ◦ C-calcined ZnO NPs spun at 300 rpm. This behavior could be
related to the larger size and highest level of purity of the obtained
NPs calcined at 600 ◦ C, as shown by the morphological and spec-
troscopic characterization. Output (panel A) and transfer (panel B)
curves relevant to OTFT based on bare P3HT and on P3HT/ZnO NPs
(600 ◦ C/300 rpm) are compared in Fig. 8. Furthermore, the corre-
sponding extracted TFT characteristics, acquired in the saturation
regime, are presented in Table 3.
An enhancement of the drain current of more than 70% was
observed (Fig. 8). Moreover, the introduction of ZnO NPs under-
neath the organic semiconductor resulted in a one-order increase
of mobility (Table 3). Furthermore, in a relevant work reported by
Hammer et al. [78], the influence of Al doping in sol-gel processed
ZnO films under the P3HT layer was investigated. The improved
electrical performance of the hybrid TFT device was attributed to
√ high level of intermixing between the organic and inorganic phase.
Fig. 7. IDS vs VG plots for TFTs prepared using ZnO NPs calcined at different tem-
peratures (300 ◦ C or 600 ◦ C) and spin coated at two speeds (300 or 2000 rpm) prior It was suggested that the increase of surface roughness of the inter-
to P3HT deposition. A plot for bare P3HT TFT is presented for comparison. layer encouraged the infiltration of P3HT. This is in agreement with
52 R.A. Picca et al. / Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 45–54

Table 3 Appendix A. Supplementary data

Characteristics of P3HT and P3HT/ZnO NPs TFTs.

Device ␮ [cm2 /Vs] ION /IOFF VT [V] Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,
P3HT/ZnO NPs (5 ± 2)*10−3
12 ± 9 24 ± 7 in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2015.
Bare P3HT (7.2 ± 1.4)*10−4 23 ± 12 19.4 ± 1.1 07.122

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