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Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
The earth’s axis is tilted 23.5 degrees.
 The earth’s rotation on its axis gives rise to
the phenomenon of alternating day and night.
The earth rotates towards the east.
Seasons are caused by the changing
orientation of the earth’s axis with respect to
the sun as the planet revolves around the Sun.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
Equator – the imaginary line dividing the
Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and
Southern Hemisphere.
The lines used to determine the location of a
certain point in the globe are longitude and

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
Aphelion – the point on its orbit when the
Earth is farthest from the sun
Perihelion – the point on its orbit when the
Earth is closest to the sun

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
When a satellite follows a non-circular orbit
around the earth, the satellite's path is an
ellipse with the center of the earth at one
Such a satellite has variable altitude and
variable orbital speed.
The point of highest altitude is called apogee.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
When a satellite follows a non-circular orbit
around the earth, the satellite's path is an
ellipse the center of the earth at one focus.
Such a satellite has variable altitude and
variable orbital speed.
The point of lowest altitude is called perigee.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
Parallax is an apparent displacement or
difference of orientation of an object viewed
along two different lines of sight, and is
measured by the angle or semi-angle of
inclination between those two lines.
The term is derived from the Greek
παράλλαξις (parallaxis), meaning

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
 Occurred 15 billion
years ago
 Model for the
beginning of the
 States the universe
expanded from an
extremely dense and
hot state and
continues to expand
Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
 In a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy
 Sun
 8 planets
 101 known moons (satellites)
 A tremendous number of asteroids (most
orbit the Sun between the orbits of Mars
and Jupiter)
 Millions of comets and meteorites
 Interplanetary dust and gases

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
Terrestrial Planets Jovial Planets
 Mercury  Jupiter
 Venus  Saturn

 Earth  Uranus

 Mars  Neptune

 small, composed of rock,  large, composed of

with metal cores hydrogen, helium,
ammonia, methane,
relatively small rocky
Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
An astronomical
event that occurs
when one celestial
object moves into
the shadow of
The two types of
eclipses are the solar
and lunar eclipse.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
 Occurs when the moon is between the sun
and the earth. The moon’s shadow moves
across the face of the earth.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
 Occurs when the earth is between the sun
and the moon. The earth’s shadow darkens
the moon.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.

Ursa Minor Ursa Major

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
The constellation Ursa Minor contains the
group of stars commonly called the Little
The most famous star in Ursa Minor is
POLARIS, the North Star. This is the star that is
nearest to the North Celestial Pole.
In addition, the angle of Polaris above the
horizon tells you your latitude on the Earth.
Because of this, Polaris was the most
important star for navigating at sea.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.
The constellation Ursa Major contains the
group of stars commonly called the Big
The handle of the Dipper is the Great Bear's
tail and the Dipper's cup is the Bear's flank.

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2011 My Review Coach of Philippines.

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