History of MCNHS

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Brief history of Macarthur National High School

In the establishment of schools as institution of learning the important focus is in the acquisition
and upliftment of education. It the rural areas of our country education can be classified into three schools
of thoughts. Those who have finished the elementary grades acquired elementary education. Those who
have finished the secondary education acquired secondary education and those who graduated from
college school acquired tertiary education.

The opening of a high school in the Municipality of MacArthur was a long cherished dream of the people
for most of the parents could not send their children to secondary schools in Tacloban City and in other
places due to financial aspect. After graduating elementary, these children helped their parents in the
farm, others became juvenile delinquents and some went to big cities like manila or Cebu to seek jobs.
These awakened the people for an urgent need of a high school institution so that children could acquire
higher education and have a better and bright future.

The first class for first year was opened in SY: 1967 to 1968, under the advisory of Mr. Eutemio Llevado.
They were the product of MacArthur Central School and from the nearby barrio schools. The
Administration and Supervision was under the hand of Mr. Guarin Garcia, the principal of MacArthur
Central School who also took part time in teaching in some first year subjects. The class occupied one
classroom in the elementary school as there was no high school building yet.

The succeeding year levels continue to flourish every year from SY: 1968- 70, 1970- 71.

In its second year, a new three-0 room high school building was constructed within the elementary school
site. There was also new high school teachers added to the teaching staff, they were: Ms. Nemesia
Lacandazo from Dulag, Leyte; Ms. Pablita Mundala of MacArthur, Leyte; and additional part time teachers
from the elementary school. Although the lack of rooms and teachers in the school were solved, still
problems confronted the administration which was necessity in attaining the quality education.

After four years of operation of the MacArthur Barangay High School, the achievement had been proven
to the community through the presentation of the 1st Commencement Exercises of the graduates who
instilled their school trainings in preparation for the tertiary education.

Within this year two teachers were added to the teaching staff. They were: Mr. Isabelo C. Ignacio and Ms.
Conrada Gabrito.

As the years come and go, the blessings of MacArthur Barangay High School continued to shower. The
school’s PTA was organized and cooperated well in respond to the problems confronting the
administration. So SY 1971- 1972, another new high school building was constructed in the municipal cite
adjacent to the municipal auditorium. This was a joint project of the Municipal Administration and the
PACD> here, the high school classes were conducted. At the same time, the teaching staff had been added
with the following teachers: Mr. Elpedio Elmido, Mr. Arturo Pladel and Mrs. Anita P. Bohol. It was at this
time when MRS> Tarciana S. Olmedo became the Assistant High School Principal to take over the place of
Mr. Guarin Garcia who transferred to Mayorga as a District Supervisor.

In compliance with a division circular, the administration of MacArthur Community High School will be
under the principal of Dulag High School through the Central School Principal of MacArthur Central

When Mrs. Tarciana S. Olmedo retired in the year 1978, MacArthur Barangay High School was supervised
by Ms. Florentina B. Hernandez who was designated as an Assistant High School Principal. Her
administration was blessed with intelligent and industrious teaching staff namely: Mrs. Lydia Magno, Ms.
Violeta Almerino, Mrs. Milagros Loriba, Mrs. Delia Nerves, Mr. Isabelo Ignacio, Mrs. Anita Bohol, Mr.
Rolando Acala, Ms. Elena Briones, Mr. Alberto Robin as thje high school clerk/ librarian and PSGT Jose
Esplanada SR.,, CAT Commandant. Ms. Fernandez took the reins both elementary and high school.

Because of her initiative and resourcefulness, the very supportive PTA Officials with Ms. Fernandez was
able to solve the school problem, for this was the time when the high school lot was required so it could
stand permanently. This was through the effort of the Municipal Mayor Atty. Romulo Tiu, the Municipal
treasurer late Antonio M. Abgao, PTA officials headed by their president Mr. Fruto serafina, the school
and staff, of course with the never- ending support of the people in the province of Leyte specially those
MacArthurians living at present in Manila, and the neighboring barangay. Their support to the ever-
flowing progress gave a memorable achievement of the school. Eventually raising of fund was done to fill
in the lot with the sea sand. The money spent was more than the purchase of the lot. With unity and
cooperation it was realized.

In the year 1983, there was a mandated memorandum that Barangay High School should be separated
from elementary which will be headed by a High School Principal. A high school head teacher or officer-
in charge. Luckily, Mr. Rolando Acala has been promoted to be the head teacher. He became the successor
of the unfinished task of Ms. Tolentina Fernandez which was to secure the title of the school lot to finish
the filling out of sea sand. With the fervent hope, it has been materialized.

Thereafter was a rapid growth of population and high achievements of performance through the effort of
his helping hands and the teaching staff.

Testified fervently being the NCEE and NSAT topnotchers for consecutive years among the barangay high
school and top placers in Division and Regional level contests. These are testimonies of the
administrations higher climb to face the challenges for a better future.

In his administration there were teachers added to the teaching staff, namely: Mrs. Maria Salgados, Mrs.
Mercedita Andrada, Mrs. Amalia Alvero, Ms. Irene Boco, Ms. Josefina Aldaba, Mrs. Lewina Esplanada, Mrs.
Rosenda Cincoflores, Mr. Salvador Armateo, Mr. Bonifacio Kempiis, Mrs. Lucena Kemps and Mr. Leynardo

Because of this he encountered a bigger and tougher challenge in upholding the good name of the
institution. He made a point that best achievement of students will lead the worthy testimony in the
milestone of advancement through a big leap towards progress in the educative trials of the students and
in the enhancement of relationships not only among his staff but also to the parents. All these were
obtained through the unceasing love and support, the constant guidance and ever- flaming determination
set off in the direction of the school- manifested destiny in the worlds- vision for tomorrow.

Came the consistent blessings of physical facilities. Out of the two hundred two (202) public high schools
in Region VIII, MacArthur National High School has been a recipient of the three (3) new SEDP Building. It
has been inaugurated in the presence of prominent people; Board Member Aurello Manzon, Hon. Romulo
Tiu, Hon. Jose Dycoco, Dr. Eladio Dioko the DECS Regional Director, Dr. Igmedia Balagapo, DECS Shief of
Secondary Division, Dr. Leonilo Oliva, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (Secondary). Local
officials, Mayor Leonardo Leria, Hon. Fruto Serafina, SB Members and Gen. PTa officials.

The population of the school increased so with the slots of teachers. Additional to the teaching staff where
Ms. Noemi Villas, Mrs. Rowena Bigoy, Mr. Noel Parena, Mr. Efren Rapatan, Ms. Felisa Capor, Ms. Mylene
barrantesa and Ms. Alma Zabala. They gave the exact ratio of teachers and students.

In the school year 1993- 1994 another building with four rooms from Presidential Social Fund (SPSF) was
constructed followed by another building construction donated by the Federation of Filipino- Chinese
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (FFCCCII) “Operation of Barrio Schools Projects” in Region VIII
consisting of two rooms. This was also inaugurated last December 111, 1999 with a Chinese tradition that
says “a shower of blessings” created so mush commotion among students because there were lots of
coins and candies showering in their midst.

To match the new building, the covered walk has been constructed from the gate to the two- storey
building and its right and left wing that made the students safe and secure in entering the gate specially
during rainy days. This is from the donation of the 4th year class 2002- 2003 and savings. The left wing was
from school savings. The railings around the concrete fence are so visible which is another donation from
fourth year class 2003- 2004 and from solicitation.

When entering the gate on the left side facing the two- storey a nature’s paradise could be seen. This is
the RCYC project raise from raffle tickets and caroling.

Another fascinating view is the Makabayan Park, very symbolic for us Filipinos, realized 2001- 2002 a fund
raising from cultural show.

In the same school year, there were teachers added to the teaching staff, they were: Ms. Rialyn Campos,
Ms. Jean Ala, Ms. Violeta Echavez, Ms. Aileen Serano and Ms. Wilma Magayones. The following year, other
teachers were added, they were: Mr. Reynaldo Oral Jr., Mrs. Mary Ann Calinawan, Ms. Carolyn Legaspi
and Ms. Charisse Andrada.

Days are not always sunshine for the heart; these are those that gloomed the happy feelings that even
reach to a state of depression. The early part of SY 2008- 2009 is a frustration to MacArthur National High
School for the principal Mr. Rolando Florendo Acala passed away, come July 21, 2008.
In the month of August 2009, Mr. Salvador has been appointed as Officer- in- Charge to keep the school
moving on with his expertise up to the end of October.

November 2009 blooms the heart of the students in welcoming the new school principal Mrs. Marilyn
Mercado. A warm WELCOME! To go on with the new administration and supervision of his school. A
responsible woman who is acquainted with the implementation of the DepEd programs of the Secondary
Education, a woman with open arms to bring the school to a blazing flame of growth and progress borne
by dedication and commitment of the administration and teaching staff so with the uncounted endeavor
of the students and the sustained partnership with the community and other stakeholders.

The never- ending success of the schools performance moved on the continued leap of the schools input
for the students weapon to face new tasks and tribulations as they leave the portals of this institution.
The following glows have been trapped with the unexpected circumstances when one of the teaching
staff Mrs. Elena Briones Anadia passed away, come April 22, 2009. The school was in mourn to a dedicated
woman who always looks forward for the betterment of the school and most of all the success of the
student’s adventure in the aspects of education. Her death is a blackening spark of the schools fulfilling
dream for its constituents. But her heroic deeds are an emblem in every heart that always hit with
determination to every pitfall that hinders the achievement of quality education. She is an example of a
teacher who tooked up a commitment by giving uncounted service up to the end of her life.

At the start of the school year 2009- 2010, the school has restored to its normal situation.

In the month of February 2010 Ms. Joy Guimoc, a BSED graduate major in English applied as a substitute
teacher and automatically hired as a regular teacher in the month of May of the same year.

Another teacher accepted as volunteer teacher Mr. Edmundo Merilo, a BSE graduate major in
Mathematics. Fortunately in the month of September 2010 was hired as a regular teacher due to
unexpected slot opened for a teaching position.

Without expectation, the school was given opportunity to open one slot for Guidance Councelor and a
school senior bookkeeper. Mrs. Jeanet de la Cruz San Buenaventura applied as Guidance Counselor and
was approved last July 2010 and Mrs. Michelle Andrada Gacita as Scool Senior Bookkeeper approved last
September 2010. The other hired non- teaching staff as a security guards Mr. Jairus Luzadio and Mr. Jaime

For the present year, Mrs. Leonor Closa- Labrador, a former volunteer teacher has been automatically
hired as a regular teacher and approved last July 29, 2010.

Our upliftenment for quality education education will never cease but rather continue to flicker to counter
act the needs of the constituents.

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