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Institute of Graduate Studies

Arellano St., Dagupan City





Institute of Graduate Studies
Arellano St., Dagupan City

Major in Educational Leadership

Name: Jaime Y. Manaois Jr. Semester: Summer

Subject: Educational Research Designs, Methods and Publication

Instructor: Delia H. Patalud, Ed.D


Definition of Educational Research Design, Methods and Publication

Research design - as a framework of methods and techniques chosen by a researcher to combine

various components of research in a reasonably logical manner so that the research problem is
efficiently handled. It provides insights about “how” to conduct research using a particular

Research methods - refers to the tools that one uses to do research. These can either be qualitative
or quantitative or mixed. Quantitative methods examine numerical data and often requires the use of
statistical tools to analyze data collected. This allows for the measurement of variables and
relationships between them can then be established. This type of data can be represented using graphs
and tables. Qualitative data is non-numerical and focuses on establishing patterns. Mixed methods
are composed of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Mixed methods allow for
explanation of unexpected results.

Research Publication is defined as anything that has been published: a book. a research paper, a
news article. A research paper describes the output of research. If it is published in a Journal or
conference, then it is a published research paper, or a publication.

Important Purpose of Educational Research Design, Methods and Publication

The Educational research has enormous purposes. Some important purposes are presented
as following.

 To identify truth regarding Enrolment, retention, dropout, quality of Education.

 To build new knowledge regarding the methodology, pedagogy or other core subject
 Adding of existing stock of knowledge related to educational field
 To solve a problem related to classroom, institution, administrative level, policy level
 Invention of new teaching methods, curriculum transaction strategies, effective
 Realizing the exact problem of educational sector
 Assess the Effect of New methodology of teaching
 Identify and assess the ICT enabled classroom and teaching
 To understand the teacher’s knowledge on latest evaluation techniques.

4 Problems of Educational system in Philippines

1. How children react to loss of parental care.
There are many instances that children have to cope with loss of parental care as a result of death of
their mothers, separation of parents, assignment of a parent to distant places, among others. This
feeling of loss is generalized as grief. Although it is easy for adults to adjust to such circumstances,
questions arise as to whether children are able to cope.

2. Early childhood development

Many mothers, especially those who are new, are very much concerned about the development of
their children. Nowadays, there are so many stresses in the environment that could threaten the
development of children. The following are questions on child development that research could help
shed light on.

3. Classroom and learning

There have been a considerable number of literature emphasizing the role of environment in
facilitating brain development. Intelligence cannot just be attributed to genes but also to the
surrounding environment. In educating children, the learning environment can play a very significant
role in shaping the minds of growing children. Classroom design is one such concern.

4. Socialization among children

With the preponderance of the internet nowadays, children become more engrossed in their laptops
or desktop computers as part of their socialization activities. They now have more friends in the
internet than in real life. Teenagers, in particular, are beset by this problem. Since they spend most
of their time in front of computer screens, they were referred to as the “screenagers.”

There have been increased concern on children being unable to socialize effectively with real persons
as a result of too much “socialization” activity online. This also exposes them to grave abuse as a
result of their online ventures.


Education (also called learning, teaching or schooling) in the general sense is any act or experience
that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical
sense, education is the process by which society transmit its accumulated knowledge, skills, and
values from one generation to another.

Education is an important medium of acquiring essential knowledge and skills. It is more than just
learning from books. It is an effort of the older generation to transfer their life wisdom to their
offspring. Our world is constantly changing and developing so it is very important to teach and bring
up intelligent people who could understand the problems of modern society and solve them in a
proper way.

Education is definitely important in one`s life. A gift of knowledge can bring us to the top of our
dreams. It leads us to the right path and gives us a chance to have a wonderful life. Education makes
people capable of doing new interesting things that can go a long way to improving human living
conditions and standards. Our whole life is the process of learning and gaining new useful knowledge.
We should always remember that getting a good education is imperative in today`s society as it is a
foundation of our successful future. Our education is really worth investment. Only if you believe
and work hard you can achieve anything.


Child Development Media, Inc., n.d. Videos, books and curricula for child development
professionals and parents. Retrieved on July 30, 2013

Chan, I., & Chau, P. Y. K. (2008). Eliciting knowledge management research themes and issues:
Results from a focus group study. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2(2),

Coyle-Shapiro, J., & Kessler, I. (2002). Consequences of the psychological contract for the
employment relationship: A large scale survey. Journal of Management Studies, 37(7), 903-930.

Lakshman, C. (2007). Organisational knowledge leadership: A grounded theory

approach. Leadership & Organisation Development Journal, 28(1), 51-75.
Institute of Graduate Studies
Arellano St., Dagupan City

Major in Educational Leadership

Name: Jaime Y. Manaois Jr. Semester: Summer

Subject: Instructional Design and Planning

Instructor: Delia H. Patalud, Ed.D

Applying Learning Theories and Instructional Design Models for Effective Instruction


Instructional design is the creation of learning experiences and materials in a manner that results in
the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. The discipline follows a system of assessing
needs, designing a process, developing materials and evaluating its effectiveness.

Instructional planning is the ability of the teacher to visualize and forecast into the future of what,
why and how of the teaching-learning process.

In general terms, planning means the “act or process of making or carrying

out plans.”1 Instructional planning is a process of the teacher using appropriate
curricula, instructional strategies, resources and data during the planning process to address the
diverse needs of students.

The instructional design process consists of determining the needs of the learners, defining the end
goals and objectives of instruction, designingand planning assessment tasks, and designing
teaching and learning activities to ensure the quality of instruction.

An instructional designer applies this systematic methodology (rooted ininstructional theories and
models) to design and develop content, experiences, and other solutions to support the acquisition of
new knowledge or skills.

The major goal of instructional design is to demonstrate planning, developing, evaluating, and
managing the instructional process. At the end of this process, it can be seen the student learning
performance in instructional activities based upon defined goals and objectives.

In accordance with this basic understanding, instructional design contains the complete process
of planning – starting with the analysis of needs and objectives along the development
of instructionalmaterials until the point of implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness.
The purpose of educational design and planning is to:

 Facilitate overall course development by encouraging goal-directed planning

 Inform students of the standards and expectations of the course
 Provide information for the development of assessments by identifying the types of evidence that
students need to produce to demonstrate understanding
 Clarify the intent of instruction and guide the formation of instructional activities (textbook
selection, teaching resources, instructional methods, etc.)
 Provide a framework for evaluating student understanding and progress
 Serve as an implicit contract between instructor and students setting up a basis for accountability
 Drive curriculum planning (such as the development or revision of courses)
 Create a framework for evaluating overall effectiveness of an educational program
 Provide evidence of student learning to be utilized for accreditation

The Benefits of Instructional Design. Instructional design is cost effective, given that it ensures
students learn efficiently by creating high quality learning materials that take into account the
strengths and weaknesses of students.

Characteristics of Instructional Design and planning

According to Branch and Merrill (2002), there are several characteristics that should be present in all
instructional design models:

1. Instructional design is learner centered: Learner and his/her performance are the focal point.
2. Instructional design is goal oriented: Well defined goals are essential.
3. Instructional design focusses on real world performance. Help learners perform the behaviors
that will be expected of them in the real world.
4. Instructional design focusses on outcomes that can be measured in a reliable and valid way.
Creating valid and reliable measurement instrument is essential.
5. Instructional design is empirical. Data are the heart of the process.
6. Instructional design typically is a team effort. This process usually involves team work.

Strategies of Instructional Design and Planning

There are three types of learning strategies in Instruction Design — organizational,

delivery, and management (Reigeluth, 1983):

1 . Organizational

Organizational strategies are broken down on the micro or macro level so that the lesson
may be properly arranged and sequenced. Some methods for performing this can be found
at Sequencing and Structuring Learning Modules.
2 . Delivery

Delivery strategies are concerned with the decisions that affect the way in which
information is transferred to the learners. Delivery is the means of communicating and
transferring a learning process to the learners. For example, you can deliver a lesson in the
classroom or via elearning. This is quite similar to the concept of media. Some methods of
delivery are:

o Social Learning and Social Media

o Classrooms
o eLearning
o Lecture
o mLearning
o Video

3 . Management

Management strategies involve the decisions and processes that allow the learners to
interact with the learning activities in order that they may increase their knowledge and
skills. Some of the strategies are:

o Action Learning
o Boot Camp
o Fishbowls
o Lockstep
o Personalized System of Instruction
o Programmed Learning

Some other specific strategies, such as note taking and modeling, can be found in the
following links (Marzano, 1998):

o Linguistic Learning Mode

o Nonlinguistic Learning Mode
o Affective Learning Mode
Instructional Design, Planning, Models and theories

The major instructional design theories and/are models include:

o Gagné's Nine Steps of Instruction

o Merrill's First Principles of Instruction
o John Keller's ARCS model
o Merrill's Component Display Theory
o Reigeluth's Elaboration Theory
o Constructivism
o van Merriënboer's 4C/ID Model
o Rapid Instructional Design

Some other models for creating learning processes are:

o Design Methodologies: Instructional, Thinking, Agile, System, or X Problem?

o Instructional Design Framework
o Learning Design Model
o Agile Learning Development
o Learning and Instructional Templates


Instructional design is an integral part of human performance technology, but it represents only one
tool. When education or training required, to resolve a performance issue, instructional design follows
a systemic and systematic process.

Instructional Design (also called Instructional System Design (ISD)) is the practice of creating
“instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient,
effective, and appealing”. The process consists broadly of determining the current state and needs of
the learner, defining the end goal of instruction. It is the practice of creating “instructional experiences
which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, appealing.

Constructivist learning theory is not meant to replace cognitive learning theory, rather it is meant to
enhance it. Engaging, collaborative, productive learning activities can enhance even the best of
cognitivist instruction. As you continue to explore the best ways to help students learn, keep a copy
of this ALE Checklist nearby to ensure that your instruction provides them with an experience to

Gustafson, K. L., & Branch, R. M. (2002). What is instructional design. Trends and issues in
instructional design and technology, 16-25.

Branch, R. M., & Kopcha, T. J. (2014). Instructional design models. In Handbook of research on
educational communications and technology (pp. 77-87). Springer New York.

Driscoll, M., Carliner, S. (2005) Advanced Web-Based Training: Adapting Real World Strategies in
Your Online Learning, Pfeiffer. ISBN 0787969796

Gagné, R. (1985). The Conditions of Learning and the Theory of Instruction, (4th ed). New
York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston.

Keller, J.M., Suzuki, K. (1988). Use of the ARCS motivation model in courseware
design. Instructional designs for microcomputer courseware, Jonassen, D.H. (ed).
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Institute of Graduate Studies
Arellano St., Dagupan City

Major in Educational Leadership

Name: Jaime Y. Manaois Jr. Semester: Summer

Subject: Policies, Regulations and Current Issues in Philippine Higher Education

Instructor: Delia H. Patalud, Ed.D

Issues and Concerns of Philippine Education Through the Years


Philippine Education is a product of long history of struggle. Its metamorphosis was a gradual
process which was a product of generations of colonialism and imperialism. The Spaniards were for
sometimes, successful in making the natives illiterate and uneducated. From the coming of Legazpi
in 1570 to 1762, the natives were contented to be vassals of Spain. The Spaniards triumphed in
using religion to make the people submissive and unquestioning. The people blindly obeyed their
foreign masters with the hope of salvation in the afterlife. The Spanish policy focused on treating
the natives as a ward; hence, there is no need for them to be educated. This policy offered no
opportunity for the Indios (as what the Spaniards call the Filipinos during that time) to improve
their lot in the colonial society. However, the second phase of Spanish colonization, from 1762 –
1896 was a period of awakening. It marked the start of the realization, the dawn of critical queries
and, ultimately, of revolution. The global changes during that time, like the opening of Suez Canal,
the French Revolution, the opening of the Philippines to world trade and commerce, among others,
provided opportunity for the illustrados (the educated class during the Spanish period) to send their
children to school, even in Europe.

History tells us that education during the Spanish colonization was selective. It was more of a
privilege than a right. Educational opportunities were so limited that learning became the possession
of a chosen few. Only the illustrados, the likes of Jose Rizal, the Luna brothers, the Pardo de Taveras
and others, availed of it, even with harsh treatment and discrimination from their Spanish
contemporaries. Learning, therefore, became a badge of privilege. There was a wide gap between the
illustrados and the masses. Even if the propaganda movement was spearheaded by them, it was
evident that they favored the assimilation of the Philippines with Spain. This was a clear indication
that, educated they maybe, they were still captives of Spain. The great masses, the majority of the
uneducated, were those who favored the separation of the Philippines from Spain. Aware of their
educational handicap, their desire for freedom was, for a while, suppressed, giving the educated
illustrados the privilege of leadership. However, when all else failed, the uneducated masses had no
choice but to fight for their freedom.

The Spain’s policy neglected the education of the natives, more so the tolerance and growth of native
leadership. In fact, it was hostile to every influence coming from the outside world. Although, Spain
initiated educational reforms by passing laws on education, these did not appease the restless minds
and the burning hearts of the natives. The Philippine revolution against Spain which was sparked by
the discovery of the Katipunan in 1896, resulted in the surrender of the last Spanish governor- general
Diego de los Rios to the Ilonggo revolutionarios headed by General Martin Delgado on December
25, 1898 in Plaza Alfonso XII, (now Plaza Libertad) in Iloilo City. This event heralded the end of
Spanish rule in the Philippines. However, later did the natives realized, that with the Spaniards
leaving the Philippines, another master knocked at the door, the Americans.

Education was used by the Americans as one of the most effective means of pacifying the restless
natives. Schools were established all over the archipelago. The natives were taught how to read and
write by their American teachers. They learned American geography, American history, lives of
American heroes, sang the Star Spangled Banner and learned the English language. The Americans
was successful in making the natives their “little brown brothers.”

The Filipinos regarded education as the most effective vehicle for social mobility. The Americans
made education accessible to all, regardless of status in life. This made the Filipinos appreciate the
Americans more. Even if literacy rate continued to increase in the first two decades of American
occupation, it undeniably favored the elite in society who can afford to finance the university
education of their children.

Although, the Americans claimed that education has succeeded in the Philippines because it had
somehow transformed, the once ignorant people, into a literate population, imbued in them the values
of civic consciousness, had lessened disease and epidemic, it failed to develop the moral and political
leadership, the country so desperately needs. Education during the American period brought with it
progress, together with its ills and shortcomings. On the one hand, it is undeniable that the
establishment of the public school system was beneficial to the Filipinos and to the Philippines. Even
if its impact cannot be quantified, it was assumed that higher literacy rate among the people
contributed to the improvement of their standard of living, improvement in public health and
employment opportunities that hasten economic growth. It had also awakened in them their political
participation. Education was seen as a vehicle for social mobility and attainment of democratic ideals.
The success of public education during the American period was an achievement cited by Filipino
leaders as proof of their capacity for selfgovernment.

On the other hand, American education was the water that gradually diminished the spark of burning
Filipino nationalism. The educational system established by the Americans was not solely for giving
the Filipinos the gift of literacy, but more so for their economic and political purposes. This was
clearly seen in the Benevolent Assimilation decree of President William McKinley which states,
among others “….to provide the Filipinos the gift of civilization either by assimilation or conquest.”
Hence, in spite of the announcement of the Americans that they were in the Philippines because the
Filipinos needed them as their guide and protector, the fact remained that the Filipinos were still a
conquered nation and that they had to weave their life according to the pattern of American

American education was a successful instrument of colonization. It gradually disoriented the

Filipinos sense of national identity because it introduced them into an entirely new world, strange,
yet challenging. The use of English as medium of instruction widens the divide between the elite and
the Filipino masses. The Filipinos started to learn not only a new language but an entirely new way
of life. They learned everything American, which they believed is the beginning of their education.
On second thought, since it was the start of their alienation from their roots, the development of their
colonial mentality, it was in reality the start of their miseducation. The Filipinos educated during the
American period imbibed a different cultural orientation. They were a people possessing no
nationalism in their hearts which will spur them to sacrifice for the welfare of the country. It is
pathetic to say that this was the result of the failure of Philippine education.

During the Japanese invasion and introduction of their culture and ultra-nationalism in Asia, the
Filipinos fought side by side with the Americans. This was a clear indication that American education
succeeded in molding the minds and character of the Filipinos to appreciate and repay this gift from
their “big white brother.” The Japanese occupation destroyed the public school system by
manipulating it for their advantage. School buildings, books and other educational materials were
destroyed. There was a breakdown of the social values of the Filipinos. Yet, there was a desire for
some to earn education offered by the Japanese established schools.

The period after the war marked a transition of the Philippines, not only in terms of political
leadership but also in terms of education. There was massive rebuilding not only of infrastructures,
but more so of the values of the Filipinos that was wrecked during the war. This was facilitated by
the Americans. There was massive rehabilitation of school buildings and the restoration through the
school system, of the values that were practiced during the pre-war society. However, the political
instability of the newly independent nation-state affected the schools in putting this objective to

The period after the liberation was marked by rapid economic growth which was matched with the
rapid increase in population, urbanization and demand for social services. This scenario triggered the
Joint Committee of Congress on Educational reform to report in 1951, that the public school system
was in crisis, and the Filipinos must find solutions to this. Further, the committee recommended the
full day session and the offering of Grade seven for the primary level, but this were not implemented
nor acted into law. It is to be noted that the failure of the government to address this crisis became
one of the root causes of the perennial education crises of the succeeding decades.

However, the period from the mid 50’s was characterized by rapid economic growth, making
education an integral component for this economic development. Paradoxically, one may ask how
the educational system that is in crisis can contribute to economic growth. True, there was growth in
the economy but problems encountered that were rooted in social conditions, were often blamed on
the inadequacies of the educational system. Studies showed that earning a college degree was not a
guarantee for a stable job that can provide better income. This motivated the educated Filipinos,
especially the middle class to shift their interest in finding better paying jobs abroad. This
phenomenon contributed to the exodus of the best educated Filipinos resulting to “brain drain.”

The rise of student activism during the 60’s was partly fueled by the education crisis. Even with the
new ways of producing and transmitting knowledge developed in the different sectors, this was not
enough to overrun the inadequacy of public education. Even the fourteen years of martial law,
characterized by repression and authoritarian policies, was not successful in restoring the moral
objectives of education. After the EDSA people power revolution, the Aquino administration brought
a new period in education history. New concepts were introduced such as schools for the people,
democratic and relevant education, and education as a right not a privilege, emerged and taken up by
the civil society.

Presently, the Philippine educational system is faced by several issues that need to be addressed in
order to improve the delivery of education to the most number of the population. One of this is the
quality and accessibility of education to its takers. Undeniably, the Philippines government, in spite
of its inadequacy of providing some basic services to its people, is doing its best to provide the
rudiments of basic schooling to its people for free. Similarly, the 1987 Philippine Constitution
provides that public secondary education must be free. This legal mandates resulted to the increase
in enrollment of public elementary and secondary schools. Hence, access to public education is now
a right of every Filipino child and a responsibility of the parents. However, those who can afford still
patronize private institutions for the education of their children because of the issue of quality.

To provide quality education to all students is the most important mission of every educational
institution. However, with the multifarious problems facing the public schools, its delivery is
hindered. Reality tells us that even if the public school teachers are qualified to teach, the lack of
instructional materials, inadequate facilities and lack of training for professional growth hindered
them to perform at their best. It is sad to note that with students reaching up to sixty pupils and
students in a classroom, the learning environment is distorted. This problem is also true even in the
private schools. Private schools have to exert extra effort to attract a good number of enrollments to
insure their survival.

The creation of the Commission on Higher Education in 1994 did not guarantee a marked
improvement in the delivery of quality education in the tertiary level. Its mandate is to regulate higher
education institutions including State Universities and Colleges, except institutions which are granted
Autonomous status. Its function includes the giving of permits to schools in offering programs, the
closing of programs which do not meet the requirements and monitoring of all higher education
institutions. Sadly, CHED, in spite of all its efforts, failed to regulate the opening of programs. This
resulted to a mismatch of the educational system to the needs of the society. Universities and colleges
produce graduates who cannot be absorbed by the labor market in the Philippines. These situations
bring us to look into the different issues and concerns now facing the Philippine educational system.


Let us first identify the important issues affecting the Philippine educational system. The first issue
is the role of education in national development. Several researchers had delved into the different
components affecting the educational system, more specifically, whether it can solve the
multifarious problems in society. Education has been looked into as the means of alleviating
poverty, decreasing criminalities, increasing economic benefits and ultimately uplifting the standard
of living of the Filipino masses. With these in mind, the government on its part has been
continuously investing so much resource into the education sector. However, with the complexity
of educational issues, solutions are far from reality.

Allied with this issue is the preparation of our students from the basic education up to tertiary level.
The questions of how well are the schools equipped and able to train the pupils under their care are
crucial. It is a sad reality that only seven out of ten pupils who enroll in Grade 1 finish the elementary
curriculum, and from the seven who continue to secondary, only 3 are able to complete the
curriculum. From these three only one can complete the tertiary education. Based on this scenario,
how can we expect our students to help in nation building when they do not have the necessary skills
and trainings?

Reality is that, formal education has not achieved what it was supposed to achieve. Our schools right
now are in a quandary on how to keep children in school, with the increasing rate of drop outs. The
functional literacy of the Filipinos is at its minimum reflecting the sad state of education. There are
rampant problems of child labor, where children who are supposed to be in the classroom are working
to help augment family income. Unemployment rate is rising every year as more students graduate
from colleges and universities, who cannot be accommodated by the labor market. Underemployment
is the name of the game since professionals are forced to accept employment far from their areas of
specialization and training because they need to work and earn for their families. The gap between
the few who are rich and the majority who are poor is becoming wider and bigger. Now what has
education got to do with this? If experts claimed that education is an instrument for national
development, where does the problem lie?

Another important issue confronting the educational system is the curriculum that is not responsive
to the basic needs of the country. Let us reflect on the components of the present curriculum,
specifically in the basic education. Our elementary pupils are required to have nine to ten subjects
competing for time allocations. More time is allotted for subjects like English, Science and
Mathematics with other subjects like health, music, values education, civics integrated into the
Makabayan curriculum. Added to this are enrichment subjects like Computer literacy, Ethics among
others (especially in the private schools). This reflects the priorities of the government in educating
our young people. It is a reality that a grade 1 pupil carries so many books to school (wondering
whether all these materials are actually read in the class). This overloaded curriculum results to
difficulty in knowledge and skills absorption among our pupils. With this practice how can we expect
our young people to develop love of country, patriotism, and other nationalistic traits, when their
concepts of these are not properly taught? Worse, many pupils drop out of school before they reach
the sixth grade because of poverty, thus increasing their chances of losing the incipient literacy
acquired, and therefore, forfeit the privilege of developing patriotic and nationalistic attitudes. This
sad state, proliferate the cycle of poverty that the Filipino masses experience.

With the constant change in the basic education curriculum, teachers need to upgrade themselves in
order that they can properly implement these changes. Upgrading requires attendance to trainings,
seminars, conferences and even enrollment in graduate education. But with the present conditions of
the teachers in the public schools only very few can afford this, unless government intervenes and
provide upgrading activities for free.
Another issue that is of import is the constant implementation of programs in education which are
not properly monitored. It is a fact that technocrats in the education department are political
appointees, hence they serve at the whims and pleasures of the appointing officer. It is also a fact that
every political administration wanted to have their names imprinted in every government program or
project. This is very true in the Department of Education, when for instance, a department secretary
appointed by a particular president assumes office, he will be implementing programs and projects
attuned to the battlecry of that administration. Therefore, the previous programs and projects
implemented by the previous administration shall be discontinued, regardless that program or project
is workable and effective, because it is not the priority of the present administration, and does not
carry their names. Added to that is the non-evaluation of programs implemented. A very concrete
example is the Bridge program implemented a few years ago. This program screens grade six pupils
by subjecting them to testing. Those who were not able to pass were required to repeat grade six as a
bridge for their secondary education. As a result, many pupils were required to re enroll in grade 6,
adding a year to their elementary education. But, after many complaints and criticisms, this program
was discontinued. But what about the losses incurred by the department? The added year in the
academic life of the pupils affected? The added financial burden to parents? Who will answer and be
accountable for this blunder? Is this just a case of trial and error program implementation?
Presumably, the program was not properly studied, but was only implemented to satisfy the egos of
the technocrats in the education department.

Anent to these issues are concerns that the education sector has to address. First concern is the so-
called globalization of education. This concern was a response to the ever changing milieu in the
international academic community where students must be globally competitive. Thus, schools must
transform their orientation from being parochial to liberal. Programs must be re aligned to meet
international standards. Qualifications of teachers, facilities of the institutions and instructional
materials and strategies must conform with international accreditation requirements. But how many
of our institutions, are able to meet this requirement? Tertiary institutions continue to produce
graduates who do not have the necessary employability skills, not only in terms of the local norms
but more so with international standards. Sadly, even if our graduates work abroad they end up
working as laborers, domestics and other blue collar workers which do not fit their educational
credentials. I believe, that you will agree with me that is this not the concept of globalization we have
in mind.

The Department of Education will implement the K-12 program by the next school year. This is in
response to the alignment of the basic education curriculum to international standards. The present
system of 6 – 4 – 4, according to the education experts lacks the required number of years that our
students have to spend in school, from the elementary, secondary up to the tertiary level. Hence, there
is a need to add two more years to our basic education so that the students will have more years in
developing the necessary employability skills they must have after they graduate from secondary
school. But is this really the answer to the present handicap of our educational system? Will adding
two years bring more benefits? Or will it just result to more financial implications, not only to the
parents but also to the government? This is a concern that has to be addressed before it becomes too
late for us to realize the impact it will create in the succeeding years.

The educational system does not receive much budget from the government. This resulted to poor
facilities. Schools in the rural areas do not receive much support from the government. School
supplies such as books are received by them almost at the end of the year. What use will it give the
pupils and students? To add more insult, textbooks contain a lot of errors in spelling and facts
presented. This is a clear indication of a government’s failure to provide the basic services needed by
its people.

The same problem is also experienced by State Universities and College when the government
decided to reduce their budget allocation. News reports of students from the University of the
Philippines and other State Universities picketing before Congress demanding for the increase of
their budget is not a rare scenario. Students took it upon themselves to ventilate school budget
concerns for these can redound to increase in their matriculation fees, non- upgrading or updating of
school and library facilities, and non-hiring of additional faculty members, among others. State run
institutions are empowered to generate their income in order that they can manage their finances and
not depend so much from government subsidies. It is in this context that school administrators do
their best to win favors from politicians, whom they believe can support their school programs and
projects. This results to another concern of too much politics in education.

Politics in education is an issue that presently pervades educational system in the country. The
government, specifically the legislators, is inept in formulating laws that can address the crisis in the
educational system. A sad reality that is happening right now is the formulation of policies with the
main purpose of making our educational system at par with those in other countries, but there are no
concrete guidelines as to how these are to be implemented. Most educational experts are technocrats
with no experience in the field. Yes, their programs are good, to say the least, but because of their
lack of experience in actual classroom teaching, they fail to study the application of these programs.
One specific example is the Bridge Program that was implemented a few years ago. This program
assessed the competency of Grade Six pupils to be promoted to High School. There were grade six
pupils who scored below the passing mark that were made to repeat grade six to bridge their
admission to high school. Thus, this added another year of elementary schooling. However, after a
year of its implementation, the program was stopped. Worst, teachers in the classrooms were not duly
informed of the reasons for its noncontinuance. This is just one of the many educational programs
implemented in the Philippine educational system that were not properly monitored and evaluated.
This brings to a conclusion that Filipinos are only good planners but not good implementers and

Undeniably, administrators of state run institutions solicit financial support from politicians who can
sustain their school projects. There is nothing wrong with this. However, if the support given by
politician must be equated by some favors from school officials, this becomes a major concern by
everybody. There are cases where principals, supervisors and even superintendent of schools and
divisions are appointed because they are recommended by well-known senators, congressmen,
governors and even mayors. This practice extends even up to the lowest level. Politicians recommend
their relatives to be hired as teachers and other school staff. And if the principal has some debt of
gratitude to the politician because of the support he is giving to the school, his recommendation
cannot be refused. This practice defeats the purpose of screening applicants for teaching positions
because even if you are first in the ranking, but you do not have a political back up, you will be the
least priority in hiring. Although we cannot totally separate politics in education, it is of great import
that objectivity, fairness and justice must be observed. It is very ironic that schemes like these happen
in an institution that is expected to teach and inculcate good moral values and virtues among the
young people of Philippine society.

As educators, what then can we do to transform the image that the educational system had propagated
through the years? As an educator, I believe that total transformation must be implemented in the
education sector of the country. When I say transformation of the education sector I refer to the total
re orientation of the system which would start from policy transformation. Education policies and
programs, including the curriculum must be carefully evaluated and studied whether they are attuned
to the needs of the people and the country. Review of the provisions must be done in all levels and
participation of the stakeholders must be solicited. Experts must be realistic in coming up with more
attainable policies, that will address not only the educational problems but more so contribute to
economic growth and development of the country.

I also believe in the values reorientation of the Filipinos as a key to national development. The
integration of values education in the curriculum, I believe is still not enough to address this need.
Values become more permanent in the minds and hearts of the pupils and students when they are
caught, modeled by their mentors, rather than being discussed as abstract concepts in the classrooms.
Thus, there is an urgent call for teacher transformation, in terms of their values orientation. I believe
that teachers cannot become effective models of good moral values unless they undergo some process
of values transformation. It is always wise to say “follow what I say and do,” rather than “follow
what I say, do not follow what I do.” It is only when pupils and students concretely observe their
teachers consistently practice these good values that they will be able to replicate these in themselves.
These, I believe is easier said than done. But unless we start doing it, we cannot claim tried.

Lastly, I believe that teachers’ transformation must include their upgrading or updating for
professional and personal development. Even if the salary of the ordinary public school teacher had
been standardized to be competitive, with the increasing economic crisis, it will still be not enough
to afford them attendance to seminars, trainings and enrollment in graduate education. Hence,
government support and intervention, along this line is very much needed. Our teachers are
professionals, and I believe their pre-service training had equipped them with the necessary skills to
teach. Yet, with the advancement in science and technology, there is a great need for them to acquire
competence in the use of these state of the art equipments to enhance their teaching skills. The
government must invest on our teachers because it is through them that we train and develop the
minds of our future leaders. As they say, show me your schools and I will tell you what society you
will have.


Apilado, Digna (2008). A History of Paradox: Some Notes on Philippine Public Education in the
20th Century.

Barrows, David (1910). What May Be Expected from Philippine Education?, The Journal of Race
Development, Vol 1, No. 2, pp.156 – 168.

Bautista, M. C., Bernanrdo, A, and Ocampo, D (2008). When reforms Don’t Transform: Reflections
on Institutional reforms in the Department of Education, Human Development Network Discussion

Constantino, Renato (1959). The Miseducation of the Filipino, Weekly Graphics.

Doronila, Ma. Luisa (1999). The Transformation of Philippine education: An Analysis and Critique
of Some Current and Emerging Policy Reforms.
Funtecha, H. & Padilla, M. (2004). Study Guide in Philippine History for Teachers and Students.
Iloilo City: Mindset Publishing.

Guillermo, Ramon (1997). Rationalizing Failures: The Philippine Government in the Education

Manalang, Priscilla (1977). Issues in Philippine Education, Philippine Sociological Review, Vol 25,
pp. 63 – 68

Pertierra, Raul (1995). The Mythology and Politics of Philippine Education, Kasarinlan, Vol. 10, No.
3, pp.110 – 120.

Trewby, James (2007). The Philippines: Development Issues and Education.

Institute of Graduate Studies
Arellano St., Dagupan City




Institute of Graduate Studies
Arellano St., Dagupan City





Institute of Graduate Studies
Arellano St., Dagupan City

Major in Educational Leadership

Name: Jaime Y. Manaois Jr. Semester: Summer

Subject: Educational Statistics with Software Application

Instructor: Delia H. Patalud, Ed.D

The Practical Application of Statistics in Education in Kenya

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction:

Statistics is the method of conducting a study about a particular topic by collecting, organizing,
interpreting and presenting data. This data gives the concerning administrators the chance to look on
areas and help in decision making, may be a sector is performing poorly and administrators need to
remedy. Statistics is however applied on many levels, at times statistics at a simple level may mean
noting of simple patterns on a continuous basis and drawing conclusions that concur with those
patterns. An example being, noticing a busy highway therefore deciding to open a restaurant on the
highway, on a greater scale however it means spending, months and probably years of gathering data
and analysis before making a conclusion example being the Monitoring of Climate change.
There are many ways of carrying out statistics but the major stages followed by statisticians in the
statistical process are mainly the same and entail the following:
a) Planning a study: Here one finds out the subject that requires investigation and comes up with an
hypothesis, also one decides on what instruments to use in collecting data at this stage.

b) Organizing the data: One organizes the data collected in such a way that it effectively helps present
the underlying patterns of relationship between the data, today one can use statistical software’s to
achieve this

c)Interpreting the data: After finding the relationships the data has or lack of it, one has to validate
the relationships by making sure there are valid assumptions and if possible support them with
mathematical reasoning.

d)Presenting the data: There are various ways of presenting data most of them being using tables and
other graphical interpretations, here the presentation method chosen should show the relationship
between data at a glance and therefore enabling the consumers of the study make decision fast.

Education statistics however is aimed to, and, should present facts to help improve the sectors
performance this is only possible if the statistics are timely, accurate and reliable, hence flowing from
this, all stakeholders in the sector have an increased chance of working on the same goals and
objectives.1 (Basic Education Statistical Booklet,2014)

1.2 Importance of Statistics to Education

Since there is the recognition of the importance of a good working education system that will sustain
the developmental and social needs of the Kenyan society as described in the vision 2030.

There is the concern and understanding that there is a need to carefully and methodically plan for and
manage a good education system that will provide a human resource equipped with the skill set that
will be required.

Hence therefore there is need for educational planning, which is a continuous, systematic process
involving the application and coordination of social and scientific research methods of principles and
techniques of education, administration, economics and finance.

The field of statistics that’s deal with education is normally referred to as educational statistics and
majorly covers all types of quantitative and qualitative aspects of data that relates to education and
its processes.

There are three majorly know areas that can be distinguished

a. Census educational statistics -the normally concerns the educational characteristics of the
population, and take place at an interval of ten years done by the Kenya national Bureau of statistics
and tends to deal with statistics of literacy, mental ability and where there is literacy the educational
levels individuals have attained.

b. Administrative statistics – This statistic are normally related to educational institutions and finance,
and are taken by statistical bureaus in official and non-official agencies concerned with education.
Here there is normally quantitative data on the teaching staff, students, administrative staff for many
or all types and levels of education most of this data is used for planning and financing.

c. Ad-hoc Statistics-In this area, all kinds of data collected in relation to education problems which
can be statistically analyzed. Most of this studies are done by Non-governmental organizations,
churches, Students and the studies are mainly geared to checking the welfare of the students, teachers
and institutional facilities and their efficacy e.g. Salaries of teachers, Societal origins of students,
Mental health of Students from bandit prone regions, Scholastic achievements of students.

1.3 Role of Statistics to Education

Statistics in general may have the following roles to education:

a) Statistics maybe used to create trends, on past and present conditions and hence showing the
direction of development to education, and the rate of this developmental changes hence
administrators can predict future development of education thus enhancing decision making.

b) Once trends have been created they serve as the basis for making policies and educational planning.
c) When plans and policies are made, statistics make it possible to measure the actualization of this
plans, and their impact.

d)They show the different relationships between different education situations e.g. Boarding schools
and day schools, Marginalized areas and Urban-sub urban areas.

e) They provide a basis for measuring between the levels of education and its impact to the society
and more so relevance of the education to developmental needs of the community.

f) They provide a picture of the educational conditions at a given time for conditions that can be
quantitatively determined. Eg the KCSE performance of Dadaab refugee camp students and those at
Kakuma refugee camp.

Statistics to education are important as they enable for the maintaining and improving of the
education system thus they are of most importance to the Educational administrator, parents,teachers
and other entities that are concerned to the managing and developing of education.

1.4 Agencies Involved in Collecting Education Statistics in Kenya.

The Kenya National bureau of Statistics is responsible for the national statistical system and its
contribution to the harnessing of credible statistics in the education sector is very critical. Schools
also take statistics concerning their students especially on attendance and other issues related directly
students. This is however reasonable because only the schools have direct contact with the students
on a daily basis.

Kenya institute of curriculum development through its department of curriculum and research4 it
mostly conducts curriculum based research and mostly does it through its research monitoring and
evaluation department.

School management is the one that is basically tasked with taking statistics that are involved with
students due to the time they are exposed to students.

Kenya National Examination Council are mandated with setting and maintaining
examinations,conducting examinations and processing the results and undertaking research on
educational assessments5 and therefore are directly responsible to give statistics on national
examinations .

Non-governmental organizations are also actively involved in gathering information in kenya there
are groups such as Women Educational researchers of Kenya(WERK) which perform continuous
research on education.



Students are persons who are receiving the education, one mainly is considered a student after
enrolling in an institution of learning.
I will cover application of statistics of students through the following subtopics:

2.1 Application of Statistics of Students Enrollment

In most Kenyan schools one becomes a student or pupil after registering for learning and fulfilling
some conditions thereafter eg. Buying of Uniform paying of initial term fees even after getting a
registration number, thus one becomes a student after a specified process after initial registration.

Once one is recognized as a student his /her name is primarily on a school register .it is therefore
presumed that a well-kept school register will remove the names of the students who have died,
withdrawn from the school,expelled from the school, transfered from the school and completed all
the programs they were pursuing in the school. It will also add the names of the students who have
transfered to the school and registered late. The result of the count from a class added to a single
school then to an entire county then to the country will give the statistics of how many students have
enrolled , the ratio of girls to boys can then be checked , enrollment of students from marginalized
areas and the ministry of education can therefore take action according to the statistics eg , due to the
low secondary school student enrollment in the coast region for form one placement in January 2018
the cabinet secretary extended the secondary school registration process by 4 days(Gitonga ,2018).

Problems on application statistics of student enrollment in Kenya

Case 1
Situations where double counting can be avoided

One of the major problems is that at times the pupil’s names appear more than one register it can
happen either through adding up of the enrollment register in different classes to get a total in cases
of a student who repeats a class or adding up the total of enrollment in different schools to get a total
for a school system where student has already transferred and hasn't yet notified the former school.
Thus it led to double counting and leads to errors being made when using this statistic to budget and
financing of the students by the government, budgeting for and provision of books, provision of food
and other necessary facilities.

Case 2
Situations where double counting cannot be avoided.
When students are enrolled in same institution.

In most tertially institutions students are registered at the same time in more than one faculty or
department eg most Bachelors of Commerce and accounting students will double up as Certified
public accountants of Kenya(CPA(K)) students since the examination body is different they will have
enrolled in different faculties or departments in the same institution other cases are like most CPA(K)
students are also enrolled to other courses offered by KASNEB hence this students mostly have more
than one students id card of the same institution.

When students are enrolled in more than one institution

This occurs predominantly because students enrolled in university faculties are also enrolled in
specialized institutions of higher learning like most students in seminaries might be theology students
in universities.
2.2 Application of Statistics of School Attendance

In most primary and secondary schools in Kenya and especially day school’s students have a daily
roll call they take in tertially institutions attendance is checked in other ways like lecture attendance.
In Kenya most of the school attendance statistics is used by the school management to deter truancy,
improve attendance and as a result increased teacher student contact hours in the aim of improving
school performance.

It’s used to identify group attendance patterns and hence group behavior thus the school management
and school administrators can design improvement efforts through cooperation of students ,schools
,parents and community at large like if one is teaching in an institution with predominantly Muslim
population, the administration can end school week on Thursday and resume on Sunday hence
covering all time that would have been lost due to absenteeism on Friday when having the make ups
on Sunday like most Islamic religious students in universities.

They are used as a means to keep attendance records on each of the students and hence the school
can always present them in correlation to student’s performances and hence notice if the students are
facing challenges in schools.

The statistics of school attendance are essential in tracking attendance, absence, tardiness,early
departure to and from schools hence they are perfect to check on discipline ,health, and social welfare
of students.

2.3 Application of Statistics of School Examination

This types of statistics usually entail the number of students who sit in for an examination and the
proportion of them who pass and fail these examinations this statistic also include Grade statistics
mostly grade statistics are done in institutions of specialized learning where after a grade curve is
drawn the grade at half point represents the median grade of the score.

This statistic is always used to gauge the learning outcomes the curriculum and also to gauge the
performance of teachers and students.

This statistic is normally compiled after examination results and they can be used to track the
performance of students since enrollment to when they get out of the school.

In the national level these statistics in primary and secondary levels are provided by the Kenya
national examination council and are released together with the results, they normally show the
performance of students in many dimensions eg by county, by school’s ranks, by Gender, by
enrollment. And they usually help in taking affirmative action’s where problems are realized. This
statistic is normally very detailed and can be used to check the quality of education in the country in
2015 they show that one percent of the students was involved in irregularities and this was a
continuous increase from 2010 from 0.15% 6 and actions had to be taken to deter examination
2.4 Application of Statistics Birth Rate and Rate of School Enrollment

The statistics of birth rate are normally determined after taking a census and they show the population
growth rate, this statistic used together with the statistics of school enrollment can be used to foretell
the expected students to be expected to enroll in the future areas. These statistics are very necessary
especially in the development of schools. Universities normally use this to make decisions on what
to develop and at what extent, like do they need to build small but many libraries or build a mega
library. Do they need to develop student hostels or would rather develop lecture halls and leave
student boarding to the private sector who can provide it at a higher and more sustainable rate?



This is the statistics concerned with persons who are responsible for dispensing education, this
includes teachers, educational administrators, and other auxiliary personnel who don't teach but are
necessarily for education to take place.

3.1 Teacher Statistics

This statistics are normally used by administrators mostly while they need to employ,
promote,transfer and retire teachers , They normally include the count of teachers ,the count of
teachers per learning unit ,count of teachers per region , those employed by school boards and by
teacher service commission , those working in private and public schools there age and other
,important details.

The count of teachers may be obtained from a central register mainly from the teacher service
commission or from adding up reports on teachers from individual schools, although statistics on
teachers can be taken and analyzed in various ways like stated in the previous paragraph they mainly
refer to the number of teachers in service or number of teaching positions already existing. These two
numbers are likely to be different because of unfilled vacancies, substitute teachers or and part time
teachers and teachers who fill more than one position at the same time. This data is always used to
determine the amount of teachers needed for training and the number of teachers who are needed to
be employed. One can use this data to check the ratio of students to teachers and in essence the
productivity of teachers in general.

Using this statistic in conjunction with those of the country's birth rate and teachers in training one
can manage to forecast the amount of teachers needed in future and thus enabling the government to
prepare for and train new teachers according to the skills it wants its populace to attain eg more
vocational (skill based) training rather than academia based training.

3.2 Statistics of Administration

This statistics may include statistics like teacher retention rates,educational administrator retention
rates , statistics of administration staff like medical staff , accountants , policy makers and other key
personnel . This statistics are very easy to maintain at primary and secondary schools as there are
very few personnel involved but at tertially levels, most colleges have numerous campuses spread all
over the country and the eastern African region. This statistic is mainly used for administrative
purposes and to help learning institutions and their campuses run smoothly.



The educational statistics can be generalized into broad application of statistics which Eunylson
Lopes on his article Benefits of statics applied to education explains.

4.1 Efficient Management

The data produced in school environments is not stored on a single platform. This dispersion of
information hampers the work of administrators. One of the greatest advantages of the application of
statistics to education is the optimization of school management. The organization of student’s data
and grades, for example, allows for administrators to better evaluate any school-wide issues that
emerge. Thus it becomes much easier to find solutions, set goals and achieve the proposed objectives.
(Lopes. E,2008)

Especially, the use of statistical applications and database management systems for school
performance greatly helps teachers and students in this task, but it is important for school’s
administration to have a strong commitment to the implementation of these technologies.

4.2 Differentiated Assessment

Statistical support for educational management can also help to better evaluate the data produced by
students. Triangulating data from both internal and external assessments is one of the most effective
ways for educators and administrators to identify areas for improvement and areas of strength.

Data analysis can also help point to the effectiveness of the assessments themselves, allowing
teachers to identify which items may be flawed in their presentation, or may not align with the
instruction or school standards. Educators can then improve and refine their assessments according
to the student data presented. (Lopes. E,2000)

4.3 Personalized Teaching

Applying statistics in education also enables educators to construct a superior learning experience
within the classroom. With a large number of students in the classrooms, it is more difficult to know
each one individually. This makes the qualitative assessment of students a great challenge, almost
impossible. However, by analyzing collected data it is possible to direct teaching to each student

Educators can then utilize data analysis from assessments, such as formative assessments, to inform
their teaching strategies to better target each individual student. This data can help point educators to
possible benchmarks that need to be reviewed before being assessed, or others in which the students
are already demonstrating mastery. Student data from assessments can also help educators
differentiate their teaching strategies, targeting different learning styles or level of readiness, so that
each student is able to learn at the pace and in the manner that best fits him/her.
With this, data analysis allows for the adaptation of content and materials according to the students’
experience. Thus, we see the birth of adaptive learning, which relies heavily on the use of statistics
in education. (Lopes. E,2000)

4.4 Reduction of School Dropout Rate

Student dropout rate is one of the biggest problems faced by educational institutions today especially
at the higher level. Every year large numbers of students drop out of school, and this happens for a
number of reasons. (Lopes. E,2000)

However, this problem can be understood by applying relevant statistical analyses. Crossreferencing
data for a given student can help identify if he or she is a potential dropout. From there, one can create
customized campaigns in order to improve students’ perception of their courses and education in

Statistics is today one of the greatest tools for educators and administrators in the development of
educational practices. (Lopes. E,2000)

4.5 Use of Statistics in Construction and Standardization of Tests and Examination

Standardization assessment are defined as assessments constructed by experts and published for use
in many different schools and classrooms ,these assessments are used in various contexts and serve
multiple purposes , the standardized tests are practical , they are easy to administer versus other
assessments there construction involves a lot of data collection and analyzes about different student
profiles, the subject content the social and Geo-political factors affecting the students for a collective
standardized examination to be constructed.


Lopes, E. (2018). 4 Benefits of Statistics Applied to Education - United Statisticians. [online] United
Statisticians. Available at:
education/?lang=en [Accessed 20 Feb. 2018].

Anon, (2018). [online] Available at:

option=com_content&task=view&id=44&Itemid=67 [Accessed 20 Feb. 2018].

Basic Education Statistical Bookle. (2014). [ebook] Nairobi: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb.

BROLIN, K. (1965). Statistics needed for educational planning. [Memorandum], UNESCO SS/6/72/WP 3.

Gitonga, W. (2018). Government extends form ones reporting date by four days -
[online] Available at:
onesreporting-date-by-four-days-188019/ [Accessed 20 Feb. 2018].
Institute of Graduate Studies
Arellano St., Dagupan City





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