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KILL BILL: The Bride VS Vernita

V: Look bitch, I need to know if you’re gonna start anymore shit around my baby girl!

TB: You can relax for now. I’m not going to murder you in front of your daughter.

V: That’s being more rational that Bill led me to believe you were capable of.

TB: Well that’s a demonstration of Bill’s complete ignorance when it comes to the subject of
me, and what I’m thinking, and what I might do. It’s mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I
lack, not rationality.
I’ll wait for now, but I won’t wait for long. I’ll allow you to choose a time and place for us to
meet again, preferably as far away from Nikki as possible.

V: Look…I know I fucked you over. I fucked you over bad. I wish to God I hadn’t, but I did. If I
could go back in a time machine I would, but I can’t. All I can tell you is I’m a different
person now.

TB: I don’t care.

V: Be that as it may, I know I do not deserve mercy or forgiveness. However, I beseech you
for both on behalf of my daughter.

TB: -- Bitch, you can stop right there.

pause, leans in close

Just because I have no wish to murder you before the eyes of your daughter, does not mean
parading her around in front of me is going to inspire sympathy. You and I have unfinished

V: When do we do this?

TB: It all depends… When do you want to die? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? That’s
about as long as I’ll wait.

V: How bout tonight, bitch?

TB: Splendid. Where?

V: There’s a baseball diamond where out little league has its games, about a mile from here.
We meet there around 2.30 in the morning, dressed all in black, your hair in a black
stocking, as we have us a knife fight, we won’t be bothered.
I have to fix Nikki’s cereal.

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