CPS Ticket-In W7: Paragraph: Argument 2

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Student: Jose Ricardo Gomez Group: 33

CPS Ticket-in W7
1. Based on the persuasive essay structure, name the paragraphs below (introduction,
argumentative paragraph 1, argumentative paragraph 2).
2. Identify the elements of each paragraph and use different colors to highlight them (hook,
background, thesis, argument, supporting details, closing sentence).
3. Have on hand the list of writing conventions.
4. Read the paragraphs again, and focus on the conventions marked on the text.
5. Identify each convention and replace it for its corresponding possible correction.

Paragraph: Argument 2
WPR In the other side, face to face education SVA helps the learners to SP develop a

sense of belonging to a community ARGUMENT2. ^The children WO can also ask the

teacher when they do not VF understand. Therefore, REP while students are in class

they can participate and feel more confident WW on what they are really learning

because they count WPR with their classmates and develop team work, which is good to

grow socially and increase self SP esteem SUPORT.

Paragraph: Introduction

CAP Face to face and virtual learning SVA are the two WW paths we can study and learn

today BACKGROUND. I SP prefer the face to face studies because the people can be

share with other person more easily and share experiences and emotions?? and analyze

S/P different S/P opinions, compares S/P REP distinct cultures, and learn something from

each one??? THESIS.

Paragraph: Argument 1

WW On the one side, when the WW (S/P) people SVA learn WPR by themselves, they

are able to develop self-efficacy and WExp get their academic success ????

ARGUMENT1, ^ but not always they learn the necessary because they SS don’t have

WA the WO adequate orientation from the teacher SUPORT. WC Despite in virtual

education, learners may learn AF a lot of things, they end up unsure of what they have


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